Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 367 Stone Statue

Ai Hui carried the stone statue back to the Bamboo Garden, closed the door, and just put the stone statue on the table. The bandage, which had been impatient for a long time, rushed out like a snake and wrapped around the stone statue.

Ai Hui almost laughed out loud. The bandaged stone statue looked like a dumb mummy, with all its charm gone.

Is there something powerful hidden inside the stone statue?

Ai Hui was full of curiosity. Of course he knew how powerful the bandage was, but so many generations of Ye Mansion heads had not discovered it. The stone statue must also be very extraordinary. Now Ai Hui does not dare to underestimate the family at all. The accumulation and accumulation of the family are really astonishingly deep, not only in terms of wealth and treasures, but also in the mastery of Yuanli.

Whether it was the construction of the treasure house or the means of sealing the wooden shelves, they were all something he had never seen before.

Maybe there are no amazing people among them, but their continuous investment continues from generation to generation, and the time expands to hundreds or even thousands of years. The depth of the fruits they obtain is daunting.

The aristocratic family is the group of people who stand at the forefront of the Yuanli era.

The secret that none of them could discover was that the bandage actually reacted, which made people full of expectations!


Ai Hui suddenly sat up straight, his eyes shining.

The surface of the stone statue began to melt.

Sure enough, there are changes!

Ai Hui was extremely excited, but quickly calmed down and listened carefully. No one came near. The stone statue also has no fluctuations in energy, just like wax gradually melting after being heated.

Staring at the stone statue intently, Ai Hui had just carefully inspected it. It was just the most ordinary granite!

Have your eyes been deceived?

As the surface of the stone statue gradually melts, the rough lines become softer, and the angular face contours become much softer. The blurred facial features became three-dimensional and clear.

Seeing the face of the stone statue gradually becoming rich and delicate, the vague charm becomes more intense. Ai Hui's eyes and mind were deeply attracted, as if the stone statue was like a whirlpool that could swallow his gaze. His expression was dull and he couldn't look away at all.

The stone statues in the field of vision began to become blurry.

The sky and the earth become vast, as if there is a line of clouds in the sky, as if they are crossing the vast sea of ​​clouds. He saw a vast stretch of mountains that were as tall as clouds, steep and majestic, with towering ancient trees, pristine and vast, with all kinds of strange beasts running and flying around.

Ai Hui promised that there was not a single strange beast here that he had ever seen before. After staying in the wilderness for so long, Ai Hui knew most of the wild beasts and wild beasts, and he was considered a veteran. But these strange beasts are more savage and primitive, and Ai Hui has never seen them before.

His eyes followed the high mountains and vast forest sea, and a small valley appeared in front of him.

From Ai Hui's point of view, the terrain of this valley is very suitable for camping in the wild.

There is a winding creek with gurgling water, but it is not big, so there is no need to worry about flooding. The mountains on both sides are steep and rocky, creating natural barriers. The terrain in the valley is open, but the mouth of the valley is very narrow, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

There are fences made of thick logs at the entrance of the valley. What use can such crude protective measures be? Ai Hui was dissatisfied. In the valley, there are tents made of animal skins and thatch, and a group of savages are cooking and skinning wild animals, which is quite lively.

Savage tribe?

Ai Hui was thoughtful.

After watching the life of a savage for a while, Ai Hui found it boring. The savages are uncivilized and seem rather ignorant. Ai Hui and the others had a very difficult time in the wilderness, but they were still much more powerful than these savages.

I don’t know how long it took, until one time, the leader of the savage tribe took out a piece of animal skin and drew a rough human shape on it with charcoal and animal blood.

The strokes were very crude, and Ai Hui couldn't help but guess that the painting was of a person.

The leader used branches to prop up the animal skin paintings, and then piled stones into a simple altar. He slaughtered the beasts, offered sacrifices, and led the entire tribe to kneel down.

I don’t know how many years have passed, the leaders have been replaced by different people, and the clothes of the tribe’s people are also constantly changing, from animal skins to linen clothes. The portrait on the animal skin gradually became clearer and began to have a special charm.


Ai Hui suddenly realized, could it be...

He stared carefully at the human figure on the animal skin, and was shocked to find that it did resemble the stone statue.

After the changes in the animal skins, the people of the tribe became more pious, and the frequency of sacrifices also increased significantly. As he received more and more sacrifices, the figures on the animal skins became more detailed and lifelike.

At this time, after years of fighting, the tribe became more powerful, owned numerous cities, and dominated the area.

Enemies of the tribe sneaked into the sacrificial hall and burned the hides.

The tribal leader then sent an order to the world, asking all cities to send treasures and refining a demon statue. The world's treasures gathered together, and tens of thousands of priests, painters, and magicians gathered together and worked hard. After twenty-two years, they finally repainted the statue of the devil.

The war against the hostile forces also began with a bang.

For sixty years, countless prisoners were escorted to the sacrificial hall to sacrifice blood to the demon statue.

The charm of the demon statue is getting stronger and stronger, making people dare not look directly at it.

I don’t know how many years have passed, and the tribe has risen and fallen, but the demon statue has always been intact and as clean as new. Sacrifice to the demon statue has never been interrupted.

On a stormy night, suddenly lightning and thunder outside the window illuminated the dark and empty sacrificial hall, and also illuminated the statue of the devil hanging directly above the sacrificial hall.

The eyes of the demon statue on the cloth suddenly moved, and then a smile bloomed at the corner of its mouth. This smile had an evil aura, making the soft and neutral face even more alluring.

Suddenly, a foot stretched out from the demon statue.

The Demon God actually stepped down from the Demon God Statue. He moved his body and seemed to be curious about everything. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and looked up in the direction that looked like Ai Hui.

Ai Hui's thinking suddenly stopped when he saw the devil's eyes.

At this moment, the Tianxin Fire Lotus Lamp in Ai Hui's body sensed the danger and started to work, regaining some clarity in his mind. Ai Hui used all his strength to close his eyes suddenly, blocking his gaze.


His heavy breathing was like a blowing bellows. Ai Hui's whole body was soaked with sweat. The struggle just now almost exhausted all his strength.

It took a full five minutes for him to calm down, but there was still lingering fear in his heart. He had always felt that his mind was firm and uninterrupted by external evils. After practicing the Tianxin Fire Lotus Lamp, this confidence became even stronger. Even if he was faced with a thousand dollars, he would not be moved.

But just now, his mind was completely out of control, and his thinking was completely stopped. If the Tianxin Fire Lotus Lantern hadn't given him a chance, he wouldn't have been able to close his eyes.

It was the first time Ai Hui encountered such a strange and terrifying thing, and it was also the most dangerous encounter he had ever encountered.

Compared with fighting with real swords and guns, this kind of mental attack is completely invisible. If you are not careful, you will be attacked. Your body is completely out of control. Even if you feel something is wrong in your heart, you cannot control your body to do anything, even the most basic things. You can't even resist, you are at the mercy of others.

He definitely didn't want to do it a second time.

Demon God...

After a while, Ai Hui's whole body became slightly tense, and the Tianxin Fire Lotus Lantern was flowing unsteadily. He mustered up his energy, and would close his eyes again if anything went wrong.

He opened his eyes slightly and looked out.


What he saw was a stone statue.

What about the festival hall? Where is the devil?

Ai Hui was stunned. Did he just dream? What he had just experienced was so vivid that he seemed to have experienced tens of thousands of years with the tribe and the demon statue.

But at this moment, he was still in the room.

Phantom? possible!

But such a realistic illusion...

Ai Hui glanced at the time and saw that less than half a stick of incense had passed.

It was really magical. The dream he had just experienced was so vivid that he could still recall many details. Those imaging pods on the market today are far from the dream just now.

A little regretful, but also a little relieved, the scene of the demon finally walking out of the painting left a very deep impression on him, as well as a hint of fear.

His eyes fell on the stone statue, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The stone statue on the table is exactly the same as the statue of the devil!

Ai Hui clearly remembers the appearance of the demon statue, and there is absolutely no mistaking it. The stone statue at this moment is no longer the crude and crude work it was just now, but has become extremely exquisite and lifelike.

The figure is graceful, the waist seems weak and weak, the upper body is sexy, the lines are masculine, and the appearance is masculine. The face is handsome and neutral, the outline of the face is delicate and soft, but the bridge of the nose and lips are like a man's, the eyes are cold, but the curved corners of the eyes are charming.

It was the first time Ai Hui saw such a mixture of men and women, with extremely contradictory and harmonious looks, so he was extremely impressed.

Exactly the same!

Could it be that the illusion just now was released by the demon stone statue?


Could it be that what was demonstrated in the illusion was the origin of this stone statue? Ai Hui believed most of it in his heart, but other than that, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Unexpectedly, there were so many stories behind the stone statue. After relaxing, Ai Hui was amazed and looked around the demon stone statue.

The stone statue became exquisite and lifelike, but the charm disappeared just now, and the stone statue became an ordinary stone statue.

It turned out that the charm contained the origin of the stone statue, and Ai Hui suddenly realized it.

However, looking left and right, the stone statue of the Demon God is still the stone statue of the Demon God, and the granite is still granite. There is no change. You spent so much effort to get a beautiful stone statue?

Ai Hui was a bit dumbfounded.

When Ai Hui's eyes fell on the bandage, he was stunned.

The bloody eyes on the bandage disappeared, and the bandage became white and empty again.

Looking at the two snow-white bandages on the table, Ai Hui suddenly felt something in his heart. He spread the two bandages flat and then put them together. Ai Hui remembered that the first time he saw them, they were just a piece of cloth.

When the two bandages are put together, the middle portion of the bandage begins to fuse, turning into a white cloth.

This is actually possible!

Ai Hui opened his eyes wide. For the first time, he discovered that bandages could be fused.


Ai Hui's body stiffened, and he stared blankly at the white cloth on the table. Suddenly, the statue of the devil hanging in the altar illuminated by lightning suddenly appeared in his mind.

When the devil came out, the portrait was blank. It's the same size as the white cloth in front of me.

The it the canvas of the demon statue? (To be continued.)

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