Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 219 Blood Birds Enter the City

The cheers on the long street are just a few inspiring scenes in the entire Songjian City.

The blood beast, which was blocked by Ai Hui, began to move towards every corner of Songjian City along the streets and alleys extending in all directions. The most direct encounters broke out in every corner of Songjian City at the same time. Whether it was Yuan Xiu or the blood beast, the casualties increased sharply.

Fortunately, most of the blood beasts rushed towards the long street, and Ai Hui stopped most of them. The huge benefits contained in blood crystals also greatly reduced Yuan Xiu's fear and fear of blood beasts.

Otherwise, the casualties would be even more severe, but even so, fierce battles could be seen everywhere, and countless lives were withering away.

People suffered extremely heavy casualties at the beginning. After paying a lot of lives, everyone began to learn how to fight these powerful blood-marked beasts. What people fear about blood-patterned beasts is not their power, but the unknowns they represent, such as blood poison, their unique power, and the strange changes in their bodies.

As time goes by, the battles between everyone and the blood-striped beasts continue to increase, the unknown parts are constantly decreasing, the mystery shrouding the blood-striped beasts is gradually fading, and everyone's fear of the blood-striped beasts is also rapidly decreasing.

Wild beasts are equally powerful, but people don't have such strong fear.

The Yuan cultivators came from all directions, cutting the blood beasts apart, forming a siege situation, just like hunting wild beasts in the wilderness. People kept falling, but no one retreated. Everyone was furious at this moment.

retreat? Where else can you retreat? out on a limb!

There is no alternative but to fight and die. There is only one choice if you want to survive, kill the blood beast.

The city lord's palace was filled with solemnity, and the crazy shouts and neat flapping of armor and shields faintly coming from the distance did not move Wang Zhen in the slightest. He stared at the elite in front of him.

That's right, standing in front of him was the most elite force in the entire Songjian City, a master who had survived the hard work of blood and fire, an experienced veteran of the hunting group, and a retired member of the Thirteenth Elite.

Standing next to him was the Dean.

There is no peerless strong man in Songjian City who can turn the tide on his own. This is already their most essential strength. In Wang Zhen's opinion, he was really pitifully weak. During the bloody battle at dawn, they at least still had Ye Baiyi and at least 42 grass-killing elites.

He was just an auxiliary, a retired auxiliary, and he actually became the leader.

Wang Zhen smiled bitterly in her heart.

He had not expected to throw them into battle so quickly, but the situation was critical and he had to make a decision.

He could mobilize the whole city and turn Songjian City into a meat grinding ground, allowing the weak students to consume blood beasts. When they needed to be thrown into a crisis, he also threw himself into it without any hesitation.

Having been on the battlefield, he knows very well that in such a bloody battle, kindness is of no use, whether to others or to himself.

On the battlefield, the feared dead are always the first to die.

"Our task is to re-seal the city gate. Now the front of the blood beast is attracted by the No. 1 team of Yuan A. We follow the inside of the city wall and cut in from the side. The earth repair and wood repair are ready to repair the city gate. If it cannot be repaired, then completely Seal it. I don’t care what means you use, the time left for us is very short."

Wang Zhen spoke very quickly, without any sloppiness. She only paused for half a second when she mentioned the No. 1 Team of the Hospital A. The performance of the No. 1 team in the hospital really exceeded his expectations. He had to admit that Ai Hui blocked the entire street of blood beasts by himself, making him almost unable to believe his eyes.

If it weren't for Ai Hui...

Without Ai Hui, the beast tide would destroy everything in front of them, and the entire Songjian City would become a paradise for these red beasts to harvest lives.

Wang Zhen, who has experienced the bloody battle at dawn, knows that the most terrifying thing about the beast tide is the crazy and terrifying momentum that crushes everything. The most difficult thing to resist against the beast tide is the first wave of impact, which is where the most casualties occur.

However, Ai Hui blocked it.

Wang Zhen didn't know how Ai Hui did it, but he knew that Ai Hui did block it.

He suddenly thought of the bloody battle at dawn, Ye Baiyi who suddenly broke out like a god of war. Maybe Ai Hui was Ye Baiyi from Songjian City?

This ridiculous idea actually lingered in his mind for several seconds before disappearing.

When chatting with the dean, he would say that there might be a miracle? But he knew that it was ridiculous and stupid to place hope on miracles. All hope was obtained with blood and fighting.

He glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "We must block the city gate in the shortest possible time. There are no flying blood beasts pouring into the city yet. Let's take advantage of it before the flying blood beasts come in..."

At this moment, he saw the blood birds in the sky, and his expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal: "Okay, they are already here. What we can do now is to sneak in before they are in large numbers. When the time comes, seal the city gate as soon as possible. In this operation, the dean and I will lead the team. We can only succeed but not fail, no matter what the cost. Let’s set off.”

The city defense of Songjian City has always been very complete, especially the air defense, which is why they have persisted until now.

The last incident of being infiltrated by blood bats made the city lord make up his mind to completely transform the air defense. Wang Zhen also took over the power of arrangement. Under his careful arrangement, there was no more blood bird invasion in Songjian City.

Now blood birds appear in the sky in the city...

Compared to the blood-patterned beasts running on the ground, the flying blood birds were a greater threat to them. They can be more flexible and attack from more angles. Even with cloud wings, only an expert can defeat a flying blood beast in the sky. For ordinary Yuan Xiu, Cloud Wing is just a skill, but for flying blood beasts, it is their instinct after hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

What's worse is that the anti-air defense that protects Matsuma Castle is aimed at attacks from the sky outside, and the defense against attacks from inside the city is not very strong.

Wang Zhen was full of worries, but at this moment, he didn't care. The further time goes by, the lower the possibility of sealing the city gate. If the city gate is not sealed, then everyone will die.

He gritted his teeth, simply did not look at the sky, and led everyone towards the city gate.

At this moment, Songjian City seemed like a huge battlefield.

Including Team A, Lao Zhang, who were cheering just now, they all jumped into the battle. They began to attack the group of blood beasts blocked by Ai Hui at all costs.

There is no need to worry about dodge and defense, just throw all your energy into the blood beast herd.

The herd of beasts on the long street began to become sparse, and the blood beasts behind them also recovered from their initial frenzy. Finding that this road was blocked, he took the initiative to change direction.

Ai Hui's pressure was greatly reduced, and the beating of the sword tire began to slow down.

When this is reflected in Ai Hui, you will find that his movements begin to slow down. The sword moves that were previously too fast to be caught by the naked eye can now be seen much more clearly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the battle situation was not that critical.

No one knew that Ai Hui felt a little awkward at this moment.

Ai Hui's mind was entirely focused on the sword, but the changes in his body still affected his mind. As the energy in his body continued to be consumed, the symptoms of his top-heavy body continued to decrease. Especially the crazy beating of the sword fetus consumed a lot of energy in the Tiangong.

The energy in Ai Hui's body has bottomed out.

Even most of the time, his sword moves are not complicated and consume very little energy. But he couldn't stop the number of blood beasts he killed. It was no exaggeration to describe the entire street as a river of blood.

However, contrary to the depletion of energy in his body, Ai Hui's energy and spirit continued to rise.

In order to be able to control his body, Ai Hui forced himself to focus on the sword, and he was focused like never before. If he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, Ai Hui would never have thought of this method, and he would never have been able to do this.

Focusing and forgetting himself brought Ai Hui into a very special state.

In the sword canons of the era of cultivation, there is a special term, "nuo micro".

Every subtle change in the sword was clearly captured by him. With the same common diagonal cut, Ai Hui could now see a hundred times more details than before. The vibration of the sword, the flow of energy, the flow of air, the changes when it cuts into the skin...

A large number of details that had been ignored or could not be seen before were so vividly presented to him.

The continuous torrent of blood beasts forced Ai Hui to fight continuously, and the high-intensity and continuous fighting amplified Ai Hui's feelings. If the details contained in Shu's sword moves are like a river, then the details contained in the continuous sword moves are enough to form an ocean.

Massive details continued to flow through Ai Hui's mind. He was gradually digesting and absorbing them and constantly revising his swordsmanship. His swordsmanship was quietly changing.

This change was so subtle that no one present noticed it, not even Ai Hui himself.

The first turning point in Ai Hui's swordsmanship came so suddenly.

As these subtle details are digested and absorbed, Ai Hui's swordsmanship is changing, its power is quietly increasing, and his momentum is also rising.

In the eyes of others, the killing aura around Ai Hui became stronger and colder.

But just when Ai Hui vaguely felt that he was about to break through, the blood beasts on the long street became sparse, and his fighting intensity gradually decreased, which also caused his momentum to drop.

Any breakthrough always requires hard work.

The drop in momentum would also be reflected on the sword, and Ai Hui noticed it immediately, so he felt a little awkward.

It was like a storm was about to take shape, but suddenly the weather changed and the storm began to slowly dissipate.

At this moment, suddenly a team member next to Lao Zhang exclaimed: "No, Blood Bird!"

Lao Zhang was startled and turned his face. When he saw the blood bird in the sky, his expression completely changed.

Several Yuan Xiu were relatively close, and before they had time to escape, they were pierced by the blood birds. The speed of these blood birds is as fast as a red arrow.

There were not many Yuan Xiu floating in the air in Songjian City, but Lao Zhang and the others were very eye-catching. The blood bird immediately noticed them, opened its wings, and flew towards this side with great momentum.

Lao Zhang's face turned pale.

But Tian Kuan, who was hiding in the dark, his eyes lit up. Mobile phone users please visit

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