Fist of Imagination

Chapter 482: The Intestine War

"My friend, don't be so emotional. You were just stabbed a few times, it's nothing serious. But if you don't eat me first, you will lose the trust between people!

"Don't you realize the seriousness of this matter? "

Hearing Liang De's affectionate call and feeling his sincere expectations, Mi Xiang, who had lost his human form but still had humanity, could not help but be deeply moved by him.

She immediately separated a stream of digestive fluid from the torrent of digestive fluid chasing the savior and his disciples, condensed blood and organs into an extremely violent middle finger, and stabbed Liang De fiercely!

Liang De did not dodge or evade, and did not even slow down.

He exhaled a breath of pure white cold air, and clusters of rime-like Qi needles quickly drilled out from the surface of his body, spread and grew, forming a hard shell seven feet thick, blocking the flesh and Mi Xiang's digestive fluid.

Wu De Xiran is a product he prepared with the four kinds of internal Qi he practiced as raw materials, so when Mi Xiang transfused blood and ate Xiran, he tested the different performances of the four kinds of internal Qi when they were digested at once.

The performance of natural power is the worst , this stuff is easy to digest and absorb. If it is used to fight rice elephants, it is comparable to breastfeeding, and can only be a kind of love dedication.

The Fantasy Sea Mysterious Qi and the Iron-like Body Forging Method are better, but they are only as good as the steamed taro and braised spareribs. They can't last more than half a minute after being sucked into the intestines of rice elephants.

Only the innate Qi is as cold as ice and snow, and its nature is solid. It is extremely unfriendly to the digestive system of rice elephants. Eating it is like swallowing popsicles raw. Not only does it decompose slowly, it may also cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

Because of this, he did not use his innate divine power to promote his moves just now, but used the Moon Gang Flying Slash to attack the rice elephant.

It's a pity that Liang De has not yet pushed this unique martial arts to the realm of refining the Qi and entering the spirit, and has not pointed out the wonderful use of the Yuanshen of Yiyi Lingfeng, otherwise he will surely cut through the waves and traverse the intestines. What goes in is what comes out. What is it like? It's just like the legendary Enoki Mushroom!

Surrounded by the cold air, Liang De continued to transform into Qi armor, and put millions of Qi needles connected at the root on his body, like a frosty white hedgehog standing up.

After repeating the armor three times, he stopped.


The armor is almost here, and the next step is to think about tactics.

The degree of integration between the innate Qi and my true nature is not as good as the innate divine power. No matter how much it is strengthened, it will not produce a qualitative change. The current strength... is enough to be used as a protective suit.

The seven moon Qis that were cut out earlier have only been eaten by 2.7%. As long as my three sets of suits are repaired in time, I will not be afraid of breaking the defense.

If she can't hurt my body, she can't eat my soul. No matter how weird her magical powers are, I can defend this level. In order to be invincible.

Hey, the word "invincible" is pretty cool as a nickname. I'll call myself that next time I have a chance...

Wait, now is not the time to think about these things.

The sick girl may not have eaten too much. Maybe she still has some panacea such as Jiang 0 brand stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets. I'd better be careful.

Haha, how could I be careless? I am Liang De, who is known as "invincible" and as steady as a mountain!

Liang De thought of this and lowered the connection between the body and the soul to reduce the possible rollover loss in advance.

At this time, the middle finger formed by the torrent of digestive fluid was about to press on his face. On the surface of the dark red fingertip, the circles of fingerprints connected by the intestinal tube broke off and fell, aiming the dark hole covered with intestinal villi at Liang De below.

The bloody rain poured down on his head, but Liang De did not retreat but advanced. He rolled into a ball of thorns and rolled forward, brazenly breaking through the dark red fingertip in front of him and rushing into the inside of the terrifying torrent.

The frost-white thorn armor was stained with blood, making a hissing sound like being corroded by strong acid. The clusters of sharp spikes were enclosed in the small intestinal tube filled with digestive fluid, and the speed of blunting and shortening was more than twice as fast.

Sure enough, this sick girl had not used her full strength before.

Really not frank, girls who can eat are also cute, why hide it!

Liang De shouted in a low voice, and fully operated the white module in the four-core four-color soul, increasing the output of the Gangqi and the thickness of the thorn armor. The width and height of the Gangqi armor quickly caught up with the digestive fluid tributary in front of him.

If he was like a white pebble thrown into the river before, then now he has become a cold iceberg that can intercept Jiang Lang.

The rhythm of the Golden Snake Resonance Method spread from the inside of the armor, and the Gangqi spikes covering his whole body were controlled by it, bending and turning into blood-stained barbs like a scorpion tail, and the top and bottom of the armor contracted inward, forming a closed form like an olive pit.

"Disposable hybrid armor, Blood Frost Xanthium, attack!"

The strong resonance rhythm guided the armor, and it danced a hearty dance in the stinking blood river torrent.

In the tornado of blood and frost, the sharp barbs all over the armor pierced the outer wall of the intestine, dragging these ugly digestive organs to dance together, as if the melody of carnival music could not be rejected by anyone, and unbridled rotation and collision became the only allowed actions.

The surging torrent exploded into a huge splash in the collision, and the large and small intestines swimming in it were firmly hooked by the barbs of the Xanthium armor, then stretched and dried in high-speed rotation, and finally coiled and wrapped around the surface of the armor layer by layer.

Liang De accelerated again and flew towards the main branch of the torrent chasing the savior master and apprentice.

The figure of Mi Xiang emerged in the bloody turbulence. She still looked like a happy-go-lucky person, but the warrior's spiritual sense gave her a fierce killing intent that was getting stronger and stronger.

Liang De, the driver of the armor, didn't care.

What's the point of being fierce? No matter how strong your digestive ability is, can you digest your stomach and intestines?

By the time you take these offal off me, I will have saved the master and apprentice before you.

Goodbye, big-eating girl!

He flew over Mi Xiang's figure in the hybrid armor, and the death warning from the spiritual sense suddenly jumped again.

Liang De was stunned.

What's going on? Could it be that she has hidden weapons that I don't know about?

On the torrent, Mi Xiang dragged a brand new body out of the organs and blood.

She licked and bit her index finger, her lips were full of blood, and her hungry eyes tightly grasped the flying Blood Frost Bursae, like a pair of hands growing out of her throat and a tongue sticking out of her stomach.

"I haven't eaten pig intestines and knots for a long time... I have to taste them carefully."

The human digestive system consists of digestive glands and digestive tracts.

The starting point of the digestive tract is the mouth, which mechanically processes food through chewing movements, cutting and chewing food into smaller particles that are easier to digest.

Liang De stopped his armor and looked down along the line of sight that made him feel cold.

Mi Xiang waved to him barefoot on the blood river. She smiled happily, revealing eight white teeth.

Today is the birthday of Zao Gao, the operation officer of this book. I wish her a happy birthday, happiness every day, and long live Zao Gao!

Thank you all, see you tomorrow ('')

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