Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 433 Qingshui City

Yuchiba looked at the bustling city in the distance, his eyes a little confused and a little afraid.

The situation is now very clear.

From now on, all their hopes and destiny will be staked on this emerging city, and there is no way out.

Beside him, the other elders were also distracted and couldn't hide the worry on their faces.

As soon as the news came that the great elder was seriously ill, Yuchi Ba knew that the fragile balance of the Presbyterian Church would be broken immediately. The contradictions and differences between Xinmin and the family can no longer be concealed.

The two sides will redefine the scope of each other's strength, and no one can stop the split of the Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. Ye's methods are very powerful, Yuchiba knows it very well, but he still doesn't think Mrs. Ye can turn the tide.

How can a newcomer replace the prestige accumulated during most of his life in power?

The new democrats are equally respectful and fearful of the great elder.

Yuchiba had fantasized about replacing the great elder countless times, but when he heard the news that the great elder was seriously ill, his first reaction was hesitation.

Where does the future lie? What is the future of Shin Kong City? Where will he take the new citizens? Can you resist the blood of God?

He doesn't know either.

At this time, he truly understood that there was an unbridgeable gap between himself and the Great Elder.

Originally, everyone had a lot of dissatisfaction with the Great Elder. When the current situation deteriorated, all kinds of complaints were flying all over the sky. But when the old Great Elder collapsed suddenly, everyone suddenly realized that the Great Elder was the backbone of everyone.

In the past, the New Democracy faction thought that the Great Elder was their number one enemy, but now when their number one enemy is critically ill, they are not at all happy, and everyone feels heavy in their hearts.

"The Great Elder is still the Great Elder, he is really cruel." Yuchi Ba's expression returned to normal: "Shi Beihai is in danger."

The other elders all understood the meaning of Yuchiba's words.

The Xinmin and the aristocratic families are clearly distinct, and each other's camp is quite stable and has a deep foundation. The neutral faction will be the first target of the family to be annexed. Shi Beihai is exactly the neutral faction and will not please either side.

It can also be seen from the order of the great elder. He transferred the three central departments to garrison Tianxin City, but asked the Beihai Department to attack the Blood of God. This was a clear intention to consume the effective strength of the Beihai Department.

Another elder couldn't help but ask: "Can we win over Beihai? We used to have a good relationship with the neutral faction."

The Aristocratic Family Faction has an absolute advantage in the Presbyterian Church, and the New Democracy Faction and the Neutral Faction often have to unite to compete with it.

The relationship between the two parties is quite harmonious.

Yuchi Ba was noncommittal: "Try it, but don't have too high expectations. Although the neutral faction sympathizes with the new people, their roots are still in the aristocratic family."

He took a deep breath: "From today on, the Presbyterian Church exists in name only. The future depends on ourselves. If we are strong, we have everything. If we are weak, the aristocratic family will not annex us, and the blood of God will not let us go. Gentlemen , please work harder.”

Others bowed their heads: "Yes!"

Yuchi Ba's eyes were as bright as lightning, and his domineering attitude was revealed: "While the situation is not stable during this period, let Tong Gui and Yu Jin come back. We need to form a war department that can protect Xinguang City, a war department that belongs to our new people."

He turned around and said to Chou Chou in a deep voice: "Start executing your last plan."

Chou Chou's round face showed excitement: "Yes!"

The impact of the great elder's serious illness is only limited to the top brass, and the ripples will take time to spread and ferment.

Qingshui City, located in the east of Caiyun Township, has not been greatly affected, and there has been no change in local life.

Qingshui City is a medium-sized city and the closest medium-sized city to Songjian Valley. Even so, Ai Hui and his party still went through twenty-six days of arduous trek before reaching Qingshui City.

After leaving the Five Elements Heaven and entering the wilderness, the distance between cities became extremely far. In the dangerous wilderness, you need to be careful at all times to beware of attacks by wild beasts. Except for a few large cities where mature trade routes have gradually been opened up, other cities have not yet been able to solve this problem.

It happens that wild beasts attack caravans from time to time. Some cunning and ferocious wild beasts will even hunt Yuan Xiu specifically.

Small cities that lack adequate defense have become the key targets of wild beasts. Some wild beasts form groups and attack small cities. In areas where the situation is serious, small cities have even been attacked on a large scale, and desolate beasts have formed Yuan Dan on a large scale.

With no way out, human beings broke into the wilderness and tried to carve out a new home like their ancestors.

But this war has just begun, who is the prey? Who is the master of the wilderness? Only time will tell.

The number of small cities is decreasing sharply, scattered strongholds are beginning to gather together, and the size of cities is continuously increasing. It is a conclusive fact. Some people even predict that only large cities will be able to survive in the barbaric future.

Qingshui City also gradually grew under this situation and became a medium-sized city. Moreover, the scale of the city is constantly growing. Maybe it won’t be long before Qingshui City becomes a large city.

Apart from the distance, the strong business atmosphere in Qingshui City was also the reason why Ai Hui and the others chose Qingshui City.

Qingshui City's strong business atmosphere is due to their city owner Qiao Meiqi.

Before Qiao Meiqi founded Qingshui City, he owned a powerful chamber of commerce, the Meiqi Chamber of Commerce. Qiao Meiqi managed the business well and had deep relationships with some old aristocratic families. For example, he was a close friend of Wong Chengxiu, the Grand Duke of Yincheng Palace at that time.

After the city expansion order was promulgated, Qiao Meiqi realized that the future was in the wilderness. He resolutely decided to go to the wilderness to expand the city, and his decision was supported by the palace.

After overcoming obstacles and going deep into the wilderness, he spent a lot of energy and finally established Qingshui City to the east of Caiyun Township.

After the establishment of Qingshui City, he vigorously promoted business and offered high bounties to hunt the surrounding wild beasts. After successively annexing several small and ruined cities, the population grew rapidly. Nowadays it is quite prosperous.

Danger cannot stop people's desire for wealth.

Qingshui City is a great attraction for fighting cultivators. As long as you hunt wild beasts, you can get high rewards, and the purchase price of wild beast materials is also very generous. A capable Yuan Xiu can get enough respect and wealth in Qingshui City.

The large amount of wild beast materials also attracted a large number of caravans.

Mixed in the crowd, Ai Hui and his party were inconspicuous at all. There were very few people here this time, only Ai Hui, Tie Niu, Lou Lan and Zhao Bo'an.

Ai Hui and Tie Niu are responsible for the safety of this trip, they rely on Zhao Bo'an for business, and they rely on Loulan for any supplies that need to be replenished.

The output of the Pine Valley is pitiful. Apart from [Snow Lava], there are only some fire sacs of red fire fox bats, which are their trophies. The number of complete fire sacs was very small, and Ai Hui and the others only collected forty.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. What can she sell without goods?

Ai Hui thought of the bones in the red fire flying fox cave, and organized everyone to pull back the pile of burned bones. Although the price of roasted bones is not high, at least there is a considerable quantity.

And in order to improve the quality, all fire-burned bones are re-tempered by the clustered white fire of the furnace. The level of the long turret's [Cluster Snow Flame] is too high, and the bones cannot withstand the fire and will be burned directly to ashes.

After tempering, the quality of the fire-burned bones has been significantly improved. Blind He aroused some interest and used these fire bones to forge some very distinctive weapons.

It's just that these weapons are basically fire elements and are suitable for fire cultivators. There is no need to worry about the sales of Huo Yuan weapons. After Huo Liaoyuan was occupied, Huo Yuan materials were scarce and production of Huo Yuan weapons was basically discontinued. Nowadays, the price of Huo Yuan weapons remains high.

This is the news they heard, which makes everyone very excited.

Especially Tie Niu, it was her first time doing business and she found it very fresh.

She had never worried about money before, and whatever she needed was delivered to her at home. What you wear on your body and use every day are treasures of great value. She had no concept of money before, otherwise she wouldn't have used her expensive crimson bracelet to mortgage a bowl of noodles.

But now, she will smile because everyone is about to make a small fortune.

Generally speaking, cities in the wild are much smaller than cities in the Five Elements Heaven. A wild city needs to put defense first. In a small city, defense is much less difficult.

Most of the cities in the Five Elements Sky were built after the Five Elements Sky was completely stabilized. The stable social environment did not require them to consider too many defense issues, so the cities were very large.

Qingshui City can be considered a medium-sized city in the wilderness, but its area is not as large as Ningcheng.

Although the city is small, it has many more people than Ningcheng.

It was strange for everyone to gather so many people in such a small city.

From time to time, teams of beasts of burden passed by them. It was the first time for Ai Hui and the others to see these beasts of burden. It has thick limbs and a circle of thick bone spurs growing outward from the edge of its broad back, forming a basin shape, which is naturally suitable for stacking goods.

This beast of burden is powerful, has excellent endurance, and is cheap to raise. Because it looks like it is carrying a large basin on its back, it is called a beast of burden.

The rise of the beasts of burden also happened after the issuance of the pioneering order.

After entering the wilderness, it is much more difficult to obtain Yuanli than before. Transportation tools that consume a lot of Yuanli, such as the three-leaf vine cart and Huo Fuyun, are gradually replaced by low-cost beasts of burden. Moreover, the wild high altitude is also a dangerous place, but it is much safer on land.

It is said that the beast is also related to the blood of God.

It is said that the beast of burden was originally a blood beast that failed to be cultivated by the beast Gu palace and was sold to a businessman by the beast Gu palace at a low price. Later, the merchant moved it to the wilderness, and soon someone discovered its value. After buying it, they began to use secret methods to promote reproduction. After several generations, the blood poison in the newborn beasts became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

It is also strange to say that the blood poison that is invincible in the Five Elements Heaven and kills all directions is making slow progress in the old land, but it is almost impossible to make an inch of progress in the wilderness.

It makes people marvel at the wonder of this world.

Seeing groups of beasts laden with live animals, Yuan Xiu, dressed in animal skins, sat on them, with copper bells hanging on their bone spurs, jingling all the way through the market.

Ai Hui and the others seemed to have returned to primitive times. (To be continued.)

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