Fist of Imagination

Chapter 391 Fabrication

Seeing what the Afro did, Liang De was furious, and his pride as a bald man rushed up his throat with countless swear words, and his dialectical thinking also soared to the level of self-destruction.

冚家hoe! Bald is bald, how can it be the same as bald!

And I am the one who took the initiative to be bald, how can dumping someone be the same as being dumped, how can celibacy be the same as involuntary singleness!

Damn it! Blue Star Apocalypse said that he is a "bald social animal hero", you can change your mother's bubble teapot, even if you adapt it, you can't make it up randomly!

If my legendary image in the Blue Star of the Worlds is deviated in the future, it means that you are also responsible for this matter!

How can you do literary and artistic work without any principles?

If you create like this, you can only spend a relatively failed life in the sewer, and the works you produce will only be the type that I will never look at again in my life. There is no future for this, do you know it or not!

Liang De was so angry that his meridians vibrated, and the black currant amber natural power rushed straight to his head, changing his face from a Lingnan man outside the pass to look like an Afro, with a black head and a black brain. However, it is well known that Afro has been an inseparable part of the capital of Lingnan since ancient times, so it is not surprising that he has become like this!

When the afro man was typing on the keyboard at a high intensity, Liang De approached him from behind with his teeth and claws bared, wishing to cut off his head and eat other parts raw to obtain rich protein.

However, the room in front of him and the afro man were just real illusions. Although they could be seen and touched, all the changes were just real-time deductions from this information body.

Liang De could see all his mental activities through the back of the afro's head, and every thought and emotion was clear.

Therefore, he knew that the reason why this afro changed his bald head to bald was to attract sponsorship from a hair transplant company in the future. The purpose of this setting was to facilitate the insertion of hard advertising, and there was no consideration of story at all.

For people like this, their afro should be plucked out with explosive power!

If it were possible, Mr. Liang would not hesitate to punish him with the worst malice and make him lose his hair.

Unfortunately, this Afro is still unknown in where in the Kaihara Kukai. If he does not have the great magical power of seeking truth with Qi and reaching far and wide, he can only dream of dealing with him.

Damn, this kind of Le Se can easily support the volume of Afro's hair. Isn't this just unworthy of hair!

Liang De gestured behind the Afro for a long time with malice, and finally could only stand behind the sweaty ergonomic chair in disappointment, watching him write the outline expressionlessly.

The Eastern language of this blue planet is a bit of a mixture of simplified and traditional Chinese. Mr. Liang can basically understand it. There is no reading difficulty, but it is just a little awkward.

In front of the screen, the Afro wrote the title in bold font after careful consideration:

"The 10th Anniversary Special of the Savior Hero: The Emperor Bald Knight ZERO TWO".


Where did this "Emperor" prefix come from? Don't just add attributes to people for the sake of gimmicks!

What the hell is ZERO TWO! Does this meaningless English number have any other value besides increasing the outdated fashion value?

Mr. Liang suppressed his murderous intent and read it word by word.

The story conceived by Afro is very simple:

In the near future when work pressure is increasing, the evil rule of black-hearted companies and the resentment of humble office workers are combined, and a large number of terrifying demons appear in the city, such as overtime demons, wage arrears demons, party A demons, blessing demons, wolf demons, etc.

The demons do evil everywhere and persecute innocent people. Not only do they force those office workers who work hard to support their families into the abyss, but they also drag five or six-year-old innocent children into the hell of internal circulation, making them slide on the ground at the running starting line. If they don’t have a level 3 abacus, they are embarrassed to go to preschool classes.

In that dark era, everyone would be surrounded by posters of terrifying demons as soon as they walked into the community elevator. They were tempted by evil symbols such as hair transplantation, plastic surgery, medical beauty, piano, fitness, real estate, and Chinese culture training classes, and unknowingly offered their last salary to the demon of involution. After that, the small loan demon came...

Everyone was exhausted, everyone ended in tragedy, and the few successful people became new demons, further strengthening the power of the dark side.

The evil will controlled the backstage of the world, and all ideals became invitations to hell. No one could stay out of it.

Even the strugglers who had suffered the hardships of the bottom, once they succeeded and achieved the class leap they dreamed of, would be transformed under the erosion of the evil will and alienated into dark creatures that stepped on everyone and sucked blood.

The brilliant illusion of everyone being like a dragon concealed the tragic reality of everyone being like a leek. When the world was about to fall into destruction, a man who used a gentle spirit of pulling the hips to fight against the demon of involution appeared.

He is the bald social animal hero!

Having written this, the afro stopped typing, and his small eyes surrounded by dark circles flickered with hesitation.

Is it really okay to write these things in special effects dramas? It’s okay for children who watch special effects dramas. They have long understood the cruelty of social competition in the process of going to various interest classes. Listening to their parents’ quarrels at home has reduced their expectations for love and marriage. The highly educated tutors swallowing their anger for the sake of 200 yuan an hour have made them understand the flexibility of people.

Children have long since become strong. What we need to worry about are those who have gone through many hardships and winds, causing physical and mental scars. After losing their ideals, they devote themselves to subcultures such as tokusatsu dramas. They use this as an opportunity to forget about gains and losses, huddle in the gaps and lie down to stay healthy. of adults.

As the saying goes, life is unsatisfactory, and you join the second dimension in middle age.

Therefore, in the second dimension, there are many people with charming temperaments.

Unlike those children watching the fire from the other side, these people are beasts burned by the flames of hell, the remaining fire in the ashes of the long night, just using a thick leather sheath to keep calm in order to live.

Once these people feel the temperature of the spark, they are very likely to recall the cruel memories from the Involution Shura Field and become very terrifying existences.

Although these people may not be as pure as running into the streets with chainsaws after transformation, it is more than enough to be a negative energy humidifier online, which can be said to be "infinitely poisonous".

…Do I really want to do this?

Afro stared blankly at his hands, and in his mind, his literary ideals from elementary school to high school came to mind.

University? How can college students have any ideals! Isn’t it cool to skip school and sleep and play games? You said it would be easy to go to college, but I was just doing what you said!

He pressed both sides of his head with both hands, squeezed his afro into a pie-shaped steel ball, and fell into deep thought under the pale light.


It's past two o'clock in the morning, and there is a meeting in less than seven hours. Aren't you just the older two-dimensional people who watch tokusatsu dramas? I don't care about them!

The crackling keyboard sounded again!

Dead line makes people forge ahead, and madness makes people efficient.

In less than four hours, Afro completed his first draft of the outline.

When he hit the last Enter key, a ray of blue light penetrated into the room, and Mr. Liang who was peeking at the screen was swept up and taken away.

After a few breaths, Liang De reappeared in the lobby of Yingxuetang Xiangbei branch.

"Teacher Fengxian, I have seen all the information. No matter how fair you comment on this thing, it is just nonsense.

Even if the Ancient Blue Star receives this message, will it recognize that it is me? "

"Ade, you did one less thing!"

Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow!

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