Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 166 The Horror of the Blood Forest

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. ≤,

When the government office and Songjianyuan came up with tangible benefits at the same time, the number of Yuan Xiu who came to sign up immediately became considerable. Wang Zhen also breathed a sigh of relief. The changes outside the city made him extremely uneasy.

However, he was a little surprised when he saw Ai Hui's name. The name left a deep impression on him. But he quickly frowned, this little guy must still be a student.

He subconsciously rejected it, but then he thought of the dean's evaluation of Ai Hui. The dean said that Ai Hui is the most mature student he has ever seen. He knows what he wants and doesn't have any teenage impulses. Thinking again of his experience as a coolie in the wilderness, or does he have something unique that he doesn't know about?

This is not surprising at all. The coolies who can come out of the wilderness have their own merits.

Wang Zhen retracted her thoughts. For him now, nothing was more important than the information about the Blood Sea Forest outside the city.

The dean has arranged for the master to lead the students to eliminate the blood beasts in the city. According to the plan he set, the entire Songjian City will be divided into twenty areas, with a group of masters and students assigned to each area.

There have been several battles today, and the Master and the students suffered a lot of casualties.

The dean came to him specifically, hoping to change the plan, but Wang Zhen hardened his heart and refused. Wang Zhen only hopes that through the current low-intensity battle, everyone will begin to gradually adapt. The process of adaptation will definitely be accompanied by the disappearance of many lives, but Wang Zhen has no other choice. Only in this way can we face more difficult situations in the future, and at least we will not suffer this collapse.

Ai Hui didn't wear the Mantis vest outside. He knew that wealth should not be revealed.

After receiving Tongxinlian and Yingdou from the government office, he left the city on his own. There were a lot of Yuan Xiu participating, some of them were in groups, and some were loners like Ai Hui.

Everyone is bright-eyed and alert, and they look like experienced veterans at first glance. Ai Hui's eyes lit up. This was the first time he saw so many veterans in Songjian City. Ignore the government guards. It's still the masters of Matsuma-yuan, all of them are novices with no actual combat experience.

Veterans are just different!

Ai Hui is confident in this operation.

With so many people participating, this reconnaissance mission should not be a problem for the defense of Songjian City. It's a great thing. And so many people can also draw the attention of other blood beasts.

Ai Hui knows much more about blood beasts than the average person. Ever since Wansheng Garden, he has been secretly observing blood beasts and observing their changes.

For example, they killed the Blood Mantis this time. Compared with the previous blood beasts, its strength has greatly improved, and its physical characteristics have also changed. In the past, blood beasts were all red, but the carapace of the blood mantis was not only red, but also translucent. The protective capabilities are also greatly increased.

Ordinary Yuan Xiu would not pay much attention to these subtle changes, but Ai Hui noticed them and kept them in his mind.

The blood beast is constantly getting stronger, but until now. No one knows how the blood beast can complete its transformation and what kind of benefits it can get from the transformation.

He hoped that he could find the rules of the blood beast's transformation.

When Ai Hui walked out of the city gate and saw the sea of ​​blood in the forest that was beyond recognition, he was momentarily lost in thought.

The eerie and bright red color can be seen as far as the eye can see. The usually blue sky is stained with a faint layer of crimson, which is indescribably weird and terrifying. The towering, dense and thick forest is like an airtight red wall of blood. Blocking all prying eyes, as if hiding some terrible secret.

Ai Hui stayed in a daze for several minutes.

He felt creepy and chilled all over. He couldn't imagine what kind of power it was. To be able to create everything so crazy and twisted in front of me.

He finally understood why the city lord spent so much, hoping to get the secrets in the forest.

When he saw all this, his thoughts were exactly the same as the city lord's. There must be something terrible brewing in the forest.

It’s about finding out!

Ai Hui took a deep breath to warm his cold body, and the fear in his eyes disappeared little by little. The eyes returned to the slightly cold green color like the dawn rising from the sky.

He stepped forward and walked resolutely towards the bloody "city wall" in front of him.

Ai Hui is very familiar with this area. He used to need to go from here to the Hanging Gold Pagoda. He has walked there many times, so he is naturally familiar with it. But everything in front of me was extremely strange. I don’t know what’s going on with the Hanging Gold Pagoda now? The thought flashed through his mind, and his attention returned to his eyes.

He stopped at the edge of the forest.

The airtight weeds blocked his path. These weeds were about two meters high. Their leaves were like swords. The red edges of the leaves and the fine and sharp thorns reminded Ai Hui of the fangs of wild beasts.

It is no longer possible to tell what species they were before.

Other Yuan Xiu flew in from above the weeds, but Ai Hui did not do so. Blood beasts are very sensitive to Yuanli, and they can easily alarm the blood beasts by doing this. Of course, Master Yuanxiu is strong and has his own means, so he doesn't need to worry. He speaks softly and his words are of no use. He is not a troublesome person.

He found a relatively secluded place and took off his coat, revealing the red mantis vest underneath.

Dragon's Back Fire carefully pushed aside the weeds, and he touched it without hesitation. The weeds were thicker than he thought. After more than ten meters, they were still weeds. These red weeds are very hard and difficult to remove. He once tried cutting off a small section with Dragon's Back Fire, and bright red blood-like juice came out from the broken edge of the leaf. The familiar sweetness appeared again. And Ai Hui noticed that the sweetness became more intense.

The half of the leaves that were cut off gradually faded in color. After a few minutes, they turned into withered gray, and turned into scattered ash at the slightest touch.

Ai Hui was very careful not to get any juice on it. He suddenly thought of Zhou Xiaoxi and felt it was a pity, and couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. Such a powerful Yuan Xiu, the elite of the Thirteen Divisions, died so mysteriously.

After walking slowly for about a hundred meters through the dense weeds, the weeds gradually became sparse. Recalling the previous terrain, he remembered that he was about to enter a deep forest ahead.

Out of caution, Ai Hui crushed a Concentric Lotus.

Nothing happens.

A hint of haze flashed in his eyes, and sure enough, the Tongxinlian was isolated. One of the government officials' guesses was confirmed. Fortunately, the government office took this into consideration and specially prepared shadow beans for them. Compared with the shadow beans in the dojo, Fuya provides military shadow beans. No bulky pods are needed to record images, and the images are very clear.

He prepared his shadow beans and moved on. So far, everything has gone smoothly. Although there are no results, there are no surprises.

As the weeds thinned out, tall trees appeared before him.

He was stunned.

A big tree over fifty meters high, with a trunk so thick that it required several people to surround it, it was covered with ugly burrs and twisted vines that seemed to be wrapped around the trunk or embedded in the trunk. The canopy of trees above our heads was as thick as felt, blocking the sky from the wind. The tree tendrils hang down like banyan trees, and their other ends go deep into the ground.

Suddenly there was a scream from ahead.

Ai Hui suddenly became excited.

He carefully avoided these tree beards and moved forward quickly.

A Yuan Xiu was entangled in countless tree beards. The beards on the tree beards were like countless tiny needles, piercing Yuan Xiu's skin.

The next scene made Ai Hui's expression change drastically, and a chill suddenly appeared on his back.

The tree beard became transparent, and red sap like blood flowed inside, continuously pouring into Yuan Xiu's body. Yuan Xiu's screams stopped suddenly, his frightened face relaxed, his eyes became blurred, showing an expression of enjoyment and intoxication. His body was like an inflated balloon, his skin became transparent and his blood vessels became clearly visible.

The big trees made a roaring sound.

The horrified Ai Hui turned around and found that the whole tree was shaking. The vine roots wrapped around the tree trunk also became transparent, just like human blood vessels, with red juice flowing gurglingly inside. The burrs on the tree trunks also seemed to come alive, like twisted and terrifying faces.

Ai Hui thought that he had experienced the most terrifying thing in the wilderness, but at this moment, he knew how wrong he was.

He squeezed Shadow Bean's trembling hand, revealing the fear in his heart at this moment.

He kept taking deep breaths, trying to control his mood and calm down.

No need to look, that Yuan Xiu is hopeless.

Moreover, the keen Ai Hui noticed that this Yuan Xiu was undergoing astonishing changes.

A beast infected with blood poison will turn into a blood beast. What if it is a human? If a person is infected with blood poison, will he become...

Bloody man?

Ai Hui's heart couldn't help but tremble.

Can such a monster still be called a human being? Blood beasts that have completed their transformation have not lost their intelligence. They have become stronger and more alert. What if it's a bloody person? What will it become?

The fear in Ai Hui's heart only increased instead of decreasing. The blood beasts were already so terrifying that they were exhausted from running for their lives.

If he is a blood man... he has the wisdom of a human and the body of a blood beast...

Ai Hui suddenly thought of the blood poison's name: God's Blood. Do they want to create another kind of human being?

No, this is impossible!

No one can do it!

Ai Hui's body was filled with chills, and a hint of cruelty suddenly appeared in his eyes. There was a small sword in his hand, and he swung it out with all his strength!


The Yuan Xiu's head exploded suddenly, and the red juice spurted out like a fountain.

Whether the red sap is sprayed on the trunk or leaves, it will be absorbed instantly.

The tightly entangled tree beards were loosened, and the pale and bloodless body fell to the ground.

Ai Hui looked slightly relaxed.

"Tell me, you killed one of my subordinates, what should be the compensation?"

A faint voice sounded in Ai Hui's ears without warning, a faint fragrance penetrated into Ai Hui's nose, and the warm breath fell on the back of his neck.

Ai Hui's pupils suddenly shrank, and the cold hairs all over his body stood on end like a cat with exploding fur. (To be continued.)

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