Fist of Imagination

Chapter 17: Hard and Soft Snake Body

“First, it’s cheap to get started and easy to get started quickly.

Anyone who is hit, has his internal organs shattered, and dies on the way to the hospital can practice Iron Sand Palm in three days for a fee of 600.

The iron cloth shirt, whose whole body is as hard as iron, invulnerable to weapons and water and fire, can be made in five days and only costs 800.

The blood-dropped yo-yo, which can easily remove a person's head, can be mastered in seven days and only costs 1,000 yuan.

The comically modified version of the must-kill leg technique, the Electric Light Poison Dragon Diamond, can be practiced even by a lame person, and it only costs one thousand and fifty.

He Jinyin went from being an ordinary person to mastering the golden snake entang, known as the ace defensive skill of Dongguo's ancient boxing technique, in less than a month, and all he needed was a large truck.

There is no marrow-cleansing elixir or blood-changing medicated bath. This extraordinary martial arts can be achieved quickly for more than a thousand yuan a month. It has no other name except the ancient boxing method of the East.

Second, his defensive power is astonishing. After his leg was broken, the devil-muscular man Ghost Wangda gave up on himself and abandoned his martial arts. He was already forty-two years old at the time and his body had already begun to decline, but he could still catch a flying football with his face.

You must know that the students of the Global Elite Sports Center are all world-class athletes. The ball speed can reach more than 200 kilometers. It is a real killing football. The accident of the goalkeeper being hit by the ball and dying of the abdominal plexus is not new. Gui Wangda directly used He poked the football with his nose, but it only caused a little nosebleed. It was as if nothing happened, which shows his strong ability to resist blows.

When He Jinyin locked Senior Brother Duanshuishui with a golden snake, he forcefully received more than a dozen iron fists from him that weighed three tons and were comparable to Kamen Rider. Not only was he not seriously injured, but he also used extremely demanding physical skills in the finale. The finishing move is the invincible Hot Wheels.

The ancient Dongguo boxing technique is cheap, quick and resistant to beatings. It is really excellent. "

After listening to these words, Liang De was sincerely convinced of the high-quality and low-priced Dongguo ancient boxing technique and asked:

"So where can I learn it?"

"It's easy to say. In his early years, he studied abroad at No. 423 King of the World Global Elite Sports Center on the other side. He was rated as an outstanding fighter for four consecutive years. He is the 32nd generation disciple of Dongguo ancient boxing. He is known as 'all kinds of martial arts, all kinds of martial arts. Mr. Chang Duan Xuanchang, who is Tong', will personally teach you in the remaining six days."

No wonder you have such a strong sense of honor. Are you, Lao Chang, the next-generation successor of the Black Bear spirit? I wonder if you will be overwhelming.

Chang Duanxuan was flattered by Yuan Tianren. He was in a better mood due to the influence of Liang Dexiao who saw through the king of 〇. He waved his hand to Yuan Tianren and told Yuan Tianren to leave as soon as he had nothing to do. He was almost a transparent person and was still whining here. Go early. Rest reply is serious.

"Check So So So." Chang Duanxuan looked at Yuan Tianren who rolled up his sleeves and took away all the wine and hot pot. He sighed and turned back to Liang De, "Let's start now."

Liang De touched his belly. Although it was theoretically not advisable to exercise soon after eating, time was tight and he couldn't care less about eating hot pot in order to survive in the future.

"Do I want to give you a apprenticeship ceremony first?"

Chang Duanxuan shook his head and said: "No need. The philosophy of our sect is that everyone has books to read and everyone has the ability to practice. We will not talk about these red tapes. From today on, you are the 33rd generation disciple of the ancient martial arts of the East. I will I will teach you martial arts and martial arts together.”

Liang De asked curiously: "Wude?"

"Yes, even though you are in the mutually harmful environment of Sheng Wuxu Private High School, killing here and there, and can only speak with your fists, without realizing the usefulness of martial ethics, but one day, you will understand that the purpose of using fists is to speak. If you want to say it, do what you have to do, martial ethics is far more important than martial arts." Chang Duanxuan looked solemn.

"Over the years in the Lu Academy, the number of students who have chosen to practice steel-like body forging and innate Qi under Dong Tianbao and Zhao Tianji is much higher than the number of students who have practiced innate divine power under me. Do you know why?"

"Because they are not smart enough to understand the importance of martial ethics?"

"That's true. In my opinion, the reason why most of them choose to practice horizontal and hard skills is because their hearts are fragile.

This is also a common problem among young people today. Because their hearts are fragile, they want to develop an invulnerable body and an indestructible Qi, so that they will not be hurt by others, but only hurt others.

My natural power is not strong enough, so I am not popular.

By refining the body and refining the mind, over time, the spirit of a martial artist who practices horizontally will become savage and tough, making him invincible and able to overcome difficulties with thousands of armies. "

"Isn't that a good thing? From a weak chicken to a strong man, isn't it beautiful?"

"Haha, as the villagers say, there is no difference between practicing martial arts until you lose your original intention and being a walking zombie."

"Original intention?"

"Yes, the original intention of Heng Lian martial artists is to be vulnerable and afraid of death, to have self-respect and self-love, to strengthen the body so as not to be hurt, to be respected and treated kindly, and to protect others when necessary.

As he practiced, he was no longer afraid of death. He tortured himself and beat others violently every day, and he acted recklessly and punched to the point of physical contact. This was totally different from his original idea. I don’t know what it means, but sooner or later he would be beaten to death by a stronger person.

I will give you a piece of advice: practice the hardest kung fu and be the most cowardly person. This is the truest and most kind martial virtue. "

Liang De: "???"

"You are still young now. It is normal that you cannot understand my martial ethics for a while. Remember this sentence, it will be useful in the future. A martial artist does not have to have martial ethics, but a martial artist must have martial ethics, otherwise he can only become a peerless master. , will never become a great master.

The students at Sheng Wuxu Private High School are eager for quick success and emphasize technique over Taoism. They only learn martial arts but not martial arts. They only know applications but not development. To put it bluntly, they are just stupid users of martial arts and do not understand the essence of martial arts at all.

Zhang Ji practiced the Great Shift of the Universe to the unprecedented seventh level, but he could not even see that this level of mental method was just a conjecture of the predecessors, and could not innovate and reach a new peak. He was just a child with a knife.

People only know that the ancient boxing of the East is cheap and easy to learn, but they don’t know that such convenient martial arts are the result of generations of martial artists’ determination to make progress and innovate, and then gradually perfected.

In six days, no matter how hard you practice, your martial arts proficiency will not be better than those students who have been in school for more than a semester, but as long as you understand the principles of martial arts, grasp the best martial arts ethics, know what it is and why it is, and do what you should and don’t do, you and them are not on the same level, and you can completely carry out dimensionality reduction attacks. "

Liang De didn't understand what he said, and was even more confused than the cardinal in "The Throne of Arcane" who was about to explode his head after reading the paper. He couldn't make any suggestions and could only continue to listen to Chang Duanxuan's lecture.

Chang Duanxuan stood up and stretched his neck: "Some things can't be explained clearly. You have to understand them in actual combat. Get up, I will teach you the Golden Snake Wrapping Hand while explaining the principles. There are no big trucks here, so I will teach you personally."

Before Liang De had time to get up, Chang Duanxuan had already swooped over, twisting his body in the air like a rope and a long snake. In a flash, his legs were wrapped around Liang De's neck, and he hung upside down on him with his hands locked around Liang De's ankles.

Although Liang De didn't know how to fight, his neck was locked by his legs. With such a big vital point in front of him, he knew how to fight even if he didn't know how to fight.

He immediately clasped his hands together to form a hammer and smashed it towards the vital point.

He was ruthless. If he was a man, he would hurt men. If he was a man, he would be more cruel to men. This is my martial arts De!

Chang Duanxuan didn't care, his muscles trembled rapidly, with some strange rhythm, pressing and stimulating Liang De's muscle ligaments and bone joints.

Liang De only felt that the muscles where he was pressed suddenly began to twitch and jump, and he couldn't obey. The muscle groups reacted in a chain reaction under the pressure, and the pain and numbness and itching alternated. It seemed that every inch of his hands, feet and waist was in a state of conditioned reflex and loss of control. The finger hammer that was originally intended to hit Chang Duanxuan's vitals tilted uncontrollably, and his shoulder and elbow joints were dislocated. After the arm was extended, it hit his own Left waist.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! It feels like my body is hollowed out!

Chang Duanxuan exerted force backwards, and the two feet that locked Liang De's neck directly threw him forward. He turned his body and fell heavily on the ground with his back facing down.

Liang De's face was on the ground, and his nose was bleeding wildly. His ordinary facial features became colorful under the interweaving of blood and bruises. Chang Duanxuan's movements did not stop. He grabbed his ankles and pulled them back hard, untied the legs that locked Liang De's neck, and sat back hard to press Liang De. His two legs were tied into a knot and tightly bound Liang De's hands.

Chang Duanxuan was with a burst of The muscles trembled in a strange rhythm, and the rustling sound continued. Liang De couldn't even scream because of his dislocated jaw.

A moment later, Liang De's joints were dislocated, his muscles were strained, his ligaments were broken, and his internal organs were squeezed like he was in the subway during the morning rush hour. He couldn't breathe, and even the four-color internal energy flowing in his body meridians was out of control. As soon as he tried to use it, it was broken up by the uncooperative twisting of his whole body. He was like an eel with its head nailed to the chopping board waiting to be deboned, without any resistance.

"You understand now. "

I don't know a damn thing, but I'm really going to die.

This ghost Kung Fu is too damn hard. Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu's punch force is three tons, and the overall output is estimated to be more than ten tons. This kind of human weapon was locked tightly, and he lost control and cried on the spot. If it were an ordinary person, no, even the newborn Kamen Rider Zero I, he would be strangled directly.

"The Golden Snake Wrapping Hand is known as the ace defensive technique in the ancient boxing of the East. It combines techniques such as strangulation, locking, sleeping, throwing and joints, and turns the opponent's attack into invisible through zero-distance close-fitting locks.

More importantly, the Golden Snake Wrapping Hand integrates offense and defense, and can use its own rhythm to forcibly dominate the opponent's muscles and bones, eroding layer by layer until the opponent's meridians and internal energy are completely under your control.

The longer you are caught in the Golden Snake Wrapping Hand, the longer you fall into the rhythm, and the deeper your body is understood, the harder it is to escape, until you are completely locked by the hard and soft snake body, with a strong body but no way to display it. This is the weak overcoming the strong.

If the strong bully the weak, they can turn softness into hardness, harden their body surface, and contract violently, just like a giant diamond snake that entangles and kills the opponent alive, turning flesh and blood into mud and bones into powder.

This is the unique skill created by the founder of my lineage of ancient Eastern boxing after he spent his entire life observing and studying countless scumbags who pestered and abandoned them. It can be said to be a combination of hardness and softness, with infinite uses.

Do it a few more times and remember this rhythm well. As long as you learn my rhythm, all you have to do is entangle it.

Whether it is an enemy or a woman, they will eventually become tools under your control! ”

Adults in Lipai only want to have an equal relationship. Who wants to listen to your evil ways to pick up girls!

Chang Duanxuan twisted his soft and hard snake body, and after a while of entanglement and shaking, he put Liang De's dislocated joints and disordered muscles back into place, and taught him to use his natural power to heal ligament ruptures and some injuries.

When Liang De was 50% to 60% better, Chang Duanxuan demonstrated the Golden Snake Entanglement again!

In order to prevent tongue biting, Liang De's dislocated jaw has not been repaired. It was too painful to shout out loud, so he could only shout in his heart over and over again.

This violent old man is even more terrifying than a speeding truck. The true feelings and tearful lines of Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu echoed in Liang De's mind over and over again:

"Would you let me go? Let me go! Don't be like this. Can you let me go? Help!"

Chang Duanxuan was in high spirits and was not tired of the repetitive training process at all.

One, two, three, four, do it again!

The more painful it is, the slower time passes. Chang Duanxuan's personal teachings, in Liang De's mind, are like slow motion that is constantly replayed. It hurts and is so tiring... I am willing to play "Qing〇 Cultivation Manual" on a single loop for three days. Sanye didn't want to practice this weird kung fu anymore.

The first 48 hours are almost over.

When he noticed that Liang De's muscles and bones and the energy in his meridians began to vibrate involuntarily with a certain rhythm, Chang Duanxuan stood up, pinched the tip of Liang De's chin very domineeringly, and put the dislocation back into place.

Liang De was already like a ball of toilet paper that had been kneaded by a constipated patient for two hours. He could not be described in any words to describe the human body. Although his jaw was back in place, he no longer had the strength to speak. The constipated patient who had been kneading toilet paper in the bathroom for two hours, It won't be more tiring, painful or painful than him.

Amidst the regular trembling of the Qi in his muscles, bones and meridians, he fell into a deep sleep, just wanting a moment of peace.


"Are you asleep? You are quite punctual with your social animal magical powers."

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