First Law

Chapter 481 The first step is completed

In the air above the Aegean Sea, the flying birds were dense, forming a certain scale, and they rushed towards the Aegean Continent, but in the end they always left in a hurry after losing a large number of corpses.

No matter how it hits, it will always fall down for no reason after entering the mainland for a few minutes.

The Aegean Continent has become a Jedi, but the Aegean Sea has become a breeding ground for these birds.

With the wave after wave, some fishes living in the deep sea rolled directly to the surface of the sea, which became the most beautiful food for birds, and many of them could be caught in one dive.

The Aegean Sea on the southwestern corner of the Aegean Continent is constantly rolling like boiling hot oil. A large amount of mud and seaweed are floating on the sea surface, and the shellfish and corals that live on the bottom of the sea all the year round are also churning.

Looking down from a high altitude, I saw a transparent shield slowly stretching out from the bottom of the sea under the blue sea. The special rolling of the entire Aegean Sea was due to the push of the shield.

Inside the shield, four golden iron pillars are supported high up. Coils are wound on the surface of the iron pillars. These coils are covered with dense runes. After these runes are rotated several times in the coils, they will Will get into the shield.

At this time, the protective cover will splash a star point, and after the star point spreads a circle, it can push the sea water out a circle, and at the same time, the protective cover can also be doubled in size.

This is not an ordinary iron pillar, but a special metal material extracted from a giant star stone. Although it is dark, it is the best quality magic power channeling material.

The runes on the surface of the four magic pillars are not simple. They are special runes transformed from the bones of the phoenix. After careful research on the island of the phoenix, it was found that the bone structure of the phoenix is ​​one of the most stable structures in the world. At the same time, the runes in their bones are inherently repellent to liquids.

After continuous experiments, it was finally concluded that the structure of the phoenix itself could repel seawater.

If you look at it as a whole, the entire underwater city is exactly the same as the phoenix itself.

The bottoms of the four magic pillars have been connected to the energy furnace of Desa City. With the continuous supply of energy, the four iron pillars will continuously produce runes. After these runes enter the shield, they can be used unlimitedly. Expand the seabed space.

It's only been half a day now, and the seabed space is almost the size of Gold Glitter Town. According to the normal speed estimate, this expansion process lasts for three days, and it can reach the expected scale.

Red Hoof looked at the subordinates around him, a smile finally appeared on his tense face, but it only took a moment for him to return to his usual coldness.

He knew very well that creating a living space on the seabed was only the first step. The real thing was to operate the factory and become the cornerstone supporting the development of the entire Aegean continent.

Briefly summarize the process, commend some outstanding candidates, and more importantly, recommend the dwarves who performed well in this process to the town of Gold.

Undoubtedly, the last item received the most attention. In the huge undersea city, only Red Hoof was eligible to deliver papers for the residents of Gold Shining Town.

Okay, it's almost done, the factory has begun to settle in, everyone, I hope to put the factory into production within three days, whoever can be the first factory to produce products, then I can guarantee that he is eligible to become a resident of Shining Gold Town .”

This sentence instantly lit up everyone's eyes, and just after the Red Hoof meeting was dissolved, everyone jumped out like rabbits.

On the Aegean continent, the tide of refugees flows towards the coastal areas in an orderly track like a river. During this process, they are selected step by step and shrink layer by layer.

training on the spot.

The training content includes the underwater environment, magic operation, and knowledge assessment. These are relatively simple. After passing the training, you can directly enter the teleportation array.

On the southwestern coast, there are ten large teleportation arrays, and these teleportation arrays, like vacuum cleaners, continuously absorb these refugees to the bottom of the sea.

Some people had no choice but to enter the teleportation array before staying in the coast for half a day. Later, as the population continued to increase, they ignored the training process and directly entered the teleportation array after checking the employment contract.

The whole process is simple and orderly, even a little rough.

Oh, I really don't know what our fate will be in the future!

On the west coast, Gorod looked at the ants-like crowd and sighed. He is an elite in the Alchemy Continent. He is proficient in the three fields of machinery, space, and magic power transmission. When he graduated, he was favored by many alchemists.

But now he just applied for the position of controller of a magic transmission pipeline.

Who knows!

Standing next to Gorod was a boy who was about the same size as him, with blond hair, but there were some stains on the blond hair at the moment, and he was wearing a mud-covered alchemy robe, which faintly showed his status as an outstanding alchemist.

Frodo, they are classmates. When they were looking forward to a bright future after graduation, they suddenly received a notice that the continent was shattered. After that, under the emergency arrangement of the school, they entered the submarine escape cabin. After staying on the seabed for a month, Ben When I thought that the energy was exhausted and shattered, I accidentally received a notification that the Aegean Continent had won.

The big ups and downs made them cherish life even more.

They have all heard of the Aegean Continent, which is a backward continent, but now they can only go to seek refuge. When they thought they could dominate here with their abilities, the facts completely exceeded their expectations.

The so-called magic assessment certificate is a piece of waste paper, and no one believes the certification of the Kenneth Association. His so-called master of magic transmission is not as capable as an old vegetable grower.

They left unconvinced at the same time, but no one felt sorry for them. They became refugees in just two days, rushing around like vicious dogs, and even had to fight desperately for a bite of food.

There were seven of them, but during a food grab, one shell killed five,

They were injured at the same time, and if it wasn't for their fate, they might not be here anymore.

It was only later that they heard that Karen had leveled the entire rioting city-state, and it was even rumored that if there were too many riots in an area, they would carry out collective bombardment and killing.

No one dared to riot anymore, so they could only huddle together desperately, relying on each other's body temperature to keep warm.

Fortunately, the Golden Town finally has a travel policy. Some factories are willing to hire them. They think that they can get the status they want by relying on their own ability. Gorod’s ideal position is a space hub designer, which is his specialty. More importantly, the field of space is very popular here.

But when he saw the competitors for this position, they were all masters in the Alchemy Continent. Anyone with decades of work experience, he, a fresh graduate, could only stay behind.

Keeping back, he could only be a low-level magic tester in the end. This still depends on his excellent evaluation in school, otherwise he would not get this job.

Do you think we will die! Grod asked worriedly.

Better dead than alive now! Frodo's despondent voice was frightening.

Grod was also very desperate, this was not the life he wanted at all, but when he looked up at the dense black spots in the distance, he put away his ridiculous desires.

Shining Gold Town gave them the choice to leave the mainland, but once they left the protection of the mainland, they would be completely swallowed up by those black spots.

They are afraid of this continent, and even more afraid of being food for birds.

Quick, don't dawdle, find your own factory, who dares to waste any more time, I'll throw you into the sea.

The cries of the tauren beside him woke up Gorod, and he hurried forward along the flow of people.

He didn't dare to imagine that a high-level creature would be driven by a tauren. You must know that in the former Alchemy Continent, the tauren was the lowest coolie.

Teleport array!

The golden brilliance flowed in the thirteen corner circles, and the magical aura it exuded fascinated him. At this moment, Gorod was a little stunned.

This is definitely the most perfect teleportation array he has seen so far. He is proficient in space and knows how stable the space teleportation array is in front of him.

Frodo, do you see that!

I see, it's amazing!

Frodo replied as he walked, I would have stayed and studied it before, but unfortunately... He didn't finish, and he didn't want to finish.

Grod could understand that their hearts were filled with suffering.


Before Gorod could feel the mystery of teleportation, he was already in a pile of iron and steel garbage. Dozens of iron pillars were scattered not far away. The dwarves were beating and beating them, and lifting them to the magic locomotive from time to time.

Looking up, it is a transparent mask. Through the mask, you can faintly see a glimmer of light refracted by sunlight passing through the sea water.

It was very depressing here, and the air was full of rust. The only thing that impressed him the most was the four iron pillars wrapped with coils. Apart from these, he felt like he had entered a garbage dump.


A large magic locomotive stopped at the teleportation point. At this moment, the tauren next to him yelled loudly, The parts factory in Hammer space get on the car. I don't care about you who are alone. Those who don't have a factory certificate. would be thrown straight into the sea.

Grod found someone pushing him, it was Frodo, and he could only follow the flow of people when everyone was running forward, until he was sitting on the locomotive, and he finally let out a sigh.

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