First Law

Chapter 65 Private chat time

What a wolf, what a rising star, everything is fake.

Kabul's calculation is very simple, that is, to gather all the good things in the wasteland into his hands.

Karen glanced at the map again. Sure enough, Kabul only had the smallest area in the middle reaches of the Mississippi River. The area of ​​Palatine was comparable to Kabul, followed by Beluman, and the area controlled by Martin King was much larger.

Karen understood the reason for Martin's displeasure. Obviously, he didn't want so many areas. In his eyes, except for the Mississippi River, everything else was losing money.

The so-called Wilderness Alliance is complete nonsense. These people are sucking blood, trying to squeeze out Karen and the bandit MPs below. This is in line with the tradition that a bandit should have.

I disagree! The area controlled by Moti is second only to Karen, which means that he will hand over a large part of the population to Kabul, I am only in charge of my own area, and I am willing to withdraw from the wasteland if necessary.

He doesn't care, he can't let his tribe become Kabul's thugs, he came here mainly because Kabul promised him to share part of the wasteland's revenue, but now the other party wants to extract his population.

Kabul gently persuaded, explaining the importance of the wasteland army to the seven wolves, and emphasized that this is not a power, but a normal military service. Every creature who comes to report will receive a fee and a high salary.

But the extravagant hype can't change the fact, a fool can see the tricks in the middle, Moti wants to quit the seven wolves, he thinks he has been cheated.

The meeting encountered a problem just at the beginning and had to be terminated. Karen found a side room and sat down. He, the biggest sufferer, did not express his opinion, but others made trouble.

After a short rest, Moti's attitude changed completely. Not only did he agree to Kabul's proposal, he was also willing to send a group of horned eagle knights to the barracks to act as a flying army.

Karen frowned, Lao Gao, a person can change so quickly, obviously a lot of things have happened.

Your Excellency Karen, do you have any objections? Kabul looked at Karen with a smile.

Karen felt that this smile resembled that of an old Forbes, which was strange and inexplicable. He shook his head, showing a look of indifference, No, I think the Legion is necessary, and I am willing to complete it according to the orders of Your Excellency Kabul.

Karen, you misunderstood. It's not an order, but a suggestion. Kabul emphasized with a smile.

Oh, yes, the proposal. I agree with this proposal. As one of the leading wolves in the wasteland, I should make some contributions. If I don't pay, how can I expect others.

Everyone looked at Karen strangely, the head of this necromancer would not be kicked by the flame horse, and some people laughed and sent their weapons out.

Very good, as expected of the most promising young man on the wasteland. Kabul praised without hesitation, and then said politely, It's not enough to have a legion, we still need to deliver equipment for the legion, pay the soldiers, and give The pensions for the dead soldiers need money, and I think we should follow the proposal just now and pay the funds according to the region.”

In an instant, Karen felt as if he was about to stop breathing. Kabul was drawing his blood. The wilderness area was completely unfair. The Mississippi River was so rich that even basic survival would be a problem without the Mississippi River.

He has personally experienced the hardships of survival. Kobolds even sell their lives cheaply for a bucket of water, but in Desa City, they can comfortably lean on the side of the tree-lined road to fish.

The proposal is very simple, one hundred pence is required per square kilometer per month, and according to the area Karen ruled, one needs to pay 300,000 pence to the Septwolves council every month.

Even if the entire town of Gold Shining is sold, there may not be so much money. He looked at Kabul, and no matter how much he respected the strong, he didn't want to do such a fool's business.

He now regrets participating in this bullshit 'septwolves' meeting.

I don't have that much money.

Karen said it very directly, and now the respect for Kabul has disappeared completely, behind the smiles on his face, there is no means of survival at all.

Not necessarily, I heard that your salt is very profitable, at least 50,000 pence a month, and your Coca-Cola can provide you with 100,000 pence. Now the barbecue shop is ridiculously popular, and it should be 50,000 to 60,000 pence a month. I suggest that you can resell the resources in the bath, and you should be able to make up enough money.

Kabul was still smiling, the natural way.

At this moment, Karen felt stripped naked. This man knew too well about his income.

He looked at the map again, and the area of ​​that area happened to be equal to his income. It was obvious that the other party had calculated it accurately, but the large area he added later exceeded his income by a little.

Karen turned her head and glanced at Martin, it was obvious that Rhine knew all the plans, what a shit wolf, this was a rat trap, and she foolishly became the fat mouse that jumped into the cage.

Three hundred thousand pence.

This required the town of Gold Flash to do its best, and even had to sell the resources inside the swamp.

There are asphalt in the swamp, and there are slaves in the swamp. The key is to have rich water quality, which is not available in the wasteland. What's more, Karen doesn't want to engage in slavery at all. If Kabul does what Kabul said, Jinjin Town will not talk about development. , I am afraid that it will go bankrupt in just half a year.

He's here looking for talent, not participating in this bullshit council.

Karen stood up and looked directly at Kabul, I'm sorry, I don't agree, now I'm getting out of here and quitting the shitty seven wolves, if you want to start a war with me, go ahead.

Karen, don't be so excited, you are too young, take a break, you must be tired. Kabul stepped forward with a smile, How can I start a war with my compatriots, come on, let's go in and have a cup of tea.

Involuntarily pulling Karen into Pompeii's secret room, Martin King followed in and closed the door with a bang.

In an instant, the smile on Kabul's face disappeared completely, and he leaned on the soft leather chair and took out five photos, Your Excellency Karen, I think you need to take a look at these.

The first one is the pastor Ah Zhen, who is being tied to a chair. The second chapter is three iron boxes, on which are written 'Li Wen', 'Nicole' and 'Starbucks' respectively. The third one is very simple, It is a high-altitude shot of the Golden Town, but there is a black spot in the center of the Golden Town, and a line of small characters is written on the bottom, 'you can fly to the sky at any time'.

The fourth picture is the Coca-Cola transport convoy traveling slowly, and the fifth picture is very simple, it is the back of a person, Wolf Fang.

In an instant, Karen felt a chill run up his spine. He now understands why Moti, the Blessed One, changed into a different person in an instant. It is not ordinary people.

He promised himself that he would still be in control of the Golden City, but once he refused, everything would fall apart.

At this moment, in front of Kabul, Karen felt like a little ant, What do you want me to do?

Agree to all my proposals, don't worry, at least you won't lose yourself. Kabul assured again.

Karen couldn't help laughing, yeah, this guy would at least let himself fish in the mall.

They're all going to be fine, right?

Of course, after the meeting is over, you can still pamper the dear little devil. Kabul lifted the curtain and walked out.

Returning to the center of the stage again, Karen directly agreed to all the conditions of Kabul, and promised to pay the part of the money she should pay by the end of this month.

Very well, Mr. Karen is indeed a trustworthy person.

Wait. Karen suddenly stood up and looked straight at Kabul, Your Excellency Kabul, I heard you have a goblin airship, right?

Kabul frowned, not understanding that the necromancer suddenly asked himself such a question, Of course, that's a private airship.

Karen smiled coldly, Your Excellency Kabul, the person who pays the most taxes in the human race is rewarded. See if you can reward me with that airship.

What do you want the airship for?

I'm a wolf after all. Karen smiled.

Kabul stared at Karen, but he always felt that it was not that simple, but he didn't want the young man to refute him again. After all, an airship is nothing compared to 3.6 million pennies a year. Untie the airship key from under his neck, From now on, Flight 1 will be yours.

Karen took it happily, as if he had obtained some kind of treasure, and he didn't say a word. There is really nothing to say. Once the money and population problems are solved, what else does this council need to do? Is it true? Some will go to fight against the Maria Legion.

Everything needed by the seven wolves parliament will be handed over according to the territory, and Karen has become the biggest victim. On the contrary, giants like Kabul and Baladin are less than one-thirtieth of the burden of the parliament.

What makes Karen even more unwilling is that these resources will eventually flow into the pockets of Kabul and Paladin. If it is for the wasteland, he is naturally willing, but now he has no confidence in it.

How can such a humble personality expect them to do great things.

Three days, three days straight in the hall of bullshit, Karen felt like he had been in prison for three years, and when he saw the blue sky on the wasteland again, it was less than five days away from the real winter .

Before he returned to the boulevard, a very bad news came.

Murray the Fury Ax was assassinated. Karen thought it was an illusion, after all, the other party was a wolf, but when he saw Murray's body, he had to believe it was the real fact.

Who is the murderer?

Needless to say?

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