Fist of Imagination

Chapter 116 Put out the cigarette

“Dude, do you believe hair and programmers can coexist?”

The beer-bellied brother was stunned for a moment and didn't answer. At this time, someone answered Liang De's question for him.

"Hair and programmers coexist? It's just a dream!"

Liang De took a look and saw a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties wearing a black top and dark blue jeans walking into the smoking area with a cigarette case.

His hair was dark and thick, but his tone was dismissive of Liang De's coexistence hypothesis.

The beer-bellied brother gave a young and greasy smile: "Qiao Gong."

Qiao Gong nodded to him and said to Liang De: "Brother, in the hair growth industry, you need to know more about the history of computer development.

History has already explained everything. "

Liang De looked confused: "What?"

Qiao Gong lit his cigarette, and the smoke blurred his face: "Xiao Lei, did you take a brief history of computers when you were in school?"

The voice of the beer-bellied brother Xiao Lei was very confident: "Ninety-seven points."

"That's enough." Qiao Gong nodded and asked again:

"Do you understand the Norwood-hamilton classification of hair loss?"

The beer-bellied brother Xiao Lei’s voice became more confident: “I know it well.”

Qiao Gong gave him an approving smile: "As expected of a professional architect with a bachelor's degree..." He looked at the beer-bellied brother, and his deep voice suddenly became sonorous and powerful.

"What level is Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux!"

Xiaolei said without hesitation: "Second degree alopecia, the hairline is obviously receding. I use slanted bangs to cover it up, but it's hard to hide it."

"Dennis Ritchie, the father of the C language."

"Class IIA alopecia, the hairline moves back to the line connecting the external auditory canal, and the forehead protrudes, which is dangerous."

"Von Neumann, the father of modern computers."

"Grade four alopecia. The forehead is obviously bald, and the top of the head is sparse but not completely lost. The remaining thin hair is even more desolate. It's worse than nothing."

"The father of C++, Bjarne Straustrup, the father of B language and Unix, Ken Thompson, and the father of Java, James Gosling."

“Grade six horseshoe alopecia, the Mediterranean coastline shrinks back from a ‘C’ shape, the forehead area basically falls off, and the hair loss on the top of the head has a more obvious tendency to expand backward.

James Gosling has a big beard, so it looks like he has more hair than his beard, which is disappointing. "

"Alan Cooper, the father of VB."

"The ultimate state, nothing."

Qiao Gong flicked the ashtray into the ashtray on the top of the stainless steel trash can and recalled the past in a deep voice:

“In the past two centuries, among the legendary programmers who have gone down in history, only Guido Van Rossum, the father of Python, can be called the one with thick hair. So I learned Python when I started, not just because it is the world’s most popular programmer. The most beautiful language in the world..."

Xiao Lei touched his beer belly with one hand and the smooth top of his head in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea with the other hand. He looked at the unusually thick black hair on Qiao Gong's head and murmured to himself:

"Is it really JAVA that harmed me..."

Qiao Gong extinguished his cigarette butt in the white sand on top of the special trash can with no expression on his face. He slowly raised his hands and took off the thick black wig, revealing the Mediterranean Sea, which was several times wider than Xiao Lei's, and the white and sparse back pillow. The rest of the hair.

"But what's the's always fate, no one can control it at all.

When a man climbs to the top, no matter what is left behind, he can only give up.

In thirty years, I have written dozens of times more code than I have lost hair.

They should be able to rest in peace. "

"Qiao Gong..." The beer-bellied brother Xiao Lei's eyes were inexplicably moist. In his eyes, Qiao Gong was possessed by the souls of countless legendary programmers at this moment, and the light of wisdom seemed to be reflected on the top of his head... No, it's not like that , it’s really reflective.

"Isn't that what women are like?"

Next to her, a female front-end engineer smoking Jinling Twelve Hairpins put out her cigarette.

"I haven't lifted my bangs for almost three years. When I lift my bangs, I feel like I'm a member of the Eight Banners.

The white hair is three thousand feet long, and the worry seems to be long. If the hair is really three thousand feet long, then there is nothing to worry about.

All my overtime wages were spent on hair care and hair care. It wasn’t until I discovered that the world’s richest man was bald that I realized that, except for hair transplants, spending money on hair growth was all in vain.

No matter how many classes you work, no matter how much money you make, some things are just gone if they are gone.

The VR engineer who died suddenly last week was my colleague. She originally made an appointment for a hair transplant this week, but then she disappeared. "

A technical director of Huanghelou who smoked a tin box put out his cigarette. His eyes were old and steady, his life experience and beer belly were several times that of Xiao Lei. He was not wearing a wig or a hat. He was an upright person with seborrheic alopecia. middle aged.

"My daughter started to hate me. She said that there are so many people who work harder than you but still insist on working out. She said that I lost my hair because of my unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking and not working hard.

Don’t I know my lifestyle is unhealthy? Don’t I know that I need exercise the most?

The project assistant who died suddenly last week was my college junior. He was only 28. He had been on the school football team and was covered in tendons. No matter how late he got off work, he would go to the gym to exercise for half an hour before leaving.

When he went to the rooftop gym at 2:30 that day, there was no one sitting on the chest press machine. It took several hours before he was discovered by the night shift security guard.

I'm fourteen years older than him, aren't I scared?

There are still fifteen years left on the mortgage, my wife wants to have a second child, my child's grades are not good, he is in high school, and the tuition fees are getting higher every year.

I am more afraid of getting sick than anyone else, but I still have to drink and smoke. I am also a flesh and blood body, not made of iron or steel, and I will feel uncomfortable.

I can't be more self-disciplined and self-controlled. Is it my fault that my hair is falling out?

No one cares about this. People with hair don't care what we think in our hearts. Programmers have more jokes about hair loss than I have.

Hospitals, clinics, health care companies, and shampoo companies all want to collect our IQ tax... all kinds of cheap things are coming. "

The technical director walked up to Liang De and patted him on the back, saying: "Brother, change your business while you are young, don't fool people with hair growth secrets and anti-hair loss technology. The income in our business is a little higher, but it is not blown by the wind.

You should understand that it is not easy for anyone since you are still awake at this time.

Change to a business that is not bad. "

Liang De extinguished the mint cigarette in his hand.

He used the method of concealing his breath to transform the amber inner energy of his natural divine power into a colorless and formless object and radiated it outward, quietly infiltrating into the bodies of Qiao Gong, Xiao Lei, the front end of the girl, and the seborrheic alopecia brother next to him.

Ordinary Blue Star human physique...easy to deal with.

In an instant, Liang De had recreated the hair follicle tissue according to the specific conditions of the four people by the cell proliferation method, and adjusted the hair growth rate.

The normal growth rate of hair is 0.2 mm to 0.4 mm a day. Liang De directly adjusted it ten times faster. Only when the new hair grows to 10 cm, the growth rate will return to normal.

Liang De pretended to take out a blue bracelet made of the mysterious energy of the sea of ​​illusion from his pocket, put it on his hand in front of the four people, and took out a blue hair clipper. In the surprised eyes of everyone, he shaved his hair cleanly, and threw the hair and cigarette butts into the trash can together.

"I didn't mean to fool people. Our company's products are real and effective.

Brother, what you said about programmers and hair coexisting is just a dream... But if it is something I really care about, I will believe it even if it is a dream. "

Liang De took out four bracelets and asked Li Zhixian to write four pieces of paper with contact information, and distributed them to them together with the bracelets.

"One bracelet can be used for three days. Try wearing it for one night. If it works, contact me. "

He turned around and asked Li Zhixian to leave together.

The four of them held the bracelets and the paper and watched the bald man leave.

There were four words printed on the back of the man's light blue T-shirt:

"Dead trees come back to life. "

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