Fist of Imagination

Chapter 54: Burning Love

The powerful search vibration penetrated Liang De's martial arts soul, making him numb and tingling, and his whole body shook violently as if he had been electrocuted.

My God, the previous version of the vibration radar can only penetrate 15 meters underground. I dug 30 meters for safety and was still found. The new version is so scary!

Stupid Haixue Department, you can't make money by updating the version like this!

Think about the Snapdragon 855 Plus released half a year later and the i5-7400 that is not very good.

Every time a new product is released, the performance is only improved by 5% to 10%, and customers are overwhelmed and have to buy it. This is the secret of 0通 and I0尔 dominating the toothpaste industry!

Liang De put away his phone and jumped up from the ground. He pulled his left hand with his right hand, and then pulled his left hand with his right hand, repeating this three times. He pulled off six arms with super-speed regeneration, injected an equal amount of internal energy, and threw them out in a spiral. The six broken arms were like six drills drilling in different directions of the soil layer. The broken arm drills were attached with violent internal energy fluctuations, digging out six tortuous and strange passages to attract possible pursuers.

After the suspicious troops were deployed, Liang De compressed himself to the extreme, and used the method of holding back the breath and hiding the energy with his natural divine power to the greatest extent possible to put away the fluctuations of internal energy and Yuanshen, and traveled along the track of a broken arm drill, and then parted ways at five kilometers, escaping at full speed to turn left 90 degrees, and erased the hole at the fork.

Liang De drilled deeper while sensing with the warrior's spiritual sense.

The strong search vibration was only a flash in the pan and has now disappeared, but strange sounds appeared in the soil layer, rustling, and there were dozens of sound sources, and new sound sources continued to join in the distance.

Liang De concentrated on distinguishing the strange sound coming from him.

The sound of mechanical operation... It was the automatic war doll of the Marine Department. It was the size of an ordinary round table, with four arthropod excavators on each side. It should be specially strengthened for underground excavation. The speed was almost more than 80% of mine, and the number was increasing.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

While Liang De was thinking, all six broken-arm drills he released were killed, and the rapid explosions made him feel a chill in his heart.

Not good, if this goes on, I will be surrounded.

Liang De brand steel drill frowned and decided to break out from the front.

The enemy army surrounded him with thousands of layers, and there was no escape. Since this was the case... Why should I hesitate to fight for my drill!

Liang De decisively ignited the Ren Du engine, accelerated and rotated into a red copper cone-shaped phantom, rushing towards the direction where the automatic war dolls of the Marine Department were the sparsest in the spiritual perception!

Quick, quick, quick! Go, go, go! Phase Rush is starting!

The black soil and rocks were crushed into powder under Liang De's toes, and a straight tunnel continued to extend forward.

Don't stop. As long as the drill doesn't stop, there will be a road ahead. My efforts are not in vain. As long as my road continues to extend...

Here we come!

Although we chose the direction with the fewest enemies, we still inevitably met on a narrow road because there were too many of them.

I am so brave when we meet on a narrow road!

Liang De's spinning toes did not stop after touching the hard object, and he drilled forward fiercely. In a series of clicks, like a street writer chewing a mechanical keyboard, the sea-blue spider crab doll that was working was caught off guard and was drilled into a pile of strange rags by the super brave Mr. Liang.

Haha, this doll is really bad.

Liang De was about to pass over the fragments of the blue spider crab doll, but the martial arts spirit sensed a familiar thing in the pile of fragments.

Pale yellow, square, elastic, what is it?

Why do I have a familiar throbbing and sadness.

A familiar melody suddenly echoed in Liang De's mind...

You used to be very careful and asked me to borrow half a piece of eraser.

You also mentioned inadvertently that you like to be with me.

At that time, the sky was always blue, and the days always passed too slowly.

You always said that graduation was a long way off, but in the blink of an eye, we went our separate ways.

Ah... it turned out to be an eraser.

The familiar eraser had the familiar "This side facing the enemy" written on it.

The orange-red flames exploded, and the sea-blue bullets fell like meteorites, making the steel drill (Liang De brand) that was trapped in the memories of youth full of holes. The hot orange-red flames burned Liang De's malnourished yellow face black, and the carbonized skin peeled off piece by piece.

The unexpected heart-piercing pain made Liang De groan.

Yes, it was unexpected, and everything happened in less than 1 second.

As an adult straight man of the Lipai school, Mr. Liang, although there was no classmate who accidentally said that he liked to be with him in his youth, and no one asked him to borrow half a piece of eraser, but the perfect Lipai straight man can use the elements of youth love in a wide range of literary and artistic works to quickly fill in the brain, and the speed is as fast as light and lightning, comparable to the speed of real time flow. Magic girl transformation and dressing.

Liang De sensed the rubber, recalled a large section of lyrics that had nothing to do with his impoverished youth, then imagined the sentimental emotions of a teenager, and finally felt the pain of being hit by the bomb. It seemed that a long time had passed, but in fact the whole process took only 0.008 seconds, tying the new record of transformation speed of the magical girl Chiyoda Momo in the fourth episode.

This speed is just an ordinary achievement that is not worth mentioning in Mr. Liang's imagination career.


It hurts so much!

It hurts as if I was infected with a highly contagious mental plague by the operator of the audience sequence!

After Liang De's super-speed regeneration points were full, he was completely immune to the pain of the flesh, but this time the rubber bomb's attack was mixed with the power of burning the martial arts soul, like a drop of boiling hot oil, dripping on Liang De's martial arts soul, burning a soybean-sized dent.

Haixue Department Hakukaku's work, rubber bomb type IV: Love Burning Heart.

Liang De's soul was injured, and his high-speed rotating body could not help but slow down. The blue spider crab war puppets nearby heard the sound and came. Not long after, Liang De was surrounded by more than a dozen blue spider crabs. In the center of the translucent crab shell, faintly visible light yellow rubber bombs exploded one after another. The large orange-red flames and sea-blue bullets formed by the serial explosions wrapped Liang De up.

Liang De's body was almost beaten into a mechanical dumpling filling without a soul. The martial arts soul was bumpy, and the tiny burn damage continued to accumulate, and the soul continued to be injured.

More and more blue spider crab war puppets came from all directions to participate in the self-destruction group performance competition. If this continues, it will be over sooner or later.

These spider crab-shaped war puppets are models with enhanced underground excavation capabilities. They are limited in movement underground and cannot be shaken off.

Liang De bit his teeth that were blown away, and grew two hands to support the ground and change direction. Under the stimulation of his innate divine power, the alienated white bones and muscle fibers twisted into a reinforced drill bit, and pushed with both hands with all his strength, rushing towards the surface spirally.

Hahahaha, didn't expect it! I can drill upwards!

The blue spider crab doll was spinning in place, far behind. This underground excavation-enhanced doll was temporarily built by Bai Hekong. Although the excavation ability was specially enhanced for hunting Liang De underground, the consideration of various situations was not comprehensive enough.

The spider crab doll's arthropod excavator moved downward and forward at a very fast speed, even 80% of the full speed of Liang De's steel drill underground, but its ability to move vertically upward was very low, and it could not catch up with Liang De's tail gas at all.

Liang De went up all the way and did not dare to stop. In his warrior's spiritual perception, hundreds of spider crab dolls were digging from top to bottom, in an endless stream. Once he stopped, the flower of hope for his survival would wither.

This is the terrible thing about the Marine Academy. As long as you accumulate enough strange weapons in peacetime, you can explode soldiers and change clothes like it's free in battle, and pile up the enemy to death.

The ability to change soldiers and equipment is only the standard of the Marine Department. Liang De, as the favorite student of the gold medal tutor Mo Feisheng, knows very well that the most terrifying thing about the Marine Department's strong men is the ability to quickly update designs and create new types of strange weapons and war puppets according to different terrain environments and enemy characteristics.

Bai Hekong is the first-year study committee member of the Marine Department. She will definitely not fill the fantasy space with finished products like those small fish whose corpses I touched.

Her fantasy space must be full of various components with strong applicability. She can quickly change the design and produce results according to new needs in battle. She can be called the second party of God.

It can't be delayed any longer. If it is delayed any longer, the helicopter-type self-destructing spider crab may come down.

Liang De no longer hesitated, and the Ren Du engine explosion mode was activated, and the extraordinary force was supplied fifty times the standard amount, and the explosive body-level internal gas was compressed...


The drill-shaped Liang De directly exploded half of his flesh and blood, and accelerated rapidly with the help of the reverse thrust of the shock wave. A shining red copper light broke through the surface, and dozens of black bookshelves were shattered by the explosive force.

The crypt lord Liang De finally returned to the surface.


I came from the abyss.


My power is unmatched!

Bai Hekong, no matter you are a beautiful girl or a beautiful girl, you are dead this time!

Liang De, in his half form, regenerated at high speed and used the mysterious energy of the sea of ​​illusion to condense a simple set of clothes to avoid being immoral.

He looked around with a murderous look, but found no trace of Bai Hekong.

Could it be in the sky?

Liang De looked up at the sky, and what greeted him was——

The white rain of Gangqi that broke through the fog and covered the sky!

And a cold female voice.

"Jima, 26 years old, I have never been afraid of anyone in a fight, here I come."

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