Fist of Imagination

Chapter 477 Work Problems

"This purification you are talking about, is it safe?"

Liang De asked reluctantly.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, it's absolutely safe."

"Zhu Zhenxian" recited the mantra silently, and a cluster of Samadhi True Fire ignited on the fingertips of his right hand.

He shook the flame and displayed the internal structure and mechanism of the technique in front of Liang De.

"This technique was created by hundreds of Buddhist and Taoist masters specifically for the purpose of controlling calamities. As long as fire is cast to connect the vitality of heaven and earth, those who are unable to protect themselves within a radius of five hundred miles will feel the energy and spontaneously combust. And a new fire was born.

"After the true fire burns, the form and spirit of the person who caused the disaster will turn into flying ashes, and will no longer react with the miscellaneous gases of the earth veins. The world where we are is preserved, all because of this true method of salvation.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a look."

"Zhu Zhenxian" gathered the Samadhi True Fire on his fingertips, condensed it into a talisman and handed it to Liang De.

"After the great catastrophe, everything was devastated. In order to deal with the next upsurge of earth veins, Tianshi Mansion and Dajue Zen Temple jointly summoned the world's experts to discuss ways to save the world and benefit the people.

"Participating in the discussion are top-notch practitioners of earthly immortals and Arhats, as well as secular scholars in the fields of ethics, psychology, management, art, disaster prevention engineering, etc... What you have in your hands now, fellow Taoist, is reform. The standard salvation talisman."

Liang De rubbed the talisman, probed his spiritual sense into it, and then used his martial arts spirit to analyze it.

Although there are many interdisciplinary subjects between martial arts and martial arts, they are two different systems after all. What's more, Mr. Liang specializes in comedy martial arts. He is good at comedy, but interdisciplinary research is not his specialty.

After analyzing it for a while, he really didn't see anything particularly special.

Isn't this still a method of setting people on fire... The experts in the world will come up with such a result after consultation?

In fact, you are using your quota at public expense to hold a barbecue party at Tianshi Mansion!

"Is there any difference after the improvement? I don't think there is any difference."

Liang De held the talisman in his hand and pumped it twice, and said to "Zhu Zhenxian":

"Did you modify the appearance design of Samadhi True Fire to make it look better when burning?"

"Zhu Zhenxian": "It's not just that."

ha? What the hell!

"Zhu Zhenxian" introduced fluently:

“The new method of salvation not only has a more beautiful appearance, but its functionality has also been greatly improved.

“The time for the robber to spontaneously combust and turn to ashes has been shortened to 0.01 moment, which is safe and painless, and the real fire will burn the clothes and other belongings together, and the fly ash particles will be invisible to the naked eye, leaving no trace.

"At the same time, the delay in remotely controlling fire extinguishing has been reduced to 0.03 seconds. Once the purification target is completed, a global ceasefire can be synchronized, avoiding unnecessary sacrifices.

"The purified robber is unconscious and disappears without a trace. The user will not have too much psychological burden, and the survivors will not have too serious post-disaster trauma.

"With the new method of saving the world, future generations will definitely be able to survive the catastrophe better than us and heal the wounds of civilization faster. This is exactly the purpose of our creation of the new method.

"This world is so lucky to have found a way to overcome the catastrophe before the calamity is over. There is no better way than this for heaven's mercy.

"Fellow Taoist, the catastrophe is coming, and time waits for no one. Please join forces with me to kill the evil corpse and save the world together!"

The corpse king beside him heard this and his blood boiled with excitement. He clenched his fists and said to Liang De:

"Fellow Taoist, the catastrophe is coming, and time waits for no one. Please join forces with me to kill the evil corpse and save the world together!"

Liang De sighed: "Brother Wang, if you have this idea, you can do it yourself. You don't need to join forces with me."

Lao Wang shook his head repeatedly:

"Isn't that personal heroism? Moreover, this evil zombie sounds very powerful. What if I can't defeat him?

"Let's join forces. I'll stand behind you when we fight, and you stand behind me when we honor the advanced individuals who have saved the world. Your face is so big, at least half of it is exposed, is that okay?"

"Brother Wang, you'd better go aside."

Liang De skillfully pulled Lao Wang to the sewer wall, turned to "Zhu Zhenxian" and said:

"Besides this, what else can you tell me?"

"Zhu Zhenxian" said eagerly: "Fellow Taoist, I have said all I can say. In ten days, the earth's veins will begin to rise. You are also here to save the world. We..."

"Stop talking when you're done. Don't talk to us."

Liang De interrupted him and said:

"I will refer to the information you brought, but I will not discuss it with you. You are not a human being. It is just a piece of anthropomorphic outside information. You should also know what you are."


"Just stay there and don't make any unnecessary moves.

Liang De slightly let go of the protection of his natural divine power, and pressed a trace of ferocious aura derived from animal nature onto "Zhu Zhenxian", making it more clearly aware of what kind of existence it was facing.

"You understand, you sensed that I was in a little bit of danger and might stop you, so you said so much to try to convince me, but you are not qualified to convince me.

"A piece of out-of-bounds information without emotion is not qualified to choose the fate of human beings.

"Neither does Blue Star."

I do not have either.

Liang De controlled the bodies of two people in the sewer, used Huanhai Xuanqi to sit on a recliner, opened the cross-border live broadcast interface in his mind, and connected to Li Zhixian, an off-site spectator on this shore.

"Let's talk?"

"Not cool anymore?"

Li Zhixian raised her neck and picked up a bottle of Snowflake Soju, which she drank from Chule. She threw away the empty bottle, and her lazy look behind her round glasses became serious.

Liang De smiled bitterly and said: "How can we continue to act cool when we are helpless again.

"Alas, witnessing the end of the world will always encounter such painful things... We don't have the ability to create a perfect ending. We are just here, let's see if there is any way to help the people here."

Li Zhixian knocked on the household robot Garbage Boy and asked it to throw all the information Liang De had obtained since entering the world into the communication area of ​​the live broadcast room.

"There are 8.5 billion people in Blue Star 37927 on the other side of the world. After subtracting 2.4 billion robbers, there are still 6.1 billion people. If this ratio is...

"I think if the superiors of the Blue Star in this world know the outside information about the end of the world, they will definitely use the true method of salvation without hesitation, and there will not even be a symbolic referendum.

"And this is actually not a matter of choosing between 2.4 billion people and 6.1 billion people. It is a matter of choosing between saving humanity and saving Blue Star."

"Choose between saving humanity and saving Blue Star?

"Brother Xian, you may have a misunderstanding."

Liang De said to his partner in a calm tone:

“This is not a trolley problem and we are not switchmen making choices.

"If there are Blue Star and humans on the two railway tracks, and we direct the train to the one with Blue Star tied to it, do you think Blue Star will sacrifice itself for humanity?

"If that's the case, how come there is still the legend of the Immortal Blue Star in the worlds on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

"I'm telling you, if the train goes towards Blue Star, Blue Star will pick up the whole train and sweep it around in a circle. All humans and switchmen will be swept to death by it.

"And we can't even move the channel."

He pointed at the superimposed "Zhu Zhenxian" and "Yang Chuan" under the altar and said:

"I just controlled them temporarily, it's just a set of outside information. Now that Blue Star has started to take action, there is always a way to spread it, and then it will be the purification of the true method, burning people to save the world.

"This is probably the case. Am I clear?"

Li Zhixian nodded and took out another bottle of soju from the cardboard box at his feet.

On the boundary membrane, Mi Xiang rubbed his ears with an unhappy expression.

"Hey, hey, hey, what kind of birdman is the Utopian Fist sent by Thunder Bluff this time? Why is he living so secretly without letting out a single fart?

"I searched for him for a long time with no results. Just now it seemed that he had lost his temper, and I heard a little echo from the surroundings, and it was super fuzzy."

Someone quickly replied in the internal communication channel. The person's note was "Director (two-dimensional)".

"You heard something."

Mi Xiang opened his ears and had a troubled expression on his face.

"This Utopian Fist seems to want to stop others from saving the world. How am I going to mess with him, Director, and become a savior hero? I'm not familiar with this job!"

1. Thanks to Silent Owl for the ten thousand rewards, thank you to Ma Xin Dashuaibi, Black-ringed Sea Snake, Wushan is not a cloud, Seventh Staff Wu Lu Lingba, Book Friends 2020111109540327, Book Friends 20210618183952010, Book Friends 20181016071121205, Book Friends 20210401203300681, Book friend 20190609160700850 and book friend 20190313103527557 for the reward. Thank you all for your support by subscribing and voting! 2. Pretend that nothing happened, the weather is so nice today, hahahaha... 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow~

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