Fist of Imagination

Chapter 382 Her Hometown

Remember where you come from?

Do you mean Sheng Wuxu Private High School?

Yes, the hellish environment in the school was created by Principal Sheng Wuxu as he wished. It was the persecution of the lower class by the powerful Qingjie.

The lower class had no power to resist and could only be alienated or die.

Although there was no exploitation and oppression in the education system set by Sheng Wuxu, he never regarded the weak as human beings, subdued people with force, and enslaved all living things.

Lao Tie adapted to the school environment, but people like her would never like such an environment, and would never like people who created such an environment.

She said she remembered where she came from, which was probably what she meant.

So... although we are not very familiar with each other, maybe we can be called fellow travelers.

Liang De felt that he understood what Thicke meant, so he stopped talking. He activated the martial arts soul, used the golden snake resonance method to pull the electromagnetic, and gently pulled a few pale red mutant soul mosses closer.

"The bodies of these mutant soul mosses are more solid, not as fragile as before, and will not be weak and vulnerable to nourishment.

"I can use my innate divine power to modulate them in a targeted manner, retaining the ability to transform anger while limiting their population size, and allowing them to survive only in the Internet.

"In this way, even if the source of the rage is contained, there will still be a mechanism for anger aggregation on this blue planet, and the transformed anger will only exist in the Internet world."

"Store anger in the Internet? Don't you want to make anger a weapon for ordinary people?" asked the thrips.

"Ordinary people are divided into many types, and their anger is the same."

Liang De explained to her:

"The anger aggregated by the source of the rage covers all circles, of which more than half are unreasonable and twisted anger. If those twisted angry people get weapons, it will only make the world worse.

So I want to keep the weapons in the Internet world."

"What's the use?"

...Can cyber violence still protect people in reality?

Liang De sent her an analysis report and said:

"I asked the assistant outside the world to collect data through "The Mirror of the World" to compare some blue star civilizations with similar development situations, and conducted a relatively comprehensive analysis of each development stage.

"We initially judged that the development of this blue star in the next few centuries cannot be separated from the Internet and electromagnetic waves, especially in the field of communications.

"So, if anger is allowed to reside in electromagnetic waves and anger can cause damage to the Internet and the electromagnetic wave environment, then no matter what the ruling philosophy of the upper class is, they must face up to the anger of ordinary people and do something."

"Just face up?"

The brief soul transmission of the thrips only has meaning, no sound or image attached, and no expression of any emotion.

She has never been used to talking too much, because when she was in her hometown, she, like all the "thrips", had no chance to speak.

Zhou Bofu is a ruler who advocates high efficiency. He will eliminate all unnecessary steps to ensure that his plan is executed as quickly as possible.

Cultivate mortals, transform souls, inject different background memories respectively, and then place them on a uniformly running conveyor belt to distribute death in an orderly manner.

The incinerator at the end of the conveyor belt will inject different death memories into the thrips. These woven memories are deep, vivid, real and credible.

In order to fabricate background memories, the creative directors in the compound eye organization worked hard, and once became the position with the most deaths on duty, and spent a lot of office funds on the resurrection ceremony.

Their efforts were not in vain. After entering the Sword Immortal Ruins, the thrips passed the review of the Demon Sword Spirit like a normal person.

However, the overly real background memories also brought some troubles. They made the mass-produced "thrips" feel that they were unique.

They were in pain, they were angry, they wanted freedom and happiness, they wanted to laugh and cry, but these emotions and thoughts were meaningless to Zhou Bofu and his plan, and would only increase energy consumption and affect quality control.

Who would need the laughter and tears of screws?

They only need to follow the steps to ensure the stable operation of the machine, the smooth progress of the plan, and the owner of the machine and the planner to get what they want.

So Zhou Bofu deprived them of the ability to speak and move. The thrips were fixed on the terrifyingly long assembly line, motionlessly passing through the steel-blue cold machines, and drove to death in an orderly manner.

Anger, sadness, and hatred condensed in the standard process, but the thrips had no weapons, and even no voice.

Their anger could not be conveyed to their companions, nor could it be left to later generations.

More than 1,800 years after Sheng Wuxu's death, in order to explore the remains of the Sword Immortal, the Compound Eye Organization sent 150 million thrips spirits to the other side of the sky and sea every year.

Du Gongtai told the thrips that Zhou Bofu immediately destroyed the planetary factory that had lost its value after failing to compete for the remains of the Sword Immortal, and the finished and semi-finished products in stock were annihilated.

From now on, no new thrips will be born.

There is no record of this matter in "The Mirror of the World", because that world is ruled by Zhou Bofu on behalf of the sky, and this fierce bird who likes to plunder never contributes world entries to Yingxue Hall.

Those anger and sadness, those silences and desires, seem to have disappeared.

But, but...

But there is still a thrips, she remembers where she came from.

So what she wants is not only to "face up to it", nor "have to face up to it", if possible, she wants everyone to become a strong person who controls their own destiny.

That requires real weapons and real violence.

"Just face it?"

She repeated it to the man who saved her once. There was still no emotion in this soul message, but repetition itself was an expression.

Liang De really understood what she meant this time, but he did not intend to change his plan.

"I don't plan to do that. You and I do have the ability to change this blue planet, but do we have the qualifications and determination?

"I don't know if you have it, but I don't. I'm just a passing Jieyuan walker."

"You don't believe in yourself."

"You can also say that I believe very much that I can't bear this responsibility, and I believe in them very much, and believe in ordinary people in this world.

"How else do you want to change this blue planet into a place where whoever is angry becomes stronger, and let driving school coaches and elementary school teachers dominate the world? Of course, Warriors fans are not bad, but that's not the point...

"I mean, do you believe that our plan is the best?" Liang De asked her.

"There can be more detailed rules and systems."

"Some systems are shackles, and some systems are railings. Give them a railing to protect themselves, and give them some more time. I believe they will find the answer.

"What do you think, my friend?"

"Let's start."



In the depths of the void, Tai Fengxian sighed:

"Ade, you are not a passing Jieyuan traveler, you are clearly a knight who came to do some good things."

Du Gongtai on the side laughed and said, "Brother, your sigh is unreasonable. Isn't it good to do good things? You used to like doing good things the most."

"Okay, okay, okay, of course I like to do good things. If I hadn't done so many good things, how could I be like this today."

Tai Fengxian was heartbroken and shook his head.

"Brother, don't say sarcastic words, quickly call someone to call Ji Shen to settle the matter, don't let Ade get involved in karma so early."

"Brother Tai, if there is such a good thing, why do I need you to call me."

There was a distortion in the void, and an indescribable shadow suddenly fell here.

Woo woo woo, thank you everyone, see you tomorrow!

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