Fist of Imagination

Chapter 370 Containment Mission

"Thrips, the editor-in-chief has something urgent to ask you! Thrips! Thrips!"

Anxious voices circulated over the office area, and a curled-up schedule notebook fluttered its black cover around, constantly looking for where Thrips was taking a nap.

The flying schedule turned around a few times, and the bearded old men who looked up at it below not only did not help it, but also threw pens and ink bottles at it because it was noisy. The schedule book was anxiously searching for a long time, but the pages rustled, but there was no trace of Thrips.

It's Thrips again! Why is it my turn to notify her again!

This new editor has been the focus of the literature and art department since she joined the company. Several authors who were rarely seen were subdued by her. One by one, they changed from habitual procrastinators to the conscience of the industry who submitted their manuscripts in advance. The change before and after was greater than being possessed by a typewriter.

Except for the occasional author who ran to Yingxuetang and cried and shouted to change the editor, the new editor's work performance was excellent, but she was also famous for being quiet!

It was okay that she never greeted her colleagues at ordinary times, but at least she would nod to show that she saw you, which was not completely ignored. The most troublesome thing was that she was absolutely silent during non-working hours. Not to mention ordinary colleagues, she didn't even reply to the editor-in-chief's messages. She had no rules or manners at all.

Moreover, she disappeared as soon as lunch broke, and she couldn't be found no matter how hard she tried. Every time, it made this most efficient messenger anxious to lose pages.

Young people nowadays are getting more and more outrageous. Lunch break, lunch break is also half a working time!

The schedule book that was anxious to pass the message turned over, and a bookmark tape was thrown out from the gap. It swept and collected it, and accurately entangled a pen thrown from below.

The messenger schedule book used a bookmark to control the pen, and drew a human face with only eyes and mouths on the blank inner pages. After drawing, it sneezed loudly in the air, spraying the torn pieces of human face paper in all directions.

"Thrips, thrips! The editor-in-chief has something urgent to find you! Come out!"

"The editor-in-chief has a task for thrips, all of you come to help me find thrips!"

"Don't sleep, help me see where thrips are!"

Each piece of human face paper repeated the same words, and the noise merged into an annoying mosquito swarm, instantly penetrating all the folding spaces in the office area, ignoring all soundproofing devices and magic, and penetrating every hole.

The editors who were sleeping on their workstations were so angry that they wanted to pull it off and rub it soft to wipe their butts. There were many fierce people who were proficient in fighting and killing among these editors in the art department, but no one dared to really do it.

It is said that these heralds were bound by hand by Du Gongtai, a pure sect of Thunder, when he was still working at Yingxuetang. They are important assets of Yingxuetang Bookstore. It doesn't matter if you throw ink and pens at ordinary times, but if you really cause serious damage to them, it will damage the morality of men!

It's not that I'm afraid, but it's not worth taking such a big risk for these death-seeking ghosts who are too hard to wipe their butts!

A black hole cracked on the wall next to the tea room, and a leopard-headed man with spotted eyes leaned out half of his body, and stretched out his long arms to get a tin pencil case from the workstation opposite.

The leopard-headed man opened the pencil case and flicked his finger to wake up the sleeping golden retriever lying inside.

"Don't lie there like a corpse. How can you sleep like this? Move your nose and help the ghost up there find the thrips."

The golden retriever pulled down his eye mask and said unhappily:

"If you want to find it, find it yourself. I don't have an extra nostril than you. Why bother me? You cats are just sick."

"You make such a fuss every time someone goes missing. Aren't you annoyed?

It's true that she is quite capable at work, but she should also learn to be sociable. It's just that the editor-in-chief values ​​talent. In my opinion, sooner or later someone will punish her for being so unruly."

"Value talent? Haha, haven't you heard that she was personally recommended by that person to work here? Who knows when she will take over the editor-in-chief's job and send more than a dozen ghosts to punish you every day."

"That person... who?"

"Who else could it be."

The golden retriever raised his tail and pointed upwards. A faded three-character signature could be vaguely seen on the back cover of the flying messenger schedule.

The leopard-headed man let go of the pencil case and shrunk back into the hole, leaving only a few long hairs that fell out of nervousness.

The golden retriever took a last look at the messenger schedule, pulled up his eye mask and turned over.

"Go ahead and make a noise, go ahead and make a noise, we are afraid of you, but she is not afraid of you."


"Thrips! I see you, come out!"

After the loudly reciting messenger schedule shouted this sentence, it suddenly felt a little cold on the cover.

Under the ceiling of the literary and art department's office area, it was filled with gloomy rain clouds without knowing when.

"Thrips, what are you going to do..."

"It's so noisy."

This short complaint was mixed with the dense rain.

The steel-blue rainstorm fell with a bang, and in an instant, all the flying human face paper pieces in the air were shot down and nailed to the ground.

The messenger schedule was not so lucky. The irritable waterfall formed by the Gangqi needle rolled it in the rain until it was beaten into a ball of fiber debris by the rainstorm. The angry rain with waking up gradually stopped.

The messenger, who was beaten into a mist, whimpered in fear, and after struggling to put himself back together, he fell down. As he rolled over, a small note fell out of his notebook.

In the middle of the ruins that used to be the office area of ​​the Arts Department, Ji Ma raised her hand to catch the falling note.

There was no word on it. She used her warrior's spiritual sense to scan it, and the information left by the editor-in-chief on the paper flowed into her mind.

"Take it to the Blue Star of the 706th World on the Other Shore, and properly store the remaining fragments of the Book of Everything, the coordinates within the boundary... the contact person..."

After reading, the note twisted and connected head to tail, and turned into a Mobius loop on the little finger of the thrips.

She was stunned for a while thinking about the name of the contact, then opened the gate through the boundary and walked in.


The 706th World on the Other Shore, the blockade area of ​​​​the wrathful tide.

Liang De has sorted out a copy of the relevant information of the Book of Everything and Everything and handed it to Wen Zhongsu and He Gongji, and told them that professionals will come to properly store it.

After giving the information, the blockade area fell into an unspeakable silence.

None of the three people spoke again, and Li Zhixian, who was watching from the cross-border, was also rare in silence.

Liang De smoked one cigarette after another, wondering why the people from Yingxuetang had not come yet.

He could probably guess how Wen and He felt at the moment, but he couldn't understand.

There is no such thing as empathy in this world.

What else can he say?

The Book of Everything is actually similar to disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Don't worry about it anymore because it's useless to worry about it.

How can you say such a thing? There are times when you are powerless in life, but, but...

"Mr. Liang."

The first person to speak was Wen Zhongsu.

1. Thank you to Shiyou Zuoshi, steam0822402, _Yunkun_, Famous Failure, The End of the Stars, Jianxu Lingyu, drouse, Nord, Shuijun Shuishuishui, Xiaokan Mancheng Yanyu, Xixi 龾, Weizhi Xianhua, Renyangmafan Knight King, Shoushan Zhibu Shaocheng Rongshi , Binlan★Saint Flame, MONEY Qian, Foxz and book friend 20190216052443834 for your rewards. Thank you for your subscription and voting support. 2. Some people are curious about what the indescribable hot pot looks like. I will post it in the Easter egg chapter after this chapter. 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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