Fist of Imagination

Chapter 332: Deep or shallow fate

The melancholy Liang Gong sighed repeatedly. After his assistant Zhang Mozhu left, he threw the project report into his desk drawer and stared blankly at the ceiling.

He hasn't looked at the project daily report for several days.

He can understand the general progress of the project by touching the beta version of Sandpiper Hunter. For more detailed and specific things, he doesn't need to read the project daily report. He can just look at Ayun.

The person named Anonymous - or this fish - is very simple and direct, never secretive, happy and happy, and full of joy and anger.

When the project progress is satisfactory, Ayun sings at his workstation every day. The must-select songs are "I Believe" and "My Future Is Not a Dream." When he is particularly excited, Ayun will jump out of his workstation and wave his fins like soaring. Running laps, I am so happy that I want to fly into the sky and be side by side with the sun.

Once there was a lag in progress, Ayun became very irritable. Without saying a word, he locked himself in the room, lifted his desk, safe and other heavy objects and smashed them, bang bang bang bang, hitting the whole building. However, Liang De would also wrap his hands with gold snakes from time to time to stabilize the building structure. It was difficult to understand the real situation of the project.

Project daily reports full of professional terminology and complex data are not as intuitive as Ayue's. How is the research and development work of Sandpiper Hunter going? Engineer Liang only needs to listen to whether it is "I believe that I am me, I believe in tomorrow" or "哐哐哐哐" "That's it.

However, compiling and collecting project daily reports can help team members review and summarize the completed parts. After the daily reports are publicly released, everyone can have a more comprehensive understanding of the project, so Liang De continued to maintain the rule of daily submission.

Over the past week, Liang De has almost finished listening to Ayun's playlist. The Sniper Hunter sniper rifle sent to him for testing has become more and more accurate. Through the air and sea turbulence of medium and low intensity, his sniper hits are accurate. The other shore 977 The sea creatures outside the world ran away as soon as they saw him, and even those silly mayflies in the air had already recognized his ruthless true face, and no longer curiously walked around him.

After the release of this sniper rifle, it will definitely bring Mo's Heavy Industry's reputation in the field of outside weapons to a higher level.

But for Liang Gong, what does this mean?

The main reason why he took over this project was not to create a star product for Mohe Heavy Industries. He just wanted to spend Mohe Heavy Industries' money and use Mohe Heavy Industries' equipment to carry out his own research on Kukai Chaos with the support of Mohe Heavy Industries. Through research on currents, he can find out how long he drifted in the turbulent currents before crossing over, and how long it has been since the ancient blue star.

It is a pity that Liang Gong has found nothing on these two issues.

"It's useless to sit here and think about it. Let's move. Move first."

Liang De's soul moved slightly, recalling the clone that was wandering outside.

Within the scope of the spirit shroud, he can split his soul and move around freely, but if he wants to cross the boundary, he must still restore his complete soul, otherwise he will not be able to pass the filter of the boundary membrane.

It is true that the world and Jie Yuan Walker are distant relatives. It is easy to come in and out of the door if there is nothing to do. But if a strange creature with only half a body and half a head wants to come in and out, no matter how close the relative is, they will not open the door. open it.

Liang Deyi, Bingding and Ding arrived one after another. After Liang Gong finished assembling himself, he teleported out of the office. He staggered to the public crossing door and swiped the project director's work card. The silly, big, black and thick crossing door made a low-level sound. The swishing sound of the transition sound effect suddenly sent Liang De to the boundary membrane of the world No. 977 on the other side.

Liang De lay down listlessly in the empty sea of ​​emptiness, letting the flowing void send him into the nearest medium-low intensity turbulence zone.

The walkers on this side are as solid as rocks, and those on this side like Liang De, who are suspected to come from the oldest blue star, are even harder and heavier. They are the kind of stone that cannot be turned by a river, and cannot be moved even by a sudden collision of phases.

Although they are all low-level White Tribulation practitioners, he does not need to use high-intensity calculations like Shen Shiyu to maintain the most appropriate distance from the turbulence of the air and sea. If it is just a medium- to low-intensity turbulence, it doesn't matter if he jumps in and soaks in it. He can't get involved anyway. Move him.

Liang De had done his homework in advance and read many papers in "Learning from the World". He knew that when the turbulence of the air and sea was involved in the travelers on this shore, the overall intensity would be lowered, just like taking a powerful tranquilizer.

He has tried the so-called high-intensity turbulence several times, but to no avail. No matter how rough the waves are, they will turn back when they encounter him. At most, they will drag him to the nearby sea area, and he will go back as soon as the boundary gate is opened. He rushed into the turbulence of separation of form and spirit. He had never encountered it before.

Not romantic enough...

Liang De lay swaying in nothingness, firing two shots to record data, looking very leisurely.

But his mind was already so entangled that he was on the verge of collapse.

Three days after starting the turbulent flow experiment, every time he entered a turbulent area, he would immediately drive away the Kukai creatures living in it, shoot wildly, and kill not a single mayfly left, completely eliminating other influences, so as to better This completely verifies the conjecture of "just go with the flow" of the North Shaolin Master Shisheng on the other side.

After many experiments, Liang De felt that Master Shisheng's conjecture seemed to be correct.

When he entered the turbulent flow of Kukai and lay dead, the irregular flow of the void seemed to suddenly have a backbone. His warrior spiritual sense clearly sensed that the turbulent flow "wanted" to roll him in a specific direction, but it could not move him. If you move him, you can only make noises like boiling in the same place.

I can’t even rush through it, this turbulent flow is really useless...

Liang De sighed again and again, then shot an innocent Sky-Breaking Sea Serpent with a casual shot. He contacted Zhang Mozhu and sent the data back to the outside world, and then continued his thinking.

If the Sky Sea Turbulence is really "follow fate", then as long as the most powerful fate beacon is erected in the sea, the woman will naturally return at the fastest speed under the turbulence like a piece of iron attracted by a magnet.

But whether fate is strong or not depends entirely on personal cognition.

If the opposite sex grows up together, if they are good-looking, they will become "childhood sweethearts", and if they are not good-looking, they will be the children of the aunt next door, and the strength of the bond between them is completely different.

After graduation, the woman did not even return to the world she was born in. Logically, the two sides of the Sky Sea and the World that she is most deeply involved with are nothing more than the Sword Immortal Ruins World, the Other Shore 977 World where Mo's Heavy Industry is located, and... and the world where I am.

But... how do I know whether the place where I am is considered a bond in the heart of the woman.

After graduation, she looked like she didn't care about anything, and she did experiments in the turbulence area without caring about life and death.

What if she really doesn't care about anything, then the Sky Sea Turbulence that rolls her up will not be able to follow fate.

But how can I be sure of what she thinks in her heart.

Liang De struggled and struggled, but still couldn't think of an answer.

Forget it, go ask her.

He took out his phone.

1. Thank you for the reward of "Life is so difficult, why do you have to work overtime", thank you for the reward from steam0826, Bijiandaoziyou and book friend 20180520135649517, and thank you for your subscription and voting support. 2. Thank you for the chapter recommendation from teacher Buqi Shixian. I am crying like rain and can't make a sound. 3. Book recommendation time! The long night has come, and the blood moon is in the sky. Hoarse whispers flow in the street corners, and brass steam engines spew blood mist. Your brain is singing and your eyes are chanting. The skin is cracked and the granulation is bulging. In the gray fog, the flesh and blood wall that devoured thousands of corpses howled all day long-only a madman would try to save the world? ——Annan is such a madman. Players were originally the saviors of countless worlds, so why did they have to bring disaster to the world? The young dragon and the players who follow him will eventually let the light of the sky car shine on the earth again. The new book by the author of "Mercury Blood", "A Tribute to the Devil", and "To Four Thousand Years Later", "Player Super Justice", is completed and of guaranteed quality, and is ready to be slaughtered! 4. Did you know that the PY that everyone often talks about is actually... the abbreviation of "friend"! 5. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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