Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 221 Defend Ai Hui!

The fat man watched in amazement as the blood crystals kept piling up around him, just like a fat rabbit guarding the field watching the fresh and tender carrots popping up one by one from the ground.

Loulan is diligent and incredibly efficient.

Like ants moving, they quickly separated the blood crystals on the battlefield and moved them to Fatty's side. Their mini size allowed them to clean the battlefield without attracting anyone's attention.

Tian Kuan, who was among the blood beasts, focused all his attention on the seven nine-striped blood falcons flying towards this direction. Seven nine-marked blood falcons quickly occupied the sky, and Yuan Xiu could not be seen in the surrounding sky. However, what disappointed him was that these nine-striped blood falcons did not immediately attack Ai Hui, but instead hovered above his head.

Tian Kuan was a little anxious, but he also knew that the more powerful the blood-marked beast was, the smarter it was. In all likelihood, it was Ai Hui's fighting prowess that made the Nine-Pattern Blood Falcon feel fearful.

Tian Kuan guessed very accurately that the leader of the seven nine-striped blood falcons in the sky never left Ai Hui's eyes. It was very frightened when it saw Ai Hui killing the tide of blood beasts like he was chopping melons and vegetables.

Flying blood beasts can soar in the sky, which makes them extremely powerful. When fighting creatures on the ground, they always have the upper hand. The vast sky is their greatest support. They can attack from any angle. Even if they fail, they can flutter their wings and escape. Those enemies without wings can only watch them disappear into the sky.

But all things are balanced, they can fly, they can draw on the power of the sky, but they are not without their shortcomings. Their bodies are often very fragile, and they are only insignificant attacks to ground creatures, but they are very likely to be fatal to them.

Therefore, Ai Hui, the nine-marked blood falcon that had opened up its spiritual intelligence, was very afraid. No matter how fast they fly, they can't be faster than the sword of the dangerous young man below.

But it has rich hunting experience and can stay ahead of other blood falcons. It does not lack cunning.

They hovered leisurely above Ai Hui's head. No matter how powerful the enemy was, they were under constant attack. All will be tired. And they only need to launch a fatal blow when the target is tired to reap the fruits of victory.

This is a goal that has never been more delicious, and it smells of breakthrough. Just devour this young man's flesh and blood, which is rich in unique energy. You can let it step into the realm of eight lines, and it will become more powerful than ever.

For this purpose, it has enough patience.

However, it didn't know that there were people below who were more anxious than them.

As soon as Tian Kuan saw the hovering nine-striped blood falcons, he knew what these flat-haired beasts were up to. But he couldn't wait. He saw with his own eyes how Ai Hui's swordsmanship changed dramatically.

He was worried that if he delayed it any longer, Ai Hui's swordsmanship might break through.

The swordsmanship in front of me is already so dangerous and terrifying. What would it be like to break through again on this basis?

Tian Kuan didn't know that he had never seen such powerful swordsmanship. The inheritance of swordsmanship has long been out of the mainstream in Wuxiangtiandu. I have never heard of any powerful inheritance, but once the boy in front of me breaks through, he will definitely be very powerful.

What made him even more frightened was the premonition of danger lingering in his heart. The premonition of danger was so strong that it even cost him some money. He is willing too.

Even if he doesn't know how to conquer the beast, he still has a way, as long as he is willing to pay the price.

A fierce look flashed in Tian Kuan's eyes.

There was a sharp knife in his hand. The knife flashed with cold light, and it was obviously not extraordinary. He flipped his wrist and slashed his arm with the knife.

His movements were very slow, the knife cut into the muscle, no blood spattered, and a trace of pain flashed across Tian Kuan's expression.

But there was no hesitation in his movements, and a piece of flesh two fingers wide was cut off by him. The weird thing is. There was no bleeding on his arm. The bloody flesh grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the wound on his arm healed and light red skin grew. Just one piece missing.

The flesh and blood cut off by him showed a strange bright red color and exuded an extremely alluring sweetness.

There was a commotion among the blood beasts around Tian Kuan, their noses twitching desperately, looking for the source of the scent. But Tian Kuan had already anticipated the possible situation, and the blood spiritual power quickly wrapped around his own flesh and blood.

He now needed to throw this piece of his own flesh and blood onto Ai Hui. His flesh and blood has an irresistible temptation for blood beasts.

The blood of God in the bodies of the six of them was the most outstanding experimental product of the organization at that time. At that time, more than a hundred seeds of the Blood of God were implanted with them, but only six of them survived.

For a long time, their specialness was not revealed, but then all the seeds participated in the competition, and the winners in the end were exactly six of them.

He only found out about this later.

Each of the six of them underwent completely different changes under the guidance of the blood of God. No one thought that they were all from the same batch of seeds.

Tian Kuan knows a little better, because he is often injured, and the changes in the injured body are also of great interest to the organization. From the few words of the doctor who treated and observed him, he knew some very secret inside information.

For example, the recipe for that batch of seeds was destroyed for unknown reasons. Although the organization has tried countless times, it has not been able to create seeds similar to theirs.

It is their uniqueness that gives them some unique opportunities.

Tian Kuan discovered that his flesh and blood had a fatal attraction to blood beasts because he was often injured. Yuan Xiu and other competing seeds had no reaction to his injury, but if a blood beast was present, the blood beast's reaction would become very alarming.

That time he almost died at the hands of a crazy blood beast. It was also after that time that he learned how to cover up the smell of his wounds.

He was used to trading injuries for opportunities, so how could he ignore the characteristics of his own flesh and blood? He once thought about how to make use of this characteristic of his own flesh and blood.

As long as he throws this ball of flesh and blood on Ai Hui, it will immediately detonate the blood beasts in the audience. The blood beasts will become crazier, more violent, and they will become more terrifying. The nine-striped blood falcons in the sky will not let go of this opportunity. They are also unable to resist the temptation of the blood beast.

But how to throw it over?

Tian Kuan thought for a moment, and if he threw it from above his head, he would most likely be able to make the Nine-Patterned Blood Falcon cheaper, and the cunning Nine-Patterned Blood Falcon would snatch it away before it could be thrown to Ai Hui.

Then it can only be done from the ground.

There were still a lot of gaps between the thick limbs of the blood beast. For him, as long as there was a little gap, he could throw flesh and blood onto Ai Hui.

Even if the opponent's reaction is sharp, as long as his sword is stained with the breath of flesh and blood, he will be overwhelmed by the crazy blood beast.

In order to ensure the success rate, he decided to shorten the distance between the two parties.

Under the camouflage of the blood beast's fur, he moved forward quietly, but he didn't notice that he stepped over a mini Loulan the size of an ant.

This mini Loulan was the one at the front. When Tian Kuan crossed over his head, the figure of the mini Loulan suddenly stopped. The yellow light in Mini Loulan's eyes suddenly began to flash, and his little head turned with the figure that was undoubtedly a giant mountain to him.

"Suspicious smell found."

This thought passed through the sand core and immediately spread to every mini Loulan. Loulan's Midnight Sand Core is broken down into countless tiny grains of sand. Each mini Loulan has one grain, which can convey each other's thoughts. This is why they can cooperate so tacitly and efficiently.

All the mini Loulans stopped their movements.

The mini Loulan who was jumped over did not pursue him. His short legs were obviously not fast enough. But his eyes, which kept flashing yellow light, were firmly locked on that huge figure.

Not only him, but all the mini-loulans were firmly locked on Tian Kuan, and the yellow light in each pair of eyes was flashing.

Countless thoughts spread between them.

"Loulan is here, light analysis!"

"Loulan is here, smell analysis!"

"Loulan is here, Yuanli analysis!"

"Come on Loulan, blood spiritual power analysis!"

"Discover special blood spiritual power!"

"Name unknown!"

"Unknown characteristics!"

"Origin unknown!"

Wow, all the mini Loulans started running. If anyone noticed the ground at this time, they would see the quicksand on the ground like thin snakes swimming fast.

When Tian Kuan stopped, all the fast-moving quicksand suddenly stopped, and they were distributed between Ai Hui and Tian Kuan.

The stationary mini Loulans looked really quiet, but the communication between them was as vast and spectacular as an ocean.

"What will he do?"

"So worried!"

"Is that a secret weapon?"

"He must be trying to deal with Ai Hui!"

"Loulan is here, protect Ai Hui!"

"Loulan is here, protect Ai Hui!"

"Loulan is here, protect Ai Hui!"

The message transmitted between the sand cores has become a unanimous voice of "defend Ai Hui".

Tian Kuan had no idea that he was being targeted by countless little guys. He estimated the distance, which was seven meters, and he showed a satisfied look. At such a close distance, although he could still see the surging herd of beasts, he could clearly capture the gaps that appeared from time to time.

He was confident enough to throw this ball of flesh and blood on Ai Hui.

At this moment, a gap appeared in the dense herd of beasts ahead, and Tian Kuan saw Ai Hui opposite.

It's now!

The light in Tian Kuan's eyes suddenly burst out, and the flesh and blood covering his aura in his hand was thrown towards Ai Hui.

"It's now!"

The information collision between the sand cores suddenly burst out with countless sparks.

I saw countless mini-loulans leaping high towards the mass of flesh and blood flying at high speed.

Tian Kuan's timing was very precise and his control of power was very strong. The mass of flesh and blood was like a silent hidden arrow, shooting towards Ai Hui.

Seeing that it was about to hit Ai Hui, Tian Kuan felt a little excited. The price he paid to kill this guy was not small at all, but he felt it was very worth it.

A large sand basin mouth suddenly appeared in front of the flying flesh and blood, swallowing the mass of flesh and blood in one mouthful.

With a whooshing sound, Shapen's mouth was full of flesh and blood, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​beasts like lightning.

Tian Kuan was struck by lightning, dumbfounded and confused.

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