Fist of Imagination

Chapter 475 Second Salvation

At three o'clock in the morning, the stars and the moon shine together.

I wish the true immortal to shake up his Taoist robe and ascend to the altar with his sword.

He pinches the true secrets with his hands, recites spiritual seals orally, wears his hair on the altar, wields a sword, and steps on the gang to fight. He incorporates all the vitality of heaven and earth with a radius of dozens of feet into the ritual, connecting yin and yang for him, and reaching heaven to listen.

The disciple Yang Chuan who was serving behind him was fascinated by what he saw, and even if the T-shirt with "Weiqiang Auto Repair" printed on it was looming under Zhu Zhenxian's Taoist robe, he could not shake his high spirits at this moment. Taoist style!

As the ritual was about to be completed, a strong wind suddenly rose above the street, and large thunderclouds gathered over, covering the bright moon and faint starlight.

There was silence between heaven and earth, as if waiting for something.

Evil corpse, today is your death anniversary!

Zhu Zhenxian burned the talisman and turned it into paper, prayed to heaven again and again, then summoned up all his magic power and recited the last few prayers aloud:

"With the true talisman, I respectfully extend my summons to Dutiandang Demon Supervisor Lei Yushi, the Cisheng Dharma Master, and upon hearing the order, the fire is coming!"

He took out the token and knocked it three times. Before the sound was heard, a winding thunder light fell from the sky, branched in the air, and struck him and his disciple's Tianling Caps exactly.

How come it was me who was the one who hacked? Grandmaster, you are blind...

Zhu Zhenxian's eyes suddenly lit up and then darkened, and his consciousness was immediately interrupted.

The smell of meat was astonishing, and the two charred black bodies fell to the ground one after another, smashing the manhole cover altar that was not strong enough to stagger twice.

"as expected."

Liang Deling felt the movement, and soon smelled the smell from outside the realm from the remnants of the thunder just now.

"The lightning strike only contains some outside information and nothing else. It means that the alien Blue Star thinks that the problem can be solved as long as it sends some information. It seems that this doomsday crisis is not too serious."

Li Zhixian's hand holding the cup was half a beat slower, "Are those two Taoist priests dead?"

"not dead."

Liang De narrowed his demonic eagle eyes, stared at the scorched corpse and said:

"After the five thunders struck, the cells in their bodies grew rapidly, and their skills were equal to those of the unparalleled geniuses. They have practiced hard for a hundred years. Now they are unconscious and they are just adapting to the transformation."

"What does the growth of cells have to do with skill? Lao Liang, please stop talking nonsense. My biology in junior high school has never been less than 90 points. Doing this will only kill people..."

"Don't delve into it. There are many things in this world that cannot be explained. If you are interested, you can buy my master's online course, the "Funny Martial Arts and Black Box" series. You can get a 10% discount by saying my name."

Li Zhixian simply ignored his partner's sales message, "Can a peerless genius prevent the end of Blue Star after a hundred years of hard training?"

Liang De replied: "Of course not, this level of strengthening only allows them to carry information from outside the world, and has little to do with combat effectiveness.

"Some knowledge, if you are not strong enough, can't convey it even if you know it, then it is meaningless."

"Then will they be spoiled by knowledge?" Li Zhixian asked again.

Liang De said: "No, Blue Star and its friends in this world are relatively gentle types and do not treat them as consumables.

"According to my observation, the consciousness of the master and the disciple is suppressed by the information from the outside world. No matter whether they have passed the end or not, whether they are alive or dead, they will not bear too much pressure or suffer any pain.

"If they can get through the end of the world safely, the benefits they can get will be much greater than a hundred years of cultivation."

"What if we don't get through it?"

"It's also a kind of luck to die without knowing anything. What do you think, brother Xian?"

Li Zhixian said no more.

The old corpse king woke up leisurely, and Zhu Zhenxian started the altar with the intention of killing him. Although the outside information distorted the ritual, our brother Wang was still shocked by the aftermath of the thunder, and he was stunned for several minutes.

"What time is it? Where is the beautiful Patriarch? Why did I faint!"

As soon as Lao Wang woke up, he asked three very critical questions, but these three critical questions were only meaningful to him. Liang De could only remain silent and said nothing.

None of my business.

"Fuck, how come these two grandsons know each other well enough to steal a manhole cover and get struck by lightning? Is it so scary? Fuck, as for that! This thing only costs 60 cents a pound!"

Lao Wang was so frightened that he held his chest with both hands. After a while, he put his hands in front of his big mouth and took a few breaths, but found that he had no breath at all.

"Um, friends from the self-media, please come over here."

Lao Wang jumped out of the earth's veins and waved down.

The two Taoist priests have been struck by lightning to the point of maturity, and there is no need to hide.

Liang De followed Lao Wang out of the ground, "Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

Lao Wang pointed at the Taoist priests and apprentices who looked like smoked bacon and said:

"My breath is a bit heavy, please give them artificial respiration."

Liang De covered his mouth and said, "They were struck by lightning, and artificial respiration is useless."

Lao Wang: "How do you know it's useless? Have you ever watched TV? No matter how you faint, you can wake up with artificial respiration!"

"Then the handsome guy must do artificial respiration."

"But I'm not angry..."

"You're not handsome either!"

"I don't like hearing this anymore."

Lao Wang put his hands on his hips and was about to throw all his strength into Liang De's body, when he heard a beep-bop-bop sound coming from the altar.

The two pitch-black corpses peeled off their burnt-scented skin, revealing their reborn bodies.

An old man and a young man came back to life, holding hands and spinning around in a circle, swinging and sitting, forming the appearance of a child riding a big horse.

"Zhu Zhenxian" and "Yang Chuan" opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes flashed, and a piece of information was transmitted into the minds of Liang De and Lao Wang.

The corpse old king fell to the ground with his mouth wide open, maintaining the posture of peeping at the ancestor's descent to the earth, and it was unknown how long it would take to digest.

Liang De was stunned for a moment and said:

"Has your world defeated a similar doomsday?"


"Zhu Zhenxian" nodded and said: "In a sense, your world is a parallel world that is hundreds of years slower than ours. We have experienced everything that is going to happen here and have solved it."

"Yang Chuan" riding on his shoulder said:

"At the beginning of the doomsday, we made a lot of mistakes and sacrificed too many people who should not have been sacrificed. This time, we will not make the same mistakes again.

"Fellow countrymen in a foreign land, follow our guidance, and you will have a better future than us."

"What mistakes did you make?"

Liang De pushed the old king aside, stood in front of the two saviors of the alien world and opened his true nature.

"I am also a traveler from the alien blue star, and my purpose is the same as yours. "

The two people on the altar were silent for a moment.

They are not real souls, but sufficient information allows them to react like real souls.

A moment later, "Zhu Zhenxian" and "Yang Chuan" raised their arms at the same time and pointed at the bewildered corpse old king.

"We didn't eliminate him at the first time, this is the mistake we made."

The savior said so.

Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow ('')

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