Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 184 City-wide Mobilization Order

Shi Xueman stared at the message tree, a little surprised.

She didn't know who Ai Hui was communicating with, and she didn't ask. She was surprised that this message tree could actually communicate with the outside world. But when I thought about it, it was not surprising. This was the first generation message tree.

Now the connection between Songjian City and the outside world is almost completely cut off. The only one that is still functioning is the message tree in the city lord's palace. When the blood disaster broke out and the city was closed, she still used the message tree to send letters to her family.

"Can I use this message tree?" Shi Xueman suddenly asked.

Ai Hui waved his hand without looking back: "Use it yourself."

Shi Xueman looked at the leaf of his own news tree hanging on the news tree, feeling a little funny in his heart. Ai Hui must have never imagined that the loser and Shi Xueman are the same person.

Losing money...

The smile in Shi Xueman's eyes turned into a sneer. Instead of using the leaf she hung up last time, she took out another leaf and hung it up. She thought of her grandfather who loved her so much, and she must have felt anxious now. Her nose felt sore and she almost shed tears.

She was stronger than before, she told herself, restrained her emotions, and began to write slowly on the leaves.

When she finished writing, the dean flew down the alley.

He was a little surprised to see the unrecognizable yard and the corpses of blood ants everywhere on the ground. And when he saw Ai Hui and the others, he was even more surprised. Especially Ai Hui. I haven't seen him for a few days, but this guy is already in the Seventh Palace!

Could it be that this guy is a genius and he was mistaken before?

The dean was extremely shocked. After being the dean for so many years, this was the first time he had encountered such a freak.

"The results are very fruitful. I'm still worried about your safety, eh? Where are the others?" The dean suddenly noticed that the number of people seemed to be wrong. He remembered that there were many people in Shi Xueman's group, and he only saw Shi Xueman. and Sang Zhijun.

"They were killed by blood ants..." Sang Zhijun cried.

Shi Xueman's eyes were red, Duanmu Huang lowered his head and said nothing.

Ai Hui's eyes widened as he saw the acting skills of these guys... Even idiots like Bai Yanlang's acting skills were flawless!

For the children of aristocratic families. They can be incompetent or mediocre, but pretending is like their instinct and they don't need to learn it. In the undercurrent of the upper class society. If you cannot disguise yourself well, it is a very dangerous thing.

The top people are proud of the world and can break the sky with one hand. The so-called authority and rules have no constraints on them. But before that happens, no one is immune to the shackles.

The dean sighed. Looking at the corpses of blood ants all over the ground, he could almost imagine how brutal the battles here were. Fortunately, Duanmu Huang and Shi Xueman were safe and sound... He had witnessed so many deaths in a row that he felt a little numb. He saw many powerful masters who died just like that. Is it strange that a few students died?

Can I survive this bloody disaster? He was very pessimistic.

He was also pessimistic about whether they could survive until rescue arrived.

However, he has not forgotten his responsibilities. No matter how pessimistic he is in his heart, he should not pass on this pessimism to the students. He comforted and encouraged them: "Cheer up and don't think wildly. There is still a battle to come."

"How is the situation in the city?" Shi Xueman took the initiative to ask.

The dean hesitated. I still feel like telling the truth: "It's very bad. Nearly one-third of the area is out of control, and the casualties are very heavy. It may be more serious than everyone imagined. What's worse is that some blood ants have begun to metamorphose."

"Transformation?" Ai Hui and Duanmu Huang said in unison.

"Well, we now suspect that Yuanli is likely to be able to promote the transformation of blood beasts."

Ai Hui's body trembled. He knew more about blood beasts than others. When he was in Wansheng Garden, he had such a guess, because blood beasts are very sensitive to Yuanli. In other words, Yuanli has an unusual attraction to blood beasts.

God's blood, blood refining, plus feeding on Yuan force, swallowing Yuan Xiu to complete the transformation...

Ai Hui felt a chill running up from the soles of his feet. Did the blood of God really want to wipe out the Five Elements Heaven? Do they regard all Yuan Xiu as prey?

He looked at the worry and shock on everyone's faces. I thought that if I told them what I knew, they would be even more frightened.

He didn't say anything, not a word.

Did you say you could help them leave Songjian City and avoid the blood disaster? cannot.

On the contrary, if you say it, it will really poke a hornet's nest. Even if he gets out alive, he will be in endless trouble and have no peace. What will you face? Detention and repeated interrogation, trying to get a shocking secret from a little person, gentle methods will only make the big shots worry that they have something to hide. Only those cruel methods can make them feel safe and secure.

Even if you are still alive and become the hero of the Five Elements Heaven, then just wait for the revenge of the blood of God.

To be honest, between Blood of God and Five Elements Heaven, Ai Hui is more optimistic about Blood of God. Although the Blood of Gods still looks weak, their layout is far-reaching. So far, even the Five Elements Heaven has not figured out what is going on.

For an organization that has been patient and prepared for hundreds of years, when they launch it, it can only mean one thing. They have completed all the preparations and are confident enough.

The old man in jail said that Blood of God has six divine envoys, and Ai Hui believed it to be true. But it is unknown whether Blood of God only has six divine envoys.

Next time if you are caught with a thousand dollars, it would be better to surrender...

If you really can't become a blood cultivator, you can only hold your nose and admit it. It's better to die than to live. Well, it seems that I have to take some time to talk to the fat man.

The expression on Ai Hui's face was as usual, and countless thoughts were swirling in his heart.

He would only talk to Fatty Loulan about these thoughts, and he would never mention them to anyone else.

"Then we need the fastest time to take back the lost area and kill those blood ants that may have completed their transformation." Shi Xueman said in a deep voice.

Looking at Shi Xueman with a determined face, the dean couldn't help but secretly praise her. She was indeed Shi Beihai's daughter.

"Yes, that is the idea of ​​the city lord. We must take back all the lost streets at all costs before the blood ants complete their transformation. Everyone will participate in this round of attack, whether they are students or residents. I am here I’m informing you that someone will come to arrange your tasks later. This is a city-wide mobilization order!”

"Yes!" Shi Xueman's heart trembled, and he saluted: "Resolutely obey the order!"

Not only her, but Duanmu Huang, Sang Zhijun, and Jiang Wei all saluted straightforwardly. In Wuxingtian, most of the time, battles have nothing to do with civilians, but once a city-wide mobilization order is issued, it means that the most dangerous moment has been reached.

Ai Hui and Wang Xiaoshan did not salute. They were both from the old land and were not familiar with these laws.

"I will tell them, try not to break you up." The dean looked at the corpses of blood ants on the ground: "You have been together for such a long time, and you have a tacit understanding. But we will add some students to you, and I hope you can Help them."

The dean looked at Ai Hui. He knew that among these people, Ai Hui was the core.

Shi Xueman suddenly said: "Since it is a city-wide mobilization order, it is now a wartime state. If some students are disobedient, can military law be enforced?"

The few of them trusted Ai Hui's orders, but that was not necessarily the case for the new students. But as a reminder, the woodshed has not yet been swept away, and she doesn't want this kind of thing to affect everyone. In normal times, disunity only affects the assessment, but now, the result of disunity is that everyone will die without a burial place.

Everyone else looked at the dean.

The dean was a little surprised. If it was Ai Hui who asked this question, he wouldn't be surprised at all. He had dealt with Ai Hui, and that guy was not an easy person to talk to. It was impossible not to bargain. But it was Shi Xueman who asked this question, which made him very surprised. This meant that Ai Hui had won the trust of Shi Xueman and others.

This really extraordinary.

The dean didn't know how Ai Hui did it, but his evaluation of Ai Hui couldn't help but be higher. You must know that neither Shi Xueman nor Duanmu Huang is that easy to deal with.

"Yes! Anyone who retreats will be killed the same way." The dean said slowly.

Everyone's hearts tightened. The four words "Behead those who retreat" revealed the extremely determined will and strong murderous intention above.

"I need to replenish some supplies." Ai Hui, who had always been silent, finally spoke.

The dean breathed a sigh of relief: "I will try my best to help you fight for it."

Once the city-wide mobilization order begins, even if the family background is as snowy as Duanmu Duanmu, you must rush forward. Anyone who retreats at this time will be severely punished in the future, and may even drag down the family.

The dean could not stop it. Issuing a city-wide mobilization order was the sole power of the city lord, and the situation had indeed deteriorated to this point.

If Shi Xueman and the others die in a battle that mobilizes the whole city, no one will cause trouble for them. For the family, this is an honor. Shi Xueman and the others, who don't need protection, are an elite force in the eyes of the dean.

Seeing the corpses of blood ants all over the ground, he became even more convinced of this.

There is no difference between a student's death in this war and his death. But even though he knew he was going to die, he couldn't retreat.

How many students will die? The dean didn't dare to think about it.

He selected some students he thought were talented and stuffed them into Ai Hui's place. He didn't know what it would do, but he wanted to leave some seeds for Matsumayuan.

After all, Ai Hui is also a student, so he will take care of them to some extent.

"Are my master, master, and wife okay?" Ai Hui asked.

"Don't worry, the embroidery workshop is a key protected place."

The dean's words reassured Ai Hui a lot.

Not long after, the dean brought one hundred students, one hundred people he carefully selected.

Ai Hui looked familiar to many of them. They were the best students in Songjian Academy.

Ai Hui glanced at the dean. He did not expect that the dean had such confidence in him.

"They have left it all to you." The dean's voice was full of fatigue: "You need to go to the warehouse to replenish the supplies. They agreed, but there must not be much. The supplies are in short supply now."

Probably no one could have imagined the future achievements of these frightened and sad teenagers in the yard. (~^~)Mobile phone users please visit

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