First Law

Chapter 451 Can you fry ham?

The graceful smile in the past could not hide the vicissitudes brought about by the passage of time. On the contrary, such plainness made Nasha more suspicious, and even began to worry.

Are you really cursed?

Why does Karen feel that there is a problem with her expressive ability? Is this what she means?

It's not as serious as you think, isn't it, Jinshi Town is developing the dead triangle market? You also know that Sky Island is doing its best to develop new products, and the Lyon Tower even bought us god silk. Look. Seeing that Nasha didn't look happy at all, the teacher could only say: Well, to be honest, we just found a new customer this time, and the other party is willing to give us a complete technical map of the Eye of the Sky, provided that It is we who can develop a pill that can jump in time, as for the price, it is guaranteed by taking twenty years of life.

Failed? Nasha asked.

Karen nodded, In my opinion, Gold Town has achieved a lot in terms of time, and the other party only needs to jump forward for three seconds. This business is guaranteed to make a profit. How could I have imagined it would be so difficult.

Then how many seconds did you jump forward? 1 second?

Karen rolled his eyes, It doesn't take half a second. The energy consumed to reverse the flow of time is infinite. This is what we have obtained through continuous experiments. Even the current Far East Continent may not be able to reverse the flow of time. In the field of time, the most A good result is nothing more than following the situation of the river of time, this is the concept of the speed of time mentioned by the magicians, hey, this time I was deceived.

Then you mean to say that you have lost twenty years of life in vain without getting anything, isn't that a big loss?

It's a loss, but at least we know that the energy consumed by the reverse flow of time is infinite. As long as this energy can be satisfied, time can be reversed. Secondly, we have a clearer concept of the flow of time. You don't know that the powerful existence is just a wave of the hand. It’s taken us through 20 years, which was unthinkable before, and a lot of people at that time have experienced it first-hand.”

A lot of people? Nasha asked, Could it be that you're not the only one?

Of course not. The three elf magicians in the third magic tower, Master Browning and Master Rui Ning, there are about a dozen of them. After all, it's such a big business.

Nasha was completely speechless, Karen, how could you invite Master Browning to participate in such a dangerous transaction? Do you know how many twenty years he has left? He is the only energy master in Gold Shining Town.

Looking at Nasha who was completely enraged, Karen seemed to see a female tyrannosaurus that was just about to give birth and wanted to eat people.

Isn't this... the consequences unexpected,

From this transaction, I understand a truth that any benevolent intentions in foreign transactions are untrustworthy, especially in the black triangle, the more laughing, the more dangerous, this time I suffered a big loss. Karen checked herself as if introspective, and then hugged Nasha in her arms again, Don't worry, I am absolutely sure of this transaction.

Wait! Nasha sat up and stared at Karen, You mean there's a new deal?

Of course, this time is relatively simple. It is to help an existence design a special castle with seven floors of space. Our current space technology is very strong, and we have just helped Golden Harbor to improve the space upgrade. Want to create such a castle? It’s difficult, and the other party gave us a three-year deadline, so there’s plenty of time.”

Nasha is really speechless now, the space castle is a castle completely composed of space itself, which means that seven independent spaces are required, and there are connecting passages in each space, but at the same time, these spaces must have a sound system like a castle. Hygiene, defense, energy, and catering facilities.

This is completely the most magical product. If the technology of Sky Island itself is quite high, then this seven-story space castle is at least a hundred times more difficult.

Possessing technology is only one level, the most important thing is the ability to transform technology into practical things. It seems that the current orc craftsmen should be quite unfamiliar in the space field.

Karen, your stride is too big. This is completely the ability to squeeze life. Is it possible that if we don't develop the entire Golden Town, we can't build a space castle for you. Do you know how many monarchs there are in history? Was it overthrown for oppressing civilians?

Nasha felt that the problem was not with the elves themselves, but with the entire Golden Town and even the Aegean Continent. The reason for the uneasiness was not from the outside world, but from the Lord of the Continent.

The rapidly advancing personality made the entire territory uneasy, and various advanced subjects could not make creatures adapt to it at all.

This is fishing on the drain.

Naturally, this kind of radicalization can bring about a more advanced civilization and a higher update rate, but it will lose its foundation. The creatures on the Aegean continent have not yet adapted to the elementary civilization, so they have to do their best to adapt to the higher civilization. civilization.

This situation will only bring fatigue to the living beings, because the living beings feel that their abilities are not enough to climb to such a high civilization.

I know! Karen said, he was very aware of the flaws in his character, and at the same time he also understood that this kind of forward move regardless of the cost would indeed exhaust a large number of creatures, but what if it succeeded.

Then, in the next hundred years, the Golden Town will not have to work hard to move forward, the Aegean Continent will have a better and more advanced civilization system, and the creatures in the Aegean Continent will have a more stable living space.

It's a gamble!

If you win the bet, the entire civilization will rise to a higher level. If you lose, the creatures in the continent will lose their vitality. Compared to this, Karen can still bear the consequences.

Even if all the creatures are tired, he can still increase the fertility of the creatures themselves, allowing new creatures to be born.

Okay, this is my own business. At least a dozen high towers are willing to participate in this kind of project. Although they have failed many times, should we import goods into the dead triangle because of this? Constantly attack We can always find a way that suits us.

Nasha is not as optimistic as Karen, Why do you have to go to the Triangle of Death? Isn't the Alchemy Continent very good? Our products sell well there, and now we have gained a lot of shares in the Far East Continent. This time Transactions can help us acquire a lot of technology, and as long as this goes forward for a few decades, we can also be strong.

How strong is it? Is it like the Alchemy Continent? Karen asked back.

Nasha didn't say anything, because she couldn't give a definite answer. They did gain a lot from the Far East trade, but at most it was only 5% of the quota. The rest was basically absorbed by the Alchemy Continent. Moreover, the Alchemy Continent and the Far East Continent The trade in China has been developed for an unknown number of years.

At this moment, Nasha somewhat understood Karen's purpose.

The goal is very big, but even if the goal cannot be achieved, Shining Gold Town can still accumulate enough experience, just like this business failure. Although it failed, it understood the concept of time flow.

Naturally, this kind of investment and return are not well matched, but if we don’t try this wave after wave, civilization will still stand still, and the so-called problems will still be in front of us.

As long as it is a problem, it will have to be solved sooner or later, and there is no way to escape it.

Don't worry, Sky Island will not be chaotic, I will take good care of it. Nasha smiled, he didn't want to debate with Karen on the development of this continent, even if he won, it didn't matter much to her, Karen It is the master here.

Try to make yourself smile sweetly, this is what he must do, so that his man can feel at ease.

She is very clear that there are more than one transactions like taking twenty years of life, but it was not so obvious before, and even in the future, there will be many such losses.

This is the price of lagging behind.

Therefore, she must be happy when Karen came here. Thinking of this, she didn't say another word about Sky Island, and didn't put the elf's problem on the table. Instead, she earned from Karen and came to the corner to open the kitchen. opened the door, lit the magic flame, and fried a slice of ham.

Are you making ham? Karen stood at the door, and Nasha, who was wearing an apron, looked like a housewife. Don't elves hate meat the most? I remember you couldn't smell meat before.

Well, I just learned it these two days, I don't eat it, but I want to make some for you when you come over, I know that in order to take care of me, you will go to the meat restaurant below to have a thorough meal after you leave my place , Overeating is not good for your health.

Karen couldn't help blushing. Indeed, to take care of Nasha here, she ate some fruit and drank some fruit wine. A trip here would definitely wipe off all the oil and water in her stomach.

Who told you that?

Who else needs to say, I am the mistress of Sky Island anyway, and everything here is under my control. As long as you go out from here, you can guarantee that all the secrets will reach my ears immediately, such as which bar and Who's drinking! Nasha was talking about Karen's scandal at a certain moment while frying the ham.

The so-called drinking should be the time with Colbert, and I also know about the two chicks in my arms.

Nasa, listen to my explanation, those women...

Nasha skillfully poured the ham into the plate, Don't explain, maybe you also told me about those things on the Alchemy Continent, and you still plan to give me a list! But, Karen, you have to Pay attention, some women can touch, have weight!

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