First Law

Invincible Chapter 532

Karen stared at each other, and the other stared at Karen in the same way. The two just stared at each other, with a sense of sympathy.

What is your name?

Molo! Molo replied honestly.

I'm asking about your real name! Of course, he knows the name Molo. Almost everyone in the Far East Sea knows this name, but Karen has an intuition that this name is completely fictitious, just like his Memories are fabricated out of thin air.

Treating this person, he didn't expect to use any kind of torture. That kind of low-level receipt is a complete insult to such a great person.

My name is Mo Luo! Mo Luo can emphasize it again.

Karen smiled and nodded, as if he recognized the name. With a casual touch, a gray mist came out of the opponent's head, drifted lightly in the air, and cut apart like a cloud of smoke, forming a series of special pictures.

At that time, in a village, Mo Luo was a young man. He was marrying his own woman. Through the picture, it could be seen that it was Vanessa. All the creatures in the whole village were congratulating. It was a scene of joy and harmony. They began to live, pick mulberries, Planting, staying in the green mountains and green waters quietly enjoying the pastoral scenery.

The scenery there is completely different from that on the Aegean Continent. It is emerald green, clear and clear, with a misty atmosphere. A big river circles along the mountains, just like being in Yunmeng Daze generally.

That's bliss!

In the memory, it can be clearly sensed from Mo Luo's face that he is enjoying this kind of time, even though he obeyed Vanessa after getting married, he is still enjoying it.

The memory is so bland, there's little to see.

With a flick of his hand, it was another memory. In a kingdom of clouds, he still had a sweet encounter with Vanessa, Molo, and then drove the clouds to travel in the sky.

When I was tired, I stopped to drink the spring, and when I was free, I leaned against each other and talked sweetly. They were charming with each other, and it seemed that there were only the two of them left in the whole world.

It was bland, blissful, but dull in Karen's eyes.

Karen extracts memories one by one, each of which begins with their meeting, then sweetly falls in love, gets married, enters a completely sweet time, and then stays sweet until the end.

The age of the ancient gods,

In the age of angels and the age of ordinary beings, there are hundreds of memories one after another, but the strange thing is that there is no painful one here, all of them are sweet journeys.

This is very abnormal. A person's life is a mixture of happiness and pain. These are two intertwined threads that cannot be separated from each other. Without pain, one cannot feel happiness, and without happiness, one cannot feel pain either.

The reason why creatures are special is that their lives are struggling from pain to happiness every day.

But now, Karen couldn't find a single bit of pain in these memories, not even a little bit of Molo's negative emotions.

In the development of thousands of years, Mo Luo is like an invincible Xiaoqiang. Whenever he meets Vanessa, he will always fall in love uncontrollably.

Karen thought it was amused.

There is no such thing in the world, and he began to calm down and retrieve Mo Luo's memory little by little.

When it first appeared in the age of gods, Moluo was a big fish wandering in the sea. Like other gods, he gradually became a part of the gods through continuous absorption of divine power.

Five hundred years after he became the overlord, he inexplicably met the same goddess, who was naturally Vanessa.

Karen's thoughts suddenly froze here. Molo didn't say how Vanessa appeared in his memory, nor did he track down the other party's information in detail. The moment the other party appeared, he completely fell in love with her.

This time Karen doesn't deliberately focus on happiness, he explores what will happen after marriage.

Marriage was still sweet at the beginning, joking with each other and thinking about the future life together, but when Karen continued to look down, Molo's memory disappeared.

It's like a sudden break at the moment of the climax.

Immediately after that came the Age of Angels. At this moment, Mo Luo was already a powerful angel, holding the central authority of the angels.

But just when his career reached its peak, Vanessa appeared in Mo Luo's memory again, just so suddenly, and at this moment Mo Luo really fell into crazy love like a big fool.

Everything was married according to the predetermined script, sweet and imaginative, but this kind of memory only lasted for a few months, and then it was completely interrupted.

The memory has been transferred to the present era, and Mo Luo is already the master of the Far East Continent.

Boss, his memory has been cut. Cobblepot said next to Karen. Although this existence was completely taken away by Karen, he, as a resident of the town of Gold, is still helping Karen with ideas. .

Including Cabras, they gave up their status as mage leaders and stayed by Karen's side willingly.

Both of them knew that Karen did not intend to deprive them of their positions, and in the Aegean Continent, their value in Karen's heart had never been erased.

It is indeed a memory cut, and the memory cut is very obvious, as if there is no aftermath treatment at all in an operation. When the disease is discovered, the diseased area is completely cut clean.

Can it be recovered?

Karen asked cautiously, if the memory can be completely restored, maybe Vanessa's weakness can be found from it. Now it is very certain that Vanessa is a glass heart, the existence that controls the supreme power, in the face of love When it is, it is indeed extremely fragile.

I can try!

Cobblepot and Cabras privately conduct research on memory recovery, which is very troublesome, just like patching up an incomplete map, which needs to be estimated a little bit based on the actual edge.

To repair memory, in addition to mastering the necessary laws, it is also necessary to extract from Mo Luo's humanity, life stories and few contacts.

Fortunately, Karen witnessed the whole process of Vanessa sealing Molo's memory.

Everything is going on quietly. How the new elite research of the Aegean Continent confuses Vanessa, Cabras and Cobot concentrate on filling up the memory, and wait for Karen to re-circle five times in the ring of time , in the very center of the Aegean Continent, a terrifying howl finally erupted.

The violent thunder was aroused from the center of the Aegean continent, and it crashed into the entire ring of time like a comet.

Boss, the whole time only the ring is loose!

We have accurately captured the trajectory of parallel time, and the thunder on Moluo's body can instantly connect the two parallel points together.

Boss, we have made a bigger discovery. The energy source of the entire ring of time is not Vanessa, but this Molo!

At this moment, the center of Shining Gold Town has been completely surrounded by thunder.

The dazzling lightning is like a steel needle piercing through the protective layer accumulated by bone fission and entering the ring of time. The huge outline from the age of gods to the coconut island slowly appears, like a huge python, entangled together to form a A giant ring.

The python's head and tail are connected, which is the position of the two coconut islands. At the junction of the two islands, there is a rune like a thirteen-pointed star, slowly rotating.

Without turning around, a majestic thunder can be extracted from Mo Luo's body.

Karen looked at Mo Luo, who was being drawn endlessly. The thunder in the opponent's body not only did not decrease, but had a tendency to flourish. What's more, this kind of thunder was able to produce the same energy resistance as the bone fission.

He has mastered the ultimate energy!

Karen couldn't believe that this soft-legged shrimp possessed such extreme energy, but the fact now is very clear that it is Molo who is powering the huge ring of time.

Under the ring of time, a shadow seems to be reflected. In the shadow, a creature similar to seaweed is passing through quickly. After disappearing from the shadow, it will appear in the ring of time, and will reappear in the shadow in the next second. By the time he got out again, he was already on the other side of the ring of time.

Parallel Ring!

Obviously, this is the most extreme secret of the entire ring of time. Vanessa is in it and can travel freely in this ring of time.

Such power and terror, once any living beings fall into it, they will be exhausted to death. Looking at Mo Luo beside him, Karen actually felt a bit of coolness. With bone fission, it is really possible for him to be wiped out.

Fortunately, I found you! Karen smiled wryly. Who would have thought that he was just looking for a way, but inexplicably found the energy source of the ring of time.

Boss, what shall we do next?

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