Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 415 The spitting beast

Ai Hui's warning made the entire team tense, and everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

A ray of red light came and hit the heavy shield in the fat man's hand.

Boom, a muffled sound.

The fat man trembled all over, his face turned red as if he was drunk, he staggered back a few steps, his feet gave way, and he sat down on the ground. A spiderweb-like crack appeared on the surface of the heavy shield in his hand.

With a crash, the heavy shield turned into a pile of fragments and scattered on the ground.

This scene made everyone's expressions change drastically.

Fatty's brute strength was unmatched by anyone in the team, and even he couldn't block the red light's attack. And no one saw clearly what the red light was just now?

Another red light flashed away, this time hitting Huo Fuyun.


Huo Fuyun's defensive cover has not been closed. At this time, the light is strong, blocking the red light.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the red light was actually a ball of red magma, slowly flowing down against Huo Fuyun's rain cover.

Ai Hui reacted the fastest and shouted: "Spitting beasts! All hide behind the floating clouds of fire!"

After saying that, he picked up the fat man, turned over, and landed on the other side of Huo Fuyun. Seeing this, the others rushed towards Huo Fuyun and hid behind him.

Another ray of red light hit Huo Fuyun's defensive cover. There was a muffled sound and Huo Fuyun shook.

Ai Hui also had a terrible headache. The magma spewed by the spitting beast was as powerful as a cannonball. If the beast with a slight weakness in body was hit, it would be directly blown into pieces.

He had seen before how a spitting beast knocked down a camp bit by bit. In the past, I never imagined that one day, I would actually have to fight against a monster like the spitting beast.

"We have to kill it!" Ai Hui turned to Tie Niu and said loudly: "If you hit it a few more times, Huo Fuyun won't be able to hold it back."

Tie Niu raised her eyebrows: "How to do it?"

"I'll attract its attention." Ai Hui said quickly: "If you find a way to get close, your attack will be able to hurt it."

Tie Niu's water element power just restrains fire element beasts like the spitting beast.

Tie Niu said without hesitation: "Okay."

After the two communicated for a while, the spitting beast sprayed two more streams of magma, and the light of the fire cloud defense shield became obviously much dimmer.

Ai Hui took a deep breath and suddenly rushed out from behind Huo Fuyun.

He did not choose to fly into the sky. The lava spewed by the spitting beast was extremely fast and very difficult to dodge. So a better way is to interfere with its locking.

Complex terrain like valleys is much more flexible on land than in the sky.

Ai Hui crouched like an agile wolf, rushing towards the entrance of the valley at an alarming speed in a zigzag pattern.

Five seconds behind him, Shi Xueman flew past from the other side. She also followed Ai Hui's example and ducked down, constantly changing directions to dodge, and her long hair floated in the air at high speed.

Huo Fuyun protected everyone and retreated slowly, looking for a hiding place.

Sure enough, the spitting beast's attention was attracted by Ai Hui, who rushed out first. A red light rubbed Ai Hui's body and sank into the ground behind him.

Boom, a large amount of soil was thrown up from the ground, and a large charred pit was emitting black smoke.

Ai Hui's expression did not change at all.

The huge body of the spitting beast is like a large water bag filled with magma. When it is quiet, it is like a magma bubble. When it encounters an enemy, it will stretch out the incense hidden in its body and spit out lava to attack the enemy. There are two kinds of scents of the spitting beast: long scent and short scent. The power of the long scent is extremely terrifying, but its accuracy is far less than that of the short scent. The short scent is just the opposite.

The spitting beast cannot fly high, but it can float in mid-air and moves not slowly. After living in magma for a long time, its eyes have degraded, but its perception is very sensitive.

Even small targets can hardly escape their perception.

Ai Hui thought, maybe this is a place that can be exploited. Ai Hui was running at high speed and kept changing directions. Suddenly, black blades flew up from the jewel star sword wings on his back. The black blades flew into the sky and spread out, like flexible fish, drawing strange arcs. , whizzing and flying towards the spitting beast from different directions.

Ai Hui, who was running wildly, clearly felt the hesitation of the spitting beast. Although the hesitation was very short, Ai Hui still keenly captured it.

The red light appeared again, but what Ai Hui didn't expect was that the red light was heading towards Shi Xueman!

During this period, Shi Xueman followed Ai Hui into the wilderness several times and gained quite a lot of experience. After she rushed out, she had been very careful and kept changing directions. The red light passed half a foot away from her, but it also made her heart tremble.

Ai Hui shouted in the direction of Shi Xueman: "It is sensitive to water energy!"

The spitting beast is a pure fire element beast. It lives in magma and hates the power of water element.

Shi Xueman Bingxue was smart and immediately understood that she had three short water candles in her hand. Water energy is injected into the water candle. When a water candle is lit, it will turn into a ball of water vapor. The water vapor changed shape, broke free from her hand, and turned into exactly the same Shi Xueman, also running wildly with her waist crotched.

In the blink of an eye, there were three identical water vapor phantoms around Shi Xueman.

Ai Hui secretly praised his cleverness.

In the past, Shi Xueman would never use water candles, which she considered to be very low-level and non-lethal methods. However, after following Ai Hui into the wilderness several times, Shi Xueman realized that many times combat power alone was not enough, and many seemingly innocuous small means could often produce miraculous effects.

The vapor illusion formed by the water candle can be seen by Yuan Xiu with a little strength at a glance, but the desolate beast is different. The perception in the eyes of the spitting beast is the water energy that it hates extremely.

Controlling the water vapor illusion couldn't be easier for Shi Xueman's current strength.

At this time, Huo Fuyun was protecting everyone and was already hiding in a corner. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to fight. They didn't want to watch Ai Hui and Shi Xueman fight hard.

Duanmuhuang had a gloomy face, and he was very arrogant and felt very unhappy when he found that he could not play a key role.

Without saying a word, he took out a grass seed from the bag on his waist, spread out his palm, and rolled the grass seed into his palm. Injecting the power of wood element, the grass seeds sprouted and grew rapidly. In a few seconds, a piece of green and crystal clear grass appeared in the palm of his hand.

He said coldly: "Archers with a range of more than three kilometers, pull a leaf and swallow it."

Sang Zhijun and Jiang Wei looked at each other, each pulled a leaf and swallowed it. Several other good archers also came over, each picked off a leaf and put it into their mouths.

The leaves enter the mouth and turn into a stream of clear water.

Sang Zhijun couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

"Eagle Eye Grass, time is very short, only thirty seconds."

A few people flew into the sky with doubts.

Sang Zhijun exclaimed: "I saw it!"

The others perked up and saw the spitting beast as well. Their vision suddenly became very sharp. In the valley in the distance and Ai Hui and Shi Xueman running, they could even see clearly which Shi Xueman were vapor phantoms.

Jiang Wei said in a deep voice: "Don't waste time."

He drew out a heavy arrow with an astonishing length, and several others also drew out arrows.

Ai Hui's small black sword was the fastest, appearing in the sky above the spitting beast like a black swarm of bees. Feeling threatened, the spitting beast continuously spurted lava from its short snorkel.

The short incense was extremely precise, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten pieces of Ai Hui's black leaves were broken, making Ai Hui feel heartbroken.

But the black leaves had a numerical advantage. Although a lot of them were destroyed, more of them were chopped on the body of the spitting beast. However, what Ai Hui didn't expect was that the black blades hit the body of the spitting beast, making a dense clanging sound, but did not cause any substantial damage to the spitting beast.

At this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the sky.

The lava-spitting beast sensed the danger, raised its short snort suddenly, and continuously sprayed out a large amount of magma in a very short period of time. As soon as the magma left the snork, it spread out like a net, layer by layer, and formed a line above it in the blink of an eye. A red magma shield.


An arrow penetrated the magma shield, revealing an arrowhead.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The magma shield trembles continuously.

An unusually low whistle came suddenly, the magma shield collapsed, and the heavy arrow hit the body of the spitting beast with astonishing force. Boom, the heavy arrow sank into the round body of the spitting beast.

The spitting beast let out a sharp scream, the flames suddenly rose, and the heavy arrows were instantly burned to ashes. The magma surged in the body and quickly repaired the arrow hole, but it could be seen that the newly repaired area was much darker in color and looked like a scar.

The spitting beast suddenly stopped.

Ai Hui suddenly felt a sense of danger and blurted out: "Be careful!"

An unprecedented bright red light came out from the spitting beast's nose, like a red lightsaber sinking into the ground in front of Shi Xueman.

When Ai Hui made a sound, Shi Xueman reacted, twisted her body and threw herself to the side.


Half an acre of ground was lifted up by an invisible hand, and bright red flames burst out, mixed with dazzling flowing fire, like splashing molten iron, exploding with a bang. Before the three water vapor phantoms had time to struggle, they were enveloped by this terrifying flow of fire and annihilated in an instant.

Ai Hui was horrified in his heart. The roaring and surging fire energy made him feel extremely terrifying even from a distance.

Tie Niu's expression also changed slightly. If she hadn't heard Ai Hui's warning without hesitation, she would have been injured by this blow. After following Ai Hui deep into the wilderness for several months, she was extremely convinced of Ai Hui's judgment. Several times she felt that Ai Hui was wrong, but in the end she was proved to be right.

When Ai Hui came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that he had rushed not far away from the spitting beast without even realizing it.

Originally, he acted as a cover, while Shi Xueman took the main attack. Unexpectedly, Shi Xueman succeeded in attracting the attention of the spitting beast, giving him an opportunity.

The terrifying blow just now was a heavy burden on the spitting beast, and the red light around it was obviously dimmed.

Although the water elemental force's attack increases the damage of the spitting beast, the spitting beast has a restraining effect on the gold elemental force's attack.

But Ai Hui believed in his swordsmanship.

His concentration was unprecedentedly concentrated, the energy in his body surged, and every muscle in his body adjusted.

Without any hesitation, he drew his sword boldly. (To be continued.)

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