First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 83 Yun Zhonghe’s biological brother? destiny!

Brother, wait for me! The young man in brocade clothes caught up with Yun Zhonghe.

Yun Zhonghe asked: Is something wrong?

The young man thought for a while and asked: It's okay, I just want to say hello for no reason. I don't know why, but I feel an inexplicable feeling of closeness when I see you.

Yun Zhonghe said: What a coincidence, so am I.

The young man said: Brother, have we met somewhere?

Yun Zhonghe said: Have you seen him before? I'm not impressed. Otherwise, I would definitely be impressed by someone like Xiongtai who is a dragon among men.

Hahaha... the young man said: Look, look, you also know my nickname, Flesh-Faced Flying Dragon.

Yun Zhonghe said: Brother, there is indeed a lot of flesh on your face.

While talking, Yun Zhonghe stared at him.

From a purely outsider's perspective, the young man in front of him had almost nothing in common with Yun Zhonghe.

Because Yun Zhonghe is very thin, only 1.8 meters and less than 140 pounds.

The young man in front of him weighed over three hundred kilograms.

Although he was wearing luxurious clothes, his obesity completely robbed him of any beauty in his appearance.

But as long as he loses half of his weight, he will look exactly like Yun Zhonghe.


It's exactly the same.

They are not similar, they are really just like twins.

But now it looks really different.

At any other time, Yun Zhonghe would never have been able to tell, because purely in appearance, the young man in front of him had no resemblance to him at all.

But now Leonardo da Vinci was upper body, and his eyes could penetrate the flesh and directly deduce the skeleton.

The skeleton of the young man in front of him was exactly the same as Yun Zhonghe's, except that it was slightly deformed due to obesity.

The horse he was riding was definitely a real thousand-mile horse and was worth a lot of money, because it carried his three hundred kilograms of weight and still ran very fast.

Brother, have we really never met before? The young man weighing 300 pounds asked, Remember carefully, especially in the brothel, have you ever seen me?

Yun Zhonghe asked: Why do you say that?

The three-hundred-pound young man said: Because in my whole life, I have either been in a brothel or on the way to a brothel.

Yun Zhonghe was stunned. What a coincidence. Yun Zhonghe had either been cheating money and sex all his life, or he was cheating money and sex.

I heard that a group of blond and blue-eyed women came to Jinzhou City, so I traveled thousands of miles to come here just to try foreign meat. I didn't expect that idiot An Letian was infected with Hualiu, and ended up locking up all these girls. , and no one is allowed to receive guests. The young man weighing 300 pounds said: Isn't this because I have stopped eating because of choking? As a result, I have traveled thousands of miles in vain. Our Emperor is also fucked up, do you just fight a war? What does it matter? What's the point of cracking down on prostitution in a brothel? Does it mean that once we fight against the Great Victory Empire, men no longer need to go whoring?

Yun Zhonghe was stunned and speechless.

Because the three-hundred-pound young man in front of him said a few words, His Majesty the Emperor is so fucked up.

Who can say such a thing? Who dares to say such a thing?

Yun Zhonghe also discovered that he actually had a beard at such a young age, but it was not much and looked very funny.

He was already fat, coupled with his vulgar temperament and funny beard, it was simply speechless.

It is really unimaginable that he looks exactly the same as Yun Zhonghe.

One can be so handsome and the other can be so ugly.

Brother, are you looking at my beard? asked the 300-pound young man.

Yun Zhonghe said: Yes, your beard is really cool and unruly.

The young man weighing three hundred pounds said, This beard is a souvenir of my adulthood.

Yun Zhonghe asked: Are you over eighteen?

The three-hundred-pound young man said: No, I just slept with a thousand women.


Yun Zhonghe couldn't believe it at all. look like a fat pig, but you still kill thousands of people?

Does God have any laws?

Brother, do you know what my secret is to kill a thousand people? asked the young master weighing 300 pounds.

Yun Zhonghe said: I don't know.

The young man weighing three hundred pounds said: First, be rich; second, be fast.


It makes so much sense, it makes me speechless.

The three-hundred-jin young man said: So, all my killings of thousands of people were done in brothels. I had a dream when I was thirteen years old. I want to sweep the world's brothels. No matter where I go in the future, any brothel, even There are women I have loved in the goulan beside the stinking ditch.


Your ideal is so... great.

Originally, I thought Prince Ning'an was weird enough, but compared to you, he is nothing.

How dare the stars compete with the bright moon?

It's easy to make this vow, but it's so difficult to fulfill it. The young master of 300 pounds said: Only after I walked out of the house did I realize that there are so many brothels in the world. Now three years have passed, and I have only completed more than a thousand Man. The road is slowly being built and the road is far away. I will search up and down.

At this time, Yun Zhonghe really had the urge to dismount and kneel on the ground.

He has never admired anyone, but this person in front of him is definitely the most awesome person he has ever encountered.

Now Yun Zhonghe believes more and more that the idol in front of him should be his brother.

Although he is fat and cheap, his smell of scum and his love for the brothel are exactly the same.

Where are you going, brother? Yun Zhonghe asked.

A land without an owner. The three-hundred-pound young man said: I heard that this is a barbaric land, and the brothel girls here should be more flavorful. I just want to come and taste the game.

All right……

Yun Zhonghe said: The territory of the Southern Zhou Empire is thousands of miles away, and the flavor of the women in the brothel should be even better. Why choose the far away place instead of the near place?

Young Master Sanbaijin said: Brother, you don't know something. I am running away from my marriage.

Yun Zhonghe asked: Could it be that my brother's fiancée is extremely ugly?

No, she is extremely beautiful. She is so beautiful that her whole body will twitch just by looking at her. said the three hundred kilogram young master.

Yun Zhonghe said: Then why are you running away from your marriage?

The Three Hundred Jin Young Master said: I have stayed in the brothel for a long time, and I am used to eating crooked melons and cracked dates, and sleeping with vulgar women. It is completely impossible for me to marry a peerless beauty who has a noble status and can conquer the country. Just do it. For example, if a pig eats pig food every day, if you force it to eat delicious food one day, it will have diarrhea.

Once again, Yun Zhonghe was so admired that he couldn't say a word, only endless worship.

This is the first time I saw someone compare himself to a pig, and the metaphor was so elegant and refined.

Besides, she is a noble and charming girl. I am a piece of trash, fat and weak, so I'd better not delay her lifelong happiness. The Three Hundred Jin Young Master said, I'd better continue my ideal and leave a legacy in every brothel in the world. Leave my footprints. Every one of us will die, but a fat, stupid, scumbag like me will probably die earlier. When I closed my eyes, I thought that I had taken care of the business of ten thousand girls. , I will die with peace of mind, people must make some contribution in this life.

When he said this, there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

Yun Zhonghe was really curious at this time. What was the identity of this 300-pound young man in front of him?

From what he said, he was about to marry a peerless beauty with a noble status, so his status must be noble.

But how could a wealthy noble allow him to wander around like this every day? Sleeping in a brothel every day?

What kind of family is this?

Brother, do you know where the nearest brothel is? The three-hundred-pound young man said: I am almost dying. I must go to the nearest brothel before I can be resurrected.

Yun Zhonghe said: About eleven miles ahead, there is a Ye Chunfeng restaurant, but it is just a very low-level Goulan restaurant.

It's okay, the lower the level, the better. Wild boars can't get used to eating fine chaff. The three-hundred-jin young man said, Then I'll take the first step. If we meet again in the future, I will definitely invite you to stay with me.

Then, the three-hundred-jin young man spurred his horse and ran forward impatiently.

Immediately afterwards...

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Dozens of riders appeared behind, each of them a master, following behind the three-hundred-pound young man.

Obviously, these people are his bodyguards.

Who is his father? He actually sent dozens of experts to protect such a fat pig when he went out to visit brothels all over the world?

How caring is this father?

It didn't take long.

The fat pig-like young man in brocade clothes returned again.

By the way, I have another question for you.

Yun Zhonghe said: Brother, please speak.

The young master in three hundred catties of brocade clothes said: As a charlatan, you travel around the world. Have you ever seen anyone who looks similar to me?

Yun Zhonghe asked: Why do you say that?

The young master in three hundred kilograms of brocade clothes said: I don't know why, but I always feel that I should have a younger brother. I occasionally see him in my dreams.

Yun Zhonghe said: I have never seen a person like Xiongtai who is a dragon and a phoenix. I will definitely not forget it once I have seen him.

The three-hundred-jin brocade man nodded and said, Okay, I'll look for it again.

Then he left again.

Looking at his leaving figure, Yun Zhonghe's heart surged.

After returning, he must ask Lord Feng Xingmie who he is, Yun Zhonghe?

What is your life experience?

Yun Zhonghe closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and said, Continue on the road and return to Split Wind City.


Time is like water, years are like shuttle, and a few days have passed.

The past month has been a complete nightmare for Split Wind City.

First, he refunded the money to the salt dealer, and then in order to treat the injured in the Baiyin Salt Field tragedy and to compensate the victims of the disaster, Jing Zhongyue spent his last few cents of money.

Next, rumors spread one after another.

The army in Riftwind Valley no longer has military expenses, and all soldiers can no longer receive military pay.

All officials can no longer receive their pay.

To refute the rumors.

Jing Zhongyue melted all the gold and silverware in the city lord's palace and reluctantly paid the army.

The army's salary has been paid, but the official's salary is still not.

So, Jing Zhongyue took out all the jewelry, silks and cloths in the house and piled them outside the city lord's palace to pay the officials of Rift Valley.

Mrs. Splitting Wind and Mrs. Musk did not leave behind the last silver hairpin, nor the last piece of silk and satin.

Amidst Jing Wubian's curses, his pet tiger was also taken out and sold, and it was only sold for less than a thousand taels of silver.

Even so, it was still not enough, and in the end it was necessary to use cotton cloth, salt, and pepper to pay the officials.

In the end, there was still a difference of one thousand taels.

Jing Zhongyue took off his sword and said coldly: This sword has been with my Jing family since my great-grandfather. Now I can give it to you at a discount of one thousand taels of silver to give you military pay, okay?

Such a tragic situation is simply shocking.

However, everyone knows that your Jing family spent the last taels of silver and only rescued the injured, compensated the dead, returned the salt money, and distributed military and official salaries.

Even your mother, Mrs. Splitting Wind, can only wear cotton clothes.

However, you still have one million taels of compensation to pay.

Moreover, this compensation was mortgaged with the armor and weapons of Rift Valley's 10,000-strong army.

The first day of December is the deadline for reparations.

A whole million taels.

But you can't get even a tael of silver out of Riifenggu.

The 20,000-strong army of the alliance of princes also approached and surrounded them. Once Jing Zhongyue could not pay back the one million taels of silver, he would use force to force the 10,000-strong army of Rift Valley to surrender their weapons and pay off the debt.

As the reparations deadline draws closer and closer.

Everybody knows.

Rift Valley is over.

The Jing family is finished.


Note: If you adults don’t vote, I will be doomed! All you wise and stalwart benefactors, please vote to save me! Woo woo

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