What kind of swordsmanship is this, it can actually directly cut off its attack.

Even if it wasn't his own full effort, it wasn't something that ordinary Vision holders could break.

When did Liyue still have such a skilled swordsman?

When Lishui Stacked Mountain Zhenjun was furious, Ningguang and Keqing were slightly happy on their faces.

If you think about it, you know that this sword light was Lin Mo's hand.

Below, there were many people in Liyue City who looked up at the sky, all of them dumbfounded.

"My God, that Peerless Cloud Immortal will do it directly. "

"Lord Yu Hengxing is not an opponent. "

"Lord Yuhengxing even dared to draw his sword against the immortals. "

"What the hell is that sword light that fell from the sky, it was able to break the power of the immortals in the Peerless Clouds so easily. "

"It's so strong, could it be another Liyue Seven Star?"

One after another, the residents of Liyue City were chattering, and their eyes were shocked to look up at the sky.

What happened in the sky above made them look at each other.

The immortal in the Peerless Cloud Realm actually made a move, and then Lord Keqing also did it, and then Lord Keqing was not an opponent, and was saved by a sword light.

[Your sword skills have surprised others, and your influence is +1]

[Your sword skills have caused others to be shocked, and the influence is +2]

[Your sword skills have caused others to be shocked, and the influence is +3]

[Your sword skills have surprised others, influence +100]

[Your sword skills have caused others to be shocked, and the influence is +100]

And Lin Mo, who was doing it at this time, did not come out with an imperial sword, and the sword light just now was just him performing his imperial sword technique, using the power of patrolling the fate to make a move with the immortals.

Now, he can easily control the sword, add the power of patrolling the fate, and fight with the immortals in the clouds.

"Oh my God, that's coming?"

"We came back from Ogihuazhou, and it seems that we came back just in time. "

Outside Liyue.

Paimon and Ying, who followed Zhongli, looked at the scene in the sky, and their eyes widened.

As soon as they returned, they witnessed it with their own eyes, and it was incredible.

That sword light that fell from the sky directly intercepted the immortals in the Peerless Clouds.

"That should have been done by Lin Mo. "

Ying looked at Paimon and whispered, "Except for Lin Mo, it seems that there will be no one else." "

"I think so. "

Hearing Ying's words, Paimon nodded in agreement.

But in the next second, Paimon was stunned, "However, Lin Mo didn't even show up, and he intercepted the immortals in the Peerless Cloud Realm with a sword light, isn't that too terrifying?" "

You know, that's an immortal in the clouds.

The overwhelming coercion that swept down just now made Paimon and Ying feel a little short of breath.

But he was defeated by a sword light.

Doesn't it mean that Lin Mo is even more terrifying than the immortals in the Peerless Clouds?

When Ying and Paimon were stunned and looked at each other.

Zhongli next to him was carrying his hands behind his back and looking at the Jade Pavilion above the sky with deep eyes.

And in Liyue City at this time.

As soon as the son who infiltrated came to the Northland Bank, he saw that the Northland Bank was garrisoned by the Millelith Army, and the door was closed and even sealed.

This made Childe's face change.

He just left for two days and two nights, why was the Northland Bank blocked?

Childe sneaked into the Northland Bank directly through the passage behind the Northland Bank.

As soon as I sneaked in, I saw some Fatui elites standing anxiously walking back and forth in place.

Ekaterina, receptionist at the Liyue branch of the Northland Bank.

Andrei and others are there.

"Childe-sama. "

When he saw Childe returning, Andre's face was extremely excited, as if he had seen the backbone of the Lord, and hurriedly walked up and hurriedly said, "Childe, something is wrong, many of our Fatui have been arrested, and not long after you left, not long after the elite Fatui you commanded, the Millelith came to block the Northland Bank and arrested some of the Fatui in Liyue City. "

"The crime is suspected of stealing Liyue's secrets, and it seems that the purpose of your trip to the Peerless Clouds has been interrogated, so Liyue Seven Stars is very unkind to us. "

"But our Northland Bank is here, so even if Liyue Seven Stars wanted to move, they wouldn't be able to move us, they would just block our way out and let our Northland Bank open its doors when the matter was over. "

Andre hurriedly told everything that had happened, and the son who listened frowned.

"So, you haven't found out where Morax's Immortal Avatar is?"

Childe said in a deep voice, "I let those Fatui who investigated the Immortal Shed also be arrested, and even affected you?"

"Yes. "

Andre smiled wryly, "We've lost the source of our sources, and the Seven Stars of Liyue seem to be staring us to death. "

"In that case, let's just use the last resort. "

Childe said coldly, "Now that Morax is dead, we can't even find the immortals, and the arrival of the immortals in the Peerless Clouds to confront the Seven Stars of Liyue is our last chance." "

"I decided to awaken the Demon God of Lord Lone Cloud, the Demon God of the Vortex, Osier, who was defeated by Morax during the Demon God War and was crushed in the sea by a rock spear. "

"If a former demon god were to attack Liyue, which had lost its gods, I'd rather see where Morax's immortal metamorphosis was. "

"Leave Liyue City now, this will become a battlefield, Liyue will be destroyed by the Demon God of the Vortex, and I will wait for the opportunity to probe Morax's Immortal Transformation. "

"Okay, Childe-sama, let's go right away. "

Hearing Childe's words, Andre and the others' faces changed, but they still nodded hurriedly: "If we leave penniless, and if we return to the winter, even the Millelith Army will not want to intercept us, but in this way, the Mora we have stored here will be wasted." "

Thinking of Mora, which is now stored by the Northland Bank, Andre is faintly heartbroken.

"As long as there is life, everything will be there. "

Childe said coldly, "You leave from behind Liyue City, near Tianheng Mountain, don't leave in the direction of Liyue Harbor, and I will also rush to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, for the time being." "

With that, Childe left the Northland Bank directly and rushed in the direction of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

When Andre and the others saw it, they didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, so they hurriedly cleaned up and quickly got out of the Northland Bank.


As soon as Andre and the others left the Northland Bank, the Millelith Army stationed at the gate of the Northland Bank stopped them and said in a deep voice, "During this extraordinary period, I would like to ask you to cooperate with Liyue's actions." "

"Liyue is so deceitful that we Fatui don't serve anymore. "

To this Millelith, Andre sneered, "From now on, we will not come to Liyue again, and we don't want the Northland Bank here, you Liyue are too deceitful, I will consider letting the merchants of Solstice suspend some of your next purchases in Liyue." "

"You Liyue can play by yourself. "

"I'm leaving Liyue now as the Solstice Merchant, and you have no right to stop us, what does the Fatui have to do with my Solstice Merchant?"

Hearing Andre's words, the face of the Millelith Army, who was blocking it, changed.

André snorted coldly and left directly to the side.

The pace is even a little fast.

"Hurry up and inform the General Services Division. "

Andrei's sudden words made this Millelith Army not know how to deal with it in an instant, and hurriedly sent someone to inform the General Affairs Department.

"Boss, we have been ordered to block the Northland Bank and not allow a single fly to enter or leave. "

Next to him, a Millelith frowned, "Even if he is the Solstice Merchant, he can't let him leave now, so let's arrest him first, and then let the Liyue Seven Stars decide later." "

"Yes. "

Hearing this, the Millelith Army at the beginning nodded: "The order we received from Lord Yuhengxing is not to allow a fly to enter or leave the Northland Bank. "

Without the slightest hesitation, this Millelith squad leader decisively sent someone to arrest Andre, who had just left quickly.

"What are you guys doing here?!"

Just as they were leaving the Northland Bank, Andre and the others, who had not walked a few steps, were once again surrounded by the Millelith Army, and their faces suddenly changed greatly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But before he could say anything, he was directly escorted down by the Millelith Army.

Andrei's nose was crooked.

The reason they had to leave quickly was to avoid Liyue City.

Childe-sama is about to release the Demon Gods, and if they don't leave, they will stay for Liyue's funeral!

So they wanted to leave quickly, but they couldn't leave.

Now Andrei is in a hurry.

"Can I only stay in Liyue and be buried?"

Thinking that Childe was in action, he couldn't reveal it yet, and Andre couldn't do it with a pale face.

He doesn't want to die yet.

Beside them, a few Fatui elites looked extremely calm.

As the elite of the Fatui, up to this point, they have long put their lives and deaths on the line.

And at this moment, the sky above the Jade Pavilion.

Ningguang looked at Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun, who didn't do it again, and said in a deep voice: "Please also ask the immortals to come down and communicate with us, and the emperor's affairs can't be explained in a few words." "

"If you don't hand over the emperor's immortal transformation, all the interviews!"

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun looked at Ning Guang with cold eyes, slowly opened his wings, and said coldly: "Hand over the emperor's immortal metamorphosis first." "[]

Seeing the reaction of Lishui Stacked Mountain True Monarch, Ningguang frowned.

The immortal couldn't talk at all.

Subconsciously, Ningguang looked at Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun not far away, and said in a deep voice: "Liuyun Zhenjun." "

"I think we can calm down this matter first. "

Hearing Ningguang's words, Liuyun borrowed the wind to take a look at the Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun and the Lishui Stacking Mountain Zhenjun, pondered his tone for a moment, and said, "After all, this matter, judging by the appearance of the Liyue Seven Stars, the situation of the emperor's assassination is also very special, and our top priority is to understand the ins and outs of the situation first. "

Both of his disciples are in Liyue City.

Although one of them is not very present, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch is the most accessible immortal of Liyue Seven Stars, and he is also the "best talker" immortal.

The current situation really needs to be considered in the long run.

"But we can't feel the emperor's contract anymore, which means that something has happened to the emperor. "

Hearing Liuyun's words of borrowing wind Zhenjun, Zhuyang Zhenjun also slowly spoke: "No matter what, we must see the emperor's immortal metamorphosis, and bring the emperor's immortal metamorphosis back to the clouds." "

"Liuyun, you don't have to say more, if the Seven Stars of Liyue want us to sit down and talk, then they must hand over the Emperor's Immortal Transformation first!"

"Even the Emperor's Immortal Transformations are not willing to be handed over, and the Seven Stars of Liyue have no sincerity at all. "

The True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Sun stepped forward, and the flames in his deep eyes danced, as if to herald the coming blazing storm.

Suddenly, the temperature around him rose dramatically, and the air began to be filled with the power of the incomparably rich fire element.

From all directions, these elements seemed to respond to the call of the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Sun, boiling and converging around it, like small suns, their light dazzling to the extreme, and the heat was strong enough to melt the rock.

Those gathered fire elementals began to form a huge vortex, with the Moon Cutting Yang True Monarch in the center and the ever-expanding flames around it.

With the power of the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Moon, this vortex gradually rose and became bigger and bigger.

The scorching flames inside seem to be capable of incinerating everything, not only the burning of matter, but also the smelting of the will of the opponent.

"Hand over the Emperor's Immortal Transformation!"

The voice of the Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun echoed in the flames, and every word was like a spark, igniting the air and making people feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

The power of the flames formed a huge red sky sky above Liyue City, as if the sky was about to crack open and hellfire would descend on the earth.

Seeing this sudden scene, both the Seven Stars of Liyue on the Jade Pavilion and the people in Liyue City felt the heat like never before.

"I can't stop it. "

Keqing glanced at it and said in a deep voice, "You can't let this power spread, you have to open the second layer of defense." "

The power of the immortals was too terrifying, and she still saw the immortals make a move.

It seemed to be a monstrous flame capable of burning everything, making Keqing extremely heavy.

This is not a power that mortals can grasp at all, it is too terrifying.

Hearing Keqing's words, Ningguang frowned and nodded.

Even if it was separated by a group of jade pavilions, it still made Ningguang feel an unprecedented crisis.


Just as the monstrous flames of the Moon Cutting Yang True Monarch were about to erupt, a sword light streaked across the sky like a meteor.

It was so fast that it was impossible to catch with the eye, leaving only a cold glow.

This sword landed directly at the core of the flames, and with an extremely cold sword intent, it collided with the monstrous flames.

"Boom!" The conflict between the sword light and the fire element seemed to trigger the wrath of heaven and earth, but this sword was like the power of the wilderness, ignoring all obstacles and extinguishing the monstrous flames on its own.

The fire element was instantly annihilated under the impact of the sword light, and the fury and enthusiasm of the flames became as powerless as quicksand in the face of the calmness and firmness of the sword intent.

"Who is it?!"

Seeing this scene, the face of the True Monarch of the Cutting Moon and Zhuyang was as angry as the True Monarch of the Rivers and Mountains.

This level of power is not at all the power that human beings have.

"That's the sword made by the Emperor?!"

And Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun with a shocked face and looked at the sword suspended not far away.

A brown and black blade.

The blade was like a lightning bolt in the night, shining in the sun.

The surface of its blade is intertwined with deep brown and tough black, two colors that seem to be symbols of the glory and tenacity it has accumulated in its past battles.

"That's it. "

Seeing this sword, the True Monarch of Cutting Moon Zhuyang and the True Monarch of Lishui Stacked Mountains also recognized it instantly, and their faces were shocked.

Isn't this a sword made by the emperor himself?

Who used the sword forged by the emperor to crush their attacks?

And isn't this sword missing?

But it can't be the emperor who made the shot.


Suddenly, a deafening roar rang out.

Without any warning, the sky began to change violently, and a deafening roar rang out, as if thunderous rage escaped from a crack in the sky.

The once blue sky turned black in an instant.

The darkness is not only a change of color, but also an invisible sense of oppression, like a bottomless abyss opening its embrace.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a deeper power brewing, and the sky became heavy, almost overwhelming.

This oppressive aura quickly spread throughout the sky, no longer a simple superposition of clouds, but a darkness capable of swallowing up all light and hope.

The light became extremely fragile in the face of this darkness, like the light of a wax torch facing a storm, which could be completely blown out at any time.

"What's going on?"

"This force, there is a force beyond imagination. "

"The direction of Liyue Harbor. "

Whether it is the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang or the True Monarch of Lishui Stacked Mountains, in the face of this sudden situation, his complexion changed drastically, and his expression became serious.

It's good, how can it be like this all of a sudden.

It's not just an immortal in the clouds.

The inhabitants of Liyue City also felt this change, and they looked up at the sky with a look of shock on their faces.

"What's going on? How can this happen all of a sudden?"

"It can't be that the immortals are angry again. "

"Didn't the immortal stop moving? "。

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