Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 347 Six Moons

He held a sword flower on his arm handsomely.

Ai Hui was full of praise in his heart, what a sword! What a sword!

Although it is not as good as Yinzhemei, it is still a fine product. Feixue Silver is mixed with Sky Sakura, giving the sword a rare light pink color. The sword is as light as nothing, making it most suitable for girls. The scabbard is gorgeous and exquisite, made by a famous craftsman, and has three seal characters "Xueliu Ying" written on it.

Ai Hui estimated that selling it for 300 points of Tianxun shouldn't be a problem. There are few sword masters, and there are even fewer good swords. Sure enough, he is worthy of being the leader of the alliance, and his actions are good things.

Ai Hui wondered in his mind, did he sell it while giving instructions on swordsmanship?

Such a good sword should be obtained by those who are destined to do so!

If you don’t have 400 points of Tianxun, how dare you say that you are destined?

Ai Hui moved his shoulders. In order to sell Xue Liuying at a good price, he decided to perform well, promote Kunlun swordsmanship, and live up to the cultivation of the alliance leader.

After moving his shoulders, Ai Hui sat down again and turned to ask the oiran: "It feels so far away. Which restaurant are we going to?"

The oiran said with a dark face: "You will know when the time comes."

Ai Hui wasn't angry either: "Actually, I think you don't need to send me off, just give me the address and I can go there directly, right?"

The Huo Fuyun under my feet is no ordinary thing. It looks ordinary on the outside, but inside it can be seen that its owner is very particular.

"Who said it was for you?" The oiran rolled his eyes. He now regretted becoming this bastard's guide.

Ai Hui yelled: "Is there Xiao Shuren behind?"

The oiran was a little surprised: "You have a very bright mind."

He didn't mention anything, but Chu Chaoyang could guess that it was Xiao Shuren, which he felt was a bit powerful.

"This Huo Fuyun is even more luxurious than the Lucky Ship I killed before. Plus you are with us, what else in Kunlun is worthy of this battle? The only one is Xiao Shuren."

The oiran couldn't help but nodded. Just when he was about to praise Chu Chaoyang for his smart mind, he heard Chu Chaoyang change the topic: "Then we have to talk about the escort freight. Look, I worked so hard with you to escort Xiao Shuren, risking What a risk! I am a rookie and a poor guy..."

The oiran couldn't bear to listen and became furious: "Get out!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't think that just because you are my guide, you can curse people." Ai Hui opened his eyes wide.

The oiran decided to shut up and ignore this bastard.

Not long after, Huo Fuyun slowly landed in a simple and solemn courtyard.

Judging from the location, it is not the center of Yincheng, but in a remote corner of Yincheng. But in Silver City, a city with towering towers, low-rise courtyard manors like this are very rare.

Although he still didn't know what family it was, Ai Hui could already feel the aura of a wealthy family coming towards him.

Ai Hui jumped down from the fire cloud. The green bricks under his feet looked very old. The flower beds and walls were covered with old vines and moss. There were traces of time everywhere.

A family with a long history.

The first impression in Ai Hui's mind.

The housekeeper who had been waiting for a long time bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Is it Mr. Chu? You have had a hard journey. Your accommodation has been arranged, do you need a rest? Madam has something to go out and will come back in the evening. Madam hopes to meet you Do you think it’s okay to have dinner with Mr. Chu?”

"No problem." Ai Hui nodded: "Take me to my residence first."

"Okay." The butler nodded to the servant on the side. The servant trotted over quickly. The butler ordered: "Take Mr. Chu to the Bamboo Garden."

The servant responded respectfully: "Yes."

The butler turned to Ai Hui and said, "If you need anything, Mr. Chu, please feel free to tell your servants."

Ai Hui secretly clicked his tongue. This was the first time he had seen such a meticulous butler. Ai Hui wasn't too interested in such a strict family. Fortunately, he was just pretending to be a wife. The important thing was to sell Xue Liuying. Well, no, it was to help Xue Liuying find a suitable person.

Even Xiao Shuren was sent here. The relationship between this family and the alliance leader is very close...

Following the servant to the Bamboo Garden, Ai Hui asked curiously, "I wonder what your name is? You came in such a hurry that the alliance leader didn't have time to remind you."

The servant led the way and replied respectfully: "My family name is Ye."

Surnamed Ye? Ai Hui racked his brains and found that in his memory, there was no one named Ye among the aristocratic families in Silver Mist Sea. But looking at the style of this family, it is definitely a first-class family.

After the servant finished speaking, he kept silent and concentrated on leading the way. Ai Hui didn't ask any questions. His focus is on the cultivation of Chaos Yuanli. With fifty Chaos Yuanli Beans, the speed of his cultivation can be greatly increased. He should find the notebook as soon as possible and leave Yincheng. For some reason, Yincheng gave him the feeling that there was an undercurrent surging and it could turn into a big whirlpool at any time.

The courtyard of the ancient house was very large, and Ai Hui followed the servant for more than ten minutes before arriving at the bamboo garden.

Ai Hui was secretly awestruck. Every inch of Yincheng's land was precious, yet there was such a huge courtyard.

The Bamboo Garden is a separate small courtyard with whirling bamboo shadows, very elegant. Every application is complete. What satisfied Ai Hui the most was that there were special quiet rooms and martial arts arenas. Although they were not very big, they were more than enough for Ai Hui alone.

Being alone and without any luggage, I just started practicing.

As for where Xiao Shuren will be arranged and how powerful Ye Mansion is, he doesn't care at all. Ye Mansion was much quieter than he thought, and it was a good place for cultivation. It just so happened that he felt that there was an undercurrent surging in Silver City, and it would be great to have a quiet place to practice.

To cultivate the energy of chaos, he entered the thatched cottage and stayed on the seventh floor of the Classics Courtyard until the energy of chaos was exhausted. Then he went to the martial arts field in the courtyard to practice swordsmanship.

He was not that surprised that the alliance leader was a master of swordsmanship.

Because he had finished reading the inheritance compiled by the alliance leader. Although there were still many parts that were rough and vague, he could feel that the alliance leader had found the door to swordsmanship.

He was a little envious.

However, he did not practice directly according to the above method. It was not because Ai Hui was so ambitious that he wanted to create his own unique skills, but because this inheritance was still far from being completed.

Ai Hui estimated that it would take at least ten or twenty years for the alliance leader to polish this secret skill to a seventy-eighth point. The rest requires continuous improvement and innovation from generation to generation.

This is the great thing about the unique skills of the family. They have been continuously polished and developed by many generations and have reached perfection.

The alliance leader's inheritance was still too rudimentary, but it was used to confirm what he had learned and thought, giving Ai Hui great inspiration. Ai Hui's own swordsmanship level is not low, and his long-term exploration has allowed him to gradually form his own swordsmanship style.

For example, Ai Hui's Yuanli Jianwan is very unique. It is the only one of its kind and there is no other brand.

But this inheritance from the alliance leader still gave Ai Hui great inspiration. The alliance leader's analysis of swordsmanship was very systematic, and Ai Hui was amazed many times. The leader of the alliance has marked it on many grounds, saying that such and such an idea came from a certain Master. It can be seen that this inheritance, no, Ai Hui prefers to call it the Sword Code, is the result of the alliance leader gathering everyone's strength.

The alliance leader wants to revive sword cultivation...

This thought flashed through Ai Hui's mind, but when he thought of the word "Kunlun", Ai Hui was relieved. If you don't want to revive swordsmanship, how can you be named "Kunlun"?

The rough sword code brought endless inspiration to Ai Hui, and he felt like he had opened a new window.

He vaguely felt that new sword moves were being nurtured in his mind. This vague feeling appeared more than once in the days when he was reading the sword manual.

This made him very excited.

He was quite experienced with this kind of feeling, so he jumped into the martial arts arena with Xue Liuying in hand.

He didn't do anything too deliberately, he just followed his feelings and moved freely.

Time passed little by little, and he was completely forgetful. Sometimes he would stop suddenly, frowning and thinking hard, and remain motionless for a long time. Sometimes his sword skills were messy and his body stumbled.

When the sun gradually tilts, the bamboo garden is dyed with an orange sunset glow.

Ai Hui's eyes suddenly lit up with a sharp light, he suddenly took a step forward and drew his sword!

A vague ripple suddenly appeared on the pink Snow Sakura sword tip. The space around the sword tip seemed to be distorted, and six palm-sized crescent moons spurted out from the ripples.

A bamboo leaf blown by the wind was instantly slashed by six erratic and strange sword lights. However, this was just the beginning. The cold sword lights suddenly became dense and intense, covering the bamboo leaf.

Countless emerald green powder turned into a green smoke in the air, faded and disappeared.

Six tiny crescent moons were swimming around Ai Hui's body, and Ai Hui's eyes were as bright as stars.

[Crescent Moon] is a very practical move, but it is straightforward and easy for the opponent to see through. Moreover, the destructive power of Crescent Moon became less effective as Ai Hui became stronger.

Ai Hui waved the snow flowing cherry gently, and six crescent moons flew past the sword body. He flipped his wrist and stabbed downward with the tip of the sword.

The six crescent moons suddenly merged into one, and Ai Hui could feel the energy fluctuations condensing, and then a sharp sword light suddenly appeared.

There was a paper-thin sword mark on the masonry ground under Ai Hui's feet. It would be difficult to spot it if you didn't look carefully. No one thought that this sword mark was ten feet deep.

Ai Hui held the hilt of the sword and gently lifted it up. A stream of swords flew out from the sword marks and formed six crescent moons again, flying around Ai Hui.

Not bad, not bad. Ai Hui was very satisfied. Both in terms of power and changes, it was much more powerful than the previous Crescent Moon.

Moreover, Ai Hui also discovered that as long as the six crescent moons remained alive, he would consume very little energy.

This move is called [Six Paths Moon], and Ai Hui is already thinking about how to use the Six Paths Moon, such as attacking in the east and attacking in the west, such as the six months merging into one, causing them to be instantly dispersed when they collide with the enemy's weapons, etc.

Suddenly, Ai Hui noticed something moving on the ground beneath his feet.


Tsk tsk tsk!

Rapid water spurted out from the sword mark just now, drenching Ai Hui.

Ai Hui immediately realized that the sword he just struck probably hit the underground spring.

It doesn't seem right to vandalize someone else's house on your first day...

Ai Hui scrambled and found that the water flow was very fast and difficult to stop. It's good that Loulan is here, this little problem can be solved in a second.

Ai Hui heard footsteps approaching and without caring about anything else, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and boom, a deep pit about two meters in diameter appeared.

Finally blocked.

The servant who had just arrived at the door was startled when he heard the loud noise. After a while, he said: "Mr. Chu, it's time for dinner. My wife and guests are waiting for you."

When the servant saw Ai Hui's drenched appearance, he was stunned on the spot.

Ai Hui showed a harmless smile: "Have you eaten? Take a walk, I happen to be hungry."

The servant followed Ai Hui with a confused look on his face. (~^~)

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