First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 81 So awesome!

What is this family heirloom of Marquis Ning'an?

It's a painting, Going to Beijing on the Yuan Dynasty Night, by the painting saint Wudaozi, which was nearly three hundred years ago.

A true masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, a world-famous painting.

The painting is twenty feet long and one and a half feet wide.

The content is about the scenery of the Great Xia Empire on the night of the Zhongyuan Dynasty.

The Daxia Empire was a kingdom in heaven, and Shangjing City was the most famous city in the world. Twenty years ago, Li Tai'a was demoted and the Prince of Daxia failed in his rebellion, both of which happened in this capital city. It's just that the Shangjing City in this painting is what it looked like nearly three hundred years ago.

On the night of the Ghostly Yuan Dynasty, the Emperor of Daxia had fun with his people. The entire capital city is decorated with lights and colorful decorations everywhere, with the bright moon hanging high in the sky and the trees and trees sparkling with flowers, it is truly a city that never sleeps.

The painting sage Wudaozi stood at the highest point, overlooking the entire Shangjing City, memorizing all the scenery in his heart, and then walked from the imperial city to the streets, walking back and forth several times, carefully observing the people coming and going.

Then he spent several days and nights, and finally painted this painting Yuan Yuan Night in Beijing.

Nearly two thousand people appear in the entire painting, and each one is different and lifelike.

And what’s even more amazing is that he painted the scenery at night.

The light varies between light and dark.

In some places the light comes from lanterns, in other places it comes from the moonlight.

You should have the feeling of hazy night, and you should also have the feeling of bright lights.

Under the darkness of night, everyone seems blurry, but upon closer inspection, they become clear and changeable.

What's even more terrifying is that even the lines on a woman's embroidered shoes are clearly drawn. Even the tattoos and birthmarks on a person's neck are clearly visible.

This is amazing.

When this painting appeared, all the painters were shocked.

At this point, Wudaozi achieved the reputation of a painting sage.

Over the past few hundred years, countless painters have tried to imitate this painting, The Night of the Yuan Dynasty in Beijing, but all of them have failed.

Because you can’t learn it at all.

How to simply draw the night colors? It can't be completed.

Moreover, the details of some characters in the paintings require getting very close to see clearly.

How would you describe this work?

It should be called the Along the River During Qingming Festival of this world.

That is to say, its history is relatively short, less than three hundred years. If a thousand years had passed, this would have been a national treasure, and no amount of money could buy it.

Just like the Mona Lisa's smile, which is worth nearly a billion dollars.

This painting was originally in the Daxia Empire, so why did it appear in the Ning'an Marquis Mansion in the Southern Zhou Empire?

This is another story.

As a painting saint, Wudaozi was involved in the struggle for the throne of the Xia Empire in his later years and fled to the south.

After many twists and turns, this painting Going to Beijing on the Yuan Dynasty Night fell into the Ning'an Marquis Mansion.

A few years ago, a certain prince wanted to buy this painting from the Marquis of Ning'an for 200,000 taels of silver, but for some reason the purchase failed.

But a price tag was left for the painting: two hundred thousand taels.

This is definitely a sky-high price, and a super sky-high price.

Nowadays, even paintings by masters, even treasures that are hundreds of years old, can hardly cost more than 10,000 taels.

Even if this is the first masterpiece of the painting saint Wudaozi, it cannot reach the height of 200,000 taels. It really can't reach it.

But...the prince's bid suddenly became the price of this painting.

Many people have seen this painting, because every year countless celebrities come to Ning'an Marquis Mansion to view this famous painting.

There are even many people who come to appreciate it over and over again and are still fascinated.

Now, it’s this scene again!

After the scroll was unfolded, hundreds of celebrities gathered in front of the painting and looked at it inch by inch.

It looks like one thing during the day, but it looks like another thing at night.

It's wonderful, it's amazing.

It is truly a priceless treasure.

It’s worthy of the Sixth Prince’s price of 200,000 taels for it.

But now this painting that has been handed down from ancient times has fallen into the hands of a charlatan, which is really a sigh.

It was even more surprising that the Marquis of Ning'an was actually willing to give this painting to Chu Liuxiang.


At this time, many celebrities, wealthy families, and wealthy businessmen present had eyes that were full of indescribable expressions.

It may be difficult to get this world-famous painting in Ning'anhou's mansion, because Ning'anhou doesn't like money.

But now that it falls into the hands of Chu Liuxiang, a charlatan, can he get it?

As a result, several celebrities and wealthy businessmen present winked at Yun Zhonghe.

At this moment, the Marquis of Ning'an said: I know that everyone present may have other thoughts, but from now on, Mr. Chu Liuxiang will be the benefactor of our Marquis of Ning'an Mansion, and I ask you all to take good care of him.

Of course this was a warning.

This is to tell everyone that from now on, Mr. Chu Liuxiang will accept the protection of my Ning'an Marquis Mansion. If you want to harm or rob him, you must ask Ning'an Marquis Mansion if it agrees.


That night, after the banquet was over.

Yun Zhonghe left enough medicine and told him how to use it, and then he left Ning'an Marquis Mansion at night.

Both the Marquis of Ning'an and the Crown Prince were reluctant to leave.

They really wanted Yun Zhonghe to stay. Wouldn't having such a miraculous doctor mean they had an extra life?

People are like clouds in the sky. The gathering and dispersing of clouds are all due to fate. Yun Zhonghe said: One day, when the Ning'an Marquis Mansion needs me, maybe I will appear in front of you again.

Then, Yun Zhonghe left secretly and disappeared into the night without a trace.


Jinzhou City, inside a certain house.

Master Dui was guarding the door, and there were dozens of warriors guarding every part of the house.

On the surface, only Duan was following Yun Zhonghe, but Jing Zhongyue sent hundreds of people to enter Jinzhou City in batches to secretly protect Yun Zhonghe and cooperate with Yun Zhonghe.

What is Yun Zhonghe doing at this time?

Of course it was Leonardo da Vinci who got involved, and then he copied the painting Ascension to Beijing and the Zhongyuan Picture by Sheng Wudaozi.

This painting is so awesome and difficult that no one has been able to copy it in the past two or three hundred years.

But for Leonardo No. 23? Totally a piece of cake.

He could copy any painting, no matter how difficult it was, no matter how bizarre.

Guaranteed to be exactly the same or even better than the original.

When we were on Earth, something like this had happened more than once. The famous paintings he copied turned out to be imitations, while the ones he copied turned out to be authentic.

In a sense, Leonardo da Vinci is truly the world's most talented painter.

In the next few days, he needs to make several identical copies of this painting.

Then proceed to the most sophisticated distressing.

Finally, all the copies of the Zhongyuan Pictures of Shangjing were sold, each one secretly sold to a different person.

One painting can’t be sold for more than one million taels, but what about the five paintings? What about eight?

This is why he asked the Marquis of Ning'an to invite celebrities from all over the city to testify. Now everyone knows that this Zhongyuan Picture of Shangjing is in the hands of Chu Liuxiang.

At that time, he will go to sell paintings secretly, and everything will be perfect.

Of course someone might ask.

So why not just copy the banknote? Wouldn't that be simpler and more direct?

Yun Zhonghe did think about it.

But then I gave up completely.

First of all, the denominations of banknotes in this world are not large, with the maximum not exceeding fifty taels.

Anything over fifty taels is a money order, which is equivalent to a passbook. Each piece has a password and can only be taken to a fixed bank, and only a specialized person can take out the money.

A random person could take out a few thousand taels of banknotes and spend them?


And even fifty-tael banknotes have special numbers. You can probably spend a few random ones and get money from the bank. How many thousands of them can you get at once? That's totally a suicide attempt.


The speed at which Leonardo da Vinci painted was simply astonishing.

This grandma doesn't look like a painter, she looks like the fastest humanoid printer.

The brush in his hand was dancing so fast that it was almost too fast to see clearly.

Real madness, real psychosis.

Drawing is like a convulsion.

And twenty-four hours a day, almost completely without sleep.

Drawing all the time.

After the painting is completed, it is aged using extremely complicated processes such as potions, fire baking, and smoking.

In short, the final result is exactly the same as the original painting.

And the damn thing is, as the number of copies increases, the quality actually surpasses the original painting.

It's so perverted and amazing.

And he even deliberately left a BUG.

In the painting, a beauty from a brothel is wearing a thin silk skirt, and there are three very tiny words on the inner pocket of the skirt: Leonardo da Vinci.

Yun Zhonghe wanted to stop it, but he couldn't.

In the words of Leonardo da Vinci, this is the pride of an artist.

In the end it was even more extreme.

In the grass somewhere in the painting, there are thousands of ants, faintly forming the words: This is a fake, idiot. What's even more outrageous is that he even drew an iPhone 11 in the seam between the underwater shadow stones, which is only a millimeter in size.

Of course, this is completely invisible to the naked eye. You need to magnify it dozens of times and then add the HDR effect to see it.

In this world, no one can see it.

Yun Zhonghe had no choice but to sigh in his heart: Damn it, I'll kill you!

However, there is really no need to worry about being found out.

Because it is impossible to see through it. You are even better than the real thing, and there is no comparison. Every detail that can be seen by the naked eye is exactly the same. How can it be seen through.

These mentally ill people are crazy, but their abilities have never let Yun Zhonghe down.


A few days and nights later, it happened to be November 22nd, and there were still nine days left before the deadline for handing over compensation.

In front of Yun Zhonghe were eight identical Zhongyuan Pictures of Shangjing, without any flaws.

The next step is to sell these eight paintings secretly.

In this way, you can earn at least one million taels. If it is higher, it may not be certain. If you encounter a super rich person who is taken advantage of, you can also kill him more severely.

And no banknotes, just gold.

If you give me money, I really can’t carry it. It would be much easier to deal with gold. One hundred thousand taels of silver is equivalent to six hundred kilograms of gold.

This is also the reason why Yun Zhonghe came to Jinzhou City.

This million-dollar city has not much else but a lot of gold.

Sell ​​the painting in the shortest possible time, and then disappear without a trace with the gold.

After sleeping for a few hours, Yun Zhonghe went out to sell paintings.


Half an hour later, Yun Zhonghe appeared in a mansion with master Dui.

The owner of this mansion, known as Wang Baiwan, was in the weaving business. His silk and cotton were sold thousands of miles away.

And he is most urgent about this painting.

He wanted to get this painting not to make money or to collect it, but to open up business opportunities in the Daxia Empire and use it as a bribe.

This Zhongyuan Picture of Shangjing originally belonged to the Daxia Empire, but accidentally ended up in the Southern Zhou Empire. I definitely want to take it back.

This is just like Mona Lisa's Smile originally belonged to Italy, but ended up becoming a national treasure of France. The Italians were also unhappy in their hearts, so in 1911, an Italian thief took this painting from the Louvre. Stolen.

This Wang Wanwan was extremely eager to get the painting. He tried to buy it from the Marquis of Ning'an many times, but he was always rejected.

That night when Marquis Ning'an presented this world-famous painting to Yun Zhonghe, Wang Wanwan tried his best to wink at Yun Zhonghe.

Master, the charlatan Chu Liuxiang is here. A confidant reported.

Wang Wanwan had already fallen asleep. When he heard the news, he was immediately overjoyed. He stood up and rushed out wearing a piece of clothing.

Mr. Chu, you are finally here. Wang has been waiting for a long time. Wang Baiwan stepped forward directly, held Yun Zhonghe's hands affectionately and said, Sir, what can you teach me here?

Yun Zhonghe took out his forged Zhongyuan Picture of Shangjing Zhongyuan and said directly: People of the Ming Dynasty don't tell secrets. If you want this painting, you can give it two hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver.


Note: Ming people don’t tell secret words, I want the recommendation votes of my benefactors! What, you won’t give it? Then...then I will kneel until I die! Woo woo

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