Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 204 Blood Earthworm

Ai Hui and the others were locked in a bitter fight.

Unable to stop bad luck, a blood earthworm burst out of the dojo yard. Ai Hui and the others looked at the hard ground, rippling like water. The trap they set was completely useless and was torn to pieces without any effect.

Everyone thought it was a blood snake at first sight, but after seeing it clearly, they couldn't help but gasp.

The appearance of the blood earthworm is very ugly.

This is the largest earthworm they have ever seen. Its body is thicker than a bucket, and its length is at least twenty meters. Its body is not completely exposed to the air. Very fine black markings are distributed in circles on its body.

Its huge body gives it amazing strength. If it is hit by it, it will not only kill you but also seriously injure you.

But the most troublesome thing is its talent. It is like being in water underground and can attack from any angle. Wang Xiaoshan's ability to play in the mud is not worth mentioning in front of the blood earthworms. The blood earthworms in the soil are surprisingly flexible and don't feel clumsy at all.

Several students on our side were unable to dodge and were hit by blood earthworms that suddenly emerged from the ground. They were directly ejected and seriously injured. The only good thing is that the bruise will not be corroded by the blood poison.

Ai Hui and others reacted quickly and quickly entangled the blood earthworms.

Because he was worried that the blood earthworms would damage the message tree, Ai Hui deliberately lured the blood earthworms out of the alley. The nearby residences had long been in ruins, so he could do whatever he wanted.

There is a layer of blood light and mucus on the body surface of the blood earthworm. The blood light can withstand most attacks, even if an attack breaks through the blood light and the mucus inside. Makes the attack very easy to slide away.

Until now. Ai Hui's three attacks were ineffective.

This blood earthworm is stronger than the blood-striped ant, and the blood beast is getting more and more powerful...

Ai Hui felt uneasy as he looked at the bloody earthworms that the three men were attacking without realizing it. The blood patterns on the blood earthworm were clearer than the blood pattern ant that was killed before. Its strength is even more amazing.

If he hadn't warned them in advance, their casualties would have been heavy by now.

Ai Hui, Shi Xueman and Duanmuhuang wrapped around the blood earthworms.

Jiang Wei and Sang Zhijun directed the students to disperse. Stand on top of the house and set up your formation.

"Get ready!" Jiang Wei said in a deep voice.

All students are ready to go.

Ai Hui and the others also had a tacit understanding at this time, and they suddenly dispersed like fluttering butterflies.

"Attack!" Jiang Wei shouted.

The colorful light arrows hit the blood earthworms like raindrops, which was a spectacular sight.

But the result surprised everyone. The light and arrows were either blocked by the blood light, or slipped away by the mucus, while the blood earthworm was not damaged at all.

Snapped. The pepper water was sprayed on the blood earthworm's body, but it was quickly evaporated by the blood.

"Ai Hui, it's not afraid of peppers!" Lou Lan shouted.

The smell of chili pepper water filled the air, but there was no change in the blood earthworms.

Bad news comes one after another.

"Ai Hui, my Yuan Power cannot penetrate into the ground!" Wang Xiaoshan cried with fear.

Only then did Ai Hui notice. The ground gradually began to glow red. Like dizzy blood. The ground is like red water, rippling slowly, with blood earthworms underneath.

The ground started to turn red, making Ai Hui even more uneasy. He thought of the Wansheng Garden and the Blood Forest outside the city.

It must be stopped!

Ai Hui's idea became even stronger.

And if the blood earthworms are still unable to be harmed, then everyone's morale will definitely collapse. Affected by the attack just now, this round of attacks will be much inferior.


The body of a bucket as thick as a bucket burst out from the ground.

Ai Hui, who had already noticed it, flashed his body, gathered all his strength, and held the Dragon Spine Fire in his hand. The smoke flash that had been prepared long ago was thrust out boldly!

The dazzling light like a shooting star flashed in the air. He used his Yuan Power to make this smoke flash move.


The dragon's spine fire turned into a meteor, penetrating the red blood light, and a strong greasy feeling came from the sword tip, like stabbing an oil-covered wall, and the dragon's spine fire in his hand moved sideways involuntarily.

It was the same situation again. His previous continuous attacks were deflected by this move and never worked.

A ruthless look flashed in Ai Hui's eyes. At the moment when the tip of the sword felt a shift, the Dragon's Back Fire in his hand trembled slightly, the seven palaces in his body shook at the same time, and the Beidou began to rotate violently.

An elemental force string was connected and formed at an unprecedented speed.

Ai Hui's eyes flashed with a cold light.

【Crescent Moon】!

A crescent moon suddenly disappeared into the body of the blood ant.


A cloud of blood mist spurted out. Fortunately, Ai Hui had Songjian Armor to block the blood mist, otherwise he would have been sprayed all over his body.

Ai Hui pulled away and retreated quickly.

The students behind him burst into cheers. This was the first time the blood earthworm had been injured, and it also gave everyone a glimmer of hope of victory.

But the next scene brought all the cheers to an abrupt end.

The mucus on the blood earthworm quickly flooded the wound, and the granulation of the wound grew wildly. The wound that was still bloody and bloody healed at a speed visible to the naked eye and remained intact as before.

The morale that had just risen was immediately suppressed to freezing point.

Ai Hui's face darkened. The two consecutive attacks just now consumed a lot of energy, but the damage caused to the blood earthworm was minimal.

Shi Xueman rushed forward and entangled the blood earthworm. But her attack could not cause any substantial harm to the blood earthworm.

Weakness, what is the weakness of Blood Earthworm? It must have some weakness!

Ai Hui stared at the blood earthworm, his mind working rapidly. Any beast would have weaknesses.

Suddenly, Ai Hui thought of what the old man said, that the blood lines might be the weakness of the blood beast.

Blood streaks...

Ai Hui squinted his eyes and carefully observed the blood patterns on the blood earthworms.

The blood pattern of the blood earthworm is in the shape of a ring, like a black collar on its body. Each circle of blood lines is only as wide as the palm of your hand, corresponding to the huge body of the blood earthworm, and looks very thin.


Ai Hui carefully counted nine blood lines.


Ai Hui's heart moved. Is it a coincidence? He is not sure, in the era of cultivation. Nine is a very special number. he does not know. The number of blood streaks is not a coincidence.

The blood on the ground was still getting richer, and Ai Hui noticed that the blood on the blood earthworm's body was much dimmer than before. Could it be that turning the ground into blood will consume the blood of the blood earthworms?

"Jiang Wei, red ground, explode it!"

Ai Hui shouted at the top of his lungs.

Like raindrops of light. Suddenly it came and covered the ground.


There was a loud noise, and a dazzling light group bloomed.

Countless red soil flew up, and a large pit appeared in front of everyone. Inside the pit was the figure of a bloody earthworm exposed.

The blood earthworm was obviously enraged. It twisted its huge body and swept wildly.

The terrifying wind made everyone retreat in fear.

Boom boom boom!

The only remaining houses on the ruins were completely destroyed. The flying gravel is like a powerful weapon, the sound of breaking through the air is endless, and it is full of lethality.

Everyone was embarrassed to dodge, and the team formation immediately collapsed.

"Is there any way?" Shi Xueman appeared beside Ai Hui and asked anxiously.

"There are some signs." Ai Hui whispered: "Provoke it and consume its physical strength."

Shi Xueman didn't ask why. He nodded and rushed out.

Ai Hui's mind was spinning rapidly. He had a rough idea of ​​the situation of blood earthworms. The blood earthworm is indeed a tough opponent, with huge size, amazing strength, amazing defense, and amazing recovery power. But it is not without its shortcomings, such as its lack of lethality. It can be seen from the number of injured people on our side that few of them were actually injured by the blood earthworms.

Interrupting the blood earthworm to change the land just now should be a critical step, otherwise the blood earthworm would not be so angry.

Blood, mucus, blood streaks.

The bloody light on the blood earthworm is now much dimmer. Only a thin layer. The key point is the mucus, which is slippery and has a very thick layer, which is like armor with no dead ends. Only by breaking through the mucus can the blood streak be attacked.

There must be a way!

Ai Hui encouraged himself. When he was in the wilderness, he had seen too many extremely powerful wild beasts, but they fell to the careful arrangements of humans.

He was racking his brains to recall, how did those Yuan Xiu deal with those desolate beasts with mucus on their bodies?

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Who can freeze? Or is there a potion that can freeze?"

Mucus does not have dead ends, but it is liquid after all, and once it is eroded by cold air, it will harden. The hardened mucus will lose its viscosity and will never be able to withstand the force of blood earthworms.

"I can!" Duanmuhuang replied.

"Okay!" Ai Hui yelled at the top of his lungs: "Others, attack from a distance!"

When Jiang Wei and Sang Zhijun heard this, they shot the blood earthworms with their bows and arrows as if they were free of money. At this time, they could no longer care about their formation, and everyone was desperately mobilizing their own energy.

The sky is filled with light like rain.

At this time, no one stayed.

"White-eyed wolf, get ready!" Ai Hui's roar could be heard throughout the city.

Duanmu Huang almost fell to the ground, this bastard!

But at this time, he no longer cared about scolding Ai Hui. His whole body's energy was circulating, and cloud patterns formed under his feet. He stepped in the air and appeared above the blood earthworm.

Duanmu stands in mid-air out of thin air, with blue and white flowers flowing under its feet, making it look extraordinary and elegant. That extraordinarily handsome face stared fiercely at the writhing and twisted bloody earthworms below. His clothes were completely motionless, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, like stars.

From the beginning to now, throughout the entire battle, his [Blue and White] did not pose a threat to the blood earthworm. The blue and white branches are extremely fragile in front of the huge body of the blood earthworm.

Ai Hui said he needed to be frozen, so he stepped forward without hesitation. [Blue and White] had a freezing move, Ice Crack.

It's a pity that he hasn't fully understood it yet. With his current state, it's very difficult to activate this move.

However, at this moment, he took over this task without even thinking about it.

There is no time for hesitation.

Duanmu Dusk in the sky exuded an extremely strong aura, and the energy in his body was pushed to the extreme by him. He raised his hands, and his slender snow-white fingers bloomed in the air like flowers.

The energy in his body began to move along an unfamiliar line.

His attention was unprecedentedly focused, and his Yuanli, which was usually very docile, was operating at an unusually sluggish pace at this moment. He ignored it, still firmly and frantically stimulating the energy in his body.

Strands of blue flowers flew up from his flying fingertips, like catkins blown by the wind, floating around him. The blue and white flowers were flying, constantly gathering, and gradually turned into a line of blue and white patterns, emerging around him and flowing rapidly around his body.

A wild smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the unruly look in his eyes was like a burning flame.

A mere crack in the ice...

Dark red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, making his somewhat pale and handsome face look even more enchantingly beautiful. The clothes all over his body were making a sound, and the blue and white clothes were flowing faster and faster.

...Why is it so difficult to get my Duanmu Duanhui!

There was a silent smile in Duanmu Huanghuang's eyes in mid-air, and traces of blood remained on his neat white teeth.

The ten fingers blooming like flowers suddenly froze, covering the blood earthworm below. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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