Dawa Tsering and Qutso confronted each other for a while. He turned around, put his hands gently on Buchi Boma's shoulders, and said:

"Benma, it's getting dark soon. You should do your homework first. If you have any questions, come and ask me."

Buchi Bomma raised his eyes to look at Qucuo. Seeing that she didn't say anything, he nodded with red eyes and said to Dawa Tsering:

"Brother Tsering, I'm going to do my homework."

When Buchi Bomma left, the anger in Dawa Tsering's eyes still did not disappear.

"Grandma, why don't you let your two sisters receive funding from the Muhua project? With this funding, Dunzhu can go to kindergarten in the county, and Benma won't have to worry about going to junior high school or high school.

I asked Teacher Danjiu, you have always refused, why did you do this? "

Qutso spoke much softer in front of her son. She took Dawa Tsering's hand and said softly:

"Tsering, it's because they don't want to support you as well, so grandma didn't agree. If you wait a few more days, they will definitely get some benefits if they come to donate money. They are the ones who are worried if they can't donate the money.

In a few days, when they agree to sponsor you, grandma will..."

Dawa Tsering shook off Qutso's hand and said:

"Mom, the Muhua project is specifically to support my sister. I have a scholarship from the county, so I don't need their support!"

Qucuo's hands froze in the air, and his tone became a little harsh:

“Tsering, you are still young and don’t understand many things yet!

You have been admitted to the best high school in the city. The Buddha, gods and ancestors are blessing you. You will have a great future.

After my grandma got the money, she invited the guru from Anjue Temple to come home to pray for you and bless my Tsering to be safe and healthy. Everything will go well when you arrive in the city. This is the biggest thing in our family. "

"Mom, I got into high school by studying hard. As long as I study hard and don't do bad things, the Buddha will bless me without having to spend money to ask a guru to bless me.

If you spend this money, what will happen to your sisters’ studies? "

"What's the use of them studying?

Grandma hasn't read many books. She didn't raise you by farming and herding sheep. As long as a woman is willing to endure hardship and work hard, she doesn't need to read so many books. "

“Reading is useful!

Grandma, the money from the Muhua project was originally donated by well-wishers for my sisters to study. We can’t spend it arbitrarily. "

"Aren't those kind people donating money just to help children from poor families study? Aren't you a child from a poor family?

Once they donate money, the money is no longer theirs. The people above have the final say on how to spend it.

Last year, the village received tens of thousands of donations for the elderly. How much was actually given to the elderly in the village?

Those well-meaning people don't know how poor families in our poor areas live, so they won't blame us.

Tsering, grandma, you only have one son. Your father works in the city and the money he sends back is getting less and less. Four people in the family have to eat and clothe themselves. Grandma wakes up early and stays late at night. You must listen to grandma. Otherwise, grandma wouldn’t be able to survive. "

Qutso pretended to wipe his tears, and Dawa Tsering's eyes were a little red, but he tightened his chest and arms and did not comfort his mother.

"Grandma, Dundup and Benma must study. If you don't agree to it, I won't go to high school. I will go to work in the city like my father. I will make money for my sister to study!"

Dawa Tsering hardened his heart and walked quickly past Qutso and walked towards his room.

Qucuo stood there panting heavily. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and shook all over. The dzi bead necklace hanging around her neck rattled.

Yu Peihuan saw all this. She remained invisible and floated into Buchibenma's room. She pursed her lips and looked at the girl who was not much younger than her.

She watched Buchibenma do her homework conscientiously for more than ten minutes, carefully leaving dozens of hidden monitoring arrays in this Tibetan-style bunker, and then floated out of Buchibenma's house.

Yu Peihuan wandered around the dam village like a ghost. She visited every Buddhist scripture hall in the Tibetan-style blockhouse, touched every "white sacred stone", and saw every flying wind-horse flag, but But nothing unusual was found.

The most outrageous thing is that some cats were secretly drawn on some wind horse flags.

She took out her mobile phone and entered the information in her work diary that "the preliminary investigation results of the Brazilian Evil Disaster Bureau are basically correct, and no abnormalities have been found in Daba Village yet." After leaving monitoring arrays everywhere in Daba Village, she was about to leave the village. When Bacun went to meet Li Zhixian, he heard a loud noise coming from the entrance of the village.

Yu Peihuan followed the sound to the entrance of the village, and saw Judge Danba Duoji, whom he had met by chance before, walking to a stone wall surrounded by a group of people, hanging the gold and red national emblem behind him on the wall, and unfolding the emblem in his hand. Face a "red flag".

Only then did Yu Peihuan see clearly that what Danba Duoji was holding was not a red flag, but a red banner wrapped around a hardwood cane.

Danbadoji hung the banner "Brazilian Intermediate Court Circuit Trial Court" under the national emblem. Several people nearby moved some tables and chairs. The plaintiff and defendant sat down, and a circuit trial began.

Yu Peihuan listed Danba Duoji as a key person in his work diary and drifted away from Dam Village silently.

I don't know if she noticed it, but Liang De clearly saw in the mission recording screen that Danba Duoji, who was sitting on the judge's bench, frowned and looked in the direction of Yu Peihuan until she gradually drifted away.

At Muya Township Central Primary School, although Li Zhixian used a concealment array to cover herself, she was not able to achieve the same complete invisibility effect as Yu Peihuan because of her poor magic operation. If you look closely, you can see a vague shadow moving forward on foot.

She jumped up lightly, hooked her fingers on the eaves, and moved like a flexible civet cat above the dormitory building of Muya Township Central Primary School.

Yu Peihuan had already set up surveillance arrays all over the campus. Li Zhixian, who shared the surveillance footage, could be sure that the thing that Dorje Huamao had torn off Buchi Benma's neck had remained in her arms, and had not been discarded or destroyed.

Dorje Huamao was also doing the dormitory management work of Muya Primary School. This hunchbacked old woman lived in a small room on the first floor of the dormitory building.

Li Zhixian only relied on the strength of his muscles to cling to the outer wall, and monitored Dorje Huamao's every move through the frosted glass on the window.

At 9:30 in the evening, Dorje Huamao went out with a flashlight to inspect the dormitory.

Li Zhixian slipped into Duojie Huamao's room through the crack of the door without a second thought, landed silently like a feather, opened the desk drawer, and took out the things Duojie Huamao had put in it.

Li Zhixian used the image retention array to take a picture of the thing. It was a diamond-shaped amulet, with a page of scriptures wrapped in colorful silk threads, emitting a faint extraordinary power fluctuation.


1. Thank you for the rewards from Dark Flame Tianfeng, Lin Tianshu, Incompetent and Furious Man, Pioneer 1997, wasd999, I Don't Want to Do Anything, That One Meihong, Hua Daguanren, Book Friend 20191025060331895, Book Friend 20180221162554120, and thank you for your subscription and voting support. 2. At present, the average subscription of "Fist of Imagination" has risen to 1338, ranking 346th in the monthly votes of the entire site, and 468th in the recommended votes of the entire site. Our good friend Du Gou successfully got a little money and is very happy. 3. Untitled is an important part of serious literature (actually I forgot to write the title). Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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