First Law

Memorize Chapter 434

No way, even with his heels, Cabras would not have thought that Colbert was an elite from the Far East.

When Colbert arrived at Sky Island from Gold Town, Karen didn't give any reminders, not even any external information. It was like a bomb was dropped in the center of Sky Island, and all the creatures couldn't recover from it. .

However, the development of the Scarlet Tower does not allow creatures to breathe at all. The promotion of the Blood Bat Wing has aroused a lot of praise. A large part of space exploration technology has been raised.

Where there is a market, there is investment, and where there is investment, there is an endless stream of vitality. The Scarlet Tower began to crazily devour this gradually maturing market like a giant.

Isn't that the great magician Mossellini?

At the gate of the Scarlet High Tower, a young mage wearing a blood-red magic robe was walking towards the patent tower with a scroll, with two contemptuous eyes interspersed with his slightly pale complexion.

Although Moscilini is far from reaching the level of Cabras' contempt for everything, several consecutive scrolls of special bloodlines have raised him to the level of a first-class great magician, and he can completely ignore the gazes that come together.

Now the status is completely different, as long as he coughs lightly, at least thousands of magicians will listen to him, and it is no longer the previous situation where spit flew all over the place and still ignored it.

He thanked Colbert, without this top mage, there would be no current status. Similarly, the Scarlet Tower can become the current number one tower, entirely depends on Colbert's wisdom.

Naturally, he would not waste time on these ordinary magicians. Thinking of the patent he was going to apply for this time, he couldn't help but quicken his pace a bit.

It is extremely easy to apply for a patent. So far, Scarlet Tower has obtained 107 patents in the field of blood magic, 52 of which have been widely used. Certificate, after coming out of the patent tower, he quickly flew to the scarlet tower.

He must act quickly, because Colbert doesn't like people who dawdle, especially on this kind of core issue, and he must report the results as soon as possible.

The blood-red stairs meandered up, and the blood gemstones on both sides continued to shine brightly, projecting on Moserini's magic robe, shining bright red.

After climbing one hundred and twenty-eight stairs in a row, the arrogance on Moscilini's face has long since disappeared, replaced by a kind of respect for the superior.

After a right-angle turn,

Mossellini was even more respectful, raised his head slightly, and wherever he looked, a thin figure with disheveled hair, unshaven beard, and wearing a large blood-colored robe was constantly circling a picture album three times his own size, and every time the brush fell , There will always be a faint bloody light blooming in the bloody scroll.

These scattered blood-colored light spots gathered at the top of the scroll, faintly forming a lying giant.

Mr. Colbert, your patent has been approved. Mossellini said cautiously, for fear that his answer at this time would not be flattering. After all, he has been reprimanded many times in the past few days because he couldn't find the right time to answer. Colbert Not everyone can bear his violent temper, especially when the rune burning fails, he will always find Moscilini to criticize him severely.

Either the buttons on his magic robe were of a bad color, or the beard was asymmetrical. In short, Colbert would find little things to yell at.

If it wasn't for the status of the Scarlet Tower, Moscilini would have left long ago.

The brief silence made Mossellini's heart rise in his throat, and he could only respectfully hold the patent certificate, fearing that he might be slightly different.

This calm lasted for five minutes. Colbert put the magic pen on the pen holder and said very calmly: Well, I got it!

Mossellini was overjoyed, this was a sign of a good mood, even great, at this time, Colbert would not only give some praise, but even point out his magic, and hurriedly said: Master, according to the According to the latest evaluation, our Scarlet Tower has become the tallest tower in the town of Gold, which can directly form a domain, and at the same time accommodate about ten low-level tower groups, and you are qualified to compete for the selection of masters.

First? Master?

Colbert sneered, these so-called honors are just a cloud in his eyes, if he can't even get his current position for his most professional things, it would be too ridiculous.

Even in the Far East Continent, he is uniquely authoritative in the field of blood magic. The so-called number one is something in his pocket. As for the master, he doesn't like it. The only thing he wants is to let Karen see his value clearly.

Let that invincible lord understand that his so-called proud sky island magic research team is just a group of children's toys when he is full of blood magic.

Is there any news about Gold Flash Town? Is there any special disaster coming or the surrounding continents declaring war?

Mossellini frowned suspiciously. He didn't know why Colbert asked such a question. For the past week, Colbert would ask this question three or four times a day, as if predicting the flash gold like a prophet. The town is about to have an accident.

No, Gold Town is calm now. Recently, the four human kingdoms headed by the Scarlet Kingdom officially recognized Lord Karen's right to rule the Aegean Continent. The Ice Field and the Sea Clan also declared that Karen has control over the entire Aegean Continent. Now Your Excellency Karen has basically unified the Aegean continent.

I didn't ask about the interior of the Aegean continent, but the outside, the Aegean Sea or further seas? Colbert's voice was much harsher.

No, only the Alchemy Continent has complained about Mr. Karen's identity for a long time. They think that Karen, as the lord of the continent, set up the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce incognito and violated their interests. They have already fined a sum of money severely. Other aspects It seems that they are still in harmony, by the way, recently two more continents have established diplomatic relations with Gold Flash Town.

Colbert felt more and more weird. According to his calculations, the first wave of troubles in the Far Eastern Continent should have come. Even though the Aegean Continent is relatively remote, giving him public protection is a serious violation of the interests of the Far Eastern Continent.

In the past, the continents he had been blessed with would often be sanctioned within five days, and the surrounding continents would declare unconditional war, but the development of the current situation is completely different from what he expected.

Is Karen a lucky physique?

Colbert shook his head. Impossible. There is no such ridiculous physique in the world. It is very likely that the Aegean Continent is too remote. The Far East Continent has some time for deployment and processing. He does not believe that the Far East Continent will let him go , Once the trouble comes, it's time for Karen to beg herself.

As long as the value he shows is greater, the weight of his words will be more powerful.

But at the moment in Gold Glitter Town, the creatures are nervously cleaning the mutated territory. After all, this kind of bloody territory always has some horror, which is very unsuitable for the image of Gold Glitter Town.

Boss, the Scarlet Tower is thriving now. Many elves don't have the confidence to study it anymore. Do you want to interfere with this matter? Churchill stood behind Karen, looking through the window at the blood stains that were gradually cleared up. voice suggested.

Even though he has seen many wonderful things with Karen, this is the first time he has seen this kind of one person's ability to change the whole town, especially now that the town of Gold is like a living being, and there is even a slight noise in the center. The sound of a beating heart.

No! Karen smiled.

Kabras has already consulted me, so we can't keep it a secret. The existence of Colbert has far broken the current research atmosphere of Sky Island. This is a bit inappropriate for the future development of our Golden Town. .”

What's wrong? Although Cabras's ability is very strong, the level of the elves in the world is only third-rate. The development of Gold Town must contact the world's top forces. Colbert's ability is Strong, but blood magic is one of the partial magics, not mainstream. In the Far East, Colbert is just the most common researcher. If they can't even bear this kind of shock, the future of Gold Town is worth worrying about. .”

But now... Churchill worried.

It's not that scary. Colbert has advanced theories and technologies. It's normal to lead. If you don't have such an advantage, it's a bit unfair to bear the disaster for nothing. Don't worry, Cabras is not that fragile, the elf It’s not that unbearable, and if this strong momentum lasts for half a month, it will probably ease, and it should drop in a month, and it’s probably nothing special in about three months.”

Karen said calmly, Colbert's potential is indeed amazing, but Karen is not as shocked as he imagined, as long as anything is understood rationally, it is not difficult to see through.

A large part of the reason why Colbert is so strong now is his own professional skills, but in other respects, his abilities are not even comparable to elves like Cabras.

Moreover, many elves have begun to devote energy to the field of blood magic, and they are tackling key technical problems of the top bloodlines such as blood heads and blood bat wings. In addition, Colbert has begun to absorb the magicians of Sky Island as a helper, and many advanced technologies are unknown. Unknowingly made public.

The current elf is like a snake, and Colbert is an elephant. It takes time for a snake to digest an elephant. If Cabras can catch up with Colbert immediately, don’t say Even in Gold Flash Town, it is probably impossible for any force to have this ability.

As he grows up, Sky Island's research strength also has to grow. Only by growing at the same time can the town of Gold Shining be able to move forward steadily.

Boss, this Colbert, we just stayed?

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