After Xia Yi negotiated the conditions with the Heavenly Maiden, the Heavenly Maiden first gave Xia Yi all the treasures she promised, which was very refreshing.

After that, Xia Yi was led by the Heavenly Maiden to try to wake up his father.

Walking through the forbidden land of the Celestial Clan, the two of them came to a magnificent palace.

The palace was very dim and unusually empty, with only a seat in the middle.

A handsome and majestic middle-aged man, sitting on a chair, his eyes closed, motionless as if a stone sculpture.

"He is my father, the Heavenly Bell. "

The Heavenly Maiden looked at the middle-aged man sitting on the chair with a complicated gaze.

She didn't actually have a good relationship with his father.

Tian Zhong is determined to cultivate, and in order to move to a higher level, he always cultivates and fights day and night.

Since she was a child, she has rarely cared about her.

Even when her mother died, she was indifferent and didn't see the slightest emotional swing.

But Tianzhong is her father of "220" after all.

Now that she is in trouble, she still wants to help him.

Xia Yi looked at the heavenly bell and suddenly noticed that behind him, there were nine dark and deep whirlpools.

These vortices seem to be connecting to other worlds, looming.

"These nine vortex are the nine worlds that my father's soul went to, from left to right, the world level is from low to high. "

The Celestial Maiden explained.

"Then let's go to the lowest level world first. "

Xia Yi walked to the whirlpool on the far left, followed by the Celestial Maiden.

"I'll go with you too, after all, I'm his daughter, and maybe I can increase the possibility of waking him up. "

"That's great, let's go. "

The two of them came to the whirlpool on the far left, and their figures disappeared into the whirlpool.

A wave of dizziness hits.

Xia Yi and the Heavenly Maiden walked in the space passage, and all the scenes around them showed a strange and strange feeling, which made people extremely awkward.

The two walked through the space passage, and they didn't know how long they walked, and suddenly saw a burst of colorful light coming from in front of them.

The two of them passed through the light and came to the first world where the Heavenly Bell Reincarnation was located.

As soon as they descended on this world, the realm of the two of them was suppressed by the entire world, and their cultivation kept falling.

It wasn't until only the cultivation of the Quenching Realm was left that this suppression stopped.

"The nine worlds that my father chose, each of which had a different level, had different levels of cultivation that could be allowed. "

"The level of this world is the lowest, and the only cultivation allowed to be performed is the Quenching Body Realm. "

"Of course, my father's reincarnation is also in the realm of quenching. "

"You have to fight him at the level of the Quenching Body Realm and defeat him completely. "

The Heavenly Maiden told Xia Yi everything she knew.

"I see. "

Xia Yi understood, "Since that's the case, let's go, defeat your father as soon as possible and go to the next world." "

As he spoke, he took one step at a time, causing the Celestial Maiden's eyes to widen in astonishment.

I saw Xia Yi actually stepping on the air and flying.

Without the help of true qi in the Quenching Body Realm, how could it be possible to be empty with the physical body alone!


The Dachen Dynasty, a dynasty founded by the body cultivators.

Physical cultivation, as the name suggests, is a monk who constantly strengthens by refining his body.

They regard the body as the most precious treasure in the world.

In this way, he will continue to discover the secrets of this treasure and unlock the power of the flesh.

Physical cultivation can be divided into five realms, which are Kone, Fuhu, Descending Dragon, Ascending the Peak, and Creating the Extreme.

Tongli realm, through the exercise of flesh and blood, makes the body greatly increased, the strength is smooth, and all the strength can be twisted into one.

Ordinary three or five people joining forces will not be their opponents.

In the realm of the tiger, the muscles and bones are tempered with special secret methods, so that the muscles and bones are like steel and iron, and they can punch the evil tiger and kick the lion and leopard.

Ordinary ten or twenty people, they can't get close to them at all.

Descending the Dragon Realm, the secret breathing method is used to exercise the internal organs, so that both internal and external communication are connected, and the vitality is greatly enhanced.

At this level, even if you face the dragon in the river, you can go into the water and surrender.

At this level, hundreds of ordinary people can't pose a threat to them at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ascending to the sealed realm, climbing to the peak, from the inside out, whether it is flesh and blood, bones, and viscera, all are polished to perfection, without defects and no regrets.

At this level, it can be called ten thousand enemies.

It is a strong man who can really take the head of the enemy from the army.

As for the higher Creation Extreme Realm, in the entire Dachen Dynasty, only one person has reached this realm.

That is Tianxuan, the emperor of the Dachen Dynasty. []

He once single-handedly killed 300,000 brave and warlike wolf clans in the north, shocking the world.

also completely established the prestige of Tianxuan, so that the whole world surrendered to his feet, and no one dared to have a different heart.

"The so-called four realms of KONE, Fuhu, Descent of the Dragon, and Ascending the Peak should correspond to the early, middle, late and peak of the Quenching Body Realm. "

In the capital of the Dachen Dynasty, Xia Yi and the Heavenly Maiden were pacing on the streets.

The other people around saw the two of them, one was handsome and extraordinary, and the other was as beautiful as a flower......

All of them walked out like the immortals in the painting, secretly guessing what kind of great people the two of them were, and they didn't dare to offend in the slightest, so they avoided it one after another.

"Does the Creation Extreme Realm correspond to the extreme of the Quenching Body Realm?" asked the Heavenly Maiden.

"That's right, the distance of a hundred zhang is instantaneous, one arm is one hundred and eighteen, the body is as light as an ape, and as heavy as a barbarian elephant stepping on the world. "

Xia Yi's eyes were deep, looking at the palace that was gradually approaching, "This is the ultimate of the quenching realm." "

"What about you?"

The Heavenly Maiden suddenly asked, "You seem to be in the body quenching realm, breaking this extreme. "

"Of course,"

A strange force field appeared around Xia Yi's body, and the whole person floated up.

"With the power of the flesh, a special force field is formed, so that even if you don't rely on your true qi, you can kill the enemy in the air and cross the void. "

"This is a real force field. "

"True Force Field! You have really broken the extreme of the Quenching Realm. "

The Heavenly Maiden was amazed.

As far as she knew, even the few Dao Zi she knew were only at the extreme of the quenching realm and could not break it.

Doesn't this mean that Xia Yi's attainments in the Quenching Body Realm are even stronger than the Dao!

The two said as they walked, and Xia Yi had already come to the front of the palace at this time.

The forbidden place of the palace is naturally heavily guarded.

A leader of the Praetorian Guard who was in the Fuhu realm saw Xia Yi walking straight towards the palace with a cold expression.

"Those who come stop, the palace is heavy, and those who trespass will be killed!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of his subordinates were knocked down at the same time, and 3.2 fell to the ground.

"What did you just say?"

Xia Yi's eyes fell, and his clothes fluttered, like a fairy god coming to earth.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the Praetorian Guard commander, and his hundred subordinates were all carefully selected, all of them were the elite of the Kone realm.

But in the blink of an eye, they were all defeated, and even if they reached the peak realm, they probably couldn't do it.

"Could it be that this one, like His Majesty Tianxuan, is a powerhouse of the Extreme Realm!"

The Janissary Commander, in his limited understanding, only thought of this possibility.

Then he fell to his knees with a thud.

"Former ...... Senior, I offended you in my mouth, please forgive me!"

said a slap and slapped on his face, and after a while, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his skin was open.

Xia Yi just glanced at him, knocked him unconscious, and then walked into the palace.

Beside him, the Celestial Maiden followed in her steps.

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