Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 201 The Change of Dragon Spine Fire

"Loulan, have you discovered anything?" Ai Hui asked Loulan expectantly.

The reason why he insisted on bringing the blood crystal back was because he had the omnipotent Loulan, and maybe Loulan would discover something.

"I'm sorry, Ai Hui." Loulan shook his head: "This crystal is different from all the crystals Loulan has ever seen. The toxicity in the crystal has disappeared and transformed into a very strange power. It may be the blood you mentioned, Ai Hui. Spiritual power. But there is no record of this kind of power in Loulan's sand core. Ai Hui, brand-new materials require a long period of research to discover their uses."

Ai Hui was a little disappointed, but thinking about it, this was not a strange thing. If it were that easy, the City Lord's Mansion would have discovered it long ago.

"No need to apologize, Loulan, you are already very powerful, everyone admires and likes you." Ai Hui said sincerely.

"Really? Ai Hui." Lou Lan opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

"Of course!" Ai Hui suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Everyone, is Loulan good? Who likes Loulan?"

"Of course!"

"Loulan is the best sand puppet!"

"Loulan, I love you!"

"Loulan, I want to take you home!"

Lou Lan was stunned for a moment, but then his eyes smiled into two crescent moons. He said cheerfully: "Loul Lan loves everyone too!"

The excited Loulan suddenly turned into sand rollers: "Loulan Health Care is here!"

The sand rollers spread out with a roar, rolled onto everyone's backs, and rolled around on everyone.

"Hahaha, it's so itchy!"


Looking at the playful scene in front of him, Ai Hui's cold eyes became much softer. What Lou Lan said was something he could never forget.

Who would remember a sand puppet?

Many people will remember you, Loulan.

Ai Hui whispered in his heart.

Shi Xueman shook her head helplessly. All the training plans she had planned for everyone were disrupted by Ai Hui. The extremely joyous scene in front of her made her reluctant to disturb them.

****Fighting cruelly every night, seeing his comrades dying on the spot, the ever-present threat of death was like the cold sky shrouded in black smoke. There is nowhere to escape. Everyone is tense and fighting for their own survival.

The students playing and playing in front of them suddenly reminded people that they were still a group of children.

She couldn't help but look at Ai Hui. The young man's cold and desolate eyes were now like the sun-stained sky, warm and warm.

She was startled for a moment, it was the first time she saw such warmth in Ai Hui.

Ai Hui twisted his neck when he noticed the eyes on him. When he saw it was the blue and white iron girl, he hesitated and muttered to himself, "Should I say it?"

"What did you say?" Shi Xueman blurted out. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Then I'll say it." Ai Hui walked straight towards Shi Xueman, his expression serious, as if he had just made an important decision.

Shi Xueman was inexplicably nervous. She forced herself to remain calm and collected, but her heartbeat started to accelerate for some reason.

Ai Hui walked to Shi Xueman and coughed lightly: "That iron... uh. Goddess..."

The word "goddess" is the most common word for Shi Xueman. Growing up, she didn't know how many people had called her that. Even in the current team, everyone calls her that. She knew that these two words were more of a compliment to her appearance. She couldn't say she was disgusted, but she couldn't say she liked it either.

But for some reason, when she heard Ai Hui say the word "goddess", her heart beat faster, bang bang bang. As if with an echo.

"I have saved you many times." Ai Hui said with a deep expression: "As the saying goes, life-saving grace should be repaid with money. I'm not blackmailing you, it's just a life-long friendship. If I were a lion It doesn't make sense even if you open your mouth. As for you, you mean..."

Shi Xueman's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He pointed the cloud in his hand at Ai Hui and said coldly: "Let's have a fight!"

"Speak well if you have something to say!" Ai Hui said haha: "The so-called business is not about favors, there is true love in the world, hahaha. If it doesn't work, forget it, forget it, hahaha..."

Fighting with the blue and white iron girl? Ai Hui felt that he was not in his right mind to do such a stupid thing!

Under Shi Xueman's angry gaze, Ai Hui ran to the room dejectedly.

Alas, the dream of getting rich was shattered.

Is it easy to make some money?

Ai Hui's eyes fell on the blood crystal on the table, and he couldn't help but lament the hardship of life. He only came to get the blood crystal as if he wanted to make a fortune, but now he is also shattered.

Ai Hui, who was playing with the blood crystal and lamenting in his heart, involuntarily focused on the blood crystal.

The crystal clear blood crystal shows a dark red color. If you put it close, you can see the very fine red blood threads inside. The texture of the blood crystal is hard and heavy, and the sound of knocking is similar to that of stone.

What surprised Ai Hui the most was the unique sweetness of blood poison, which was not found on blood crystals at all.

Lou Lan said that blood crystals are not toxic.

It is hard to imagine that this red gemstone was crystallized from blood. This series of incredible changes made Ai Hui even more afraid of the blood of gods.

Blood of God has subverted too many things, and the man who created it all can no longer be described as a genius.

No wonder the old man and the others were beaten so badly.

Thinking of what the old man said about blood crystals containing blood spiritual power, he thought, maybe try his own blood bandage? He tried to touch the blood bandage with the blood crystal. To his disappointment, the blood bandage had no reaction at all.

Could it be that you ate too much last time?

After the blood refining, Blood Bandage had no interest in poisonous blood at all. Ai Hui knew that something had happened to the bandage, but he also didn't know how to use the blood bandage. Now the blood bandage's only function for him is as an armor. Taking advantage of its property of being invulnerable to sword damage, the blood bandage has blocked a lot of damage to Ai Hui.

Blood spiritual power...spiritual power?

Is there anything else I have that is related to spiritual power? Sword fetus? Ai Hui didn't dare to absorb blood crystals. If something happened, the gods wouldn't be able to save him.

What else?

Ai Hui's eyes lit up, Dragon's Back Fire!

The sword of Dragon Backbone Fire is inlaid with seven sea treasures. What are sea treasures? Hai Bao is the part of the former cultivation magic weapon that cannot be corroded after it was corroded by the Silver Mist Sea. Since it is a magic weapon, it is of course related to spiritual power.

The two names "Haibao" and "Haibao" reflect everyone's two attitudes towards it. Ai Hui still prefers the name Haibao. It may not be of much use if it can survive thousands of years of corrosion, but its texture is undeniable.

Ai Hui picked up the Dragon's Back Fire.

On the sword of Dragon Backbone Fire, there are seven red rhombus crystals arranged in a row.

The rhombus crystals and blood crystals of Dragon Back Fire are both red, but their color and luster are very different. The shape of the Dragon Back Fire Crystal is more regular, while the shape of the Blood Crystal is not regular at all.

Since the rhombus crystal was salvaged from the Silver Mist Sea, it is no longer known what magic weapon it came from. But judging from the luster and texture, it should be from the same magic weapon.

Ai Hui tried to place the blood crystal on the first rhombus crystal near the hilt of the sword.


A wisp of electricity came from the blood crystal, and Ai Hui's fingertips went numb.

Ai Hui ignored his numb fingers. He stared at the sword with wide eyes, fearing to miss any detail.

The dark red blood crystal began to melt and turned into a pool of blood, spreading and flowing along the sword body. A unique wave attracted Ai Hui's mind.

Is this spiritual power?

The red blood crystal liquid envelopes the entire sword body and slowly penetrates into it like a rhombus.


Small electric currents wandered erratically on the sword.

The rhombus is like a greedy and thirsty beast, constantly absorbing the blood crystal liquid.

When the last wisp of dark red blood crystal liquid seeped into the rhombus crystal, a longer current beam flashed from the first rhombus crystal to the last rhombus crystal.

When this current disappeared, the Dragon's Back Fire returned to silence.

Ai Hui stared blankly at the Dragon's Back Fire in front of him, a smile growing wider at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help but smile up to the sky.


After a long laugh, Ai Hui finally calmed down and carefully looked at his Dragon's Back Fire.

The originally red diamond crystal became lighter in color. If Ai Hui hadn't been extremely familiar with his Dragon Backbone, it would have been difficult to detect the subtle changes in it. Looking closer, Ai Hui discovered a tiny ray of lightning. This ray of lightning was so small that you had to look carefully to see it. It was like it was solidified in rhombus crystals, each one of them connected in a straight line.

After staring carefully for a long time, Ai Hui noticed that this ray of lightning was traveling back and forth among the seven rhombus crystals. However, its speed was so fast that it seemed to penetrate all the rhombus crystals.

Ai Hui was amazed, how could he do it?

The seven rhombus crystals are not connected end to end, but each one is separated by a large distance, with the sword body in the middle. However, this wisp of lightning as thin as a hair can ignore obstacles and travel back and forth.

Is this the magic weapon of the age of cultivation?

How amazing! Ai Hui couldn't help but feel fascinated. Compared with the glory of the cultivation era, the Five Elements Heaven now is just a newborn baby.

He jumped up, grabbed the Dragon Spine Fire, and waved it twice.

Nothing changes.

He tried a diagonal move, and the sword suddenly lit up with light. At this moment, a ray of electricity flashed away in the sword light.

It really works!

Ai Hui was overjoyed. If the sword move had the effect of lightning, it would be even more powerful. When I was shocked just now, my fingers were slightly numb. Although the paralysis effect is not as strong, it is still useful. In a fierce battle, any small change may tip the balance.

Ai Hui, who is experienced in combat, has already thought of several ways to utilize electricity. And from the transformation process just now, Ai Hui believes that as long as there are more blood crystals, the lightning can become more intense.

He has one more move to try.

He wanted to see what would happen to the Dragon Spine Fire when he used Yuan Li to activate the sword move?

What could be more suitable than [Crescent Moon]?

He carried the Dragon's Back Fire and walked to the yard. Everyone had resumed their practice.

Ai Hui said in a deep voice: "I'm going to try my move. Everyone, please spread out."

The fat man moved the fastest, while Pidianpidian sat in the corner holding a heavy shield, taking the opportunity to be lazy.

Everyone couldn't help but stop what they were doing and spread out to make room.

All eyes were focused on Ai Hui, who was standing in the field with his sword in hand. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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