Fist of Imagination

Extra-long nighttime leave request (part 2)

Hello everyone, I am Du Tingbei, your loyal friend who updates every day.

Yesterday, a reader said in the comment area: Leave note literature is going to die.

It is so sincere and heartfelt, and I feel sorry for him.

I think, as the leader of leave note literature in the 22nd century, I must give him a shot of confidence.

It is certainly difficult to write an extra-long leave note, but how can a serious literary worker stop in fear of difficulties?

My self-esteem does not allow me to do this.

So there is this extra-long leave note.

Today is the last day of April, and it is a good time to review the recent situation of "The Fist of Laku" (this name is getting smoother and smoother, I will communicate with the editor another day to see if the title can be changed), which can also be regarded as a short-term summary.

There were 4 days of laku in April (there is no meaning that there will be 5 days of laku in May, there is no such connection, after all, there were 6 days of laku in January and 7 days of laku in March, which is obviously a random number series), and the number of days of laku decreased by 75% compared with March.

In April, 72,000 words were effectively updated, an increase of 19.17% compared with March, which was about 60,000 words.

In April, my weight was 83.1 kg, up 3.87% from March, and the thickness of my swimming ring and the number of layers of my chin doubled.

In general, the development trend of serious literature is stable and improving. Except that the weather suddenly became hot, Du Tingbei was slacking off every day, and my cat began to shed hair like a dandelion and learned to bite slippers, there was nothing that could stop me from gradually realizing my dream of full attendance.

Of course, a mature man never makes a clear promise, and I am not a financial blogger who builds WeChat groups to collect IQ taxes. Predicting the future is not my forte. Whether I can achieve full attendance in May, I will keep it in the dark for the time being.

I don’t know whether I can get full attendance in May.

In my opinion, the future is like a game of five consecutive games in an Internet cafe. You can never predict how bad you and your friends will be. The process of dreaming is beautiful and hazy, like a ball of cotton candy that has not been licked, and the moment of badness is clearer than the pain of stepping on a building block.

I believe more and more in my own lagging, and I doubt my future more and more.

I have learned not to promise uncertain things, such as going to bed early and getting up early and loving you forever.

But my classmate Mr. Song Minghe in the Mecha Operation Department does not think so.

Mr. Song is a very serious and self-disciplined person. He will definitely do what he decides.

He leveled the land in March and April, and harvested the answers in August and September, step by step, and never lagging.

After joining the Kentucky Literary Club together, the serious Mr. Song wanted to kill me for being lagging.

Over the years, except for Mr. Tanaka Kensuke and me, Mr. Song has almost eliminated all uncertainties in life.

To this day, Mr. Tanaka Kensuke's mother has not entered the atmosphere, and I am still on hiatus, and Mr. Song's work of eliminating uncertainties is still continuing.

He regularly practices the sword-drawing technique of breaking updates without head flow, regularly greets me, and regularly writes literature to urge updates.

Seven years ago, when I serialized my first novel "My Roommate is Really Problematic" on Qidian, Mr. Song provided tens of thousands of words of related works to tell all readers and friends the reason for my hiatus.

After "The Fist of Imagination" was released, the battle between Mr. Song and me also started again.

Unlike in the past, Mr. Song recorded the reason for my update this time, which is called "What You Don't Know about Mr. Du·Revised 2·The Reason for Mr. Du's Update".

I have already posted the first article of this series in "The Fist of Imagination", but it seems that not many people have seen it, so I took the opportunity of this leave to attach Mr. Song's new work below and leave a message to Mr. Song.

Brother Song, in addition to urging for updates, why not take a look at my novels.

I still write very poorly, but I still want to hear your opinions.

Thank you all for reading this, see you tomorrow.


What You Don't Know about Mr. Du·Revised 2·The Reason for Mr. Du's Update 02


Mr. Du, as has been pointed out many times before, is one of the top ten rotten people in the Mecha Operation Department. He is rotten to the bone and into the bone marrow, and is really hopeless.

For example, the canteen of the Mecha Operation Department has a good amount of roast meat, especially the homemade hot sauce is famous throughout the department.

In order to get more free hot sauce, Mr. Du asked the lunch king, May network manager Mr. Su, to forcibly take the five-jin hot sauce bottle from the store, ignoring the surprised look of the store owner when Mr. Su took the hot sauce bottle away.

And Mr. Du argued: "The owner's surprised look is obviously because Mr. Su was still wearing this short-sleeved shirt in November, and it has nothing to do with hot sauce."

Of course, when Mr. Su returned the bottle, it was cleaner than it had been washed, as if it had never contained hot sauce before.

"Hot sauce passes through the intestines, and the newer ones are left on the paper." Mr. Du, who is worse than the sauce, still does his own thing even though he has repeatedly suffered from hemorrhoids due to his crazy spicy food. This sentence has never shown the persuasiveness it should have.

On this day, after Mr. Du once again instructed Mr. Su to bring the hot sauce bottle, I routinely picked up a knife to urge for more.

"Since there is sausage hot sauce, there are 10,000 words of new content in the lunch box."

"No problem, no problem, after we finish eating the roast meat, we will start..."

Seeing Mr. Du rushing to the toilet with the firepower of a planetary engine, and then looking at the bright red hot sauce, I understood something.

"Mr. Du, there is no paper in the toilet, you are already waiting to die. If you don't update, I will send the hot sauce bottle back to the store."

Mr. Du had no choice but to update a chapter and get back the toilet paper and hot sauce bottle.

The fifth

Du Gong regards himself as the leader of the FFF team of the mecha operation department. Whenever Ping Gong, Bing Gong, Xing Gong and others are in pairs or whispering to each other, Du Gong always appears in a special identity, spreading a sinister atmosphere around them. This special role always has a mysterious connection with Du Gong's oval face and small tufts of hair.

To put it bluntly, he is a light bulb.

Song Gong is a person who cares about his roommates. Seeing that Lord Du came to disturb Lord Ping again, I couldn't stand it and said:

"Lord Du, where is the update today?"

"Lord Song, you are unworthy of being the deputy leader of my FFF group. At this time, Lord Ping has done this act that angers the heavens and the people. It is my duty and duty to do justice. I am willing to suspend the update for this. Don't you understand my good intentions?"

"Lord Du, which is more serious, the update or the punishment from heaven? The world has its own public opinion, which is not decided by you and me. As far as I am concerned, Lord Wan is lingering on the cute girl, Lord Mao is indulging in the neighboring table, so what's wrong with Lord Ping seeking flowers and asking willows and getting to know beautiful women?"

"Lord Song, this remark hurts my heart. I have a "Discourse on Persuading Separation", you must study it carefully."

So Lord Du continued to persuade Lord Ping to leave in my room, and I went to Lord Du's room to reread "Discourse on Persuading Separation". This article is eloquent, telling the history of the relationship in the mecha operation department, and it is detailed and complete. In the end, it comes down to "most of the relationships in the department are fruitless, it is better to separate and fly away." I have to say that I still admire Mr. Du who wrote this article. The only thing is that at the end of the paper, Mr. Du took the trouble to write down the author's contact information, but he did not mention publishing the paper at all, which really confused me.

Just then, a chat box popped up in the lower right corner of Mr. Du's desktop.

"Senior Du, after reading your "Persuasion to Break Up", I was enlightened and broke up with my boyfriend immediately. Thank you for the contact information you left at the end of the paper. I hope to contact you frequently in the future." There are many similar chat records.

I immediately took Mr. Du back.

On this day, Mr. Du had to update four chapters under the condition of a long knife. Moreover, while I was not paying attention, he added "If you are a beautiful girl" to the introduction of "Fist of Imagination", and he has been shirking it until now and refused to delete it.


Du Gong, who often indulges in the game of Three Kingdoms and delays the update, has two magic weapons when he enters the game, namely, talking cannon and being vulgar. He dominates the chat room in the name of "plain slashing", and everyone at that time hates him.

One day, I routinely brought a knife to urge for updates, and saw Du Gong dominating the killing field again, and I couldn't help but shake my head secretly. However, Song Gong is also a Three Kingdoms Killer, and he stopped behind Du Gong to watch the battle.

When I saw the word "red" in the chat box, I saw Du Gong's gossip flying out; when I saw the word "middle", I saw someone judge the spade 3 in a flash.

"Mr. Du, you are like a god today, why not take advantage of the victory to withdraw troops, and quickly update in this good state, and you can still have extra time to continue to kill."

"Mr. Song, you don't know, the luck is good now, so you should take advantage of the victory and continue to increase the winning rate."

"Well, I will watch here. When you lose a game, it means that your luck for the day has run out."

"Very good, I will continue if I win next, and start typing if I lose. Mr. Song, do you dare to bet?"

"How can I be afraid of you, an old non-African? Let's bet." After saying that, I moved a chair and sat down to watch the game.

To be honest, Mr. Du's card skills are really bad, but only this mouth cannon skill should not be underestimated. Seeing that he always has red hearts when he is happy, plum blossoms when he has soldiers, eight trigrams imported, farming must be there, wolf attack must be 2 blood, and Lingren three all hits, I feel more and more that something is not right.

"Mr. Du, you have won every battle this time. You have great luck. Song is impressed. I will not urge you to update today. It is getting late now. We want to have a hot pot party. I found two bottles of good wine. Shall we go?"

"Hot pot and wine, the more you eat, the better!" Mr. Du organized Mr. Lu and others to start preparing. I took this opportunity to open Mr. Du's computer and found the secret of his victory in every battle.

The next day, Pingkan was banned for a week because he was reported for cheating. The owner had to update during that week.

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