First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 454

The moment Karen got the answer, Karen called together the magicians on the empty island, had a brief meeting, and then began to gather the power of Gold Glitter Town to establish the fourth empty island, the island of phoenix.

Phoenix Island has a special structure. Except that the main body still adopts the steel structure of the East Indian Continent, the surface of the sky island is completely in an ice field environment. In order to ensure that the surface of the sky island is always cold, more than 900 ice and snow generators have been installed in the fringe area.

The center of Phoenix Island is a bird's nest-like vortex structure, surrounded by nine top-level alchemy fields, hundreds of laboratories, and only one magic tower is built, and the rest of the open space is all built with flying fields, so as to ensure that every magician can Land here.

It only took three days to complete the construction of the entire empty island. After Karen passed the inspection, he handed it over to Nasha directly, and the top ten towers immediately entered the Phoenix Island.

It was so efficient that even Colbert was shocked. When he saw the huge body of the phoenix, he still couldn't believe that he had come into contact with the magical creature he had dreamed of.

The phoenix is ​​not much different from the photo, the black fur seems to be burnt, only the mouth is burnt yellow, like a duck, the body is not as big as imagined, it looks like a bald, painted on Ink black crow.

But this small body exudes a majestic fire, and the surrounding ice melts into snow water before it gets close, and the surrounding snow water is bubbling.

There is a piece of animal skin under the phoenix. This is the oldest Beamon giant beast leather. According to legend, it is the cloak of the God of War. Only such a thing can support such a fetish.

Colbert swallowed wildly. At this moment, he was as excited as the magician next to him. He had obtained a fetish that had never been seen in the Far East Continent in this small place.

Mages, let's get to work.

Colbert was the first to say that he couldn't bear it anymore, they are the first batch of experimenters, and they will be open to the top 100 towers in three hours, and so on, and all magicians will receive the autopsy after one day Phoenix news.

The Phoenix Island is not the most ideal sky island for Karen. A complete sky island needs at least three to five years of construction period, and then it can be completed by continuous replenishment with multiple towers.

A qualified empty island can at least meet the needs of magicians in various aspects such as materials, research, experimentation, data query, life, social interaction, etc. The phoenix island built in four days does not even have sound test equipment.

It's a pity, but Karen has done her best.



The ring continent asks for our aid. Griffin stood behind Karen and said hastily.

One day before, Floating Cloud Continent officially declared war on Ring Continent.

The black dots on those photos turned out to be the giant birds on the surface of the Floating Cloud Continent. These giant dragon-like birds flew across the sky and would spit out a large amount of acid.

Less than half an hour after the war broke out, three islands were corroded and sunk by these acids. If Hades hadn't sighed and stood up, the ring continent would have sunk in the first wave of confrontation.

Up to now, Shining Gold Town has dispatched an additional assembly team of King Ming Sigh, and began to install it on multiple islands in the Ring Continent, making sure to withstand the first wave of attacks from the Floating Cloud Continent.

The situation is worse than we imagined. These giant birds have strong immunity. Even after being injured, they will fly back to the Floating Cloud Continent. This continent itself is a giant bomber. Boss, we should be in the Floating Cloud Continent. Let’s make a fuss about it.” Pig’s leader Baturu analyzed from the side.

Karen, the situation is very clear now. Judging from the pictures captured by the monitoring eyes, the area of ​​the Floating Cloud Continent is twice that of the Aegean Continent. The center of the continent is dominated by winged people. These are able to fly. They raise a lot of flying creatures. Beast, what is shown in front of us is only one thousandth of this continent. Campas, the priest of the war god, looked at the leaders beside him and analyzed it.

Although the war in the Ring Continent was far from affecting the Aegean Continent, the rash appearance of the Floating Cloud Continent made many tribal leaders feel that they were in danger.

The Ring Continent is bound to be destroyed, but what will happen after the Ring Continent dies? The situation is not optimistic at all, so these military generals gathered in Shining Gold Town at the first time, hoping to use the strength of the entire continent to deal with this crisis. Unprecedented disaster.

Floating Cloud Continent is a huge advantage. The height of the continent itself is far beyond the range of our weapons. So far, except for a few ultimate weapons that are deterrent, our other weapons are just decorations. The monarch of the Scarlet Kingdom analyzed. .

At present, one hundred and twenty-eight ultimate weapon launch stations have been established on the periphery of the Aegean Continent, forming the first wave of interception nets. Now there are data showing that the Floating Cloud Continent is thinking about spreading to the surrounding continents. Bauhinia Blue Sovereign said worriedly, With our force, it is impossible to form an effective interception, Karen, you can command all the armed forces of the Bauhinia Kingdom.

No, you can command the entire human race. The first mage Merlin made a strong statement.

The orcs have issued a war mobilization order, and seventy-eight behemoths can go to war at any time. Campas said.

Twenty wizards from the ice field can join the battle. said the wizard leader wrapped in a black robe.

Everyone was staring at Karen, and now only this young man could control the whole situation.

Karen can feel the sustenance of these people, but it is far from the time to use the foundation of the mainland. If it is true as the intelligence lock said, the strength of Fuyun Continent is strong, and these forces alone are not enough to contend.

He'll have to wait and see.

The ring-shaped continent resisted for only one afternoon before it was flooded by overwhelming acid liquid. Hundreds of islands sank, and only thirteen remained. This was intentionally preserved by the Floating Cloud Continent as a stopover point for birds.

After the ring-shaped continent was eliminated, the giant flying bird began to expand to the surrounding area, and the forced acid began to cover other continents, and the first to bear the brunt was the cocklebur continent.

Karen, we must take action now. Cocklebur is the earliest continent to establish diplomatic relations with us. Churchill said nervously: Now the Cocklebur basically provides our daily supplies. If something happens here, the survival of the Aegean continent will be in danger. difficulty.

The Ring Continent is our most important cargo transit channel. We have completely lost contact with the East India Continent after falling here.

Karen remained silent, watching the ever-expanding war situation on the screen, feeling a little anxious.

Now Churchill began to provide material and weapon support to the war zone on a large scale, and at the same time, the Aegean Continent opened the wounded reception channel.

Griffin began to actively stir up the armed forces of the Aegean Continent. The first batch of expeditionary forces had already been dispatched, and all surveillance eyes distributed over the Aegean Sea were fully opened and information was shared.

But the war situation has not improved, but worsened. Now Karen suspects that the arrival of the Floating Cloud Island is not for the phoenix at all, but more like a long-prepared war expansion.

No negotiations, no declarations, and more importantly, no prisoners, just straight to war.

What made Karen think of was the moment when Qatar invaded the elven civilization. It was like this that there was no preparation at all, and it transformed the entire civilization into its own energy.

Although Floating Cloud Continent is far from as violent as Qatar, its ruthlessness is no different from Qatar.

This is an emotional devour.

Five hours after the outbreak of the Cocklebur Continent War, the Alchemy Continent's high-level magical armed forces intervened in the war, and high-energy cannons began to attack the strange birds that appeared in the sky.

Seven hours later, the army of steel robots from the East Indian Continent entered the battlefield. These dwarves wrapped in thick armor swung their huge axes and hacked at the polyurea in the sky.

The sound of the rumbling magic gas engine passed by, and the creatures in the entire area felt the seriousness of this invasion for the first time.

Karen, together with all the elites of the Aegean Continent, watched the war on the screen, but the battle that was thousands of miles away seemed to be happening in front of them.

The steel-wrapped mecha melted under the acid, and the high-speed impact machine fell to the ground like a dead bird. The bright red blood stained every corner of the earth, the lush trees were instantly destroyed, the island sank directly, and the sea floated. There were dead bodies everywhere.

Karen froze for a moment when the monitoring eye's screen was fixed on a dwarf covered in blood.

Numerous pieces of iron were embedded in the muscles, and they continued to resemble each other, but after a wave of green acid, they turned into a pile of useless flesh and blood, and disappeared in a rush of sea water.

This is war!

Moreover, it is a malicious war, definitely not aimed at something or something, it is completely aggression.

This kind of merciless engulfment is completely an aggressive war that covers all the surrounding continents.

Karen, give the order quickly.

Start the highest surveillance eye plan in Gold Town!

Start the first-level battle plan!

Intervene in the war! Allow the firing of miniature hellfires!

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