Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 275 Visitors

The workshop is brightly lit.

For this plan, Ai Hui had been planning for a long time and had prepared the materials alone for a long time. Xingchen Moyun and Bua Zhu were the last two important materials.

Inside the furnace cavity of the heavy sand crucible purchased at a high price, nine flame-shaped red flowers were piled neatly into a tower shape.

Those were the fireworks picked up from the black plain at the foot of Huo Liao Yuan Gourd Mountain.

Every September, Hulu Mountain erupts into flames, and the flames cover the entire black plain like heavy snow. The flames took root and grew into beautiful fireworks.

The eruption of Calabash Mountain will last for a whole month, and in October, the vast and desolate black plain will be covered with delicate and bright red fireworks. Hulu Mountain stands tall in the distance, with smoke and clouds lingering on the top of the mountain. Below the mountain is a boundless sea of ​​red flowers, which is so beautiful.

Every October, countless tourists go to Huoliaoyuan to view the Blackfield Flower Sea.

The barren and desolate black plain has exactly the fire energy needed for the growth of fireworks. The duration of fireworks is not fixed, the short one only takes a few days, and the long one takes several years.

Flower pickers start working in October, looking for mature fireworks in the vast sea of ​​flowers.

The Huo Liao Yuan fell into the hands of the Blood of God, but the Huo Liao Yuan still continued to erupt, and fireworks still appeared on the market every year.

The quality of fire flowers is distinguished by the number of petals, with three petals being the lowest and nine petals being the highest.

Ai Hui and the others used six-petaled fire flowers.

The water drawn from the Silver Mist River drips from the conduit in the furnace cavity onto the fireworks.

A wisp of flame rose from the tower-shaped fireworks. The flame was not very violent, but it was very stable and silent. The flames of fireworks are very stable and last for a long time, often lasting more than ten hours.

Lou Lan threw a green Yuanli Bean into the flames. This Mu Yuan Power Bean contains a thousand points of Mu Yuan Power. The flame in the furnace cavity begins to become transparent. Loulan kept pouring Yuanli Beans into it until the twenty-second Yuanli Bean, the flame in the crucible became completely transparent and difficult to detect with the naked eye.

But there was nothing to hide in Loulan's eyes, and he reminded: "Ai Hui, the firepower is stable."

Ai Hui began to put the materials he had prepared into the crucible one by one.

Silver iron, black mica, blood crystal, etc.

Loulan's eyes kept flashing, and every time Ai Hui put in several materials, he would throw in Yuanli beans of different colors.

Different Yuan Powers are stirring in the crucible, and the color of the juice squeezed by the crucible is also constantly changing. One moment it's faintly blue, the next moment it turns into bright purple, the next moment it turns into red like molten iron, it changes constantly.

The two of them work together very well and it has been very smooth so far.

The juice in the crucible became as clear and transparent as water.

"very perfect!"

Ai Hui licked his lips and looked a little excited at the clear water-like liquid in the crucible. But there is still a lot of work to be done on the overall plan.

Loulan controlled the heavy sand crucible and poured half of the potion into the ice tank.

Then throw twelve pieces of bamboo into the crucible.

Gu Gu Gu Gu.

There are small bubbles constantly emerging from the bamboo.

From now on, the fua bamboo needs six hours of heated soaking.

Ai Hui brought the box containing Xingchen Moyun and came to the ice trough.

Opening the box, the dark and weighed stars sank into the ink clouds, quietly frozen in the ice. Stars sinking ink clouds are heavy and one of the heaviest clouds. As the name suggests, even stars can sink.

Xingchen Moyun is most commonly used to make armor and shields, especially scale armor. In addition to its excellent protective properties, Xingchen Moyun also has extremely superior ductility and can be kneaded at will like clay.

Ai Hui crushed the ice outside Xingchen Moyun and threw Xingchenmoyun into the potion in the ice tank.

As soon as Xingchen Moyun entered the potion, it began to smudge and spread like an ink block, thread by thread.

Ai Hui's eyes widened, and there was a hair-thin silver thread in his hand. He picked the silver thread into the potion, and a very thin black thread was hooked by the silver thread.

Ai Hui's fingers grasped the black thread like lightning, pouring Yuan energy into it, and the extremely thin black thread solidified in the air. He skillfully tied Mo Yunsi into a knot on the spinning wheel that had been prepared long ago.

He shook the spinning wheel with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand gently rested on the silk of Mo Yun. Yuanli followed his fingers and poured into the Mo Yun silk, pouring at a constant speed along the Mo Yun silk.

Ai Hui's golden energy quickly hardened Mo Yunsi.

If anyone had seen this scene, their jaws would have dropped to the floor.

The skills that embroiderers are proficient in peeling off silk and cocoons are carried forward in Ai Hui's hands. Peeling off cocoons is the embroidery skill Ai Hui is most familiar with. When he thought of Xingchen Moyun, he thought of this method.

Since Xingchen Moyun can be shaped at will like clay, can it be drawn into silk?

This bold idea was finally realized after Loulan's research.

Ai Hui's movements are very precise. Whether it is the speed at which the fingers of his left hand infuse the energy or the speed at which his right hand shakes the spinning wheel, they are extremely precise and coordinated.

Ai Hui is definitely a master when it comes to peeling off cocoons.

His most popular work, the wolf-hair arrow known as "See You Later", is an upgraded version of the rabbit-hair arrow and is more powerful. But it also requires him to draw silk continuously, and it is more difficult to draw silk.

The shape of the gem cocoon is like a gem. After melting into juice, complex techniques are needed to pull out fine and uniform threads from the juice.

As for pulling the silk out of the stars and the ink clouds, I have never heard of anyone doing this.

Ai Hui's expression was focused, and there was no fluctuation in either his posture or his energy. Even his breathing and heartbeat were as stable as a machine.

Loulan was also observing the flame carefully. The surface of the bamboo in the crucible began to become loose, like there were countless tiny honeycomb-shaped holes.

Time passed quietly.

When Ai Hui and the others started, Su Qingye dragged her tired body back step by step. His sand puppet was even worse and turned into a puddle of loose sand, crawling forward like a turtle behind his butt.

On the way, Su Qingye suddenly thought that today was the day for the Master to fish for treasures, and she immediately felt very upset.

His favorite is watching Master Fishing for Treasures. Although he has seen it many times, he just can't get enough of it. Master Diao Bao is different from others, he is so enchanting, the process is very short, but it always gives him a feeling of surprise and shock.

Especially the envy on the faces of other anglers made him feel happy.

Alas, if I had known earlier, I would not have mentioned the Longxing Dojo, but I actually missed the master's fishing treasure and was even arranged to practice extra.

What bad luck.

The Master is simply a devil. Every time he arranges training, it happens to be at the edge of his limit. Even his sand puppet was trained to the point where it fell apart and could not maintain its shape.

His sand puppet was really bad, and he was a little frustrated.

Master's Lou Lan is so powerful and smart. Every time he spars with Su Qingye, he feels like he is actually the puppet.

So far, he has not succeeded in getting his wife to train with him once. Master said, whenever he can defeat Loulan, he can come to him for training.

Well, it’s too far away, so don’t think about it.

When he saw the signboard of his "Haining Chamber of Commerce", he almost cried with joy.

Holding the door and moving into the chamber of commerce, Su Qingye's miserable appearance was undoubtedly a joy to see, and the guys started cheering. Although Su Qingye belongs to the young master, he has a good temper and no one is afraid of him. Su Qingye wasn't angry either, these guys were just envious.

Master's dojo is very expensive, and only he can afford it in the entire chamber of commerce. The Jianxiu Dojo opened early. There were no other dojos in Ningcheng at that time, so it stands to reason that the business should be very good. But the word "sword repair" makes people think that this dojo is unreliable, and the high cost makes most people stop.

Not sure if it was because she got home, Su Qingye felt that her physical strength had recovered a lot.

The Haining Chamber of Commerce is not considered a large chamber of commerce in Ningcheng, so it is average in size, with shops and houses connected together. There are shops in front, passing through a corridor, and residences in the back.

Su Qingye dragged her tired body towards the back house.

I was thinking about discussing with my father whether I could change to a more powerful sand puppet, considering how hard I practiced.

The living room is empty. If my father is not in the living room, he should be in the study.

Su Qingye remembered that guests would be coming today, and his father had told him to stay home honestly today, and he secretly sighed that something was wrong. He wanted to check out the wind first, so he tiptoed to the door of the study and heard a cold female voice coming from inside.

"...Huangshajiao and Huoliaoyuan are unlikely to be recovered in a short time. The earth cultivator and the fire cultivator are in a serious quarrel. The Presbyterian Council is also in a state of distress. Some time ago, there was a proposal to establish a small Five Elements Heaven. Five cities will be used to form a small five-element sky. A small Five Elements, so that earth cultivators and fire cultivators can have a place to practice, and some wood cultivators can also be retained. Fire cultivators, earth cultivators, still have doubts about removing the blood of gods, because there are few who want to become divine cultivators. Wood cultivators go to the Emerald Forest , there is no doubt in that.”

"Could it be..."

Su Qingye heard clearly that her father's word "could it be" was full of ecstasy and excitement.

"That's right, it's Ningcheng. If you want to build the Little Five Elements Heaven, you must first have two connected Jinshui cities. Ningcheng and Yunling City are the only choices. For the other three cities, we need to open up the wilderness , build the city of wood, the city of fire and the city of earth. In this way, the five cities are connected end to end and re-form the ring of the five elements, so that the vitality can continue to flourish. If nothing else happens, the elders will pass this proposal The probability is more than 70%."

"No wonder there have been so many people coming to Ningcheng recently..." Su's father suddenly realized.

"Everyone has connections, so let's take advantage of it first. The Haining Chamber of Commerce came early and took advantage of it..." The woman's voice suddenly stopped and she suddenly yelled: "Who?"

Su Qingye, who was listening in trance, was shocked. The door of the study room was instantly shattered by the light, and the cold light enveloped Su Qingye.

Su Qingye's mind went blank, and her body reacted instinctively.

The sand puppet that looked like loose sand behind him suddenly appeared strangely in front of him, and his body rolled to the side.

The light penetrated the sand puppet, leaving a bottomless hole in the ground. The sand puppet with a big hole in its chest quickly rolled up into a sand spear and stabbed at the opponent.

"Qing Ye!" Su's father was shocked.

A slender snow-white palm seemingly casually scattered the sand spear, and a clean face with short hair came into Su Qingye's field of vision.

When she heard the word "Qingye", the woman's face softened, but her eyes were a little surprised.

This sand puppet's self-sacrifice skill... the heat is good!

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