First Law

Chapter 515 Bone Fission Effect

Colbert took out an image, and in the image was an oval bone core. This bone core split at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time as the split, a grayish white energy overflowed.

This is? Although Karen is not a top magician, he can tell that the high energy is emitted through the destruction of the bone particles themselves. This is different from the energy source on the Aegean Continent. This is not a furnace that absorbs sunlight and converts it , but a kind of energy emitted by itself through its own material changes.

To put it bluntly, it is producing energy by itself.

Boss, this is the situation we obtained through the analysis of divine power. We found that the power of the ancient underworld was produced after the purest bone fission, which is the so-called divine power of the underworld. This is the top energy in our entire world. We It can even be speculated that the energy of the Aegean Continent itself can be improved millions of times through continuous change.

A few hundred? Karen asked in surprise.

No, it's a few million! Colbert emphasized once.

Millions? Karen opened his mouth instantly, as if he didn't believe that he could surpass the light beam, as if such a thing didn't exist at all.

Colbert smiled confidently: I'm not lying. You see these white divine powers. In fact, they are very similar to light in nature. If they flow, they can infinitely approach the speed of light. They want us to travel through time and space and return to the previous space. That power has to be mastered.

Then why haven't you acted yet!

Colbert didn't speak, and Cabras on the side didn't answer Kailin's question.

Hazardous! Karen asked.

The two nodded tacitly, Because this kind of energy is too large, the current Aegean Continent cannot accommodate this kind of energy. If we use it on a large scale, the high-speed fission bone particles will quickly sweep across the Aegean Continent. Change everything here into the purest mist state.

Colbert clicked on the image, and the Aegean continent in the picture was collapsing rapidly, and it was hazy like a dense fog rising.

This is the picture we speculate.

Karen can imagine what it would be like. It is not much different from the doomsday. How many creatures can adapt to this environment? The problem is obvious. This requires the transformation of more than 30 million creatures, and even the Fusion Continent and the East Indian Continent. inside.

do it!

Karen's decision stunned the two of them,

Unexpectedly, Karen didn't hesitate, But, boss, what should we do with the living beings, they may become extinct.

You do what you do. After all, these are speculations. You can start with some experiments. There will always be a way. What if your guesses are wrong. Karen smiled, stood up and patted the shoulders of the two of them. .

Of course, Karen is not unaware of the seriousness of this matter, but he knows that if he wants to return to the original world, he must have strong energy. Staying here, although he is fine now, he can feel the energy of this confined space There is no flow at all. On the contrary, the whole world is desperately absorbing the energy emitted by the Aegean continent.

This is a completely dead world, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot deprive the entire world of energy.

He is being assimilated now, if he doesn't take the initiative to find a way at this time, then what is waiting will only be death.

As for the hazards!

Any pioneering progress will be harmful, it's just whether you can bear this kind of harm, he thinks the price is okay, and he has already thought of a good way.

First of all, expand the range of rotation around the continents of Fusion Continent, and only conduct experiments on the Aegean Continent. As long as these derivative continents are fine, creatures can still be reborn with the help of the technology of the Aegean Continent.

In order to keep the creatures safe, Karen continued to train, and took the initiative to start talking with the creatures, exchanging running experience.

Even in order to encourage the running career in the Aegean Continent, he personally participated in the recent running finals and successfully won the seventh place.

In this way, everyone felt that Karen's running level was improving day by day.

At the same time, the southeast and northeast corners of the Aegean continent began to be blocked, and the military began to strictly control the living beings, and they were not allowed to enter without permission.

No one noticed that the centers of these two blockade points were disappearing rapidly. What they saw was that the speed at which Karen controlled the Aegean Continent was soaring.

It's amazing, three minutes! Across the entire Far East Sea!

Karen deserves to be Karen, great boss!

Sure enough, we live in a great territory!

The creatures lamented Karen's progress, but in the blocked area, Cabras and Colbert looked cautious.

Bone fission has already taken shape, our body cannot exist in the fission at all, and many mutated souls have appeared in the fission center.

Bone fission is not easy to control. According to our current methods, I am afraid it will spread to the entire territory of the Aegean Continent. By then, these creatures...

They were all worried, but Karen smiled uncharacteristically: Although it is harmful, at least it proves that this is indeed generating energy, and now I feel that I am running faster and faster, maybe it can really approach the speed of light. You don't have to worry, continue to study, and leave the rest to me.

After comforting the two mages under his command, the ease on Karen's face disappeared. The danger of bone fission is expanding. He is not allowed to expand the blockade area. Now the entire east of the Aegean continent has basically been completely gasified, and this kind of devouring It is still going on, and it will spread to the entire Aegean continent in less than half a month.

At that time, all creatures in the Aegean continent will know this doomsday news!

This place is no longer suitable for living beings, and at the same time, a large part of living beings will perish in it!

It's important, but he has to bear it!

While Karen was still hesitating, news of the blockade suddenly spread across the entire Aegean continent. The reason was that a mutated soul suddenly ran out of the blockade and informed everyone of the disaster inside. .

The powerful body instantly collapsed, and the soul quickly disappeared like a flame. The entire continent was exactly like a piece of paper, and I couldn't help resisting a little.

Karen's Conspiracy!

Shameless magician!

All kinds of views began to prevail on the Aegean continent. These people no longer cared about the so-called sprint competition, and gathered together and rushed to Gold Shining Town, discounting banners to ask Karen for an explanation.

Boss, what should I do! Campas stared at Karen nervously. Just half a minute ago, he received news of the Orc Plateau's mutiny. Prevent magicians from conducting such experiments.

He was very nervous. This was a challenge he had never faced since he was fighting. This was not against Asuka, but an internal battle.

On the one hand is the Orc, on the other hand is Karen.

How about the human race? Karen looked at Merlin and asked in a low voice.

The situation is not good. Because this experiment is in the east, basically the land of the human race has been completely occupied. Many creatures have asked for an explanation from the town of Gold Shining. If you explain it, it is estimated that it will get out of control in three to five days.

Merlin looked at Karen and asked softly, Boss, what's going on? It's said that you are supporting this, but I don't believe it. Could it be Colbert's own conspiracy? I know he always wanted to To show, this kind of experiment is too extreme.

Merlin wanted to say something, or remind Karen who needs to take the blame, but was suddenly interrupted by Karen.

It's me! Karen said calmly, This is a project I personally decided on.

But why, this is an extinct continent at all! Merlin asked in disbelief.

Energy, I need energy, and this continent also needs energy. Karen simply explained: You should know that we are traveling through time and space, but if we want to travel through time and space, we must have huge energy support.

Merlin was silent. He is the top mage of the human race. He understands the definition of energy and can understand Karen's painstaking efforts. However, the creatures in the Aegean Continent do not have his consciousness at all, and there is no preparation for sacrifice. This kind of life-threatening situation , Their first reaction was to riot.

Even he himself subconsciously had this idea, let alone others.

Boss, what should we do now?

Karen sighed lightly and smiled: Cold salad!

Cold salad? What's the way?

Karen was amused by Merlin's cognition, he was just joking, Okay, connect me to the live broadcast of the entire Aegean continent, I have something to say.

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