Fist of Imagination

Chapter 429 Distribution Plan (4000 chapters)

Mu Yigui's roar exhausted the medicinal power of the Yangyuan Chicken Soup. A strong sense of weakness came from his kidneys. His knees softened and he couldn't even hold on to the wall. He fell to the ground crookedly.

Liang De and Sun Xunqiao hurried forward to help him up. One person held his arms and the other lifted his feet. They carefully laid Mu Yigui on the ground.

It's not that one person couldn't lift him up. It's mainly because Mu Yigui is now in a bad state and his luck has reached the bottom. He can pull his hips if he kicks a thermos cup. If he lifts up but not down, what if his hip joint is dislocated.

Mu Yigui struggled to continue talking, but he was powerless. He choked several times but couldn't say any meaningful words.

"Brother Gui, wait a moment, I'll give you an IV."

Liang De squeezed out two balls of Fantasy Sea Mysterious Qi, rubbed them together to make an infusion set connected to a large thermos bucket, and then inserted the light blue hose into Mu Yigui's stomach through his nasal cavity, giving him a nasogastric tube.

He handed the insulated soup bucket connected to hundreds of meters of hose to Sun Xunqiao, and said:

"Brother, take this soup bucket to the kitchen and make another pot of chicken soup. I will control the temperature and flow rate. First, nourish Brother Gui and keep his spirit alive."

"Okay, I'll add more dates and black wolfberries."

Sun Xunqiao took the soup bucket and walked two steps, then turned back and asked:

"Old Mu has kidney deficiency caused by insufficient male virtue. Can he be kept alive?"

Liang De confirmed Mu Yigui's male virtue level again and said:

"I have asked the Lei Ting Chunzong Ritual Culture Department. With Brother Gui's current male virtue level, he is not so weak that he has difficulty talking and walking.

"He gave up on himself and messed around, but it made things worse and made himself look like this.

"Let's restore Brother Gui's spirit to the level allowed by the current male virtue, and have a good talk with him, don't go on like this."

Sun Xunqiao's face darkened, and he said:

"You mean if Lao Mu continues like this, the no-sex coupons printed by Thunder Cliff may not be able to save him?"

Liang De nodded: "Almost."

"I understand, I'll go to the kitchen to watch the fire, and I'll leave it to you outside."

Sun Xunqiao held the soup bucket, displayed the magical power of the soul, and flew away through the wall.

Liang De has been maintaining his spiritual perception of the soup bucket. When the soup bucket entered the kitchen, he immediately used his natural divine power to build a wall of isolation, and pulled the soft tube in his hand hard:

"Brother Gui, don't pretend, my senior brother is gone, you can say whatever you want to say.

"You can even endure the insertion of a gastric tube without lubrication, which is quite amazing. "

Mu Yigui was stirred by the hose that went through his nose and into his stomach, and the already very strong foreign body sensation in his body was further intensified. It seemed that a giant earthworm wearing a wolf tooth mask had drilled into his esophagus, which was painful and disgusting.

He grabbed his shirt tightly with both hands, and his instep was stretched straight. It took him a long time to adapt before he recovered.

"Sun Gou's warrior spiritual perception is ridiculously strong. Can you stop it with your internal energy?"

Liang De reached out and pulled him up, saying:

"The special shielding structure is very powerful.

"And, Brother Gui, to be honest, my spiritual perception is not normal.

"I don't know if I can stop it, but if he is monitoring, I will definitely know.

"Go on, talk about your comeback plan, talk about the dignity and dreams of ordinary people, and talk about what you deliberately sent Sun Gou away to tell me."

Mu Yigui spit and said:

"I was so angry with you just now that I almost said everything I should and shouldn't say in front of Sun Gou.

"You are still so stinky when you are in love. Aren't you afraid of being dumped? ”

“Brother Gui, why are you still talking about love when you look half dead? Even the male De Dalits are not as miserable as you. Let’s get down to business.

“It’s been too long. I’m afraid you will die here and I will have to collect your body.”

Mu Yigui: “Finally figured it out? Good job, Ade.”

Liang De decomposed and absorbed the brown-black irises in his eyes for camouflage, revealing a pair of golden-yellow demonic vertical pupils, and said:

“It’s just luck. Your skin with just the right amount of injuries is so realistic. If I hadn’t had a sharp eye and played with the soul splitting myself, I might not have been able to see it.

“Brother Gui, you are different from me. You will kill yourself if you play like this.”

Mu Yigui laughed, “Ade, do you know I will die now?”

“I didn’t know you wanted to die so much. "

Liang De twisted his eyeballs and projected a memory picture from his life into the air.

Behind the reception desk in the outpatient hall, the cute little nurse skillfully received every patient, and the guidance and triage were fast and good, providing patients with first-class medical guidance services.

There were three nurses behind the reception desk. The other two were older than her, but she was the main one. The two nurses occasionally asked her professional questions, and she answered them as soon as she opened her mouth. The answers she gave were clear and accurate, and people could understand them at once.

Liang De pointed to the little nurse in the memory picture and said:

"To be a nurse in the affiliated hospital of the Medical College of Global Elite Sports Center, at least you have to study for a bachelor's degree in nursing, and you can't study for a four-year bachelor of science, you can only study for a five-year bachelor of medicine.

"Brother Gui, you said you wanted her to see another possibility in life. Of course, you wouldn't use extraordinary means to let her in to fill in the gaps. Moreover, her professional ability seems to be better than that of the head nurse, and she doesn't look like a newcomer.

"It's not easy to change careers and pursue another possibility in life. A million-fan-level internet celebrity who is strictly controlled by her family, does she still have time to study nursing? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless it's a dream."

Liang De turned off the memory screen and said:

"But Brother Gui, you have only been in the world of No. 423 on the other side for a short time, and she is an ordinary person with limited physical and mental endurance. Even if she dreams every day, she cannot complete the five-year nursing course, let alone get an internship.

"It wasn't until I saw through the outer skin of your Yuanshen that I realized that you were using yourself as Tang Sanzang, cutting out the essence of your Yuanshen and giving them to them as consumables, so that they could accelerate their dreaming, accumulate knowledge and experience, and then try the adventures of life. Another possibility.

"There are 48 idol trainees in the first phase of the Comeback Project. You are going to help each one like this. Brother Gui, how many nails can you hit if you are covered in iron?"

"They are all dying, so just think of donating their organs in advance. What does it matter?"

Liang De's demon beast eyes were as bright as molten gold, and the gaps in his woodcraft, martial arts, and soul were clearly visible in his eyes.

"The incision is so beautifully made. Brother Gui, whose image did you borrow when you imitated Yiyi Lingfeng? Thistle or Xu Juezi?"

"This question you asked is unprofessional."

Wood art rules:

"Of course it's Xu Juezi. He has a record of rescuing Ji Shen. Thrip... Everyone has only seen her kill people. Has anyone seen her save people?

"Ade, let me tell you, when borrowing a photo from the soul, you must eliminate the interference of appearance. Who can lend it to you? If you get anxious, I will even take your photo. This is the correct use of the borrowed photo from the soul. Way."

Seeing his generous look, Liang De sat on the floor and said helplessly:

"You are almost dead, why are you looking at me more anxious than you?"

"Not so fast, give me a cigarette."

Mu Yigui stretched out his hand twice, took the menthol cigarette from Liang De's hand, and said:

“I performed the surgery myself with Yiyi Lingfeng, and I know how long I can live.

"It goes without saying about the dignity and dreams of ordinary people. Ade, you know these things better than me when you are not messing around. Let's just talk about the last thing.

"I pushed Sun Gou away because I wanted to ask you to do me a favor.

"My martial arts soul is cut like this. Even if it cooperates with the expansion of Jieyuan, the success rate of borrowing the phase is not very high. Even if I can still borrow the phase, I can't do the last sword myself.

You have also seen the files of the first idol trainee of the Comeback Project. The girl with the last number... Yes, she is the one with eyes that look very much like mine. She is pretty, just like my sister... No, no, I don't have one myself. Sister, I just think she looks like her.

My younger sister was abducted by human traffickers when she graduated from high school and traveled abroad. When she was just rescued from the border village, she was so scared that she crawled on the ground when she saw a stranger.

Her family sent her to the hospital at the Global Elite Sports Center for several years of treatment. She finally looked like a normal person, but she was still afraid of people. She could hold it back during the day, but she had nightmares at night.

She wants to go to a public special education school to help those star children... star children are children with autism, yes, autism.

“Children of the stars mean that they are like stars in the depths of the universe, distant, lonely, shining alone, and not understood by others.

“This girl wants to take care of them, but she can’t even take care of herself, and she can’t take the teacher qualification certificate, let alone pass the special education instructor certification.

“It seems like there is no other possibility in her life.

"So I prepared a gift for her.

"This piece."

Mu Yigui held the cigarette between his fingers, used the filter end to draw a five-pointed star in the middle of his martial arts spirit, and said:

"I have put all the tutorial dreams in it. With my soul essence, the damage to her soul caused by excessive fright can be completed.

"Ade, I heard Sun Gou say that you can already take apart the martial arts soul and use it, and you can barely use the magical function of Yiyi Lingfeng's soul.

"Tomorrow I can use Jieyuan Expansion again and borrow Xu Juezi's appearance to guide you in the martial arts soul transplantation technique. It won't be a big problem.

"I probably won't be able to get off the operating table after cutting this piece off, so please give her my star.

"As for the rest..."

Mu Yigui thought for a while and said:

"I will tell you my account password in Delusion Silver later. There is also a handling fee for transferring it around. It's not worth it.

"The storage cufflinks were left to Sun Gou, and the remaining body was given to Lecturer Xuanli of the Elite Center Medical School. She has helped me a lot during this time, so I consider it a gift in return, and..."

Liang De interrupted Mu Yigui, whose voice was getting smaller and smaller, and said:

"Why do you want me to perform this surgery? Why don't you ask Xu Juezi or Zhao to guide other true disciples? Their Yiyi Lingfeng is much better than me."

"What they don't dare to do, even Xu Juezi doesn't dare to do it."

Mu Yigui blew out smoke and said:

"Whoever dares to use this knife, Sun Xunqiao will definitely kill him until death.

"But you are different, Ade. Sun Gou won't kill you, so I want to ask you to do it for me."

Liang De extinguished his pair of golden demon beast pupils, looked at Mu Yigui with his normal eyes and said:

"Senior brother, he won't kill me, but he will be sad for the rest of his life. How long is the life of Jieyuan Walker, brother Gui, do you know?

"You were afraid that my senior brother would be upset, so you asked him to talk to me about this.

"Brother Gui, won't I feel sad if you let me use this knife?"

Mu Yiqi laughed dumbly and almost choked on the smoke.

"Ade, between me and you, we haven't reached this point yet."

He stretched out his right palm and made a high gesture.

"You didn't kill me in the Snowstorm City dungeon in the library, so when Thirst used the Realm of the Origin to trap you and Bai Hekong, I sent Lin Baolong to save you. We were almost even, and there was no relationship involved.

"You still remember the small group in our group, what was the group name, 'Common Tool People', and no one changed the group note.

"Although you are the group owner, to everyone in the group, the others are more or less common tools.

"So you suddenly told me this, I think it's a bit funny, Ade, are we here yet?"

He shook his raised palm and said to Liang De:

"Not yet.

"Let's not talk about this. By the way, I haven't told you how many crystal clusters are left in my card, I'll tell you..."

Liang De grabbed Mu Yigui's raised right hand and slowly pressed it to the height of his chest.

"No need to go there, this high is enough.

"I am willing to be sad for everyone who deserves to be sad. You can say I'm pretending to be familiar, that I'm self-touched, or that this is an illusion.

"If you die, I will be sad, because you deserve it, because, this is my romance."

Mu Yigui put away the indifferent smile on his face, this kind of smile is not for friends to see.

"Then what else can I do? Is it wrong for me to want to make use of my remaining energy?

"I know too much, so much that I am in excess. Can't I use my excess to create new possibilities for those who have no hope in life?"

He suddenly took a deep breath, tapped the nasogastric tube with his fingers, and said:

"It smells good, Sun Gou is quite fast.

"Ade, you don't want to help me, then tell me, what's wrong with my end-of-life plan?"

"I think your end-of-life plan is very good, Mu Yigui, do you know what's good about this plan?

"It's good because I'm good to your mother! "

Sun Xunqiao's furious roar was transmitted to Mu Yigui through the hose. With a loud bang, the soup bucket filled with jujube and wolfberry chicken soup on the stove was thrown out by the man who regarded food as his life!

The heavy soup bucket broke through several walls in succession and smashed towards Mu Yigui with a whistling sound!

Mu Yigui was furious:

"Didn't you say that this layer of internal energy is a very powerful special shielding structure!"

Liang De nodded:

"Yes, but he heard it through the tube. What does it have to do with my internal energy barrier?"

"Didn't you say that you would know if he monitored it!"

Liang De continued to nod:

"I know, but I didn't say that I would tell you if I knew it.

"Brother Gui, we are not at the stage where we can talk about everything, right? If we don't have a good relationship, then you should ask more questions."


Before Mu Yigui finished speaking, he saw Sun Xunqiao holding two balls of violently rolling five-color palm power, with red eyes, walking out of the hole in the wall that the soup bucket had broken, and ran towards him without saying a word!

1. Thank you to Biochemical Soy Sauce, Qingquan Rujianghu, Maruru, Riding Liu Xiang to School, Langzi Keke, Comrade Song Shuhang, No One Can Hear, Simulated Signal, Kinsin, Zzzll96, Shanhe Kurong, Huangfu Changkong, Waiting for the Moon to Return, Shanyou Muxi rv, Jellyfish 001, Nord, Wuji Tiandi r, Infinite Kuso and Bird Thief of Substitute Water for your rewards. Thank you for your subscription, voting and support. 2. Go to bed early and get up early! Great! 3. Thank you all, see you tomorrow!

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