Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 161: Distress

There was chaos in the streets. ﹝﹝﹝?﹝

People without actual combat experience can often maintain order when it is safe. However, when the danger breaks out, the seemingly orderly but actually weak order will collapse instantly.

Everyone followed Ai Hui, looking uneasy.

Instead, the fat man, whom everyone had looked down upon before, strode to Ai Hui's right side with a large shield in hand, looking around with a wary expression.

"Wouldn't it be safer for us to stay here?" Wang Xiaoshan asked weakly.

"Nowhere is safe." Ai Hui's steps were not slow at all, and he said without turning his head: "If they were the Thirteenth Division, I would very much agree with everyone staying there. Unfortunately, they are not. If the situation becomes more serious, it will be a little bit worse. If you're not careful, they will collapse. Do you know what it feels like to be coerced by a collapsed crowd? You don't want to know. Moreover, they have more people and bigger targets, making them easier to be targeted by blood beasts."

Duanmuhuang's eyes flashed: "Are you so confident?"

He recognized Ai Hui's strength in his heart, but the meaning of Ai Hui's words was that he didn't take the guards just now seriously.

"I think it makes sense." Jiang Wei agreed after hearing this: "The quality of the guards is too poor. The perverted naked man before has not been caught yet. Later, it is said that he was teased by the other party and several guards were injured. I think it is still It’s more realistic to rely on ourselves. Hey, Ah Hui, why do you look so strange?”

The corners of Duanmuhuang's eyes twitched, and he felt like his heart had been stabbed several times and was dripping with blood.

Shi Xueman also recalled the scene that night. It was the first time she saw Ai Hui's swordsmanship. The last extremely brilliant sword strike was deeply imprinted in her mind.

Thinking about it now, I can't help but admire it.

As for the perverted naked man that night, Shi Xueman didn't have much impression. On the contrary, it was Ai Hui who brought her more and more surprises.

When she was dealing with He Qiu Ming's six men before, she saw Ai Hui arching his back with a fish, which reminded her of the time she fought blindly. The only time she used the fish arch in actual combat ended in failure. After seeing Ai Hui's arched back, she was shocked again. If her Yu Gongbei had reached Ai Hui's level at that time, she would definitely have won that blind battle!

Unfortunately, she still hasn't found the mysterious person, and she feels a little disappointed.

Ai Hui laughed: "I just remembered that pervert's naked skin was quite white."

A huge sense of shame enveloped Duanmu dusk. His face was burning as if it was about to burn. At this moment, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"Ah Hui, have you ever seen a perverted naked man?" Jiang Wei suddenly became excited.

"Oh, that happened at the entrance of the dojo alley." Ai Hui didn't want to say more at first, but when he thought of the 150 million Duanmu Huang owed him. He immediately changed his mind and said: "I have never seen such a perverted guy, naked. People in the whole street were shocked and stunned, so many pairs of eyes"

Duanmu Huang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Shi Xueman glanced at Ai Hui, when did this guy become so talkative? The only thing that surprised her was that Ai Hui never mentioned his stunning sword strike, but instead kept describing perverted naked men.

Fortunately, he is not a boastful guy.

She has seen too many young talents, and each one of them constantly brags about their abilities and brilliant experiences in front of her. She had a strong aversion to self-praise.

She turned her face and suddenly noticed that Duanmu Huanghuang's face didn't look too good. She couldn't help but asked with concern: "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

The relationship between the two families is quite good. The two have known each other since childhood, but their friendship is not deep. Shi Xueman is older and treats Duanmu Huang like a little brother.

Duanmuhuang's body stiffened, and after a moment he forced out a smile: "It's okay, Sister Xueman."

At this moment, a scream suddenly erupted from the front.

"What is that? Oh my god, blood beast! Watch out! Run!"

Then everyone saw the front of the street. Countless people with panic-stricken expressions rushed towards them like a tide. The crowd was out of control, and no one knew how many people were trampled to the ground, but no one dared to stop at this time. Many people rose into the sky. They wanted to escape from the sky, but because there were too many people flying at the same time, many people collided with others just a few meters above the ground, and lost control of their bodies and fell from the sky.

The fall at this time was fatal, and the out-of-control crowd drowned them instantly.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Ai Hui said without hesitation: "This way!"

He was the first to rush into the alley next to him, and the others hurriedly followed him as if they had just woken up from a dream. [


The trembling ground, countless screams and cries, and the raging and crazy crowd roared past them like a furious wave.

Including Shi Xueman, everyone's faces were as pale as paper and they ran as fast as they could along the alley. Wang Xiaoshan felt extremely scared when he thought about the question he had asked Ai Hui just now. In the face of the out-of-control crowd, the power of an individual is so small and insignificant.

At this moment, it felt like the end of the world was coming.

Running wildly along the alley, the winding alley became the best barrier, and the terrifying crowd was thrown away by them.

After running for several miles, everyone stopped.

Ai Hui sighed silently in his heart when he saw everyone's pale faces and the deep fear in their eyes. He knew the mentality of rookies very well. This scene today will appear in their nightmares for a long time.

The fat man was heartless and took all the time to chew maltose. He was the best.

Duanmu Huanghuang, Jiang Wei and Wang Xiaoshan looked pale, and everyone was gasping for air, like fish on the verge of suffocation.

The ones who were most stimulated were Sang Zhijun and Shi Xueman. Sang Zhijun's eyes were red and his whole body was shaking involuntarily.

Shi Xueman's face looked very bad, and Ai Hui noticed that her fingers holding the gun turned white, but she gradually calmed down.

The result in front of him was much better than Ai Hui expected.

Duanmuhuang and the other three experienced two battles escaping from the Wansheng Garden, which greatly enhanced their endurance. And Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun, who had killed blood bats with him, were much better.

Ai Hui couldn't help but feel grateful that he made the right choice by eliminating the remaining six.

"We need to find out where this location is." Ai Hui looked around, feeling a little headache. The environment in front of him felt unfamiliar.

Getting lost happens to me

Ai Hui wanted to stuff the root grass into his mouth, but he restrained himself. Who knows if the blood poison has penetrated into the city now.

"This is Amber Lane." The person who spoke was Duanmu Huanghuang. Except that his face was a little pale, he seemed to have regained his composure.

Ai Hui looked suspicious: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Duanmu Huanghuang almost blurted out. In order to find you to go to class, Brother Huanghuang traveled all over Songjian City, okay?

Hey, so excited. Doesn't seem nervous anymore

Duanmuhuang said calmly: "This is not far from the dojo. Turn left into Yunsong Lane and pass five intersections. Turn into Yunyan Lane and pass three more intersections and you'll be there."

Everyone was shocked by Duanmu Dusk.

Ai Hui still looked suspicious: "Are you so familiar?"

Duanmuhuang said expressionlessly: "I have a photographic memory."

It turns out this guy is a road idiot! Duanmuhuang just wanted to laugh three times in his heart, "Ai, I finally discovered your weakness!"

Suddenly he looked straight. The black sword tip suddenly enlarged in his eyes.

Kill and silence

He only had time to flash these four words in his mind before a sharp crashing sound exploded in his ears, making his head confused.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Ai Hui loudly reminded everyone that a huge force came from the tip of the Dragon Spine Fire Sword, and Ai Hui kicked his hind legs several steps...

A half-meter-tall bloody mantis flew to the wall not far away, staring coldly at Ai Hui with bright red eyes.

Just now it was bound to make a sneak attack. It was actually blocked.

The two front claws, which were like playing with knives, were rubbing in the air, making a heart-stopping sound. Its wings flapped, turning into a red shadow, and rushed towards everyone.

Shi Xueman suddenly stepped forward, and the snow-white spear in his hand suddenly pierced the red afterimage in the air!

The snow-white spear light and the two red sword lights collided together. Shi Xueman's figure swayed and he had no time to react. The strange red sword light appeared in her field of vision again.

The body of the cloud gun in Shi Xueman's hand suddenly bent, blocking the sword light at an incredible angle.

Shi Xueman underestimated the strength and speed of Blood Mantis and couldn't even breathe. Unable to control his body, he flew backwards.

The strange red sword light suddenly appeared like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Her heart suddenly sank.

At the critical moment, a black sword suddenly emerged from under her arm, like a poisonous snake that suddenly jumped out of the grass.


Ai Hui's arm was sore and he could hardly hold the sword. But he blocked the blow! Taking advantage of the situation, his left hand suddenly wrapped around Shi Xueman's waist. With this force, the two of them rolled backwards and flew upside down.

Before landing, Ai Hui shouted in mid-air: "Fat man!"

Fatty and Ai Hui cooperated tacitly. He was like an angry brown bear, roaring and slamming into the Blood Mantis with his shield.

The sword light of the Blood Mantis struck the heavy iron and wood shield like a torrential rain.

The fat man shrunk his waist and held on to the shield.

Others finally reacted at this time and joined the battle.

The blue and white flowers at dusk in Duanmu are growing deeper and deeper, and the green vines are entwining the blood mantis from all directions.

Sang Zhijun's golden soft bow shot at the blood mantis like a rain of arrows.

But all the attacks were ineffective, and all the blue and white flowers at Duanmu Dusk were in vain. The Blood Mantis moves as fast as lightning and can fly at low altitudes, causing afterimages from time to time to be very deceptive. At dusk in Duanmu, the blue and white vines entangled the blood mantis several times, and Sang Zhijun's arrows were also split by it.

Occasionally, there were arrows that could not be avoided, but they were also split open by it.

The mantis is a natural master of swordsmanship. In the wilderness, the mantis is a dangerous person. The blood mantis in front of them is so powerful that it is beyond anyone's imagination. So far, it has the upper hand.

Jiang Wei's heavy bow and Wang Xiaoshan didn't even have any effect, they couldn't keep up with its speed.

Ai Hui saw that the situation was not good, and before he could land, he twisted his body strangely in mid-air and wrapped his arm around Shi Xueman's waist, like a whip, and violently threw Shi Xueman out: "Wrap it around! "

Ai Hui, who threw Shi Xueman away, smashed into the ground faster and couldn't help but groan.

Shi Xueman, who was a little shy and anxious at first, suddenly woke up when he heard this muffled groan, with a murderous look in his eyes. He completed the adjustment of his posture in mid-air, and his energy crazily poured into the snow-white spear in his hand! (To be continued.)

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