First Law

Invincible Chapter 426

A concise conversation is always the beginning of a good meeting. This is the truth that Karen has summed up over the years. Any high-ranking person basically does not like that kind of vague opening remarks.

Of course, the premise is to express your attitude.

After briefly explaining my gratitude, I went straight to the core of the conversation, What can I help you with? He took a breath and asked in another special tone: Or what should I do?

Colbert looked at Karen with admiration. He liked the atmosphere of the conversation: I need your shelter.

Take him in? Karen asked suspiciously. He thought he would be useful, but he never thought that the first request of this kind of existence would be to ask for shelter. A character at the same level as Qatar.

But if he thought about it carefully, he could figure it out. To him, Colbert was a giant crocodile like the sky, but in the eyes of this kind of person, he also had a bigger existence.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps.

If he is a shrimp, Colbert may be a small fish.

Colbert nodded calmly: Yes, I hope that the Aegean Continent can take me in, Karen, this is nothing surprising, I let Govney find you, there is really no way, now the Far East Continent is looking for me, the Far East The higher-ups in the mainland want to arrest me no matter what, so I must get the consent of a continent lord so that I can stay on his continent, or that the continent lord can protect me.

Why? Karen still didn't understand, especially when the other party mentioned the Far East Road, he was obviously afraid. In his eyes, an existence of this level didn't seem to care about the opinions of such a small person as Karen.

Colbert looked at Karen who was full of doubts, hesitated for a while and continued: Karen, you probably don't know what kind of place the Far East Sea is like.

Karen nodded. The Far East Sea he knew was a wide ocean with the Far East Continent as the middle and west. It was located in the east of the entire world, and there were countless ordinary races. As for who is the master of the so-called Far East Sea, how many top people are there in this continent? , The operating rules behind the scenes are basically unknown.

Up to now, the scope of Jinshijin Town's basic contact is only alchemy, the continents of East India, but these areas are just tiny places compared to the entire Far East Sea.

Colbert smiled self-deprecatingly, with some joy in his smile, Karen, the declaration you just made is my protection, similarly, any master of the continent can carry out a crime against the fugitives in the Far East sea. Asylum, this is the right of the lord of every continent.

The Lord of the Continent? Karen asked suspiciously,

So far, he has only commanded the Glittering Gold Town, and he has not brought the entire Aegean Continent under his command at all.

Yes, the entire Far East Sea is a vast sea area composed of countless continents, but the real ruler of this sea area is the lord of the continent. The mainland and the surrounding seas are all counted as their territories, as long as they are within their territories, they have absolute control, and at the same time, the masters of other continents must give them absolute respect.

Wait! Karen interrupted and explained: I have not ruled the entire Aegean continent, and the Aegean continent is not completely unified now.

Hehe, Karen, the choice of the lord of the continent is not that rash. A lord of the continent has an extraordinary ruling area, and at the same time has a certain right to speak in the entire Far Eastern Sea. Top creatures, such existences can only be found after rigorous screening. In this regard, the Black Sea will conduct assessments on these continent masters every year. The chaotic continent will naturally deprive the title of continent master, and some new ones have influence. The most powerful person will be promoted to be the new master of the continent.

Black Sea? Karen became more and more confused, and the relationship was getting farther and farther. However, he was a little happy that the Black Sea, as the area with the most concentrated power in the world, was able to get the attention of this power, which proved that the influence of Jinjin Town had indeed increased. , Colbert, you mean that I have been noticed by the Black Sea.

Not just paying attention, but conducting a careful investigation on you. I know that your name was found from the recent list of continent masters of the Kenneth Association under the Black Sea. In the new year, only three have passed the review of the Black Sea. , and became the master of the continent of the Far East Sea.

There was already considerable respect and envy in Colbert's voice.

Karen felt a little flustered for a moment, as if he was chosen by the God of Creation and ordered his name, but he knew that now he had to figure out what the Lord of the Continent represented, and what the Lord of the Continent was. What means.

Colbert, don't worry, tell me in detail what the Lord of the Continent does and what the so-called list is.

Colbert took a sip of coffee and explained: Karen, it seems that you really don't know anything about this world. The Black Sea is the center of the whole world, and it is the road of the king of fallen angels in the Second World War. It is not appropriate to say that Xifer's territory is a territory. It should be said that it is a world created by Lucifer with his supreme power.

And the world we exist now is basically under the blessing of Lucifer, so all creatures in this world are completely ruled by the Black Sea. There are six major organizations in the Black Sea, maintaining the order of this world.

The Kenneth Society screens the necessary talent to help run the world. Christie's auction house is responsible for collecting the world's most precious treasures for Lucifer's use. The Dark Holy See cultivates loyal missionaries and collects the beliefs of living beings. The Tower of Stars constantly absorbs energy from outside the world for use by fallen angels. The Creator Society is responsible for the vital statistics, the registry of new species. Runlin Bank controls the energy flow and energy promotion of the whole world.

These six organizations operate independently and are connected with each other, but one thing is that they collect the materials available in this world for the fallen angels, above which is the real noble of this world, the Temple of the Fallen Angels.

The fallen angels have the will of Lucifer and have absolute control over the world, and the masters of the continents are the powers granted by the fallen angels based on the data provided by the six organizations. Each master of the continent represents the power of the fallen angels A trust, in layman's terms, the Lord of the Continent is the manager entrusted by the fallen angels.

Karen understood somewhat. If the continent is a chessboard, then the master of the continent is a chess piece on the chessboard.

His master is a fallen angel, and fallen angels don't seem to enter this world at all. Therefore, the rights of any master of the continent seem to be infinite, which means that his words represent the world itself. No wonder Colbert wants to enter the world of love. Qin Dalu must ask for his permission.

Although I don't know how Heihai is assessed, but there must be a set of unique procedures, otherwise countless creatures in this world would not have chosen him for no reason.

With the current development momentum of Gold Shining Town, it has indeed far surpassed the level of controlling the Aegean Continent, and his ability can even affect dozens of surrounding continents.

It is an honor, a right, but also a responsibility.

He doesn't know the value of the Lord of the Continent, but there should be quite a few people in this world who know this identity, just like the vampire Colbert in front of him.

Colbert, according to what you said, the rights of the lords of each continent should be equal. Karen asked doubtfully.

Colbert nodded, Yes, the rights are the same in principle.

You mean to say that I have the same status as the Lord of the Far Eastern Continent? Karen's tone became more serious, and she was obviously more concerned.

Colbert continued to nod his head: Of course, in front of the Black Sea, the status of the lord of each continent is equal, but it is not the case for ordinary creatures. After all, the resources, structure, ability system, and strength of each continent are equal. The number of players is different, so there will naturally be a difference in points, but they are not equal in the face of real power.

So, you can use my identity to get protection, but I have to face the difficulties of the Far East Continent. Is that what you mean?

The sudden question surprised Colbert. He didn't expect Karen to understand it so clearly. Most people would at least have to think carefully for a while. Many forces have entered the Aegean continent, and it is not difficult for this existence to know these.

Rather than making things difficult for Karen when the time comes, it is far better to admit it now.

You guessed it right, it is precisely because of this that I found you. Although you are equal in front of the Black Sea, the Black Sea does not forbid internal fighting among the Lords of the Continent. On the contrary, in order to stabilize the position of the Lord of the Continent, On the contrary, the conquest among the lords is very fierce. You must know that the Black Sea will only select 1 to 5 new continent lords in the Far East Sea every year, but it will eliminate 10 to 20. Any continent that is weak or internally disordered, They will all be deprived of their qualifications by the Black Sea and become continents in exile.

What happens if you become a Continent of Exile?

Colbert smiled wryly: It's very simple. It will be directly annexed by the surrounding continents. The resources, technology, and population will be swallowed up. In the end, it will either become an island where pirates gather, or it will be bought by some powerful continents and become a shelter for criminals. , in short, there will be no good results.

Karen was not surprised. Survival on the mainland was no different from living beings. The competition was cruel, and the superiors had unlimited natural beauty, but once they lost, the end was often cruel. This was the price of competition.

At this moment, he looked at Colbert, completely without the respect that Qatar had.

This kind of strong man who needs his protection really makes Karen not interested. It seems very unwise to offend the Far Eastern Continent for such a creature. If this creature can't show its value, then I can only be sorry.

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