Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 319 Long-lost Reunion

In the sword cultivation dojo, Ai Hui was in a daze.

There is a unique skill of Jinxiu, a heavenly weapon, a thousand essence beans, and a thousand points of heavenly virtue.

Ai Hui was stunned by the reward from the Presbyterian Council. It was not too little, but too much. Ai Hui almost instinctively felt that such a generous reward was abnormal.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

There is no free lunch in the world, and such a generous reward may be a big pit behind it. Many things were different from what he expected. Miao Hai's follow-up did not show up, and the reward from the Presbyterian Council was even more abnormal.

I have no connection with the Presbyterian Church.

Ai Hui was puzzled. Suddenly he was disturbed and came back from his thoughts.

There was a commotion at the door, and a large group of people were rushing over.

Ai Hui was refreshed, he was finally here!

He whispered: "Loulan, get ready!"

Loulan nodded vigorously: "Ai Hui, Loulan is ready to finish."

Miao Hai's last move didn't appear for a long time, and Ai Hui couldn't let go of his heart in his throat. He thought hard and felt that the person behind Miao Hai would not be willing to fail like this.

It's not scary to have a back-up move. What's scary is to have a back-up move but not to use it.

Now that he's back at his home dojo, he doesn't even have to feign defeat.

Ai Hui grabbed the Dragon Vertebral Sword and prepared to face the enemy.

But when he saw the person who broke in clearly, he was stunned for a moment, because the person in front of him looked familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen it. Ai Hui's eyes fell on the second person and he was stunned again because he found that this person looked very familiar to him.

"Ai Hui!"

"Ah Hui!"

The excited voices came and went, but they suddenly awakened Ai Hui's memory. He finally knew why these people looked familiar to him.

In a daze, he was pulled back to the city stained with blood. The smell of gunpowder smoke seemed to echo in his nose, the roars and screams of fighting seemed to echo in his ears, and the indescribable coldness and sadness enveloped him. My hands and feet felt cold, as if they had been soaked in heavy rain for a long time.

With a jolt, the coldness and memories receded like the tide, and he returned to reality.

It's over, he told himself.

The familiar faces in front of them were so excited that tears welled up in their eyes, and the sunlight cast into them, refracting warm light.

Ai Hui smiled.

"You are...Ge Laohei!"

"You are Mingfeng!"

"Loulan, long time no see!"

"Mingfeng, I'm so happy to see you Loulan!"

"Is there Yuanli soup today?"

"No problem! Leave it to Loulan!"

Everyone hugged and high-fived each other, and everyone had a happy smile on their face.

The sound of cars and horses could be heard outside the door, and people kept joining in the reunion.

A tall building not far from the sword cultivation dojo.

"What a heart-warming scene! Compared with those cold aristocratic families, this is warmth." The copper ghost was full of emotion: "Have you recorded it all?"

A subordinate next to him quickly replied: "It has been recorded. We have arranged enough manpower. Don't worry, sir, they are all veterans."

A low voice sounded from behind the strange red copper mask: "We have a responsibility to let everyone know the truth."

"Yes!" the subordinate said respectfully, "We also arranged for people to contact these survivors and ask them what they thought of the claim that Ai Hui was the Master Slayer. Without exception, they were all very angry."

Bronze Ghost turned his face: "Did you encounter any resistance when taking over the level?"

Yu Jin said coldly: "Yes, three people were sacrificed and two were injured."

"Then the other party should know the news." Bronze Ghost nodded and turned his face again: "These phantom pods must be sent out today."

"The first batch has been sent out." The subordinate said respectfully: "It will appear on the shelves of all pod stores tomorrow morning. We have reserved the best seats."

Jiang Wei listened to their conversation silently without saying a word.

"You got a promotion."

The copper ghost's voice rang in his ears.

Jiang Wei came back to his senses. There was no joy on his face, and he asked in a deep voice, "Have you been prepared?"

"It's us." Bronze Ghost corrected, his voice as low as the echo in the valley: "Although I don't want to admit it, to be honest, we are at a disadvantage and we always need to be more prepared."

"Why do you do this?"

"Because we don't want to hand our future over to anyone else."

The morning sun always brings a chill. But for diligent people, they enjoy the wakefulness that the cool air brings to them. Tiredness and sleepiness are swept away, and an exciting day begins.

Wang Xiaoshan got up early as usual.

The habit of getting up early started in Songjian City. Ever since he met Ai Hui, he still maintains a diligent attitude in managing military supplies and logistics. The military supplies warehouse where he is located is a relatively large warehouse. Thanks to Song Jiancheng's achievements and Shi Xueman's relationship, he got this position that many people wanted to get.

Unlike other warehouse managers, apart from his diligence at work, Wang Xiaoshan is so low-key that he has almost no sense of presence. He rarely socializes and rarely calls friends. He is addicted to his earth element construction skills. Many of his subordinates call him "The Mud Controller". Not only was he not angry, he was proud of it.

His father was a mason, so it was only natural for his son to inherit his father's business. He is self-aware that he was able to get this position not because of his outstanding abilities, but because of the care of Shi Xueman and others.

I don't have much merit, just like I couldn't help Ai Hui and the others back then. Perhaps this was also the reason why he was addicted to the Earth Element Construction Technique. Deep in his heart, he still had an unreachable fantasy. If he had mastered the Earth Element Construction Technique, he might be able to help Ai Hui and the others one day.

Breathing the cool air every morning always reminded him of this somewhat ridiculous idea deep in his heart.

Okay, it's actually quite funny.

He is no longer the ignorant boy who played with mud. Three years of being the mud manager has made him understand many things.

This is a quagmire that can accommodate loaches, but not dragons.

Okay, maybe he is too pessimistic, but Shi Xueman is actually not bad, he thought to himself. But he also knew that if Shi Xueman asked him for help, he would never refuse. But he would not take the initiative to help Shi Xueman. Maybe Tie Niu lacks everything? He didn't know, but the image of Ai Hui kneeling alone in the heavy rain, motionless, lingered in his mind.

He couldn't explain why. It wasn't sympathy or admiration, but he felt that it was something that everyone had to face together, but it fell on Ai Hui alone. Guilt? Lost? I can't talk about it, but I feel that if I could do more, wouldn't the result be different?

Wang Xiaoshan admits that he is a troubled person, and even in the past three years, he still finds it difficult to let go.

Tangles are tangles, and life has to go on as usual.

As usual, he came to a familiar pod store. The owner of the pod store was putting the new pods on the shelves. He casually asked: "What's the news about the new pods?"

Phantom Pods are no longer the only phantom item on the market. For example, in the high-end market, the clearer and safer Shadow Breathing Turtle has replaced Phantom Pods. The wood cultivators who felt the crisis did not surrender. They also continued to improve the phantom pods, and the bursting pod tree was a brand new variety.

Using grafting technology and using vigorous germinal trees as rootstocks, the transformed bursting pod tree can replicate and grow a large number of identical phantom pods in a very short time.

A bursting pod can grow tens of thousands of phantom pods, which greatly reduces the cost of phantom pods. The cost of various phantom pods has plummeted, which has also given rise to a brand new thing, namely message pods.

At the beginning, everyone recorded interesting things that happened around them and sold them for retail. Later, someone soon discovered the business opportunities. For example, the personal teaching content of Yang Zhen, the general owner of Longxing Dojo, was sold for more than four million copies, and some people are still buying it to this day.

Soon there were a large number of professional Yuan Xiu who relied on this kind of thing to make a living, the battle situation ahead, the latest trends of the Presbyterian Church, disasters, etc. Message Pods are also accepted by more and more people. The low price allows ordinary people to buy a few pods every day, and specialized pod stores are everywhere.

Nowadays, groups specializing in collecting information have sprung up. They are called information villages. Each message village will produce its own message pods, which contain several message beans with different contents.

When the owner of the pod shop saw that it was Wang Xiaoshan, he quickly put on a smile and said with great enthusiasm: "Good morning, Mr. Manager! You must take a look at the news pod that just arrived. It must be a popular one, it is about the Thunder Sword Glory!"

Wang Xiaoshan was stunned: "Thunder Sword Glory? Ai Hui?"

"As expected of the steward, he even remembers a person from such a long time ago!" The owner of the pod shop complimented: "That was a very controversial figure. Everyone was quarreling back then, and now they are even quarreling again."

Ai Hui...

The long-lasting characters... are quite long-lasting.

Wang Xiaoshan didn’t hesitate: “Give me a portion of them all!”

Wang Xiaoshan hurried back to the room and closed the door.

In the dark room, he stared blankly at the phantom.

"With the approval of the Presbyterian Council, the title of Master Wang Shouchuan, the late master of Matsuma-in, is added. Master Shouchuan served as the master of Matsuma-in for decades, and he worked diligently and painstakingly. Not only did he play a key role in the battle of Matsujian Castle, but his work The doctrine of the Founding King School is unique and has unprecedented imaginative ideas, which are of far-reaching significance..."

"...The master's grace has blessed the descendants. His disciple Ai Hui inherited the master's mantle and devoted himself to hard work. Later, he killed Lord Sha and saved the people of Ningcheng from the poison. He has made outstanding achievements. The special rewards are as follows..."

"One piece of golden cultivation, one piece of heavenly weapon, one thousand essence beans, one thousand points of heavenly virtue."

A beautiful woman appears in the picture.

Beautiful women may not make people more convinced, but they can make people more willing to listen, not to mention it is such a hot topic.

The beauty's voice is full of emotion, and those who hear it are moved.

"This heavy award from the Presbyterian Church is a bit unexpected, but it is reasonable. The achievements of Master Wang and his wife need no introduction. The miracle of Songjian City was created by their lives. Everyone in Five Elements Heaven should not forget it. The same military achievements that year The illustrious Thunder Sword Brilliance reappeared in people's sight after three years of silence. It was born out of nowhere. As the heir to Master Wang's mantle, Ai Hui is also burdened with pressure beyond his years. The rumors of being a master-slayer are The greatest harm to our heroes. Just as people should not forget the sacrifice of Master Wang and his wife back then, they should also not forget that when they were isolated and helpless, a young hero stepped forward and led everyone to fight to the end. And in the most critical moment At the critical moment, with his fearless spirit, he took on all the responsibilities and infamy and rescued everyone."

"Some people say that he is ruthless, and for the sake of merit, he does not hesitate to use his master's life as a stepping stone. Others say that he bears the unbearable weight of fate and has lived in seclusion for three years, a hero's tragedy. What is the truth? Only the survivors of Songjian City We know this best because they witnessed with their own eyes the beginning, crisis and completion of the miracle of Songjian City. When the news that Ai Hui was living in seclusion in Ningcheng spread, what was the reaction of the survivors of Songjian City back then?"

"We noticed that there was an endless stream of survivors from Songjian City who came to visit Ai Hui. We were fortunate enough to record the scene of their meeting. Their eyes were full of tears, their expressions were excited, they hugged each other, and they greeted each other."

"It's a belated reunion!"

The beauty in the picture has a choked voice.

"We also asked several survivors of Songjian City to talk about their opinions on Ai Hui's reputation as a teacher-slayer. Without exception, they were extremely angry at this slander. Interested friends can watch this pod Bingdou and Dingdou, [in the name of survivors]..."

Wang Xiaoshan was extremely excited when he thought that Ai Hui could get rid of his reputation as a master-slayer.

At this moment, he looked at Ai Hui in the picture, his eyes turned red involuntarily, and he grinned.

Long time no see, Ah Fai!

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