Fist of Imagination

Chapter 169 Muya Primary School

Yu Peihuan glanced at the image sent by Li Zhixian, and whispered in her ear through Shun Mao:

"Don't make such a fuss. Tantric instruments used for blessing and protection are very common in snowy areas. The real Kabala beads are ground from the brow bones and finger bones that powerful lamas voluntarily donated before they passed away. It has a provenance and is not something evil.”

"What if it's fake?" Li Zhixian asked softly.

"Most fake gabaras are made of animal bones, including cow bones, sheep bones, snake bones, and wolf bones. They are just deceptive things in tourist areas. You might even dare to use them to make soup."

“Bah, bah, don’t confuse us Fujian and Lingnan people together.

Most of them are animal bones, but what about the smaller half? "

"The other half are things that people in Lingnan dare not use to make soup and drink. It will not be good for you to know."

Li Zhixian lay on Mr. Yak's back and thought deeply.

Liang De, who was watching this mission record, was also thoughtful.

And what are the things that we Lingnan people don’t dare to use to make soup?

Isn't that more terrifying than evil magic weapons?

The two yaks hurried on their way, because the detour required them to climb an extra mountain, and they did not arrive at Muya Township on the other side of the mountain until dusk.

Judge Danba Duoji drove a yak alone to the pastoral area on the edge of Muya Township. The guide took Li Zhixian and Yu Peihuan to the Central Primary School of Muya Township. The person who received them was an elderly woman in her fifties.

This old woman named Dorje Huamao had a fierce look in her eyes, her face was criss-crossed with ridges, her lips had a few uncomfortable cuts, and her voice was dry and short, as if she was very impatient.

She is fifty-six years old and is the principal of this rural primary school. She is also the Chinese teacher and logistics manager for the four grades. She takes care of all the meals for the more than 200 people in the school.

During the conversation with Dorje Huamao, Li Zhixian and Yu Peihuan had a general understanding of the general situation of Muya Township Central Primary School, which was basically consistent with what they learned at the Evil Disaster Bureau.

Muya Township is 300 to 400 kilometers away from the county seat. There are 11 administrative villages within the territory. The total population is less than 4,000. The annual per capita net income is only just over 1,000. The number of people living on minimum living security accounts for a quarter of the total population. many.

Because the land is barren, it is difficult for the villagers to make a living by farming and grazing. Most people have to pay a mountain price fee of varying amounts every year to dig cordyceps in other places to make a living. In recent years, the Brazilian railway has been connected to the county, and many people who work outside have to make a living. There are also many people.

There are 243 students studying in Muya Township Central Primary School, most of whom are extremely poor students. There are only 60 to 70 day students. Among these 60 to 70 day students, many are left-behind children.

This elementary school has a total of eight classes, two classes each for first and second grade, and one class each for the other four grades. They are basically small classes with about 20 people. The sixth grade has the smallest number, only 22 people.

Even so, there are still not enough teachers in Muya Township Central Primary School. There are only a few veteran teachers teaching in the school all year round.

Occasionally, college students come here to teach, but they don’t stay long.

Backcountry conditions cannot be overcome by overcoming them. The ideals are lofty and the toilets are disgusting. Just the problem of going to the toilet can make many people from outside miserable and just want to get out as soon as possible.

Dorje Huamao took Li Zhixian and Yu Peihuan to the place where they lived. It was a utility room that had been cleaned up not long ago. It was low and narrow, as if it could not hold the dim light of a 3-watt light bulb. The room was rusty. The iron bed with bunk beds was placed against the wall. Li Zhixian wrinkled his nose, as if he smelled an unpleasant smell.

Dorje Huamao hunched over and handed the keys to the two girls. His bloodshot eyes stared unceremoniously at Li Zhixian and Yu Peihuan.

"Stay in your room and don't go out at night, and don't go out of school during the day. There are wolves."

Yu Peihuan held Dorje Huamao's hand and said softly: "I know, thank you. Thank you for your hard work today."

Dorje Huamao suddenly held Yu Peihuan's hands tightly, and his old face almost touched Yu Peihuan's face.

"You are not allowed to leave the school, and you are not allowed to follow the students' homes. You will leave as soon as you are done teaching, do you hear me!"

Li Zhixian saw Yu Peihuan frown slightly and immediately stepped forward to hold Dorje Huamao's hand and asked Yu Peihuan to take it out.

"Grandma, we know, we will definitely not leave the school."

Dorje Huamao looked deeply at the two girls and walked out of the room without saying a word.

After a while, Li Zhixian smelled the smell in the air and said to Yu Peihuan:

"He's gone far. This guy is a bit weird."

Yu Peihuan shook his head and said: "There is no evil in her, she is just an ordinary old lady."

Li Zhixian lay down on the lower bunk of the iron frame bed as if frustrated:

"I thought I would find the mastermind as soon as I arrived, so I flew back to Xiangbei at night to treat Lao Huang to a late-night snack and stabbed him twice."

"It can't be that easy. The Brazilian Evil Disaster Bureau also has many strong players. This year, four college students and six students have disappeared. They searched for two months to find out whether they were alive or dead. They had no choice but to apply for support from the Bureau. ”

"Hey, what strong opponent can Brazil have? Every year in the national system competition, it is either the last one or the second last one."

"Don't let your colleagues in Brazil hear what you said. It will have a bad impact."

"So what if I hear it, I'm not afraid."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. What will you teach tomorrow?"

"...Chinese, I will take those children to read the text."

"Well, I've always been very rude in your Mandarin. You can't do it without being rude." Yu Peihuan teased with a smile.

Li Zhixian took the key given by Dorje Huamao and turned around to lock the door, baring his teeth and claws and saying:

"You little girl, how dare you make fun of me, Kukuku, no one can save you even if you scream your throat out today!"

"Help!" Yu Pei hugged a calico pillow and pretended to be scared, "Don't act like a fool!"

Li Zhixian pounced on him like a big cat, wrapping his hands around the pillow to scratch Yu Peihuan's itch.

Yu Peihuan was laughing so hard that he was out of breath before he was even scratched. He buried half of his face in the calico pillow and couldn't stop laughing.

In the scene of the mission recording, there was a lot of excitement in the small room.

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Liang De pressed the pause button, clutching his chest as if his heart rate was overloaded, but his eyes were as bright as the morning star at dawn.

It was exactly what I expected.

Nothing can escape the eyes of my strong man Ade!

Liang De jumped up and ran downstairs to buy a two-liter bottle of citrus juice from the postal kiosk near the disaster bureau. He also bought two boxes of sweet strawberry-flavored Pocky and several bags of potato chips and shrimp crackers before returning. Watching the drama continues in the archives department's confidential files.

The lights turned off and on again. Li Zhixian rubbed his eyes and opened the door, taking a deep breath in the morning air.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the morning reading class at Muya Township Central Primary School starts in an hour.

Yu Peihuan deployed a miniature magic circle for long-distance observation in his pupils, and he had a panoramic view of the scene inside and outside the school gate.

Day students carrying handmade cloth schoolbags arrived one after another. Dorje Huamao stood hunched by the school gate, staring at a little girl in the distance who was taller than the others.

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