Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 188 Begin the Attack

The intersection of Tingtao Street and Minghua Road.

"Loulan, how do I feel about my outfit?" Fatty asked Loulan proudly, posing in various poses.

The [Fudoyama] heavy armor covered all over his body made him look like a moving fortress. He was holding a heavy iron and wood shield as huge as a door wall in his hands, and the large fire jar on his back was an eye-catching weapon. He immediately became the focus of attention.

"Excellent!" Lou Lan did not hesitate to praise: "Fat Man is very talented in strength. Lou Lan can make Turtle Dragon Divine Soup for Fat Man, which can develop Fat Man's potential in strength, and the effect is very good."

When he heard the soup, the fat man looked ugly and shook his head: "Loulan, I won't be fooled by you!"

They arrived half an hour early.

At the open intersection, there were already four teams waiting for orders. They were in the same attack wave as Ai Hui's team.

Shi Xueman carried Yun Rantian, walked to Ai Hui and the others, and whispered: "The situation is not very good. I just inquired and found that the losses were very heavy. When many teams returned, only a few people were left. The pace of our advance was not ideal and we have only recovered half a block."

"This is taking people's lives to pay for it." Jiang Wei said helplessly.

"What else do we have besides human lives?" Duanmu asked in the evening.

Duanmu Huang's words hit the nail on the head, and everyone couldn't help but remain silent.

Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead.

"Help me! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Help me..."

"I want to go home... I want to go home... wu wu... mom..."

The last wave of attacking teams retreated from Tingtao Street, leaving only about twenty people. Each of them was in a daze. His eyes were empty and his body was stained with blood. What was even worse were the wounded. They were lying on the pergola dragged by the sand puppets, their bodies mutilated, and their flesh and blood could be seen everywhere. Some curled up and trembled in pain, screaming and wailing. Some were motionless, with dull and numb expressions. The body seemed so hollow that it had no soul, not even a silent whisper.

The waiting team became commotion, people's expressions became nervous, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. Fear and fear spread through the crowd like ripples.

"This is asking us to die! They are trying to kill us!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd screamed excitedly, and a figure suddenly rushed out of the group and fled into the distance.

He was moving very fast, and just as he was about to disappear around the corner, a bloody arrow tip suddenly appeared on his chest. His steps faltered. He lowered his head and stared blankly at his chest. No sound came out of his mouth. All the strength in his body was exhausted, and he fell to the ground like a piece of mud.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and the huge intersection was completely silent.

"Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

A majestic deep voice. Ringed in the sky. It seemed to resound in everyone's hearts. This arrow shocked the entire audience, and all the commotion was immediately suppressed.

"If this person escapes in battle, he will be reported directly to the Presbyterian Council. His immediate family members will be deprived of all rights and benefits, and his family will be severely punished. I advise everyone not to take chances. Although those who advance will die, they will be severely punished. Glory abounds, but those who retreat will live forever but never see the light of day. Think carefully!"

Yuan Xiu's cloud wings spread out in the sky, holding a bow and standing proudly, with an expressionless face.

Ai Hui raised his head and glanced at the other party. He couldn't help but be secretly surprised. That arrow just now was so powerful. By the time he noticed it, the arrow had already appeared on the runaway's body.

He completely failed to capture the trajectory of the arrow!

This means that he cannot avoid this arrow.

He felt secretly awe-inspiring in his heart, and the pride he had just comprehended [Smoke Flash] and [Oblique Cut] immediately disappeared. He took a deep look at the other person and withdrew his gaze.

Looking towards the sky at the same time as Ai Hui, was Duanmu Huanghui. The surprise in Duanmuhuang's heart became even stronger, and his eyes did not conceal the burning and longing.

"The move in [Tian Gong] should be [Tian Gong Wuhen]." Shi Xueman glanced at Yuan Xiu in the sky: "He must have served in the Tian Feng Department's archery inheritance before."

She is more familiar with the Thirteen than others.

"Ignore him." Ai Hui said: "Are we attacking Tingtao Street or Minghua Street?"

"Ting Tao." Shi Xueman perked up and answered quickly. She had long forgotten to trouble Ai Hui.

She couldn't be as heartless as Ai Hui. With a hundred students entrusted to her, she was under tremendous pressure. Especially after seeing the miserable appearance of the last wave of attacking teams, she felt even more nervous.

Nothing on paper could give her any sense of security at this time, and seeing the fear in the team members' eyes made her even more uneasy. She doubted whether the students would collapse on their own first.

The current situation is almost consistent with the taboos mentioned repeatedly in the book. The leader is a rookie, the team members are rookies, lack of training, low morale, and the soldiers do not know the generals and the soldiers...

The only person who could give her a sense of security was the expressionless Ai Hui. So when she heard that Ai Hui wanted to discuss fighting, she quickly cheered up. The guy looked like he had nothing to do with him before, and she wanted to dice him directly.

"Who is familiar with Tingtao Street?" Ai Hui asked.

"I'm going to ask." Jiang Wei turned around and entered between the teams. After a while, he brought a team member over. It was Huo Yuanlong who had received fifty lashes before: "He is very familiar with this area."

"Tell us about the situation on Tingtao Street." Ai Hui said directly.

"Why did I tell you?" Huo Yuanlong stared at Ai Hui, with a sneer on his lips, but his eyes were filled with anger.

Shi Xueman screamed in his heart that it was terrible.

"Because you don't want to die." Ai Hui looked directly into the opponent's eyes and said bluntly: "I don't care what happened before. If you don't cooperate, I will let you go to the front of the team."

"Are you threatening me?" Huo Yuanlong roared, and he was about to be furious.

Huo Yuanlong's roar attracted everyone's attention. Even the team next to him looked over, and many people showed gloating expressions.

"That's right." Surprisingly, Ai Hui did not deny it at all, but simply admitted it.

It was as if a basin of ice water was poured on Huo Yuanlong's head, and the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace. Ai Hui's eyes were indifferent and emotionless, and his tone was calm without any fluctuation, as if he was talking about the most ordinary thing.

Huo Yuanlong was suddenly a little scared. This unusual plainness made him feel scared.

There was no raising of voice, no anger, no gnashing of teeth, and no unnecessary threats. He had a hunch that Ai Hui would definitely do this.

Ai Hui's answer also silenced the restless team.

"Why...what?" Huo Yuanlong didn't notice the tremor in his voice.

"Because I am the boss of this team, and if you disobey my orders, then military law will apply. That arrow just now was military law." Ai Hui remained as calm as ever, narrating without a trace of emotion.

The students felt cold in their hearts, and their eyes on Ai Hui completely changed.

Ai Hui's words were calm and ****. He did not make sense or try to convince them. He was just stating a simple fact.

A cold, emotionless fact.

Huo Yuanlong was completely scared. When he told what he knew, he felt inexplicably relieved. He swore in his heart that when this disaster was over, he would leave this terrible guy.

Ai Hui asked carefully, which house had how many rooms, how big was the yard, etc. Huo Yuanlong couldn't answer many questions.

Shi Xueman listened to the two people's questions and answers, but his thoughts were a little scattered. She felt more and more that Ai Hui was a bit unclear. Ai Hui ate noodles with the fat man in the noodle shop and talked nonsense. Ai Hui was full of sarcastic expressions when facing debts. He was a decisive and ruthless gambler who did not hesitate to get injured in exchange for victory in a battle. Ai Hui, and the cold and calm Ai Hui just now, as cold as a machine.

She calmed down and put these messy thoughts behind her.

After answering, Huo Yuanlong returned to the team. No one laughed at him. They were also silent. The students involuntarily avoided Ai Hui's eyes and did not dare to look at him.

Contrary to what Ai Hui thought, no elder monk told them the specific attack location. He just asked them to move forward as much as possible and eliminate all the blood ants they saw on the road.

Such a rough and crude order made Shi Xueman very dissatisfied: "What is the difference between going in like this in a swarm and dying? Why is there no plan?"

After saying that, she felt that her complaints were of no value. Thinking about herself and the team members, even if they had any plans, they would never be able to execute them.

To put it bluntly, they are cannon fodder, the cannon fodder that consumes the blood ants.

Duanmu Huang was right, there was nothing in Songjian City except cannon fodder. Shi Xueman believed that she was in the position of the city lord, and there was no other way to think of it.

"It's your turn! Start attacking!" Yuan Xiu from the sky ordered.

Each team hesitated for a moment before walking towards Tingtao Street.

"Go to the door of the shop facing the street first. Fatty will go in front," Ai Hui said.

The fat man held a heavy shield and walked at the front of the team. The weight of his whole body was astonishing, and he was shaking as he walked. Even Yuan Xiu in the sky looked surprised.

There was no cheering, no shouting, and no impassioned enthusiasm. Each team advanced cautiously along the wide street.

Yuan Xiu from the sky didn't push, but when he noticed Ai Hui's team, he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise.

Ai Hui's team did not advance along the street, but appeared outside the store wall on the right side of the street.

Yuan Xiu showed some interest. He recognized Shi Xueman and the others. Although they lacked experience, the strength of this team was very good among the students.

But he also knew that the students were all cannon fodder. The real backbone is the team composed of Yuan Xiu recruited from various dojos. They are recharging their strength.

When the blood ants are almost consumed, it's time for the main force to appear.

But this team is a bit interesting.

Shi Xueman and the others were a little confused by Ai Hui's order, and the other teams kept some distance between them. They looked at Ai Hui, waiting for him to reveal the answer to the mystery.

"Wang Xiaoshan, is there any way to raze it to the ground?" Ai Hui asked Wang Xiaoshan.

Wang Xiaoshan didn't understand what Ai Hui wanted to do, but it was not a difficult task for him. He knew the structure of various buildings well. This store is an ordinary building. As long as a few key nodes are found, it can easily collapse.

"Let me try."

Wang Xiaoshan didn't dare to say too much, he was a little afraid of Ai Hui.

(To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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