First Law

Invincible Chapter 519

The tyrannical sea of ​​ice surged and torrented, drifting from Karen's feet to the end of the world, and then to the end of the world, mixed with ashes and hitting Karen's face again.

The towering sky was almost pressed down, turning into a grayish-white smoke, through the huge crack, it seemed to be able to glimpse the profound meaning of destruction.

The entire continent is like a continuously melting mud, the vast world seems to disappear into nothingness in an instant.

But on the highest mountain peak, all creatures' eyes were focused on that frail figure. At this moment, every creature suddenly had self-confidence.

Because that man has a different kind of confidence.

The white and pale colors are constantly merging, and these are mixed together to form a gray chaotic color, and the entire Aegean continent seems to be shaken by a pair of giant hands.

Are you ready?

Karen tightened Nasha's hand, this was the best time he did, if this couldn't guarantee their souls, then he might really give up.

This is too tormented, every time travel is a test, he can't believe if he can do it again with courage.

Nasha held Karen's palm tightly, showing a sweet smile, Don't worry, we will be together.

Karen smiled bitterly. Although he now has the world's most pinnacle research results, he still can't guarantee what the future will look like.

The future is really uncontrollable.

Countless cyclones blew over the snow-capped mountains under Karen's feet and turned into a thick typhoon cloud cover. The wind blades swept up by the typhoon were like sickles that instantly disintegrated the bodies of Karen and Nasha.

At this moment, Karen had to be calm, he had already been completely used to being crushed more than a dozen times in a row, and now he even felt a little bit enjoying the mutation.

The body disappeared, the soul disappeared, leaving only pure thoughts and thoughts. His thoughts instantly penetrated the entire Aegean continent like a river. In an instant, this huge continent comprehended and joined Karen.

The moment he completely controlled the continent, Karen directly compressed the airflow around him with his own thoughts, and then kept calling in the airflow.

Alice! Nasha! Ma Mazi! Maria!

This is the only way to eliminate luck in mutation,

Only strong love can possibly unite each other's minds.

After calling for a long time, the sealed space is still peaceful, but Karen is not in a hurry. These days, he has already fully understood that the mutation of ordinary creatures takes a lot longer than him.

They damage their bodies and souls more thoroughly, and only when they are smashed to the extreme can they fully combine with the energy of bone fission.

He needs to wait!

Time passed minute by minute in Karen's mind, and when his patience reached its limit, a response finally appeared.


Karen was taken aback for a moment, the voice was a little blunt, like a mighty general, with a hint of jerky, at this moment, Karen almost cried.


He didn't expect that the first person who had a reaction with him was Maria. In the previous time travel, Alice was the first to wake up. After confirming that it was Maria, she quickly marked the position of the sound flow, and then moved It is fixed at the perimeter.

But after Maria appeared, there was no other sound, and Karen felt something bad in her heart. Alice should have awakened by this time.

Alice was always by his side, but it had been a long time now, and he hadn't heard that familiar and gentle voice.

No way!

Karen asked himself in a low voice, he didn't dare to imagine what it was like, these few trips, he mainly focused on Nasha and other women, he gave all the details of the mutation process to the other party, but Alice was ignored.

In his impression, Alice is the darling who will always be favored, but now he has to face up to the probability that everyone will perish in this kind of mutation.

But just when he was flustered, that gentle voice suddenly appeared, and it was accompanied by another slightly shy voice.

Karen! Karen!

The call came out almost instantly, making Karen almost confused, but he wisely positioned the energy precisely in the violent turbulence.

Nasa, Alice! Karen called softly, like a rooster caressing a chick just out of the oven.

It's me! Nasha's voice was still so sweet, even if only pure thoughts were left, she seemed to be able to think of the other party's slim appearance.

At this moment, Karen thanked the goddess of luck. Three women he wanted appeared at once. This is already the biggest gain now, if Ma Mazi can also survive this disaster perfectly.

Karen had his own luck in his heart, but unfortunately, no matter how much he waited, Ma Mazi's voice did not appear, and even Karen kept calling, but still did not recover to a certain extent.

Thousands of kilometers across the Aegean Continent were being blasted, and the violent hurricane tore open holes one after another, and the surrounding space was also shattered in such rage.

This is the peak of skeletalization, which means that the passing Aegean Continent has become a pure energy continent, and it also means that those creatures that have completely fallen cannot come back.

Including Ma MaZi.

Boss, the statistics are out. Almost half of the creatures survived. Colbert shouted excitedly from the side. This time not only many of his friends survived, but also his two wives were perfectly preserved.

Bone energy is definitely much higher than the so-called divine power. I promise now that it will definitely return to the original time point. Cabras, a research madman, also exclaimed excitedly.

Karen has long been used to this kind of situation. What he is considering now is whether to shuttle again. With his current ability, he can basically locate the time point he wants.

But he has to think about the consequences.

Alice, Nasha, and Maria, all three of them survived this catastrophe, only Ma Mazi, if it happened again, would these three women still survive.

He couldn't imagine that Karen at this moment was like a gambler sitting at the gambling table, whether to bet or not, this has become a very serious problem.


There was a violent roar in the distance, and there seemed to be light in the energy center. This huge energy body seemed to absorb energy in the long river of time, turned into pure bone, and then carried out a new round of blasting.

An energy storm blew from the end, mixed with pale smog, bringing the entire continent into the gray mist.

The energy explosion in the whole world is getting stronger and stronger. These storms seem to remind him to make up his mind quickly.

Karen thought about Ma Mazi, and thought of meeting the other party for the first time on the sea. It was the same storm at the beginning. He went to sea when he had no choice but the other party saved him.

After that, he helped himself selflessly, and under the circumstances that the materials in Shining Gold Town were scarce, he single-handedly undertook the supply of all raw materials.

In terms of interests, he is a well-deserved ally, but in private, Ma Mazi never forced him to do anything, and the only intimate contact was in his office.

Ma Mazi is like a big sister, caring for herself selflessly. Thinking of the other's smooth cheeks, Karen's heart aches even more.

He really wanted to do it again, or resurrect Alice from time.

But he really didn't dare to take the risk of whether these women would still be by his side next time, besides, this time was the time when the most lives were preserved.

He knew that he had completely passed the age of self-will. God would not blindly give him all the good things. Karen had a deep understanding of probability.

That's all!

Karen sighed for a long time, took another look at this constantly rushing continent, and secretly suppressed the pain in his heart, now is not the time to start.

The legs are wide open, time and space are changing, and the river of time is flowing rapidly beside him. Karen is like a giant, running forward against the flow of the river of time. Countless scenes pass by, and when Karen stands still again, It was already a sandy beach full of grapefruit trees, and on one side of the sandy beach, a three-headed dragon with venom was spraying out a green flame.

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