First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 415

The Gyre Islands are famous for the thermal air that surrounds the islands all year round. The long sunshine makes many tropical plants grow here, and it is the birthplace of many fruits, attracting a large number of sea people and robbers.

But the real value of the Gyre Islands is that Mamazi, the Seventh Princess from the East Indian Continent, has opened up stable sea routes for the internal seas of the Gyre Islands. The thirteen Gyre Islands have begun to serve passing merchant ships, and they have become the most affluent islands around.

Pleasant scenery and continuous wealth have naturally become the object of contention for all forces. In order to be able to seize control of the Gyre Islands, there have never been fewer wars here.

But no matter how they fight, these islands have the same tacit understanding that they will never provoke the caravans of the East Indian Continent.

On the one hand, these business groups are their parents, and on the other hand, they are also related to the group forces behind these business groups. After all, no matter whether it is the East India Continent or the Gold Shining Town, they are not something that a small island like them can provoke.

It's strange that the greed of living beings is boundless. Although they are already rich and unsightly, some people still want to make a bigger breakthrough. They hope that the Gyre Islands can become a continent, and when the time comes, they will meet the standards of the mainland. The fees charged by Mazi are definitely not at the current level.

And at this time, the princes of the East Indian Continent found these chiefs, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As they expected, Ma Mazi was furious at the chaos in the Circulation Islands, and sent the most elite fighters to suppress it, but there were no enemies here at all. Their order in the fleet is very normal, but once they land on the island, there will always be problems with the merchant ships passing by the Gyre Islands.

Either the steering wheel was out of control, or the magic power center failed, or encountered a sea monster floating in the ocean. In short, this island seemed to be cursed.

Ma Mazi's fighters have all their strength, but they don't have suitable means.

Naturally, there is no curse. The real troublemakers are the local creatures of the Gyre Islands. They are very familiar with their native environment and know how to use the natural advantages of geography to cause the greatest trouble to the freighter.

The island owners of the Circulation Islands respectfully sent these powerful people away as if they were welcome guests. This was a strategy that had been agreed upon long ago. With the decline of trade routes, Ma Mazi’s status in the East India Continent declined, and at the same time, they could obtain the prince of the East India Continent. Support, upgrade the Gyre Islands to the Gyre Continent.

Now as long as they deal with the troubles in Goldshire, this matter will soon be a matter of course.

But for three days in a row, not only did no armed forces from Jinshi Town come to encircle and suppress, even a clerk came to investigate the situation. Jinshi Town seemed to completely ignore this kind of trade.

In order to attract the attention of Gold Shining Town, these island owners even took the initiative to spread the cause of the accident, but no matter how hard they tried, Gold Shining Town did not make a single move, and even withdrew the guards stationed on the Gyre Islands. up.

The attitude of the Golden Town is strange, but the climate of the Gyre Islands is even more strange. This is a tropical marine climate, and it suffers from heavy rain and strong light all the year round, but now snowflakes have started to fall on this island.


Wonderful petals in the shape of hexagons, the most wonderful gift that nature bestows on living beings.

For this gift of nature, the creatures on the circular island are inexplicably fond of it. As the snowflakes fall on their shoulders, the creatures come out of the tree house, desperately absorbing the cold air caused by the sudden snowflakes.

They love the view, which is a rare experience for an island that is humid and hot all year round.

But soon they didn't feel it.

Light snow turned into moderate snow, and at night it became a blizzard. The blizzard began to absorb the surrounding heat crazily, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. In the evening, the snowflakes on the ground were almost half a foot thick.

The usually gorgeous tree house is now terribly cold.

Don't worry, this is only temporary!

The ocean will bring warmth and all the snow will melt when the sun comes out tomorrow.

Almighty Creator, I hope you can protect us with your gentle embrace and save us from the harsh cold and snowy weather.

The creatures on the island were wrapped in quilts, prayed devoutly, and used all available dead wood to burn the bonfire vigorously.

They don't have thick clothes, warm fur, or even trousers, especially their houses, which are piled up with simple wooden sticks.

In the past, dryness, heat and humidity were the biggest problem, so they had a good way to deal with hot flashes, but the best way was useless in the face of the cold, the cold wind whizzed in through the gaps in the wooden sticks, and mercilessly got into the bed of the living beings inside.

They shivered all night. When everyone thought they could see the glowing red sun when they came out of the house, there were still gray clouds in the sky. After a night, those clouds seemed to become thicker.


But soon, the creatures began to search for wood as much as possible, looking for everything that can make a fire, looking for thick piggies and rubber to cover the house, they began to ruthlessly hunt the beasts in the jungle, just because those furs can help them Get through this sudden cold.

The animals are running, the trees are withering, and the juice they rely on for survival is all smashed into the snowdrift overnight. The bare branches sway slightly in the storm, like a devil smiling.

The road surface began to freeze, and the houses began to collapse due to the excessive snow accumulation. The cold air formed by the strong wind and waves hit the faces of ordinary creatures mercilessly.

But even so, the island owners still asked these creatures to enter the sea and clean up the scattered ice floes.

This is their worst news, ice floes appear on the seashore.

These ice floes will gather together as the temperature drops to form ice cubes. If they become more solidified, merchant ships will not be able to come over. Without merchant ships, they will have no material supplies and no income.

This is just an island, and there is no stable food output, and even a large part of fresh water needs to be provided by ships.

The water, icy cold, crazily absorbs body heat.

But even so, the creatures here had to enter the sea water to drive away the ice floes as much as possible.

Snowflakes swished on their faces, these gifts that used to make them happy, but now they became the most annoying thing.

The first death was due to the low temperature in the sea, the second death was caused by the raiding beasts rushing into the house and eating, and the third death was caused by slipping and falling down the cliff.

At first, people were surprised, but as the number of cases increased one after another, the expressions on the faces of all creatures became indifferent, and they were used to it.

The thirteen island owners sat at the round table, looking at each other.

They have only one party, how to get through this disaster, how to get more material, how to seek help.

They had to do this, three days, just three days, this freezing disaster has spread from ordinary civilians to their class, the civilians without food have become refugees, and the refugees have become disaster victims.

The most beloved island owner in the past had no choice but to use force to target these victims like mad dogs.

It snowed for another night, the temperature dropped a lot, and the floating ice on the sea surface of the ring island was also increasing rapidly, but this situation still allowed ships to pass.

But now, on the wide sea, except for some scattered ice slags, there is still not half a ship to be seen, and there will be no ships passing by in the next week, because the town of Gold Flash has predicted that there will be more islands on the circulation island in the future. A seven-day blizzard required all ships to come closer to shore.

The island owners regret it!

They shouldn't be smart, it's not so much the prediction of the town of gold, it's better to say that they shattered the foundation of their own existence.

Those shrewd captains can tell if they can pass here, but they don't come here, a large part of which is due to the high frequency of accidents on the circular island in recent days.

They began to ask for help from the princes in the East Indian Continent, but there was no news. They finally understood that life and death here were not in the hearts of those princes at all. What really made this place prosperous was the merchant ships that shuttled between the Mamazi territory and Shining Gold Town.


Philips sighed, and his eyes slowly moved away from the screen. He was very helpless. Now, it was less than five days, the sea surface of the Gyre Islands was basically frozen, and almost half of the creatures on the islands died.

Of course, he would also slaughter creatures, and he would use this kind of heavy punch when he had to. What made him a little admired was that Karen dared to stop all the projects in Gold Shining Town for five days.

You must know that the output value of this territory is about three to five million pennies a day.

There is no doubt that the Gyre Islands are over. These fools still don't know what the problem is. They really think that this is the evolution of the extreme environment of nature.


Philip suddenly felt that those island owners were really pathetic, but then he thought, if he had never seen Karen, what would he think when he encountered these storms.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being touched, and suddenly he realized that the current Jinshijin Town has developed to this point.

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