Fist of Imagination

Chapter 49: Essence of Grains

The fragrance of various grains became stronger and stronger, and the source was not far away.

Liang De sniffed the smell and sneaked along. His initial plan was to sneak attack from behind and knock the person unconscious, snatch the food and run away, without any dragging.

Very good, with a thorough plan and clear goals, there is no reason not to succeed.

Liang De climbed over seven or eight black bookshelves in the fog and landed silently.

For a qualified sneak attacker, silent action is a basic requirement. Liang De not only did not make any ear-catching sounds during the action, but also used his surface muscles to manipulate the air to smooth the dynamics of the wind and fog. As long as he was not seen, he would never be discovered.

Yes, as long as he was not seen.

Liang De landed silently and met the target's eyes, which was somewhat embarrassing.

In a large circular open space, a short-bearded yellow-faced man sat on the ground with a big horse and a golden sword. All the black bookshelves within a radius of 50 meters were pushed aside by him. There were no obstacles blocking the line of sight within 50 meters.

A dozen cloth bags filled with grains and nuts were placed around the yellow-faced man. He would roast the grains with hot palm wind from time to time, fanning the air to spread the fragrance further.

Seeing Liang De, the yellow-faced man smiled, as if he had finally succeeded after waiting for a long time.

"Brother Sun, the rice is ready. Can I eat a few bites before fighting?"

The yellow-faced man was not surprised that Liang De could recognize him. The thinking speed and memory of the descendants of the God Entering the Realm were far superior to those in the past. There were more than a thousand students in the three grades of Sheng Wuxu Private High School. They could remember the information after reading it two or three times.

Sun Xunqiao, the second-year sports committee member of the Lu School, stood up and drew his palms in the air. The grains and nuts in the dozen cloth bags on the ground were transformed into five-color light streams by the palm power and sank into his hands.

"Brother Liang, let's eat and fight at the same time to save time."

Sun Xunqiao rubbed his hands, and the five-color light streams poured out from his fingers, like five colorful ribbons waving in the wind, circling Liang De.

Black, red, yellow, green, and white are the colors of healthy dietary fiber, and the air is filled with the fragrance of mature grains.

Liang De did not dodge on the spot. High-speed movement would consume precious calorie reserves. Moreover, the five-color streamers formed by Sun Xunqiao's palm power seemed to have loose trajectories, but in fact, the rules were strict. After dodging one encirclement, there would be three or four more to fill in. With his body skills, it was impossible to avoid in this open space without obstacles.

Seeing that Liang De did not dodge, Sun Xunqiao was too lazy to play any tricks. The five palm power streamers suddenly stretched straight and hit Liang De's chest one after another, making a loud sound of flesh cracking.

Flesh injuries were just a small matter. The five palm powers drove straight in, treating Liang De's outer and inner strength as nothing, passing through many obstacles and rushing to the internal organs.

The secret of the ancient boxing of the Eastern Kingdom, the Five Grain Iron Sand Palm.

This palm technique relies on internal force to win. At first, glutinous rice or mung beans are used as supplementary materials for training. You can practice it by yourself in the grain and oil section of the supermarket. After the skill is deepened, you can practice with fruit oatmeal, dry fried beef noodles, and chicken soup rice noodles.

Once the palm technique is mastered, you can use palm force to extract the essence of grains from various foods, and then mix the essence of grains with strong palm force to eliminate the foreign body feeling of the palm force itself, thus creating a strong penetrating palm force.

The outer and inner energies of warriors are equivalent to two foreign body filtering membranes, which can isolate harmful substances and energy from the outside, but the essence of grains is an indispensable component of the human body, and its constituent elements are extremely small, so most of the outer and inner energies cannot block the palm force of the five grain iron sand palm.

After Sun Xunqiao became a disciple of Chang Duanxuan, he practiced hard day and night, and even mixed the vegetable salad he ate every day by himself. His five-grain palm power was perfect and hard to defend against. Moreover, he expected Liang De to be so hungry that he would swallow it even if he knew it was a sugar-coated bullet.

Sure enough, Liang De was defenseless like the macho man in My Little Pony, allowing the palm power to enter his body.

His inner and outer Qi were originally two layers of broken paper, which were born to be broken. Anyone could break the defense, so he simply withdrew and let Sun Xunqiao's strong palm power tour his internal organs.

He took the time to absorb the essence of the five grains mixed in the palm power to replenish the nutrients, and his shriveled cheeks swelled up.

Minus the consumption of super-speed regeneration, there is still three-quarters left, which is worth it!

Senior Brother Sun, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower, output more fiercely!

Sun Xunqiao used five palm powers in mid-air to crush Liang De's vital organs one by one, breaking dozens of bones. The essence of the five grains in the palm power was almost absorbed by Liang De, but he was still standing there, getting more and more energetic, looking like a dead person who was unsatisfied.

He sighed and did not do any more useless work. The five palm powers merged into one, like a spear and a sword, stabbing towards Liang De's brain.

Liang De immediately had no time to bury his head in eating. The amber-colored innate divine power stimulated the abnormal growth of bones, and blocked the five-in-one palm power with twenty or thirty layers of heavy bone plates with a red copper luster. It was like a bowl-thick steel pillar was stuffed into his neck, expanding it a circle.

"Brother, there's nothing interesting above the neck, just play with it below."

Sun Xunqiao chuckled: "Sister Lei, you've also learned this move, but you can't stop me."

He rubbed his hands together, and the five-color palm power in Liang De's body broke into pieces, dispersing into a light mist that seeped into the steel-like bone plate, like a spring rain seeping into the soil, flowing forward slowly.

The five-color palm power penetrated everywhere, passing through the invisible gaps in the bones and heading towards the soft brain.

Liang De wanted to stop it but was powerless. His internal force barrier was riddled with holes in front of this mist-like palm force, and it was completely useless.

A light cloud like spring rain floated in Liang De's cranial cavity, and the fierce palm force was scattered into particles that penetrated everywhere, like a fine net made of countless sharp silk threads, sifting Liang De's brain completely.

The tofu pudding became tofu dregs, and the tofu dregs were sifted even finer, rippling a pool of steaming soy milk in the cranial cavity.

Liang De's body froze in place, and the blood in his limbs was still circulating, but he was no different from a brain-dead vegetative person.

Liang De's martial arts soul in the purple mansion looked anxious, wanting to control the innate divine power to regenerate the brain, but the brain tissue was so complicated that it could not be restored by regenerating one or two billion brain cells in the cranial cavity.

There were as many materials as needed to build the brain, but he had no blueprint and could not build it.

The blueprint of the brain, where is the blueprint of the brain...

Liang De's martial arts soul sat cross-legged in the Purple Palace, closed his eyes and thought hard, but he had no clue.

The martial arts soul sat in the Purple Palace, using the brain and nervous system as tools to control the body. Although Liang De could still use the martial arts soul to control the body after losing the brain, it was not as good as using tools.

It was like a primitive computer without an operating system installed. It was not only inefficient but also extremely troublesome to use. Daily activities could be turned upside down, not to mention fighting life and death with masters from all walks of life and death.

Sun Xunqiao faced his palms together, slowly transmitting the five-color palm power along the ribbon in the air, making the deadly cloud in Liang De's cranial cavity thicker and thicker, and the expression on his face became more and more relaxed.

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