First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 73 Yun Aotian, You Are So Poisonous! The War Begins

Before the City Lord's Mansion Square.

Chu Zhaoran, the Master Si Tesi in brocade clothes, was tied to a pillar with his upper body completely naked.

Dozens of people around were watching, most of them were chief officials of the Jinyi Division, and several chief officials of the Black Blood Hall.

Leng Bihan, the master of the Black Blood Hall, said in a cold voice: As the chief officer of the Jinyi Division, Chu Zhaoran is responsible for the serious negligence of the Baiyin Salt Field tragedy. The lord has ordered you to whip fifty times. Chu Zhaoran, can you plead guilty?

Chu Zhaoran said: This subordinate pleads guilty.

Then Leng Bi picked up a whip. Although this whip was made of leather, it was wrapped with thin iron chains. It was specially used for punishment. Beating people was very painful, and even fatal to weak people.

Next, Leng Bi even soaked the whip in cold water.

This hurts even more.


Leng Bi lashed out with a whip.

Immediately, a bloodstain appeared on Chu Zhaoran's body, which swelled rapidly.

Papa papa...

After that, Leng Bi's whip kept pulling out, each time without mercy.

Just a moment.

Chu Zhaoran's body was covered with scars and blood.

But from the beginning to the end, this beautiful man Tisi insisted on not saying a word, and survived.

Clap clap clap clap!

The sound of the whip whipping still resounded throughout the square, and every time the whip was whipped, blood spattered everywhere.

The faces of the onlookers were all pale, and every time the whipping went down, their faces trembled.

Only Yun Zhonghe felt extremely comfortable.

Three minutes later.

Leng Bi's forty whips were finished.

This time it's not just Chu Zhaoran's mistake alone, it's also the whole Jinyi's mistake. Leng Bi shouted: Yun Aotian, you will whip the next ten whips.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was astonished.


Yun Aotian is only the third master, he is a subordinate, why should he be given the last ten lashes?

But Yun Zhonghe had been waiting for this moment for a long time, so he stepped forward to take the whip.

Fuck, such a heavy whip?

Next, Yun Zhonghe aimed at Chu Zhaoran's body with all his breastfeeding strength, and lashed out with a whip.



After only seven lashes, Yun Zhonghe was already out of breath, and this was fucking exhausting.

What's more annoying is that his strength is too weak, so the strength of the whipping is far inferior to that of Leng Bi, so Chu Zhaoran didn't feel so much pain.

How could Yun Zhonghe bear this?

Originally, I wanted to flog you personally, but it actually made you more comfortable, so what can I do?

So Yun Zhonghe used all his energy and strength to aim at Chu Zhaoran.


This time he used up all his mother's strength.

Crack! The whip hit Chu Zhaoran directly.


In an instant, Chu Zhaoran made an extremely tragic sound from the bottom of his throat, and the hair on the back of his head stood on end almost instantly.

It wasn't very loud, but it was brutal.

The whole body convulsed.

Everyone present also twitched violently, covering their hands instinctively.

Damn, it hurts to see this.

And Leng Bi's eyes widened in an instant, and his entire scalp became numb.


After the ninth whip, Yun Zhonghe still whipped towards Chu Zhaoran.

But even though he twitched in pain, Chu Zhaoran still easily escaped.

The tenth whip!


Yun Zhonghe's whip swept across Chu Zhaoran's handsome face, leaving a bloodstain immediately.

The punishment of fifty lashes in total was over.

Chu Zhaoran was covered in cold sweat and dripping blood.

Yun Zhonghe came in front of Chu Zhaoran and said, Master Tisi, this subordinate has no choice but to beat me because of Master Leng Bi.

Leng Bi, who was not far away, jumped violently, resisting the urge to beat Yun Zhonghe to death, can your tricks of sowing discord be a little lower?

Yun Zhonghe looked at Chu Zhaoran's bruised body and said, Master Tisi, you don't know that these ten whips hit you and hurt my heart, so will we still be good brothers in the future?

Chu Zhaoran grinned and said: Of course, we eat a pot of rice in Jinyi Division, of course we are good brothers.

His smile was still sunny, and even his eyes were not cold, only his legs were shaking.


that night.

This is the list of members of the vassal alliance negotiating team. Leng Bi said, and then gave the two lists to Yun Zhonghe and the left bank army division respectively.

Yun Zhonghe was slightly surprised: Is there no Mo Qiu in the negotiating team?

Jing Zhongyue said: This first round of negotiations is about compensation, and he will not participate.

The left bank strategist said: The leader of this silver tragedy is the Mo family, but there are many participants. Therefore, before sanctioning our Rift Valley, we must feed all the participants and not let them work in vain.

The left bank military division made it very clear.

The director of the Baiyin massacre was the Mo family, but there were several participants. Only by allowing them to get enough benefits can the next thing continue.

Therefore, this first round of negotiations will not involve sanctions, but only compensation.

Yun Zhonghe said: The leader of this first round of negotiations is Yun Wanxue, this name sounds familiar.

Leng Bi said, It's Yun Wanli's elder brother.

Yun Wanli is Ning Qing's first husband, so this relationship is a bit awkward, Yun Zhonghe only slept with Ning Qing not long ago.

Of course Yun Zhonghe didn't know that Ning Qing's tragedy had a lot to do with Yun Wanxue.

After being widowed, Yun Wanxue was also full of wolfish ambitions towards Ning Qing, and even almost acted on several occasions.

If it weren't for Ning Qing being particularly vigilant in this regard, living in Daxi Academy for a long time, and being very cautious about the things at the entrance, otherwise it would be hard to keep her innocence.

Of course, as Ning Qing's reputation grew, Yun Wanxue became a lot more afraid.

What is his identity? Yun Zhonghe asked.

Leng Bi said: The president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Alliance of Princes.

Yun Zhonghe said: Business? Didn't inherit the position of prince?

Leng Bi said: Yes, he is in business.

Yun Zhonghe said: What business do you do?

Leng Bi said: Brothhouses and gambling halls, he is one of the biggest businessmen in Borderlands.

Yun Zhonghe was envious, these two businesses were almost the most profitable in the world.

In other words, the first round of negotiations is mainly to settle this person? Yun Zhonghe asked.

Yes! Leng Bi said: And this negotiation may have been contracted by him.

Yun Zhonghe said in astonishment: Such a serious negotiation is related to the life and death of a prince, can you still contract it?

Leng Bi said: This is a land without owner, what can't happen?

Okay. Yun Zhonghe said: Then what is this person's personality?

Leng Bi said: Cunning, extremely greedy, has the title of vampire.

Yun Zhonghe said: Besides cunning and greed, is there any risk factor in you?

Leng Bi said: Of course, he loves adventure the most in his life.

Yun Zhonghe said: The gambling house he opened, how about his own gambling skills?

Leng Bi said: It's amazing, even his self-made is relying on his magical gambling skills.

Yun Zhonghe said: How do you say it?

Leng Bi said: He has been a dandy since he was a child, and he did all kinds of evil. When he was thirteen years old, he harmed his father's concubine, so he was kicked out of the Yun family. Since then, he has been in the gambling house, and he has become a master. Magical gambling skills, and won a gambling house by gambling skills, and then continued to expand, opened more than a dozen, the business is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of desperadoes under his command is also increasing, and the power is getting bigger and bigger At the age of thirty-five, he returned to the Yun family, and at the age of thirty-nine, he became the head of the Chamber of Commerce of the Alliance of Princes.

Then this is a godfather-level big shot.

Yun Zhonghe said: How would you describe his gambling skills?

Leng Bi said: Invincible.

Yun Zhonghe said: Then he must be extremely conceited about his gambling skills?

Of course, his gambling skills are invincible, and he is a god worshiped by all gamblers. Leng Bi said: Also, this person is greedy and good at trying to figure out people's hearts, so in this negotiation, he will definitely open his mouth to the lion of compensation, yes An extremely difficult opponent.

Yun Zhonghe said: Master, what is the highest bottom line we can bear?

Leng Bi said: How much can you earn?

Yun Zhonghe grinned, and said for a long while, Suppose I can earn one million taels?

Earn one million taels in two months? It really does sound like a dream.

Jing Zhongyue said: Then if we embezzle military expenses, embezzle officials' salaries, and melt all the gold and silver wares in the City Lord's Mansion, we can make up five hundred thousand taels.

Yun Zhonghe said: In other words, the highest bottom line we can afford is 1.5 million taels?

Jing Zhongyue nodded and said, Yes.

This number is a bit difficult, and the other party will definitely not agree.

Because of this silver tragedy, nearly 2,000 people died, and hundreds of people died after eating poisonous salt.

More than a hundred merchants from the Chamber of Commerce of the Alliance of Princes and officials from the Alliance of Princes died, and even dozens of merchants from the three major countries died.

And because of the poisonous salt incident, the salt merchants of the entire alliance of princes were hit hard, and even the business of restaurants was also greatly affected.

Compensation of 1.5 million taels is not enough.

I don't know exactly how much the other party will open their mouths.

Yun Zhonghe said: Mr. Zuo An, based on what you know about Yun Wanxue, how much compensation will he ask for?

The left bank strategist said: It's very high, it's strangely high.

Jing Zhongyue said: The specific amount of compensation he asked for will be known tomorrow.


The next afternoon!

The negotiating team of the Alliance of Princes arrived outside Cracked Wind City.

They did not enter the city, but settled in a certain manor twenty miles away from Cracking Wind City.

The manor is called Qingshui Bieyuan.

A thousand troops entered the manor together in the name of guards.

At the same time, the 15,000 troops assembled by the alliance of princes also began to march towards the Rifting Wind Valley.

There is no doubt that as long as the negotiations do not go well, the 15,000 troops will approach at any time and threaten the Rift Valley with war.


On the second day after entering Qingshui Bieyuan, the negotiating team of the alliance of princes issued an ultimatum to the Lord's Mansion of Liefeng City, and the negotiations began!

Under the protection of 500 cavalry, the left bank army division and Yun Zhonghe entered the Qingshui Bieyuan, followed by only a particularly handsome little secretary.

Yun Wanxue was really treacherous, he put the negotiation venue in Qingshui Bieyuan, not in Liefeng City.

And also brought a thousand troops, just to overwhelm the Rifting Valley in momentum and turn the away game into the home game.

night falls,

The negotiation between the two parties has officially begun!

The battle is about to begin.

Yun Zhonghe met Yun Wanxue, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce of the Alliance of Princes.

Contrary to imagination, this person is not a businessman, a scholar is not a scholar, and a warrior is not a warrior.

The huge hooked nose is very abrupt, the face is also very narrow and long, and the eye sockets are also deep.

Despite his handsome face, he looked a bit fierce.

Jing Zhongyue sent the two of you to talk? Yun Wanxue was astonished.

On both sides of the negotiating table, there were more than a dozen people on Yun Wanxue's side, while there were only Zuo An and Yun Zhonghe on the Rifting Wind Valley side, looking so lonely.

This time the momentum was even more suppressed.

Jian Zhongyue, the negotiating team of the alliance of princes, was astonished. Did Jing Zhongyue give up on herself?

Can't even send a decent negotiating team?

It seems that Riftwind Valley is doomed this time.

There's no need to talk about it. Yun Wanxue raised his chin, took out a slip, handed it over and said, Take it back and let Jing Zhongyue sign it, otherwise you will be at your own risk.

Yun Zhonghe took it over and took a look, his eyes widened immediately, looking at the numbers above in disbelief.

Even if he had expected that the boss, Yun Wanxue, would open his mouth like a lion, it was too... exaggerated.

Five million taels!

The other party wants Rift Wind Valley to pay five million taels?

This... this is going crazy.

Jing Zhongyue, a prodigal bitch, can't even come up with five hundred thousand taels now, so you want her to come up with five million taels?

Yun Zhonghe was about to laugh out loud.

Wait, your name is Yun Aotian? Yun Wanxue said suddenly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

This made people think of his identity, the elder brother of Ning Qing's husband, who has coveted Ning Qing for more than ten years and regarded him as a taboo.

Yes, I am. Yun Zhonghe said.

Come with me. Yun Wanxue said coldly, and then walked towards the remote backyard.

Yun Zhonghe hesitated for a moment, then followed.

In the next second, a sharp saber lay across Yun Zhonghe's neck.

You slept with my sister-in-law Ning Qing, right? Yun Wanxue asked with murderous intent.

Yun Zhonghe said: Yeah, what's the matter? It's more than once, it tastes great.

The voice did not fall.

Yun Wanxue slashed at Yun Zhonghe's chop.


Note: The mood is extremely low, benefactors, please vote for a few recommendation votes to encourage me, sincerely please!

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