Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 208 The weak breath

Yu Mingqiu spat, looking at the raptors cruising in the distance with a gloomy expression.

The battle was more difficult than he imagined.

These birds of prey were more difficult to deal with than he imagined. The most difficult thing to deal with was their number. In just half a day, he killed more than ten nine-marked blood birds. Various species, hawks, vultures, etc., as well as many blood birds that he did not know. Probably because after being poisoned by blood, his appearance changed so much that he couldn't recognize him.

Their appearances are all kinds of strange, but one thing is very unified. There are nine blood lines on their bodies.

He was carefree, but after all, he was an elite who had experienced blood and fire, so of course he would not turn a blind eye to such an obvious feature. He guessed that the number of blood streaks was probably related to their level, and wild beasts also had similar characteristic marks.

The strength of the nine-marked blood bird is not weak, but in the eyes of Yu Mingqiu, who is the leader, it is still not enough. But there were too many of them, and they were very cunning, swimming not far from him. Unexpectedly, he practiced archery, and after shooting several of them in succession, the blood birds flew farther away and hung up.

In order to get rid of these blood birds, Yu Mingqiu got into the blood forest below. However, the situation was even worse, as the blood beasts surged towards him like a tide.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to fly into the sky again.

To get away from the blood bird, he flew at full speed. But every time he was about to get rid of the blood birds behind his butt, a black mass of blood birds would fly in front of him, overwhelming him, and he had to fight.

Once engaged, the speed slows down.

After spending a lot of effort to kill the blood birds that were blocking the attack, the blood birds behind him caught up again. As a result, he was surrounded by more and more blood birds.

"So popular? Could it be that I am actually a handsome man in the blood bird world?"

Yu Mingqiu talked to himself, looking helpless.

He always suspected that someone was secretly commanding him, but he tried his best to find no trace of the other party. He had gone through countless battles, big and small, but this was the first time he encountered such a weird and evil situation.

Kill all the big birds and see if you can get out!

"The fate of a handsome man is always to destroy flowers with his hands!"

Yu Mingqiu was full of emotion and helplessness about fate. The figure flashed and suddenly appeared dozens of feet away. With a big bow in his hand, he shot an arrow into the head of a nine-striped blood bird.

"How can the blood bird world be an exception? Oh. You are a male. I'm sorry. Really beautiful men always kill both men and women, and both men and women are submissive."

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Perfect bow skills! Perfect man! A man that even Mingxiu can't refuse! Fortunately, senior brother is not here..."

Yu Mingqiu's mouth was crackling, and his hands were not soft at all. His body was like lightning, dashing left and right, the arrows in his hands appearing and disappearing, but never missing.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with blood and feathers were flying.

It took a full ten minutes before the whole place was cleared by him. He was breathing heavily and had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"It's really hard for me. It's so inappropriate for such a perfect man to do such rough work."

This time it seemed that the enemy in the dark was shocked. He flew for dozens of minutes and did not encounter a blood bird again.

As he was flying, he felt something was wrong.

Stopping and looking around, as far as the eye can see, there is an undulating sea of ​​forest and blood, with no end as far as the eye can see.

His face turned pale a little bit, damn, why did he forget such an important thing.

Beautiful men never know their way around...

Shi Xueman has a very good understanding of the City Lord's Mansion. She and Duanmu Huang went to the city lord's mansion together. Although Wang Zhen was surprised that Team A of the Hospital was actually interested in blood crystals, she gave her the greatest support.

Not only did they hand over all the blood crystals from each team to Team A of the Hospital, they also assigned a group of people to help them collect magic weapons and sea treasures.

Only craftsmen, there is no one.

at this time. Only then did Shi Xueman and the others learn about the next plan of the City Lord's Mansion, which revolved around Master Han Yuqin's "use the city as a cloth".

The efficiency in the combat state is very fast, no one wastes time.

When Shi Xueman and the others returned to Bingfeng Dojo, the first batch of blood crystals and magical treasures were delivered to the dojo.

Leave all the blood crystal work to Lou Lan.

"Use the city as a cloth." Shi Xueman glanced at Ai Hui and said, "The designer of the plan is your master Wang Shouchuan. The executor is your master, Master Han Yuqin."

When she learned about "using the city as cloth", she was very surprised. Using the city as cloth, what kind of courage is this! If this plan hadn't been personally approved by embroidery master Han Yuqin, she would have thought it was nonsense.

No one has ever done anything like it.

The person who designed the plan was Wang Shouchuan, Han Yuqin's husband and Ai Hui's teacher. Other than that, she knew nothing about this person and had never heard of this name.

She didn't know the specific details, but it seemed that the city lord and the dean were full of praise for "using the city as a cloth", and all the arrangements were made around this plan, which showed how confident they were in it.

"Master and Master!" Ai Hui was shocked, but he quickly calmed down and said without hesitation: "I believe in Master and Master, when you talk about weaving the city as cloth."

Master and Mistress took action, and Ai Hui was immediately reassured. The master and his wife are both proud people. If they can reach out, they must have some confidence. Ai Hui was a little excited, thinking about seeing his master and his wife show off their power.

Shi Xueman said: "Roughly speaking, the whole plan is divided into two parts. The first part requires the creation of nine huge golden needles. It is said that the nine golden needles are very fine. Now the craftsmen are working hard to build them. We can't help at this stage. The golden needles After it is built, the nine nodes that need to be nailed to Songjian City can be used to guide the energy of Songjian City and connect them. Our task is estimated to be mainly concentrated at this stage."

Ai Hui was gearing up and eager to give it a try: "I really hope the golden needle can be made soon."

As a disciple, I cannot miss this important event!

It was the first time Shi Xueman saw such an expression on Ai Hui. In her impression, Ai Hui was calm, calm and composed at all times, and sometimes even inhumane.

Only this time did she see emotions belonging to this age in him.

"We need to persist through this period of time first." Shi Xueman reminded: "The attacks of the blood-marked beasts will become more and more fierce, and our situation will become more and more difficult. The elite group will suffer heavy casualties. We at least need to persist first. Until the day Master Han takes action."

She felt a little sad, as several people had died in the master's dojo.

The level of the guards at the master's dojo was relatively high, and they were all organized into an elite group. This time there were a lot of casualties.

She was a little worried about Uncle Yongzheng, but she did not influence the city lord because of this. Maybe the city lord would save Uncle Yongzheng for her sake, but this was an act beyond his authority and would only bring shame to Uncle Yongzheng and his family.

The city-wide epidemic means that everyone needs to contribute their own strength and life, and no one is exempt.

They had just gone through a hard battle, and everyone was extremely tired. After solving the most important problem, everyone relaxed. Even an iron man like Shi Xueman felt it was too much.

Duanmu stood there at dusk, motionless, like a wooden stake. Looking carefully, I found that this guy was already asleep, and a glistening water line was faintly visible at the corner of his mouth.

He was completely overdrawn today.

Everyone staggered around and fell into a deep sleep.

Ai Hui did not fall asleep, but sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the brand new Dragon's Back Fire in his hand. The more tired you are, the better time to practice. As long as you can endure extreme fatigue, the effect of practice will be surprisingly good.

In a state of extreme fatigue, people's spirit and thinking are extremely scattered, and it is very difficult to focus them.

Ai Hui, who has a sword fetus, is different. The sword fetus cultivates essence, energy and spirit.

Essence, energy and spirit are intangible things, and intangible things are always nurtured by tangible things. Ai Hui's daily practice has laid a good foundation.

Ai Hui soon felt that the sword fetus was different from usual this time when he entered samadhi.

It beat slowly, and Ai Hui felt as if he was in the middle of a valley stream, and the sound of gurgling water reached his ears. But soon, the sound of gurgling water disappeared, and Ai Hui felt another heartbeat.

An extremely weak heartbeat, like a candle that could be extinguished at any time in the wind.

That is……

Ai Hui calmed down, comprehended carefully, filtered out the fluctuations of Yuanli's movement, and looked for this extremely weak heartbeat in the vast void.

Dragon spine fire!

When Ai Hui looked for the source of his heartbeat, his mind felt empty, and seven faint points of light appeared.

Their light is so faint that it is almost indistinguishable.

Equally faint is their breath.

A faint aura...a somewhat familiar aura...the aura of a sword!

Ai Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he almost lost control.

These seven pieces of sea treasure come from a flying sword, or a magic weapon related to the sword. Even after thousands of years of corrosion in the Silver Mist Sea, the remaining objects are activated by weak spiritual power and still exude a faint sword intent. Like a treasure that has been covered in dust for thousands of years, the dust on the surface is wiped away, revealing its light.

Ai Hui was overjoyed.

For him, being able to figure out the sword intention from the era of cultivation is such a luxury and what a dream!

Forced himself to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, his mind gradually returned to calm.

Feel the faint sword intention that seems to be there but not there.

The dojo was quiet.

Deep in the dojo, individual rooms are brightly lit.

Loulan, who has been given an important task, is busy conducting experiments.

"Blood crystal deconstruction attempt 12, sand core starts recording, medium, sea treasure number 12, attempt to derive unknown power, failed!"

"Blood crystal deconstruction attempt 37, sand core started recording, medium, sea treasure number 37, tried to export unknown power, successfully exported, started power analysis, during analysis, power attribute is unknown, create template, name blood spiritual power. Conduct in-depth analysis... "

"Blood Spiritual Power and Yuan Power Comparative Analysis Plan 19, Sand Core starts recording..."

"The blood spiritual force and the wood elemental force reacted to each other, and the sand core began to record..."

"The collision reaction between the blood spiritual power and the earth elemental power, the sand core begins to record... Alarm! The blood spiritual power invades the sand core! The sand core defense is activated! The sand core defense fails! The sand core seal is destroyed! The sand core seal is partially lifted! Alarm! The vitality of the sand core has dried up... As an alternative, the sand core has begun to absorb the blood spiritual power... the blood spiritual power is being absorbed... absorbed... absorbed..."


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