Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 403 Waves

The news of Ai Hui's trip to Asakusa Castle spread like a hurricane, and all the bandits, large and small, active in the border areas of Caiyun Township and Emerald Forest got the news.

Prior to this, although Thunder Sword Hui's name was resounding, in everyone's eyes it was just a heroic image established by the Presbyterian Church, and its main deeds happened three years ago. At that time, Ai Hui's strength and level were not high, and he was still a student. The battle in Songjian City was a miracle, but it was Wang Shouchuan and Han Yuqin who really made the final decision.

According to outside interpretations, Songjian Party's response to Ai Hui was attributed more to Ai Hui's outstanding personal charm.

Until this battle.

The Grass Thief and Ai Hui met on a narrow road, and there was a serious conflict between the two sides. Ai Hui was unscathed, but the Grass Thief suffered heavy casualties. More than 200 casualties were suffered, which was the first time in the history of the Grass Thief's establishment. The death of the thieves general Cao Ning shocked the heroes and pushed Ai Hui's reputation to a new height.

People had to re-examine the legendary Thunder Sword Hui with new eyes.

It turns out that this well-known Thunder Sword Hui is also so powerful personally!

Fighting against the thieves alone with a single sword, killing people like hemp, killing the thieves on their heads, and the thieves were defeated. Such a record is eye-catching. The astonishing number of deaths reflects the other side of Thunder Swordsmanship, and its ruthless methods are also eye-catching.

Many people realize that this is a guy not to be messed with.

Also becoming famous along with him is Mingxiu.

Lu Mingxiu lives a very low-key life in Asakusa City. The Lu family only protects her secretly. Few people know Mingxiu's true origin.

The area around the quiet Asakusa Castle seemed peaceful and peaceful, but Ai Hui threw a big stone directly into it, causing an uproar. The strengths of all parties hidden in the dark were caught off guard, and the water in the pool has been muddied.

Ai Hui hasn't arrived at Asakusa Castle yet, but the impact of this battle has already spread.

The grass thief's lair is very far away from Asakusa Castle and requires a continuous flight of two days and two nights. The world is in chaos, and the grass thieves have developed very rapidly in the past two years. They have grown from more than 30 people at the beginning to more than 4,000 people now.

Today's grass thieves have become a major force in the Emerald Forest border.

The grass thief's lair has also expanded from a few tree houses at the beginning to a large stockade with a radius of dozens of miles and is heavily guarded.

The dense and thick crowns of towering trees cover the sky. Once it encounters an enemy attack, a defensive light belt will rise, which has excellent defensive capabilities.

There are many mushrooms growing on the branches near the top.

Umbrella bone mushroom is a kind of Ganoderma lucidum specially cultivated for defense. It has a disk-shaped appearance and is covered with radial lines. It looks like an umbrella rib, hence its name. There are five to ten bone arrows growing inside the Umbrella Bone Mushroom. When attacked by an enemy, they will fire arrows continuously.

Among the trees, vines can be seen everywhere, some with colorful gourds on them. That is the very famous gourd cannon in wood cultivation, which can spray gourd seeds in the body. Gourd cannons of different colors have different attributes.

Under the dense canopy of trees, the houses are very neatly built, and the pumpkin lanterns that can be seen everywhere emit soft light. Under the dense shade of the trees, it is not dim at all.

If someone comes in without knowing it, they might think they are entering a certain Muyuan war headquarters. In fact, this place is indeed built according to the standards of the War Department.

The Assembly Hall is a union of three Iron Puff King Kong trees with extremely strong defensive power. The lower parts of their trunks are completely fused together to form a huge hall. Before the four big trees were destroyed, the Assembly Hall was as solid as gold.

The space of the meeting hall is not large. It can accommodate about seventy or eighty people. At the moment, there are only more than twenty people among them, all of whom have survived with Zheng Xiaoman from the beginning.

"Who leaked the news?"

"How did Ai Hui know that we were going to attack Lu Mingxiu?"

"Ai Hui must have received the news a long time ago and came here specially."

Everyone was talking about it, and the atmosphere was panic. The plan to kidnap Lu Mingxiu was carefully planned by them, but outsiders found out before it even started. How could everyone remain calm?

Bang, punched the table, Zheng Xiaoman roared angrily: "Shut up, everyone!"

Zheng Xiaoman is about 25 or 26 years old. She is tall and plump. Her appearance is not a beauty, but her wild temperament and outstanding figure make her always the focus of attention.

This team was established by Zheng Xiaoman himself and had unparalleled prestige among the people. Everyone immediately shut up and the meeting hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Thinking of Cao Ning, Zheng Xiaoman's eyes flashed with sadness, then he raised his head and said bitterly: "Let's put Lu Mingxiu's matter aside for now. Lao Cao can't die in vain. We must avenge him! Don't give me anything before we get revenge." Talk about other things!"

After saying that, she walked out of the meeting hall without looking back.

Other people in the council chamber, you look at me and I look at you.

A lean man sat in the corner, his eyes scanning the crowd from time to time, showing a thoughtful expression.

The boss's words made everyone feel ashamed and embarrassed, and they dispersed.

The lean man calmly returned to his home. After checking that no one was following him outside, he closed the door.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Why did Ai Hui get the news?"

The lean man had known for a long time that there was someone behind him, so he snorted coldly when he heard this: "I have to ask your side, the village has been cut off from all external communications these days, and no news can get out."

A figure hidden in a cloak, with his face hidden in the shadows, said in a cold voice: "There is no way I will leak it."

The lean man said impatiently: "Don't worry about this, what should we do now? The boss has spoken out. He will not do anything until he avenges Cao Ning. Our deal is about to be ruined."

A sarcastic voice sounded from the shadow of the cloak: "A thunder sword radiance can scare you like this?"

The lean man sneered: "Okay, then you go and kill Thunder Jianhui, I will give his head to the boss, and the plan will start immediately."

The cloaked man was speechless.

Cao Ning was killed, and more than half of his three hundred subordinates were killed or injured. What a remarkable achievement this was.

He pondered for a moment and then softened his tone: "We have to find a way. Such a big business cannot just watch it be destroyed."

The lean man's expression also became much more solemn. Of course he knew that this business was something they absolutely couldn't give up.

Emerald Forest.

A cloud of fire with the Lu family's emblem on it was flying at high speed, and its direction was clearly Asakusa Castle. Other rattan carriages and Huo Fuyun along the way saw the badges clearly and moved out of their way, which showed how powerful the Lu family was in the Emerald Forest.

In Huo Fuyun, in a very simple study room, a majestic man was concentrating on his work, and an old servant stood solemnly in the corner.

Subordinates were constantly coming in and out, and pieces of information were delivered to his desk. Everyone was very careful when going in and out, and their voices were very soft, for fear of alarming the leader.

The person who is concentrating on his work is Lu Feng, the current leader of the Emerald Forest Grass Killing Division.

He asked without raising his head: "Are you ready for the gift for Mingxiu?"

The silent old servant in the corner quickly replied: "Everything is ready. They are all Miss Mingxiu's favorite things. Embroidery fabrics from past dynasties, some calligraphy and paintings by famous artists, and a fragment of an ancient magic weapon."

Lu Feng made a movement with his hand: "The remains of the magic weapon?"

The old servant said respectfully: "It should be a flag. It is very damaged. The embroidery on it is very exquisite. The old servant thought Miss Mingxiu would like it, so he added it without permission."

Lu Feng praised: "Well done."

He paused for a moment and then continued: "You take care of the chores in the house with your heart, so I won't treat you badly. Your nephew, let him report to the ministry next month."

The old servant suddenly showed joy and said gratefully: "Thank you, Lord!"

At this moment, a subordinate hurriedly came in: "Sir, this is the information we just received. It is related to Miss Mingxiu. I will send it right away."

"Is it related to Mingxiu? Bring it!" Lu Feng stopped his movements and raised his head. He had a majestic appearance, with thin and narrow lips, a high nose, a smooth forehead, and bright eyes.

After receiving the report, he looked at it carefully and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Kill Cao Ning?"

The more he looked at him, the more frightened he became. First, there were more than 300 people, and more than 200 were killed or injured, forcing Cao Ning to use the same death move. Not only was Ai Hui unscathed, but all of Cao Ning's trusted subordinates were completely destroyed.

Of course Lu Feng knew Cao Ning.

The Grass Thief is the mortal enemy of their Grass Killing Department, and he has been thinking of ways to deal with them. However, the Grass Thief's movements were erratic and his fighting prowess was impressive. Cao Ning, one of the Grass Thief's generals, was actually killed by Ai Hui single-handedly. And judging from the number of casualties, Ai Hui was definitely a ruthless person, killing people like picking up straw.

He ordered without raising his head: "Go and find Ai Hui's files."

The old servant quickly responded: "Yes!"

Soon, the files about Ai Hui were sent to Lu Feng. After comparing them, Lu Feng discovered the huge difference between the two.

Ai Hui on the file, realm: one yuan. Strength evaluation: weak. Advantages: Charming, good at winning people's hearts, and popular with others.

Lu Feng tore the file into pieces: "Re-establish Ai Hui's file."

The old servant was awestruck: "Yes!"

Lu Feng sat down, lost in thought, and tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously. Of course he knew Ai Hui, and he knew everything about Mingxiu. Ai Hui and Mingxiu had a deep relationship, but Ai Hui was too weak at the time, and he never thought of becoming friends with him.

However, I didn’t expect that Ai Hui would become so powerful in such a short period of time!

He picked up the report just now. He could recite every word in it without reading it. This report shocked him so much.

He dismissed other emotions, thought carefully, and made a decision quickly.

According to the report, Ai Hui's realm is the realm of duality, and the speed of his realm's improvement is certainly shocking. But what really shocked Lu Feng was when he faced Cao Ning's bandits alone in the realm of duality.

Ai Hui's fighting talent was extremely astonishing. Considering his age, Lu Feng judged that Ai Hui had a high chance of becoming a master in the future.

He suddenly raised his head: "Prepare a gift for Ai Hui."

The old servant responded: "Yes, according to what specifications?"

Lu Feng said without hesitation: "The highest standard."

The old servant was stunned for a moment and felt a little embarrassed: "I'm's a little rushed in terms of time."

Lu Feng glanced at him: "It must be done well."

The old servant felt awe-inspiring and said bravely: "Old servant, let's do it now!"


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