First Law

Invincible Chapter 438

Save Master Merlin!

Karen's voice could be heard clearly on the screen, and it was obvious that this change was beyond the lord's perception.

After Hellfire broke the seal, he hammered his fist in the air. The punch penetrated the space and shattered the first layer of concealed space. Three consecutive punches directly shattered the triple layer of space.

One ultimate weapon, one surveillance area, one storm production area, all creatures and machines in the three spaces were destroyed.

With the fourth punch, Karen's hidden space was directly found out. If he hadn't retreated in time, the majestic great lord would have been damaged here.

Clap clap!

Corpses fell from the sky and hit the ground like raindrops. These fallen corpses had not landed, but had already begun to recover. They were tightly attached to the surface of the hellfire, but when they got close, they were immediately evaporated by the light-colored flames.

But even so, there are still endless corpses recovering. Instead of decreasing, more and more corpses landed. When the corpses accumulated to a certain extent, they suddenly began to explode.

The sound of bang bang bang was endless, resounding like a bomb, and through the screen, a figure in a black robe was manipulating a brass book page on a floating board far away.

It's the lord!

Yes, this is the page of the dead, Karen's best spell!

The moment they saw this figure, the creatures on Sky Island suddenly gained confidence, and they began to focus on cheering Karen.

Hellfire still resisted the explosion at first, but after knowing that the explosion would not harm him, he approached Karen. He could feel that the source of the explosion of these corpses was this ordinary creature.

But just after taking three steps, he couldn't move anymore. Looking down, a huge bone claw protruded from the ground and grabbed his heel tightly.


The flame passed through, and the bone claw instantly flew to ashes, but just as he was about to take a step, another bone claw grew out again.

Looking down, I saw that the completely exploded corpse was turning into bone powder. The moment it landed on the ground, it seemed like ants moved towards the center and gathered in the blink of an eye before turning into huge bone claws.

Dazed for a moment, there were already five bone claws on the ground.

light flies by,

Destroy all these bone claws, with a small jump, strike out with a horizontal fist, and lock Karen directly.


The ferocious fist struck the bone shield, and at the same time, one bone shield after another began to appear in the sky. It was formed so quickly and in such a large number that it was really rare.

What kind of spell is this? Colbert has seen the world anyway, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of spell that accumulates bones to form a new type of undead. Those exploded corpses seem to be not blocking the hellfire at all, but turning into Tiny bone meal is easy to handle.

This should be boiling corpses. Mossellini explained beside him: Karen is a necromancer, and this is his spell.

Corpse boiling? Colbert wanted to laugh, how could Karen use this kind of spell, if there is no corpse, this kind of spell is useless at all, but now he has to admit that this spell is wonderful.

With countless aircraft continuously dropping corpses, countless undead will be born. He even suspected that the hellfire might be consumed by such low-level spells as Karen by then.

After all, the energy of Hellfire is not unlimited, Why does he have so many corpses? Colbert suddenly thought of the most crucial point.

Are there a lot? Colbert wondered, Golden Town is the territory on the corpses. The original intention of its establishment was to serve Karen's undead practice. Up to now, all the corpses on the Aegean Continent have been owned by Glittering At the same time, Gold Flash Town also has agreements with dozens of surrounding continents to purchase corpses.

Colbert was speechless. If someone told him that corpses can also form combat power, it would be absolutely unbelievable, but now this kind of weird thing really happened.

Bone claws, bone shields, bone wings, and even bone skulls began to evolve. As the corpses continued to fall, Hellfire completely sank into the quagmire of bones. Not to mention severely injuring Karen, it was impossible to leave from where it was.


The hellfire kept howling, and the light and color flames flickered rapidly, but after burning a batch of bones, another batch of bones would grow, and even more and more.

Colbert was speechless, even if he was given 10,000 heads, he would never have imagined that Hellfire was trapped like this, and it was a Hellfire carrying a divine script. Clinging to the body by those bone shield bone hands.

This is?

Colbert had a bad feeling, like the sudden calm before a storm.

Suddenly, the screen began to shake violently, and the center of the entire screen turned into white. The entire dense forest seemed to have entered real daylight. This process lasted for five minutes before dissipating.

When the picture resumed, the rain of corpses disappeared, and the sound of the aircraft could no longer be heard. There was nothing on the ground except for some scattered bones, and there was not even a figure of Karen, only the completely luminous Hellfire stood in the middle of the dense forest, standing upright like a giant.

But the sound of the breeze flowing on the screen is very light and faint.

This scene is very weird. Hellfire broke the mud bath, but did not make the next move. As the screen shook, Karen was found in the corner, who had fallen from a high altitude. opposite.

Suddenly, Colbert thought of something.


The light that surpassed everything just now seemed to be that the hellfire had completely overdrawn its own power, destroying the skeletons, destroying the aircraft in the sky, and shooting down Karen, the root of all undead.

But the price is also expensive. His energy consumption is too large and he needs to recover, so he can no longer carry out higher-intensity attacks.

But even so, Hellfire suddenly moved, stretching out his fingers like scissors, trying to pinch Karen, as if he wanted to crush Karen's head with two fingers.

Everyone held their breath, these two fingers were enough, it seemed that Karen had no means of resisting at all.

Just when everyone thought it was the end, Karen slowly reached into his sleeve and pulled out a bronze page.

Immediately, bone meal spread from the ground one by one, the surrounding vegetation withered and fell, and the land rapidly ossified. The two fingers of Hellfire scattered all over the ground like wind and sand, turning into pure bone meal.

This kind of weathering seemed to frighten Hellfire, and he quickly retracted his palm, but at this moment, the five fingers disappeared, and the entire ground was already covered with white bone powder.

Hellfire finally felt that something was wrong, and the flame of light was quickly activated in the chest, but the flame was only transmitted to the lower abdomen, and could not be transmitted any further.

Looking down, I don't know when, the rock-like thigh completely turned into bones, and the whole bones turned into tiny powder particles that quickly fell to the ground like an hourglass.

What kind of power is this? Colbert was completely startled. He completely changed the matter, turning the powerful hellfire into the most primitive bone meal.

Hellfire is a stone body and has no control over the bone meal. At this moment, Hellfire seems to have been amputated.

I don't know! Moscilini shook his head, he really didn't know, after all he was just a little mage before.

No, this should be the more terrifying necromancy, or the transformation of the undead. I underestimate this necromancer. Colbert quickly reflected on himself. In such a short period of time, Hellfire has lost his legs. It is rapidly spreading towards the opponent's lower abdomen, and in a few minutes, the mighty hellfire will completely become a pile of bone powder.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, a burst of mountain-like footsteps drew Colbert's attention back, and behind Karen appeared creatures of the same size as Hellfire, but they were covered with brown animal fur , with two bull-headed horns, standing tall, like a huge savage.

These behemoths seemed to have ambushed long ago. They stepped over Karen in a few quick steps and headed towards the hellfire, punching hard when they raised their heads.

What is the Behemoth coming out to do at this time?

That's right, it seems that the situation of the battle has been settled by Lord Karen.

Soon, the behemoths gave the best answer. They drew out their strong claws and used their claws as fists, bang bang bang bang. In an instant, dozens of punches bombarded Hellfire's body, knocking him unconscious.

This group of behemoths are too shameless. They want to share the results at this time.

Don't beat it anymore, you are too strong, you will break the core components of Hellfire.

Who told them to come out, look, there is a figure on the shoulder of the white-haired Behemoth monster, does it look like Campas, the priest of the war god?

Sure enough, it was him, and the orcs also fell.

Campas doesn’t feel ashamed. Although he is a reserve player, at least Karen asked him to come. The distribution principle of Gold Flash Town is very clear. Orc research on Hellfire.

After making sure that Hellfire is really unable to resist, let the Behemoth behemoth carry it on its shoulders, and then said to Karen foolishly: Karen, the operation to capture Hellfire is over, this big guy will be sent to Where are you going?

High-speed text hand-typed the first law of death chapter list

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