Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 261 Ai Hui’s Discovery

ps. Here is today’s update. I’m going to vote for the 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes, and you’ll get coins for voting. I beg you all for your support and appreciation.

Ai Hui watched the Flame Ape secretly. ¥f,.

Even now, no one dares to say how well they know the blood beast, including Ai Hui. Different blood beasts have different abilities and characteristics. Only through observation can their weaknesses be found.

A fierce battle between Shi Xueman and the Flame Ape was in full swing, which also gave Ai Hui a chance to observe.

There is no doubt about the power of the Flame Ape.

The six-meter-tall body gave it amazing strength. Its movements did not become clumsy because of this, but became more dexterous. The hair glows with metallic luster and is indestructible to swords. Although it looks extremely irritable, the eyes that move from time to time reveal its cunningness.

From these aspects, the Flame Ape has few flaws. In the wilderness, this kind of wild beast is the most difficult to deal with, and it is the target that no one wants to encounter.

But Ai Hui knows that there are no wild beasts without weaknesses in this world.

He carefully observed every movement and body change of the Flame Ape. Shi Xueman's attack was powerful and heavy, leaving no room to dodge. Both sides were facing each other head-on. Coupled with the factor of attribute restraint, it was not easy for the Flame Ape to deal with Shi Xueman, and it required all-out efforts.

The Flame Ape, working with all its strength, allowed Ai Hui to see more details.

Especially the blood streaks.

The flame-shaped flame pattern is covered with thick, coarse hair and is very difficult to identify.

As the blood beasts continue to advance, their bodies become more outstanding. This excellence is not simply a matter of becoming stronger, but the weaknesses of their bodies will become fewer. For example, blood patterns, the blood patterns of low-level blood beasts are very clear, and after the level is upgraded, the blood patterns are very clear. The blood lines will become darker and less conspicuous. At the level of the Flame Ape, blood lines will grow under the hair. It is more difficult to identify, and the hair can also provide part of the defense.

Fortunately, the flame ape's blood patterns can still be identified. Ai Hui's eyes were sharp. Although not as good as the sword embryo state, he was still able to capture many details.

Ai Hui noticed a strange phenomenon. The blood patterns on the flame ape's body could expand and contract slightly, as if they were breathing.

Whenever the blood patterns appear abnormal like this, the flames all over the Flame Ape's body will become much more intense.

Regarding the blood patterns, the official did not give any explanation. But everyone had a lot of discussions privately. Everyone fights blood beasts every day and has a more intuitive experience.

The more mainstream view now is that blood patterns are the source of the blood beast's power.

This is very consistent with the conjecture of the old prisoner. The old man believes that the blood pattern is the weakness of the blood beast.

The performance of the Flame Ape also confirmed these speculations, but these alone are not enough. The blue and white vines at Duanmu Dusk tried to attack the flame ape's blood pattern, but with little effect. The flame ape didn't care at all that his blood pattern was being attacked.

Ai Hui noticed a detail that was easily overlooked.

Xue Wen's breathing did not happen at the same time, but at random intervals, according to a certain pattern. Ai Hui observed carefully for a while. Make sure you read it correctly.

For example, the blood pattern of the Flame Ape, the first one to light up must be the blood pattern near the heart.

Ai Hui's heart stirred, and he saw the shrinking pattern of the flame ape's blood lines. It reminded him of the Zhou Tian movement in Yuanli cultivation. If the blood pattern is replaced by the Yuanli Palace, wouldn’t this be the movement of the heavens?

Could it be that the Flame Ape also has some kind of celestial movement inside his body?

Ai Hui immediately became energetic, and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. The operation of spiritual power also requires meridians and the circulation of the heavens. Today's celestial movements of the five houses and eight palaces are still derived from the celestial movements of the era of cultivation.

The difference is that the circulation of heaven and earth in the era of cultivation is more complex and delicate.

Ai Hui certainly believed that the blood beast's celestial movement would not be too complicated, and he felt that the blood cultivator's celestial movement would not be that complicated. Meridians need to be cultivated from an early age and slowly expanded, and cannot be formed overnight. Several blood cultivators that Ai Hui encountered. They are all wounded soldiers, so they have no time to learn the complicated movements of the sky.

If that's the case

A bold idea came to Ai Hui's mind. Will Blood of God learn from the Five Elements and Heaven’s Five Houses and Eight Palaces system?

His first reaction was that his idea was a bit nonsense, but then he thought about it again. But I feel this is not impossible. The greatest advantage of the celestial movement of the five houses and eight houses is that it is simple.

Ai Hui simply speculated based on his nonsensical idea, imagining the blood pattern as the Yuanli Palace, and the Flame Ape's body was equivalent to nine Yuanli Palaces.

Then its route of operation should be from the heart in the chest, to the left abdomen, to the back, and then to the right knee.

"Stab its right knee," Ai Hui suddenly said.

Shi Xueman's movements were stagnant, a beat too slow. She didn't expect Ai Hui to speak suddenly, and when she realized it, she was already a beat slower.

But her eyes lit up and she held her breath, preparing for the next attack.

She has full confidence in Ai Hui.

Although that bastard is a bit bad as a person, since he opened his mouth, he must have discovered something.

What surprised Shi Xueman was whether Ai Hui spoke after several rounds of attacks. She fought against the Flame Ape head-on. They were evenly matched, but her distraction caused her to be immediately suppressed.

The flame ape was extremely sharp. It immediately noticed Shi Xueman's distraction and suddenly burst into flames. I saw the Flame Ape roaring angrily, clenching his fists, the blood lines on his back brightened, and the flames spurted out, turning into a fire wing.

Before the roar dissipated, the flame ape's speed increased sharply, and like a fire shadow, it rushed towards Shi Xueman.

Duanmu Huanghuang, who had never done anything, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, and his fingers bloomed like flowers, and he was completed in an instant.

blue and white time lock

Countless blue and white vines suddenly emerged from the ground, like a blue torrent breaking through the ground, instantly swallowing the flame ape carrying the fire wings.

A tall blue cage stands tall.

The Time Lock came too suddenly, without any warning, and appeared on the field out of thin air.

Raging flames flowed from the locks of time, like fire oil.

The blue and white cage suddenly burst into flames, like a dry haystack being ignited. Duanmuhuang did not continue to take action. He had no advantage against the Flame Ape. The purpose of his action had been achieved.

A huge figure covered in flames slowly walked out of the fire.

The huge body is full of oppression. Slowly moving forward, murderous intent rising to the sky.

Shi Xueman was not afraid, her expression was calm. Even though the flame ape looks so scary at this time, the girl with a ponytail. There was no flinch on his face.

Hold the gun body tightly and lower your upper body slightly, like a cheetah preparing to pounce.

Ai Hui's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The Flame Ape squatted slightly on its knees, and the flames filled the sky were suffocated, and it suddenly rushed towards Shi Xueman. The dazzling fire suddenly exploded.

"right knee"

Ai Hui's voice was not loud, but it was extremely clear amid the flames exploding in the sky and the low whistling sound.

Shi Xueman's eyes lit up slightly. But the next moment, he narrowed his eyes slightly. The fire exploding all over the sky occupied almost all of her vision. Then her eyes dimmed, and a small mountain-like figure enveloped the sky like a dark cloud.

The speed of the Flame Ape's attack this time was faster than before.

This time she didn't hesitate or flinch, and she was extremely determined when she fired her gun. Yun Rantian was like a whale sneaking in silently.

Raging and domineering fire, and a condensed white gun light. A hard collision.

Everyone paying attention to this collision subconsciously squinted their eyes, preparing to deal with the ensuing explosion or shock. The collision of two such astonishing forces must be extremely shocking.

It was like the sound of an egg shell breaking.

The white spear light penetrated the raging and domineering flames. A cloud of blood spurted out, and before it could dissipate, it was swallowed up by the flames.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

What was originally thought to be a collision between dragons and tigers turned out to be such a scene.

The flame ape lost its balance and hit the ground hard. Countless gravel and flames burst out. The right leg of the flame ape, including the knee and below the knee, disappeared.

The flames on the Flame Ape's body were dim, rolling among the rubble, and kept wailing. It looked extremely miserable, in contrast to its domineering scene just now. They are like two apes.

This change in the appearance of the rabbit and the fall of the falcon once again stunned everyone.

The changes are too fast, right?

Duanmu glanced at Ai Hui in the evening. His eyes became more fervent. He didn't understand Shi Xueman's shot just now, nor did he understand why it was on the right knee. Why did the Flame Ape have such a big gap between the front and the back?

Countless questions swirled in his mind, but soon, all of them disappeared and were replaced by

As expected, he is the person I want to chase.

Yan Hai, who was watching the battle from a distance, was also full of horror at this time: "Miss, what is going on?"

After a long time, he didn't hear the lady's voice. He subconsciously turned his face and looked around. He was stunned.

The young lady's face was full of disbelief and pale. Her expression was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight, full of shock, disbelief, and a hint of fear.


Yan Hai muttered blankly.

Ai Hui walked up to the Flame Ape and inspected it carefully.

The flame ape was rolling on the ground and wailing, as if it was in great pain.

Shi Xueman also came back from the fighting state at this time. She was shocked when she saw the painful look of the flame ape. When she looked carefully, she realized it and her face became a little pale.

The reason why the Flame Ape is in so much pain is because the flames lingering around it are constantly burning its body.

The flames all over its body were completely out of control, and the power that belonged to it before had now become its talisman.

The raging flames were much smaller, but the color of the flames also turned into a faint blue, which was even more terrifying. The flame ape's flesh and blood melted, burned, and disappeared like a candle.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a gloomy skeleton and a few blood crystals left on the ground.

Shi Xueman did not take action, but just watched Ai Hui pick up the blood crystal and then knock on the flame ape's skeleton. Bang, the bones turned into flying ashes. The flames just now were so overbearing that the bones had already been burned to ashes.

Ai Hui found three unburnt bones from a pile of ashes. The three bones are irregular in shape and red, like magma that has not completely cooled down.

It's very hot when you hold it in your hand.

Ai Hui was a little unhappy, why were all the trophies used by the fat man? The same happened with the lava spider last time.

Shi Xueman was full of questions and was about to ask Ai Hui. At this moment, she suddenly heard Lou Lan's warning.

"Ai Hui, be careful"

515 is coming soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. On May 15th, the red envelope rain will be given back to readers and promotional works. One piece is also love, it will definitely be good and more to be continued.


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