First Law

Chapter 429 This should be my business

Karen's ruthless expression made Colbert very annoyed, as if the hidden scars had been uncovered. In his heart, Colbert was very proud.

He was born in the Far East Continent, and he has mastered the method of transforming vampires. At the same time, he is able to transform the continent itself, forming a special territory where bloody rules circulate, which is far more than ordinary continents.

In his eyes, Karen should ask him to pass on the knowledge of the construction of the territory, so that he can become a high-ranking guest minister to assist him in the construction of the continent. In the past, all the masters of the continent he selected did this.

But the Karen in front of him was a little different. He didn't ask for deeper methods of reforming his territory, and he didn't let himself participate in the exploration of the mainland itself. Instead, he began to talk about his personality uncharacteristically.

Colbert knew his abilities better than anyone else. Although what Karen said was not so realistic, it was partly true.

He is indeed just a researcher of the gods in the Far East, but he is by no means unknown, at least in the lineage of the blood gods, he has absolute dominance.

He doesn't like Karen, especially the other party's attitude of seeing everything clearly. This arrogance makes him a little uncomfortable, but he has to admit that what the other party said makes sense. His ability can help ordinary continents surpass. To truly reach the level of the top continent, there is nothing that can be done.

He must say that in the Far East Sea, few people have this ability.

Karen, I came here with deep sincerity. I came here from the Far Eastern continent not to listen to your admonition. I just want to help you, a newborn in the Far Eastern sea. You should know that if I don't Sincerity, it is easy to destroy this place. Colbert was already a little angry, and he was ready to turn his face, and he didn't mind replacing him when he had to.

This kind of angry inquiry is already a signal of the collapse of the conversation. Karen knows that what he said is a little too much. To him it was a barren place.

On the issue of respecting people, Karen can do a good job, and can even give each other lofty respect according to the complete set of etiquette of ancient gods, but this is far from solving the problems of both parties. Take a detour in cooperation.

Colbert has the ability to attract him, but if you want to control this ability, you must determine who is in charge of this territory.

Outside the window is a scarlet river, and standing there are nobles from the Aegean who have adapted to their new identities. They seem to be savoring their first time as vampires.

The entire Gold Flash Town seems to be moving towards a more advanced civilization,

But that's exactly what Karen rejects.

Because Karen did not agree to any transformations, this powerful Colbert did not transform Gold Town and the surrounding creatures without permission.

To be honest, it is not uncommon for this kind of vampire to transform him.

If Colbert is taken in, this uncontrolled situation will still exist in the future, and if it is not resolved now, it is likely to become the biggest hidden danger.

In Colbert's eyes, he couldn't see a little surrender, let alone a little sincerity of cooperation. When he came here, he seemed to be strong.

I am also very sincere, Colbert, if you know me as a person, you should know that I will not waste time on meaningless things. Compared with money, I value time more. If you think we have not cooperated If possible, then let’s get together after drinking this cup of coffee, as for your retaliation for my rudeness, I welcome it, and of course you must be prepared to be suppressed.”

Colbert couldn't help laughing. The tone of the young master of the continent was really crazy. This was the biggest joke he had seen since he fled. Karen, are you capable of resisting me?

Karen shook her head, No! She replied very simply: From the abilities you have shown, it can be judged that the Golden Town has no ability to resist you at all, maybe you can easily pierce me with one finger, However, I will fight back with all my strength.

This is definitely the most difficult master of the continent that Colbert has ever dealt with. The current situation is completely out of control. He is an exile and has no energy or time to waste on so-called revenge. If Karen does not take him in, he will The next master of the continent must be chosen quickly.

With the protection of the Lord of the Continent, at least those stragglers sent out will be afraid. The Lord of the Continent represents the interests of the entire world itself, and can use the resources of the Black Sea under special circumstances. Although the Aegean Continent is just a new continent, it is always better than nothing.

Thinking of his own situation, his tone was not as tough as before, Karen, I don't mean that, I just want to simply get blessings, and similarly, I will provide enough rewards.

Karen smiled, glanced at the empty milk tea cup, stood up and walked towards the corner of the room.

There is a magic kettle in the corner, and there is a shelf on the wall next to the kettle. There are coffee, milk tea, fruit wine, vodka, juice, and cola in the shelf. These various drinks almost fill the shelf.

Karen took out the coffee, carefully scooped a spoonful and put it into the teacup. With a bang, it was steaming.

Karen, don't bother! Colbert stood up and said hurriedly. What he wanted to solve now was the containment issue, not a cup of coffee.

How do you want to live?

The question was very sudden, and Colbert, who was about to get up, suddenly froze, standing still, not knowing what to do, Karen... what do you mean?

Karen turned around, put the brewed coffee on the table, and pushed it in front of Colbert, I'm talking about how you want to live, such as what to do in the morning, what to eat at noon, and listen to that star's singing at night. Yes, where to travel in a month or what goals to accomplish in a year and so on.”

Colbert was completely stunned. He hadn't thought about such trivial matters at all. Besides, after fleeing from one continent to another these years, he was busy transforming the continent, so he didn't have time to think about these issues.

How to answer this sudden question?

Morning? noon? night?

He seems to have completely forgotten about these times. In order to ensure his own safety, he knows how to supervise the transformation of the mainland day and night, collect resources, form an army, and improve his armed forces. He seems to have forgotten how to sleep.

Are these important? Karen, we should talk about the things that made things difficult for the Far Eastern Continent. They acted very quickly...

Very important! Karen's voice was extremely solemn, If you don't even know how you want to live, I don't think there is any need to talk about it, and your help to me is extremely limited.

Colbert was overjoyed. He felt that he had definitely met the most wonderful lord in the world. He didn't want to pester him but had to reply, Well, I hope to see beautiful maids in the morning and enjoy the sunshine. I can sleep in the coffin every night, enjoy a cup of virgin blood at night, and then fly freely in the sky. Of course, my life must be handed over to servants. I have to take a blood bath at least once in three days, five days It would be best if I could ask a professional medical practitioner to disinfect my residence, have a dinner with my friends on Sunday, and invite two girls of similar status to dance...

As he was talking, Colbert was suddenly stunned. He felt that he would not be able to finish his speech, and what he couldn't believe was why he would say such boring words.

He stuttered completely, and he didn't dare to continue, because everything he said now could not be completed at all, and he had to devote more energy to the construction and arming of the mainland.

He looked up at Karen, who was listening to him attentively, as if he was listening to a master's speech, Is it interesting?

Karen nodded. Interesting.

Are you laughing at me?

Karen shook her head, No, I'm just judging where to assign you based on your wishes.

A place? You want to assign me? Colbert asked doubtfully.

Of course, everyone who joins Gold Shining Town has to work, especially those with greater ability will naturally work more. Colbert, I think there is a place that is especially suitable for you.


Empty Island, the magic research base of the town of Gold, where there are countless elf magicians, I want to build a magic tower for you alone, you can bring students and do some research, of course, you also have to cooperate with others Get funds through the market like a magician, I will not give you special care.

You mean to let me stay with those ordinary people? Colbert opened his mouth wide and exclaimed in surprise, Karen, do you know my ability? I am good at building continents, I can transform territories, and I can help you find Which god's body is in the Aegean Continent to provide you with the secrets of the ancient gods, and even help you forge a real blood warrior.

You can also help me do this in the magic tower. Karen emphasized simply: If you want to get my protection, then I will arrange for you to be a simple researcher on an empty island. can be eliminated.”

But...but...but what about the troubles in the Far East? They will let the surrounding continents run on you, send out armed forces, trigger wars, and even god warriors.

This should be my business. Karen smiled, but the smile was filled with a taste that could not be resisted.

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