Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 430 Ground Fire Tower Cannon

The expected attack did not occur.

When Ai Hui and his party entered the depths of the cave, they finally saw the two surviving red fire flying foxes. They were dying, their bodies were covered with injuries, and they flew to the cave to exhaust their last strength.

This place should be the habitat of the Red Fire Fox Bats. The shape of the cave is like an inverted copper bell, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a height of more than twenty feet. A faint dark red light can be seen in the gaps in the black rugged rock wall. The fire energy in the cave is extremely full. No wonder the red fire fox bats chose to thrive here.

The cave was empty except for a large number of gray corpses piled in the corners, covered with dust and cobwebs.

The last two red fire flying fox bats were killed by Ai Hui, and everyone's tense nerves relaxed. Ai Hui greeted everyone and began to turn over the piled mountains of bones.

Opening up the mountain of dusty bones, I found that most of them were the bones of red fire flying foxes. The skeletons of red fox bats are easy to identify because of their small size. Ai Hui thought that before dying, some wild animals would choose a certain place to wait for death in peace.

Judging from the color of some of the bones, the Red Firefox must have lived in this cave for many years.

Suddenly, Ai Hui's eyes lit up. Among the pile of bones, he found a dark red bead. The beads were about the size of eggs. When he warmed his hands and wiped off the dust on the surface, the dark red beads came into his eyes.

"Fire Origin Pill!"

Ai Hui was inexplicably surprised. He had used Yuan Dan before and could tell at a glance that the dark red bead in his hand was Yuan Dan.

Ai Hui was thankful that he came to the right place this time! At the same time, they are also glad that this group of red fire fox bats did not produce Fire Yuan Dan. Otherwise, their situation would be much more dangerous than today.

If the Master is the watershed of Yuan Xiu, then Yuan Dan is the watershed of Desolate Beast.

The wild beasts that produce Yuan Dan have many magical qualities. They are more dangerous and smarter.

A Yuan Dan is of extraordinary value. When others saw this, their faces showed joy and they searched around. After a while, someone found another Huoyuan Dan.

For fear of missing something, everyone was very careful, and the movements of sorting the bones became much gentler.

The bones left behind by the red fire flying fox at the end of its life are called burnt bones, which are actually a good fire element material. When the red fire flying fox bat reaches the end of its lifespan, the red fire in the fire sac in its body is also at its strongest. As it approaches death, red fire gushes out of the fire sac, burning its flesh and hair, leaving only a complete gray-white skeleton in the end. These bones have been burned and tempered by red fire, and their quality has been greatly improved, so they are called fire bones.

However, because the skeleton of the red fire fox bat itself is not very strong, after the fire, the material has improved, but it can only be considered a good material.

Ai Hui and the others finally sorted out five Fire Yuan Pills.

Everyone's face was filled with joy. Huoyuan Dan was a good thing. If it were sold, each pill would be worth a sky-high price. If it were sold for 5,000 Tianxun Points, many people would definitely be willing to buy it. But Ai Hui has no intention of selling at all. At this time, what is the use of money? Improving your strength is the top priority. Without strength, you can't even save your life.

The process of winning this time was extremely dangerous and had many chances. If you were not careful, the entire Songjian Valley would be in danger.

The red fire fox bat is not the most powerful wild beast in the vicinity. The rock-backed dragon is even more powerful and difficult to deal with.

Giving the five Huo Yuan Pills to Lou Lan can greatly enhance the strength of the Huo Yuan Xiu in the team.

Ai Hui suddenly noticed a thick bone. He was stunned for a moment and picked up the bone. The bone was unusually thick and heavy, about the thickness of a bowl, about half a foot long, with irregular spherical shapes at both ends. It should be the leg bone of some wild beast.

The bones are as white as jade and very beautiful. Ai Hui knocked it, and there was a sound like metal and stone, and the texture was hard. To Ai Hui's surprise, he slashed with the cold jade blade without leaving any trace on the big bone. Although Ai Hui did not activate his Yuan Power, this was already surprising enough.

Moreover, it is a bit strange to find bones that are not from the red fire flying fox among the pile of red fire flying fox bones.

Ai Hui said to the others: "Look for bones like this."

Everyone also discovered that the bones in Ai Hui's hand were special and helped to search for them. Finally, they found four large and small bones. The largest one was the one Ai Hui found, and the smallest one was only half a foot, about the thickness of chopsticks.

If it weren't for the same color, texture, and aura, Ai Hui wouldn't be sure that the four bones came from the same wild beast. What kind of wild beast would have such strange bones.

We don’t know what’s special about these bones yet. Let Blind He study them carefully after we return. At that time, Ai Hui thought that he was half an expert in wild beasts, but after seeing He Xiazi's level, he realized that he was still far behind.

After packing up these unknown animal bones and packing a lot of burned bones, Ai Hui and the others returned.

Ai Hui, who was cautious on the way back, had already found their first goal in mind, to rule the Blackfish Zui Mountain! I can walk sideways in the mountains!

The battle that took place not long ago left Heiyuzui Mountain with a rare calm, and Ai Hui and the others did not encounter any trouble on their way back.

The wild beasts, including the Rockback Earth Dragon, already know that their neighbor is not a weakling. However, the natural opposition between the wild beast and Yuan Xiu will not change in any way because of the destruction of the red fire fox bat.

Ai Hui and his party returned to the valley, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The income from five Huoyuan Pills made everyone even more happy. Especially the fire cultivators in the team couldn't help but be full of expectations.

Ai Hui was originally going to ask Blind He to study the four bones, but seeing that Blind He was concentrating on forging the components he needed, he didn't bother.

Songjian Gu finally got a chance to breathe, but no one dared to slack off at all.

The battle with the Red Fire Foxbat consumes a lot of water and fire energy. Although it was only one blow, Shi Xueman and Duanmu Huang both mobilized the ultimate energy they could mobilize.

The five elements of energy in the valley are in dynamic balance, which has also caused the concentration of the energy in the valley to be at a low level in the past few days. Ai Hui estimated that it would take three days of replenishment before the concentration of Yuanli in the valley could return to its previous state.

For three days, there was no problem, and the valley's defenses were finally restored.

Another good news is that all the components Ai Hui needs have been forged.

When everyone heard that Ai Hui was going to decorate something new, they all dropped what they were doing and ran over to watch the fun.

Ai Hui kept busy.

There was a pile of components piled up not far away from him, all of which had just been completed by Blind He. From the components, it was impossible to tell what Ai Hui wanted to do.

Ai Hui has long been used to being watched, and his movements were not affected at all.

He first dug a fire well, and the red magma reflected his face, and his focused eyes seemed to be burning with flames. Then he began to build the components that he had already made. He moved very quickly, and it was obvious that he had a plan in mind.

As the components continued to accumulate and build, everyone finally saw some signs.

It turned out to be a tower!

As the top of the pagoda was capped, a black pagoda appeared in front of everyone. The black tower is about three feet high, with a total of three floors. The entire body is forged from volcanic rock mixed with metal.

At the top of the tower is a round pipe, which looks very familiar to everyone.

Isn't this the long nozzle of the spitting beast?

The long nozzle on the top of the tower constantly changes angles and is extremely flexible.

Ai Hui looked satisfied and clapped his hands: "Done!"

After hearing the words, everyone who had been waiting impatiently rushed over and gathered around, talking all over the place.

"Ah Hui, what is this?"

"The spitting beast's long nozzle!"

Ai Hui showed a proud look on his face, coughed slightly, and said seriously: "This is the ground fire tower cannon!"

"Spit lava like a spitting beast?"

Ai Hui signaled everyone to be quiet: "We will demonstrate it soon and everyone will know."

Everyone fell silent and waited curiously for the demonstration of the ground-fire tower gun.

Fatty was called over. The ground fire tower gun needed fire repairmen to control it. The fat man got into the tower cannon. Each level of the tower cannon was more than one foot high, so there was a lot of space. Although the fat man is a little fatter, he still has no trouble getting in.

The black tower cannon quickly turned red, like red-hot steel, and a heat wave suddenly spread to all sides.

Others moved out of the way.

Suddenly, bright ground fire twined up from the six pillars at the base of the tower, and then penetrated through the six cornices on the first floor. After a while, flames burst out from the tower pillars on the second floor. The color of the flames was brighter than before, showing white.

This scene looks a bit familiar.

Someone blurted out: "Gathering White Fire!"

Others suddenly realized, no wonder it looked so familiar. Isn't this the furnace Ai Hui built for Blind He? Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Blind He, who was floating in mid-air, indifferent.

Everyone soon discovered that the ground fire tower cannon was more powerful than the furnace because the ground fire had been concentrated three times. The flames became whiter each layer, and everyone could feel the terrifying power contained in the flames.

When the flames passed through the third layer, the flames turned white and looked cold. But as everyone knows, its temperature is extremely alarming.

Blind He looked calm, but he was extremely excited inside.

In his opinion, the clustered white fire was already a genius-like invention. He never expected that Ai Hui would give him a bigger surprise so soon. The emergence of multi-layered clustering means that clustered white fire can be improved again. In his opinion, this can no longer be described as genius.

After three layers of concentrated white fire, the aura emitted made He Xiazi feel throbbing. As a weapon master, he is extremely sensitive to the smell of fire. Just from the aura emitted by the tower cannon, he understood that after three layers of concentrated white fire, ordinary materials could no longer withstand it.

Ordinary materials are instantly destroyed by such a flame.

The three-layer bundle has such an excellent effect, but what about the six-layer bundle? What about the nine-level cluster?

He seemed to see the door to a new world suddenly opening. (~^~)

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